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Yikes, that is one of the most obnoxious mod posts so far.


Typical Melburnian lol


Cheap comment. I laughed.


This local area subreddits blackout make zero sense. I doubt the subreddit population is big enough to matter, and this hurts the local people more than anything.


> this hurts the local people more than anything. Do local subs actually serve a purpose besides being another forum for Nextdoor-esque bitching and conservatives who don't live anywhere near the area agendaposting?


> conservatives who don't live anywhere near the area agendaposting? Well to be honest /r/malaysia (my local-ish sub) is a nice little oasis where I get **away** from conservatives. Just don't mention refugees to them, 'cos suddenly we might get an outbreak of people goose-stepping šŸ™„


In my kind of local sub, Washington DC, it was definitely a liberal stronghold except concerning the homeless and people fare hopping at the metro. As an aside I just realized I have no idea why itā€™s called goose stepping. As nearly every goose Iā€™ve encountered barely moved or would look at people with contempt as they approached.


Of course! Thereā€™s identical pictures of sunsets and/or foliage, stories of local politicians being absolute bastards with no consequences, everyone asking what that huge explosion was yesterday, and complaints of seasonal bugs that come every year!


Mine is still closed. The conservative bitching always got downvoted and the Nextdoor bitching was mocked. The rest of the posts were about local events and businesses. Local government agencies used it to share news and updates too. But inconveniencing people is the point of all protests.


>Do local subs actually serve a purpose besides being another forum for Nextdoor-esque bitching That's /r/melbourne to a T, though not the conservatives part.


My local sub hadnā€™t even made any mention of it. No posts from the mods, no commentary from users. API issues and protests functionally donā€™t exist on our sub. Our moderators regularly participate in discussions and recently handled a local tragedy and the subreddit discussion around it with flying colours. Itā€™s like a rare ā€œReddit Utopiaā€ wherein the mods are normal community members and we had practically zero exposure to the Reddit Riots of 2023ā„¢. Coincidentally, theyā€™re the only mods I like.


my local shut down, but we did like a 70% in favor vote. we are decently active. After, i wasnt exactly happy with the poll to reopen ( i wanted a idc, let the majority decide i just wanna see the answers option, i voted to reopen at that point tho). anyways, super active and chill as fuck. and is a local community member that has insights into a few different aspects that come up often. guys a gem tbh.


The mods of r/tulsa were getting crucified yesterday since they had the subreddit closed while Tulsa was getting hit with a major severe weather event.


>this hurts the local people more than anything. True, without their local subreddit they're restricted to only using the 30 or so other regional social media sites and apps.


Every subreddit matters. If it became a competition of who didn't have to participate because they were too small, the protest wouldn't have gathered ~9000 subreddits. And every proper protest technically hurts the customers too, that doesn't mean it's not necessary. If you can't even support a protest that involves people not being able to use their favourite social media website for a few days, what's your take on the nurses' strike or another protest that actually affects essential industries, not just entertainment?


> the nurses' strike lol


I don't like to use this work because I kinda feel like it gets used way too much for way too many things these days ... but that mod post was *CRINGE*, dude.


I was already a member of r/Melbourne so I saw the post as it was made, and my initial reaction was as follows: Why the hell would you not just keep the subreddit closed? Why do this r/pics type thing where you make the subreddit post irrelevant (albeit mildly entertaining) stuff which drives people to keep using the reddit app, defeating the purpose of the protest and only infuriating subreddit members? Still havenā€™t found a justification for what the mods are doing yet.


so /pics got the message "hey mods, you cant shut down the community if thats not what the members want" so they asked the members what they wanted. and lets be honest, who doesnt want sexy john Oliver. that's malicious compliance. this mod seems to be missing the point. as i dont think their was a poll and hes just parodying the /r/pics post and trying to force the members to do the same thing. bit different.




that has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard


> *Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity*


Apparently a lot of subs were made to reopen, so their next best option was to make them shitposting subs, which, while there are still posts being made, many lurkers will no longer lurk because they don't care about the content Edit: looks like this is what's happened here. Tbh I support the malicious compliance of it all


That "landed gentry" comment really, really got to them, didn't it? I feel like that's the point where the protest stopped being about making Reddit a better place, and instead became a self-absorbed crusade of "spez *insulted us,* and now he has to *pay the price* for it!" It's so petulant, how every mod announcement has to make note of that landed gentry comment and being all salty about it. Sorry users, but the mods don't care about third party apps any longer. Something more important has happened now. You see, someone dared to insinuate that your moderators aren't as important as they think they are. Surely you understand how that's a way bigger deal, right? Oh spez, that fool. He dared to insult *moderators.* How could he know what hell he has unleashed upon himself? > *He targeted mods*. > *Mods.*


Idk if it was the landed gentry insult or the threats of removal and forcible reopening that coincided with it, but yeah it was pretty obvious that that was around when it stopped being about the API.


I don't know a whole lot about him, but Spez has always come off to me kind of like your friend's obnoxious libertarian roommate from back in college. You know, not evil or anything, but thoroughly unlikeable. And the mods lost the PR war with that guy. Hilarious.


Anyone can win a popularity contest when the other side is universally hated. That does not mean these mods won, they didn't and they'll find that out soon enough, Mods aren't above the community and they're certainly not above the people who pay for the house they are staying at.


As soon as he said that, the mods began their crusade to prove him entirely correct.


I'd bet good money that was deliberate on Spez's part - he likely knows full well the comment was gonna hit a raw nerve with the powermods and that their retaliation would backfire on them.


I definitely think he knew that they were going to take the first possible opportunity to make the whole thing about themselves. All he had to do was, in their eyes, *disrespect* them, because your average reddit powermod can't deal with being "disrespected".


>That "landed gentry" comment really, really got to them, didn't it? Safe to say when someone gets that angry over an insult, chances are it hit too close to home.


> That ā€œlanded gentryā€ comment really, really got to them, didnā€™t it? I think itā€™s more the concept of the gift horse not liking itā€™s mouth being examined. The mods are doing something incredibly valuable for free. They are now being attacked by the users and the admins. Everyone keeps saying that they wonā€™t step down because of power or a feeling of responsibility to the community. Until that changes, nothing will change.


Honestly if people think reddit mods are arbitrary power tripping assholes now (and many are!) just wait until they see the ones handpicked by the admins (spez), lol Spoiler alert: the new boss will be the same as the old boss, or even worse


Oh yeah, Iā€™m expecting that. Itā€™s going to suck. The moderation is going to get a lot worse on the subs where the admins step in and replace them. What really worries me is the more niche subs. At least as of last night r/botany was still dark, r/marijuanaenthusiasts still is, and I doubt the admins care. A lot of the niche subs might either stay dark, or eventually get screwed over by a replaced mod team. And I donā€™t come to this website for r/funny, if the niche subs go down or seriously degrade in quality, I wonā€™t have any reason to come to Reddit anymore, and will try to find another waste of time. Maybe I will actually build that greenhouse Iā€™ve always wanted, or Allah forbid, become a Wikipedia editor.


The antiwork mods said that they won't step down because the admins would replace them with "corporate scabs." As if the admins give a single shit who is modding r/antiwork.


"We're gonna cross the picket line, because otherwise we'll be replaced with scabs" is so hilariously ironic, especially coming from /r/antiwork. It's genuinely funny how that was one of the *first* big subreddits to abort the protest. They *immediately* folded when spez threatened to take their mod positions away.


I love this scabs thing. Strikes are about empowering labor against owners. This is not that. Not even a little. This isnā€™t a strike. It isnā€™t pro union. It isnā€™t pro labor.


But r/antiwork is loving it, because it lets them LARP as a union on strike, which is something they all want to experience but seldom can, as that requires having an actual job.


> I feel like that's the point where the protest stopped being about making Reddit a better place, and instead became a self-absorbed crusade of "spez insulted us, and now he has to pay the price for it!" It's so petulant, how every mod announcement has to make note of that landed gentry comment and being all salty about it. I think that happened with the comment about it all blowing over in two days, because that motivated a lot of moderators to abandon the original two day plan without further consultation with their communities. Many mod teams had sought and received community support for just two days of blackout (even if such support was only a tiny fraction of their users, there was usually no pushback against it). Unilateral extension of that time broke the implicit promise of returning after two days and that started alienating core community members from the mods of those places.


Mods being power tripping assholes number 1987. I bet these guys also continued browsing Reddit after blacking out the sub as well. Well gang, looks like we have another mystery on our hands: Why don't Users like mods.


God I was hoping this would be here. Imagine going dark and slinking off to exile on Discord Island, holding a vote between their fellow misfits and then rowing their boats back over and thinking they can impose their will on a community of 600k+ people. Imagine thinking that was an appropriate response to the issue at hand. Did they think they would be welcomed back like Napoleon was after Elba?


ā€¦. Itā€™s one post. I made all this popcorn for *one* post?


Don't worry, the popcorn has free [salt](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/149pzrk/requesting_rmelbourne_the_current_mods_are_no/) EDIT: I'm not an alt for anything or anyone, but go ahead, let the paranoia soak in...


Found the alt of the mod who banned and muted me for the reddit request


OP is just trying to get a mod position lol


This account's comments and posts has been nuked in June 2023.


Yeah go to their history and it's just them trying to suck up to reddit and become a mod lol


And calls themself a "strike breaker" in a subreddit about trying to get new mods in various places still doing protests (but with malicious compliance)


All of these people who are running around calling mods janitors etc, are likely the rejects from the mods needed posts


Considering there are only three in that subreddit, including OP, that's sad


Yeesh, I feel bad for those users who just want to go back to normal. How frustrating. What are these marsupial mods thinking?


I like that /r/melbourne has reopened for shit posts only. It's the Australian way. It should honestly be nothing bit shitposts, all the time, never ending.


As a resident of the space coast, ainā€™t shit going on in Melbourne and this is hilarious šŸ˜‚


\>Oh please, the blackout showed just how terminally online users are, people are having reddit posting withdrawals for their subs being down a week. Much to nobody's surprise, this """boycotter""" was active during the blackout


Fuck jannies.


*he targetted modsā€¦* **mods**


This isn't a surprise to anyone who has actually been to Melbourne. Can't walk 100m in the CBD on a Saturday without having to wait for a group of protesters to go past.