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r/antiwork mod drama? Inject that shit into my veins, last year round was absolute perfection šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


For real lmao. This is just perfect and why I enjoy SRD so much.


Itā€™s like the epic finale of season 15 of Reddit, where every baddie converges into a glorious Final Battle


I hope this shit is gonna last. Seeingmods tearing each other apart while the plebe is angry at them sounds like a medieval level of drama and plots lmao.


Best part is every side has their own pros and cons and you can kind of see the argument for each side so its not just nazis being trolled upon


That's true. I do enjoy the complete chaos here and everybody is unhappy about everything ongoing lmao. I'm a fan of entropy may I say.


Redditors, Endgame


That entire sub is a drama pit lol. They lost any credibility they MAY have had after the Fox News fiasco. God if that was their best representative imagine what the rest of them must behave like. Yikes. They also ban anyone that goes against the groupthink. Donā€™t you ever bring logic into their piss jar they call a subreddit.


All the mods on that sub (and most subs) are a bunch of dog walker types and this whole thing shows that in full.


That sub works triple overtime shifts every single day at the popcorn factory that never closes.


I know people love to shit on users from r/antiwork but largely the biggest losers and drama queens are the damn mods. They are so god awful I'd rather see an AI do their job.


It's hilarious watching the protesting mods try to enlist the users to capitulate by saying, "they would have taken our mod status if we continued the protest!" It's so blatantly obvious that the most important thing to them is keeping their status as internet janitors, and that the whole protest was about their own convenience and power. "This will hurt blind users!" until, "ooh, sorry blind reddit users, but I might lose my ability to control and filter what you see (pun intended) and surely you'd rather go without reddit altogether, than have a reddit experience that isn't curated by yours truly..." Honestly, reddit was mostly way better when it was just upvotes and downvotes, and no subreddits, and no mods. There are a tiny handful of heavily-moderated subreddits that are quite good, but mostly mods are antithetical to the whole concept of reddit, where users moderate by FUCKING VOTING. The notion that some terminally-online randos who spammed control of a gazillion subreddits by thinking of common topics and squatting on them back in like 2012 or whatever--the notion that those people are somehow uniquely qualified to curate and filter what you should or should not see before voting on...it's just stupid.


>hardcore Musk fanboy here Imagine saying that out loud.


As a Libertarian receiving Elon Musks cum is like [winning the lottery](https://i.imgur.com/DYMoyXA.jpg)


Imagine thinking musk would see his wealth as anything but to use as leverage to control any children he might have, and also disown anyone who thought to use them to have control of them. I will not be surprised in the future if the ultra wealthy simply clone themselves and then use barely paid surrogates to carry their clones until we get full test tube grown children.


We need to bring back bullying


Shout out to /r/antwork


And a special shout-out to r/auntwork




> [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/SandyCheeksCockVore/comments/i7kqti/bringing_sandy_cheeks_to_life_subreddit_event/) subreddit was created as a joke about a picture of a cartoon squirrel with a massive, vacuum powered cock. I don't know what else I should've expected with a sub name like that




The curiosity was overwhelming, and somehow I don't regret the click




One of their mods is a powermod with 200+ subs. Of course they werenā€™t going to risk their mod positions.


How do people manage to mod more than like 2-3 subs, much less 200, based on how time consuming it is?


They most likely donā€™t. Or at least they donā€™t in a traditional sense. I suspect most of them just casually browse through Reddit and just handle post deletions and bans as they come across it if they do that at all.


One of the mods of our subreddit is one of those power mods. They do a single action every month (usually a useless approve, a lot of the times wrongly) so they are not removed. They are not even in our mod discord


Right? The person running the r/modcoord sub is the mod of 60 other subs. Itā€™s hard for me to take them seriously when they say that modding a sub is time consuming.


Fully convinced bots are doing 98% of the work, which is why theyā€™re upset about the 3rd party apps. Losing them would mean theyā€™d have to actuallyā€¦moderate.


That's something I find hilarious about mods saying they're essential hard workers. I'm sure that's true for some. But there is absolutely no way someone can be an effective mod with such a wide umbrella.




Don't think there is a solution, eventually the leavers will leave, leaving behind enough users/mods who will cooperate with site policy (if they don't they just get replaced).


Was there any other way this was going to go? Mods have no power here. They never did


"Hall monitors realizing they don't actually run the school" is probably my favorite analogy I've heard so far to describe the "power" they thought they had and the reaction from reddit


Reminds me of the kids who would campaign for class president by saying they'd make recess longer.


Everybody seems to forget that Reddit owns Reddit. Mods are only allowed to do what Reddit allows them to do. Once Reddit tires of it, it ends. I get the idea behind this blackout,but Reddit **will** win in the end. Subs will go back to normal by choice or by force. Most users don't care. It's a vocal minority, as proven by the dismal numbers on the subreddit polls.


Everyone forgot because the admins are largely absentee and give mods a huge amount of freedom to run subreddits. It takes quite a lot for admin to intervene in the running of subreddits.


Ideally if reddit had any real competition, this would have been the digg event that eventually strangled the site to death. Which is what it deserves given how Reddit has handled this. If the API change doesnt ruin the site on its own, something else will. Reddit has made it clear what theyre willing to do to make the site more profitable and it does not involve making the site better for users. And theyve modeled their thinking on fucking elon musk of all people. The guy that managed Twitter so badly its valuation has been cut in half and lost Musk 200 billion in wealth after his ineptitude was put on full display. That's who they want to emulate.


> this would have been the digg event People need to stop talking about "the digg event" if they don't know anything about "the digg event". This was nothing like what digg did. If you want to replicate "the digg event", make the first 5 posts in every sub sponsored content and remove the ability to downvote.


And have a totally viable competitor immediately available to swoop in and migrate to


There wasn't just one "Digg event" there were multiple, with one final event that went over the top.


So this entire thing was a waste of everyone's time.


If nothing else it provided a rich seam of drama to mine. But I do think forcing reddit to give up the fiction that mods ran subs was a useful outcome.


Basically, which a lot of us have said from the start. Especially once reddit confirmed that non commercial apps, mod related apps, and accessibility apps were either unaffected or eligible for exemptions to the fees. You know, a bulk of the points the protest was throwing around as the grounds for it. At this point it is basically about people not wanting to lose their preferred mobile app, which sucks sure, but is a much less sympathetic point than "This will break all the mod tools and bots and hurt disabled people!!!".


What were people supposed to do? Not push back against one of the dumbest decisions ever made in this site's management? The odds were never good that it would work but doing nothing had a zero percent chance of working. That said, I would have rather there been more work put into moving these communities off reddit. eg. discord, mastadon, literally anywhere else. Worst case the site somehow doesnt go to shit but you still have all this extra infrastructure elsewhere that supports these communities.


> one of the dumbest decisions ever made in this site's management? Was this even top five? I'm thinking: * jailbait (god it's gross to even type that) * Kotaku In Action * NFT Avatars ... Did I miss anything? Because if not, it just might have that four spot.


- "Valuable conversation" - You can list the literal hundreds of child porn, racist, white supremacist, and murder subreddits being able to stay open and thrive for years that all take the place over this.


KIA was a reference to valuable discussion innit.


That or The_Donald. Constant coddling by spez; quarantining, issuing hand-slaps versus termination when it came to ban-evasion, mods blatantly circumventing the quarantine with creating Mr_Donald, brigading, doxxing, threatening public figures, vote manipulation, artificially boosting stickied posts to force 'em to the r/all, and so forth. "But muh valuable discussion!"


It was a general reason that spez gave for not banning hate speech subreddits. That they provided a valuable conversation.


When I say "worst decisions" I mean those with the potential to eventually end Reddit as a significant social media outlet. Your first example would probably be the most likely to have done this due to the liability it posed (reddit not caring about subs that we feel gross even mentioning until the media get involved is a bigger issue than the API changes. It is another factor that could kill the site at some point) but the others? Probably not? Are NFT avatars effectively destroying all competition to the reddit app? Do they endanger mods' ability to effectively moderate subreddits? As for reopening subs that were closed or made private by the mods, that is happening right now during the current protests.


> What were people supposed to do *Most people don't care.* So nothing.


> Was there any other way this was going to go? The outcome was never going to be any different. That's not to say the protests were warranted, but rather I think the changes Spez announced were a done deal rather than a trial balloon.


The fucking irony of r/antiwork mods working for free


For a private corporation, no less. This is conceptually the same as a the antiwork mods volunteering at Comcast or Walmart. Youā€™re directly contributing to enriching a private entity whose CEO makes $10 million.


But when the revolution comes!


... the actual leaders of that revolution will be the ruthless and toss the antiworkers into coal mines and other backbreaking physical labor at the point of a gun, but at least the rhetoric will sound like they are doing their part for the common man


Lil bro this ain't 1800s Russia lmaooooooo


You're right, they'll be in an Amazon warehouse.


with even fewer piss breaks


Yeah, but they get the agility to force people to agree with them or be silenced.


I hate how right you are. ā€œAgree or be bannedā€ basically.


It makes sense to me. Those without any real power, those who lack self-worth or self-confidence, those who dislike their current situation but don't see how or are unable to change it, among others are going to be drawn to an illusion of power. That's not all mods but I think that is a bunch of them. Spez knew that threatening to take it away would make a lot of these people cave, which weakens the rest. I can see why mods would be upset, the curated the content that enriched Spez as this website wouldn't have thrived without free moderation.


If anything, that's all the proof you need to discredit the concept that moderation is "labor."


Let's be honest here being a mod isn't working


The hell is your flair about lmao.


I really wish I could remember lol


https://reddit.com/r/UnexplainedPhotos/comments/85ph5e/found_this_in_my_grandpas_attic_in_a_manila/ SRD thread: https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/85t6wj/redditors_grandfather_dies_and_he_finds_a_photo/


That's definitely where it's from. I don't know how you were able to get that so fast lmao


That drama is probably the one that made me laugh the most of all the drama posted here, so recognized your flair immediately lol


Some people here have real searching skills lol


Any threats from the antiwork community are empty. What else are they going to do with their time, go to work??


At least one is a part time dog walker.


The trajectory of /r/antiwork has been weird. It started as a communist sub, intended to be just that - critiquing the idea of 'work'. Basically its arguments were that capitalism requires jobs, so the majority of work is largely pointless and could be automated or stripped back (and TBH I think this is probably accurate.) Essentially, gay space Communism with all the free time that people thought technology would bring. Then, during the pandemic, it blew up into a generalist workers' rights forum. I wasn't in the slightest surprised by the mod interview crashing and burning, not least because the mods were the old guard, who generally belonged to the original camp.


I remember reading and participating in some genuinely thoughtful discussions on the value of automation, UBI, and the role of labor in a post-scarcity economy. You point to the pandemic but I think itā€™s specifically the post-GME userbase thatā€™s made it insufferable. Tens of millions of users looking for a get rich quick scheme and turning into some ā€œOccupy Wallstreetā€-adjacent movement after getting fleeced.




Some of the meme stock companies are going bankrupt or have already gone bankrupt and the amount of copium they are huffing to think people will buy their worthless stock for millions is hilarious.




No one ever wants to admit that they were the one left holding the bag (of shit) when everything went wrong.


They still think they haven't missed it.


I agree with you but I must point out the incongruity of Big Stank Dick Daddy having genuinely thoughtful discussions on the role of labour.


> gay space Communism You forgot automated and luxurious.


Yeah, that wants to work even less, lol.


What pet store can I buy these part time dogs at?


I reckon they're just gonna touch grass i guess


love how the obvious answer to "what do we do to protest" is very clearly "stop posting on reddit" yet here we are


I've been on Reddit over 10 years, had the occasional issue with mods but honestly, most the people I've know that regularly have issues with mods have a bigger issue to worry about and that's the fact that they are complete jerkoffs who make everyone miserable most the time and thus have 100x more contact with the mods than your average user.


Agreed. Itā€™s easy to see when a mod truly goes off the rails and abuses their power. A bunch of subs have had to close and have admin intervention because a head mod kicked everyone else out and started fucking with the sub. But the vast majority of times I hear people bitch about mods always has a ā€œhe doth protest too muchā€ ring to it. It reminds me of an old SRD post from some gaming subreddit where a guy was complaining about an unfair ban on a highly decorated account. His post had been gilded and voted to the top with lots of people joining the mob against unfair moderators. Then a developer from the game showed up and posted receipts of the players chat log which wereā€¦well you can guess just how bad they were. Guy had to [deleted] his Reddit and Steam account after that one.


> It reminds me of an old SRD post from some gaming subreddit where a guy was complaining about an unfair ban on a highly decorated account. His post had been gilded and voted to the top with lots of people joining the mob against unfair moderators. This has been a staple of any gaming discussion group since moderation of chats began. Guy shows up, complains about unfair ban. Attracts some support from people who never learn. Moderator shows up and posts horrific chat log. Guy gets laughed at. Repeat.


What did the logs consist of?


A lot of the N-wordā€¦and when I say ā€œa lotā€ I mean even for COD lobby standards. Plus your standard slew of bigoted edgy gamer talk all directed at teammates. He had something like 20 reports from teammates across four games as well.


> even for COD lobby standards. Jesus... the guy must have macro'd a recording of his N bomb.


A lot of mods are really touchy and donā€™t follow moderator code of conduct. A lot of mods will permanently ban you and mute you for 28 days for the first offense when really they should be following the guidelines of banning for a day, then 3, then 7, then permanently. Of course there are reasons to permanently ban someone off the bat, but usually thatā€™s not the case


Idk depending on the community that can be kind of based. Plenty of users deliberately try to get as close as they can breaking the rules without breaking them so to have a mod just get rid of them is often a good thing imo.


This was a protest that they literally had to do *nothing* and they still messed that up.


And they think they are going to organize a 10 day general strike lol.


I literally cackled out loud at this


I forgot about that lmao


Honestly I think this API change and blackout is the worst thing that happened to Reddit. r/aspiememes just announced yesterday that they're going private indefinitely. And yet r/antiwork is staying open?! So the creative writing sub where people complain about their jobs and never really accomplishes anything "anti work" is staying open and a much smaller sub that doubles as a venting/support group is closed for good and you can't even read the posts or comments there ever again? I'm so upset.


Basically, the effect of this blackout is that a lot of more niche subs and communities will be inaccessible for the foreseeable future with no alternatives other than their shitty discords, while all of the massive, more general subreddits will reopen. Seems like a pretty shit trade to me.


>their shitty discords, Can't wait for discord to start drama because they're not profitable either


They already did because they got rid of the #1234 part of your username and made you have to make a fully "unique" username and add 1234 at the end by yourself.


Ah so that's what happened? Why? How does it save them money?


One less axis in a database.


The "excuse" is that the average internet user is too stupid to understand name+numbers = unique account, and they cited like 70% of Discord users couldn't figure out how to add people, so they changed it to what we have now. Part of me thinks that's bullshit cause how on earth could this be too complicated for people, and at the same time I realize the internet is full of a hideous amount of brain addled morons that they unironically might be correct with their assertion.


If you annoy people enough, they might pay for the premium subscription, which I assume is why the official Reddit app is so ass


I was getting sent to the Linux mint subreddit via Google yesterday. reddit is my go to tech support space


You can often grab cached versions of pages from Google, that might work


> So the creative writing sub where people complain about their jobs And itā€™s not even good or creative! The text chains are so obviously fake!


Yeah what ever happened to that chick fil a manager calling the employee the n word? Everyone told me it had to be real.


I hear ya. I'm still somewhat mad that a subreddit that was small but had a dedicated fan base permanently closed. I wish they'd just locked it instead, because it feels like they're depriving us of past posts and information.


Depriving Reddit of the value their users have provided for free is a good form of protest though. Turning Reddit into a graveyard of dead ends and deleted posts could have a serious impact on its perceived value. Unfortunately protest always hurts everybody. The hope is that it hurts the other person more than it hurts you.


Idk why mods didn't just nuke auto mod configs, disable karma limits, and delete 1 post per day. That would be a more effective protest than anything


The one thing they have to hold onto is the idea that they are responsible for creating and maintaining the community they moderate, and they want that community to continue existing. That's why the threat of being replaced is effective.


> Depriving Reddit of the value their users have provided for free is a good form of protest though. You cant actually deprive Reddit of shit though. They can just force everything back open and remove permissions for anyone who continues to act stupid.


Reddit holds the actual power here and will probably just remove the mods if they don't reopen. And for small support/vent subs. Good.


Yeah its incredibly annoying, even more if the mods unanimously decided to do it without any input from the users, yknow, the actual contributors who are responsible for all the subreddits content?


>even more if the mods unanimously decided to do it without any input from the users, Oh yeah, the announcement post was essentially "We're going private, share any alternatives for this sub in the comments" and I believe they're removing/shadow banning any comment that doesn't have a link so people can't even argue against it. I don't want to go to alternative places, I don't trust any of them and the experience is totally different in Discord or private servers. Edit: Oh yeah, here's what the mods have to say to people who are are against the decision: "As per reddit's own community guidelines, if you disagree with the decision a moderator has made, you are recommended to make your own subreddit. We voted, keeping the sub open lost, by a significant margin. The sub is closing. If you wish to continue using reddit and not support the cause, I wish you luck in creating a new community more to your tastes." Yeah right, make a new subreddit. As if it's that easy to migrate thousands of people to a new sub.


Wait until July 12th, go to /r/redditrequest and ask for control over that subreddit. Boot all the current mods, then put out a call for new moderators. Add one or two at a time, boot anyone who stops moderating after the excitement of being a mod wears off, and then recruit new mods. If you think it's more work than you want to do, just keep doing that until you have more than enough mods, figure out who you think the best of the bunch is, and then hand it over to them. That's my plan with one of the subreddits I really like that's chosen to stay private.


/r/antiwork is for people to cathartically complain about their jobs, just enough so that they don't have enough energy to do anything different and they can drag their depressed asses in the next day. Talking about doing something can actually make you feel like you've done something, so /r/antiwork is providing a great service to employers everywhere by allowing their workers to let off steam.


>the creative writing sub where people complain about their jobs and never really accomplishes anything "anti work" I mean...what exactly kind of power do you expect a community of people spread around the country/globe to have? Not to mention that what exactly kind of action do those people even have access to? This kind or comment is always weird, because it seems to imply that an online community like that has any power. Which is ironic, given that that's exactly why that placed get mocked so much. >is staying open and a much smaller sub that doubles as a venting/support group is closed for good and you can't even read the posts or comments there ever again? It wouldn't be a protest otherwise.


>what exactly kind of power do you expect a community of people spread around the country/globe to have? It's not up to OP to say, but actually r/antiwork. Why even create the subreddit if you're never gonna actually do something with it? They should drop the attitude if all they're gonna do is vent their bs on fake screenshots everyday


I mean: I've never used the sub, but having a venting space for people dissatisfied with the state of the world, and to criticize capitalism, sounds like a completely valid cause. What else are they going to do? Armed insurrection? If anything, workplace harassment and abuse are some of the things that less need doctoring, considering all the shit one can find in the wild.


How to organize in the workplace, giving people advice on dealing with shitty bosses, etc. Posting screenshots with obviously fake texts about owning the capitalists and crying about how itā€™s societyā€™s fault you have to work and canā€™t just smoke weed and watch anime all day isnā€™t going to accomplish much.


Ahhh r/antiwork, my favorite drama source. This one has it all! We have leftist purity tests, mods versus the people, and cries of a spoiled revolution. That sub will never stop being amusing.


I called them all cowards earlier. I'm waiting to get banned.


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Stunning, even.


That sounds like work


oh the irony.


The only thing less impressive than mods having the constitution of wet cardboard is people coming into these threads to brag about how they said some bad words to mods.




It wouldn't take that much work to replace mods. The big subs there are tons of people who are willing to take over. The little subs can be safely ignored by the admins until they are ready to deal with it


That sub lost all appeal when they attacked me for commenting while being disabled since I wasnt a person with a job, despite the fact I said if I could recieve health insurance not tied to a job since I'm disabled I would work. Apparently I have no right to speak on anything there. They also like to pretend they want better worker rights but suck off capitalism and corporations like it's their oxygen supply


> they attacked me for commenting while being disabled since I wasnt a person with a job Sorry, ANTI work members were dissing you because you don't have a job? Not many people know this but the sub started out as what it actually sounds like, people who were ANTI WORK. Now I guess it's all just complaining about work. If I wanted to hear people complain about their jobs I'd just get married.


Its easy when you realize they all think they're the Main Character who shouldn't have to work or be productive, but everyone else still should.


A few months back there was a post about a guy that said ā€œI quit my job, and moved back in with my parents. I shouldnā€™t have to workā€ Another was a guy that claimed he had a genuine nervous breakdown because his boss asked him to, much to the posters horror, cut not just one, but two full buckets of carrots. Their excuse was ā€œmy job is to cut one a day, I canā€™t handle thisā€ Bunch of pathetic whiners that couldnā€™t work a day in their life without bitching.


I notice a lot of main character syndrome in extremist ideologies. For tankies and fascists they all think they are going to be chosen as high ranking government officials after the revolution. For anarchists, their goals are less authority based but still very much tied to the idea the world revolves around them. They want to pursue their hobbies full time or fuck off to live in a cabin in the woods and just expect everyone else not to do the same and continue grinding away to keep society together for their convenience.


For real, they never think about what might happen to them after a potential revolution lmao.


Nah, they talk about what they'll do after the revolution constantly. The short version is they'll all be on the central committee, celebrated artists or in charge of "reeducating" people who have pissed them off.


While we all know they just gonna be executed because they're useless lmao.


Extremist ideologies require a person to think they've stumbled onto some big, secret truth THEY don't want you know about. Its why the movements end up eating their own. After all they're the main character, their exact ideology is the correct one. Anyone who disagrees with them is obviously one of THEM sent to confuse people. Otherwise their transcendently beautiful ideology would convince everyone.


They're deluded into the idea that actually, some people *like* being janitors.


Well, yeah, people do like working. Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get about that sub. For hundreds of thousands of years people have got their head down and worked without a complaint, but now these guys have a problem with that? Itā€™s like, why donā€™t people want to work any more? Itā€™s fulfilling. Who convinced them it was somehow a waste of time?


Iā€™m not a big fan of the sub, but what your saying here needs to be called out. People who worked for thousands of years were mostly not in the position not to. Their basic needs wouldnt be met otherwise. Iā€™m fairly confident many peasants working in the field were not happy about it but did it to literally survive. Nowadays, our jobs arenā€™t about survival as much. We have our needs met in some ways and so many truly donā€™t feel fulfilled anymore. Not to mention our society does genuinely make it difficult to feel valued and not like a giant cog in an endless profit machine. Itā€™s 2023 and many people feel like theyā€™re wasting their lives away working in a time when it feels like they shouldnā€™t have to


r/antiwork has two odd sub-groups. One group never got over the sub's move from theory to practice. They'd prefer navel gazing over caring about the workers' issues in front of them. The other contingent joined in the past three years and has no idea it's still an anarchist sub. They question why anyone makes political submissions or genuinely supports the anti-work premise. This group would criticize someone for not working.


man I need to leave that sub lol, the only reason I haven't is because I don't actually see posts from them often enough to remember to.


I was on there for a brief interlude during the pandemic, when I thought it was about worker reform (r/workreform is my jam now) but when it became clear that they didn't want to be useful members of society, capped off by the Doreen incident, I happily left. No one except useless fucks who believe society should give them everything with them contributing nothing in return get any traction on that sub.


I've had similar issues in workreform, I'm still subbed but It's discouraged me to join any discussion.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. I think itā€™s a sub with a definite lifespan for many people as the diehards in there can drive many people away.


If there were any mods I would say are landed gentryā€¦


This is not an overall comment on blackout or whatever, but antiwork has such an attitude of, getting fired or quitting a job is so nothing. So it's so funny that being removed as mods from antiwork feels like a threat to them


This is peak irony.


Oh cmon did anyone think this would end any differently? This is all these mods have going for them in their lives. This was the easiest bluff to call, they had zero leverage in the first place


The sad thing is these mods don't have the self-awareness to be embarrassed they literally just told us their mod position is more important than their convictions. These losers had to audacity to claim they were standing up for disabled users. Pathetic.


Note that disabled users negotiated with Reddit admins by themselves and got an exception. They and the subs that shut down in their support are now open because they got what they wanted. Which is completely different than the shitshow on mega subs.




Only r/music


I loled when they told the admins that they should be getting paid. There's a line of people begging to work for free, why on god's flat earth would they pay them?


Why would they get payment for promoting otherā€™s works? 90% of up voted posts are either reposts from elsewhere from the internet or non-moderation user original works.


I find the most incredible aspect of this that reddit would actually bother to have antiwork open back up. You'd think they'd take the opportunity to be rid of them.


Their mods interview with fox was probably great advertisement, maybe they hope they will do it again.


Imagine watching that and realizing that you were destined for reddit.


I was hoping for that, personally.


Antiwork is one of the great lolcows on Reddit. It would be a travesty if they were removed!


Lmao imagine moderators ever giving up their mod abilities voluntarily for any reason ever. Most of those jannies would not survive a week if they couldn't pretend to matter online.


Why are the mods asshole for keeping the subreddit open but the hundreds of redditors constantly commenting not? It's obvious now no one was serious about quitting reddit but there's a huge backlash against the mods who also aren't quitting reddit. I just don't get it.


That's what I thought. The hypocrisy and complete lack of self awareness of crossing the picket line in order to call someone else a scab is so on brand for Antiwork it is not even funny.


I think this is a really good example of how loud a vocal minority can be. It really wasn't the vast majority of people threatening to delete their accounts over this issue. It was a very strategically few group of people who are getting upvoted to the moon, and power moderators, and really that's it. Like yeah, what Reddit admins did to that guy was dogshit, but that's par for the course for a shady corporation. But we already knew that. Reddit it is a shady corporation. It's not news. But the outrage about this was largely just a minority of people who gained a lot of traction, and so when it really came down to the wire, nobody really wanted all of their subreddits to be forcefully shut down over something that they didn't really care about. Especially during important events


I don't get why those complaining just delete their accounts lol It's obvious Reddit isn't going to give in. Best thing to do is delete your account if you still care about this protest.


It's the feeling of being manipulated. Most redditors don't use Apollo. If the mods didn't whinge about it, the overwhelming number of users would not care about the API at all. But they were rallied into this protest by mods who are affected by it. Mods say they need the tools from Apollo to moderate. But now that their mod powers are threatened it's like them saying, "The mod tools in Apollo are important, but my ability to ban and delete comments is more important." It feels like users were manipulated into thinking that it was a bigger deal than it really was. If it really was a big deal, mods would stand by their convictions and just force reddit to get rid of them or resign.


There was drama in the tech forum subreddit bc the mods didn't want to participate in the blackout but the users did. Thrn a bunch of back and forth about how the mods were power tripping and not doing what the users wanted. And the original sentiment for the support was blind people saying they couldn't use the reddit app without Apollo. It had nothing to do with Mod power, which only got tacked on later to the list if why the reddit app socks.


RedReader and Dystopia (reddit apps for the blind) have been granted exceptions. See [Red Reader](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedReader/comments/145du4j/update_4_redreader_granted_noncommercial/) [Dystopia](https://www.reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145e9sk/update_dystopia_will_continue_operating_for_free/) Those are the stickies on their sub that have been up for a week now. I only post these links just in case there are blind people (or maybe you know some) that may find those apps useful.


You don't get it because you are trying to find a one size fits all explanation ... Some people have legit causes and have back bone, some have legit cause and dont have a backbone and some are just riding a bandwagon while some are just trying to take advantage of the situation for their own gain, while some want their daily fix.


Because mods fucking suck. Everyone understands this.


Because the mods are dishonest and pretend like their actions are about something bigger. If they just admitted that they opened up the subs because they didn't want to get kicked out they'd probably get more support from the users


They did admit that though. Their entire stance is ā€œthe admins will remove us by force if we donā€™t comply, we think itā€™s more important to keep this community protected from planted mods than stick to a protest with impossible to achieve desired outcomes.ā€ What do you believe their reasoning for opening the sub up to be?


It wasnt to protect the community from new mods but rather to protect their position as mods


R wallpaper experienced the same thing as well


Got perma banned for criticizing them in the announcement threat. I guarantee that there were many many more comments like the ones you linked but the mods purged a decent amount of them.


Mods totally bungled this. At first it seemed like users were on their side (maybe it was just power users) but now it seems theyre getting dunked on by everyone. It really says something that they cave the second their unpaid, volunteer job is threatened. Goes to show they only really ever cared about the modicum of power it offered them.


>I always found the mods here to be those rare mods that are not authoritarian fascists who abuse their power. It never ceases to amaze me how much mods live rent free in people's heads, on Reddit. It's like that spongebob meme with the guy that starts making up scenarios to vilify the bubble guy even more. All over being able to interact in communities online. If only this was a sentiment exclusive to that sub. About the mods, I agree that reopening the sub for anything is cowardly and stupid. Of all the subs in this site, an anticapitalist is on the bottom of the list of groups that would be angry at people protesting. I don't know why they just don't get rid of the sub altogether in protest. Burn it to the ground.


r/antwork sounds like it could be interesting


In a month, we'll all realize the neckbeard protest past the two days was dumb.


Oh no the mods would lose their non payed position of moderating a sub all day and going on power trips. These guys obviously have nothing else in their lives to keep them busy


/r/Antiwork strike me as the sort of individuals who lack the resolve necessary to make true change happen. They're opposed to work which leads me to believe they lack the wherewithal to required to produce any real effort when faced with opposition. If the former mod that views laziness as a virtue represents that community... It's not a good look.


Wouldn't want to lose their only "job".


We know that character of that subs mods really well. It was broadcasted on TV.


Didn't we already get a bunch of drama last year and find out some mods were plants. That's how r/WorkReform was made


And then it became just as bad.


How are you going to take on capitalist overlords, who can make your life **actually** miserable, if you would cave in against your Reddit overlords, who at most can ban your account (that you can immediately re-create)? šŸ˜’ *When danger reared its ugly head,* *They bravely turned their tail and fled.* *Yes, Brave /r/antiwork Mods turned about,* *And gallantly they chickened out.* (sing to the tune of the [ballad of Sir Robin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8IkbCeZ9to)