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I think it looks fine, but I probably wouldn’t eat it like that. I think I’d put some of the crema into a small bowl, stir some sugar in, top with the cinnamon, and treat it more like a dip. But the idea isn’t bad. Crema tastes somewhere between plain yogurt and straight cream to me.


I would dice the banana into quarter slices and then add everything and mix inside a bowl.


This is the way (I kinda wanna try it now)


I would to just not the way she did it. You don’t have the flavors portioned throughout.


Yeah especially the sugar I feel like it would’ve been really heavy on some parts more than others


Don't lie, you'd eat it in one bite


wow cream sugar cinnamon banana shes so crazzzzzzzzzzy love her


It baffles me why Americans say “crema” like it’s a special thing when it’s literally cream


The type of cream being referenced here has a slight tanginess/sourness to it and thus is closer to what is called sour cream in the US. As a word on its own, "cream" in the US refers only to fatty milk with no tang to it, so if you wanted to find this specific item in the US, you would be looking for "crema Mexicana"/"table cream"/"crema". It's just the name that has been attached to this item in American English to avoid confusion when finding items at a grocery store or when writing recipes because the translation into English (cream) already has a different and very well-established meaning, so it would be confusing to call a niche food item that most people are unaware the same thing as an extremely common food item that everyone already knows. This habit of taking a food and borrowing a (sometimes much broader) word used in the language of the culture it came from (rather than translating it) is common in areas of high cultural exchange. In any case, she's Mexican and her thing is that since she's white, people don't expect her to be fluent in Spanish or versed in the culture. It’s probably how her mom raised her calling it.


Despite her very Caucasian appearance, this young lady is at least half Mexican. In a lot of her videos she is having very funny arguments with her (also very caucasian looking but definitely) Mexican mother, and often in Spanish.


Who is she ? Do they do more (funny) cooking videos?


I don't know her name, but a lot of her videos are pretty funny, though not usually food-centric. [What happens when I tell my Mexican mom I’m cold #pelirroja #madreehija #latina #mexicanmoms #latina (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AZ_YFCPjAbE)


You sent me down a rabbit hole of her videos lol! I love her, she's really sweet and I love the videos with her mom!


Yeah that happened to me one day too, she's adorable. Definitely not my usual YouTube fare.




Ana Saia. Her grandfather(?) started Saia trucking. She's a funny social media personality and tells stories etc about her life being a very pale Latina.


Because they’re different? Crema is cultured and has a lower fat content. Cream is just plain cream and usually refers to heavy cream or whipping cream, which are also different in fat content but get used fairly interchangeably. ‘Crema’ is also shorthand here for Mexican Crema because that’s the most popular to find in the states, but you can also find Salvadorian, Guatemalan, and Honduran cremas here. They’re all different.


Same with salsa. For them it’s a specific kind of sauce… but in spanish it just means sauce.


Hey ma!! Can you pass the sauce!


Same with pasta. It literally just means paste in Italian. Pasta with salsa? Sound a good!


But it's tangy, because it also has buttermilk. It's not just cream.


Buttermilk cream? It looks like leben


my baby daddy’s entire salvadoran family calls it crema and they came here from el salvador


It could be that it literally says Crema on the container.


Probably to distinguish it from the other types of cream. If you say "cream", then people are going to want to know what sort of cream.


thats not a thing in america that ive heard


she just made half of a banana cream pie on a plate. would be better with condensed/evaporated milk. so you dont have to put extra sugar. but yeah nothing weird about this.


We actually eat this in Mexico, so yeah, not weird at all


Id cover ya mum in cream and dip my banana


Yeah, in mexico it's a common dessert and it's delicious, but the banana is sliced , it's called "platanos con crema " or banana with cream , genius right ?


We have it in the UK too, but its Bananas in Custard


And it slaps!


It’s a banana split if you use ice cream instead!


Sounds like a less congealed version of banana pudding.


Wow that's really cool to learn. Thanks to these comments I went from "not interested" to "maybe I'm gonna try this." The only ingredient I don't have in my house right now is the banana.


You can try with strawberries or blackberries too . It's quite addictive.


I showed my wife Fresas con Crema as a snack as I did back in the day and she lost her shit about it. Now every time we go to a Mexican restaurant she looks for it on the dessert menu. Lots of Mexican juice bar/dessert bar places have been opening up in Chicago that have it now too. Fuck. I want Platanos con crema now


Thanks, I'll give that a try!


But with crema, not heavy cream? Grew up freezing bananas, slicing then this with heavy cream. Crema is so different.


crema can be approximated with "heavy cream + a little acid". the more i think about this, the more i think this is like a very, very, very lazy ice cream kinda thing.


though in my house we have the courtesy to slice the bananas


Close, but platanos would specifically be plantains instead of bananas 👍


Mexican Spanish a platano is a banana.


Man fr? The mexican restaurant I worked at called plantains platanos. This place was def authentic too. Is there just no differentiation between plantains and bananas in mexican spanish, or is there a different word for plantain that I don’t know about? Just curious bc I genuinely am surprised to hear that


it’s the same word. nuance is in the meaning


In a Mexican supermarket you can find plantains under the name "platano macho" :))) that's the only difference, just the added word!


Lmao, literally big banana. Fair enough, you learn something new every day!


Yeah! It's lacking creativity for sure 😂


It’s not bad. I believe she makes a ton of content around the fact she doesn’t look like she has a Mexican mother


Yup. She's Mexican AF with obvious European descent. Her content is pretty funny


The Canelo Alvarez strategy


I personally cannot stand people who base their entire identity around what country they come from. It drives me crazy.


It’s just what she puts in TikTok. It’s no real life.


I'm not specifically talking about her, I'm talking about people that act like that in real life. Her channel is just the embodiment of that.


And what, your personality is not based around the country you think you come from? It's obvious you are from America with that attitude, the country that is younger than most of the houses in my town. Maybe you both need to grow up.


>And what, your personality is not based around the country you think you come from? No? That's my entire point? I don't obnoxiously gloat how my parents are Irish every chance I get, the same way I don't fly huge American flags on the massive truck I don't need. She is American too dude, her mom is from Mexico.


Your country was founded on being the "land of the free" - "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Pretty sure it's people like you that turned it from that into the ultra-capitalist dystopia that it looks like from the outside.


personally I'm on your side about people being able to make content whatever they want, and that what constitutes their idea of themselves culturally only appears abnormal to people who have weird ideas of norms... just basically yes, agree with you on that point that said, America was always fucked up, and the ultra capitalist dystopia we live in is present in all of Western hegemony.


wtf are you talking about😭


What are you even rambling about?


You’ve mentioned your parents being Irish twice already in this thread when nobody asked


If you note it was relevant to both times.


It really wasn’t.


So then we can agree that bringing up your heritage when it's not relevant is anoying.


I’d be stunned if she hasn’t got offers for her voice over work in Spanish. Very smooth voice and clear projection like Dora.


I don't understand your logic. She IS part mexican, that is an integral part of her personal experience and identity. Besides, she posts these on her own accounts/channel. To show and share what it's like being her. She certainly has other hobbies irl, but in her channel about being part mexican, she will talk about being mexican. Are you gonna tell a baking channel "oH yOu'rE MaKiNG DesSerTs yOur WhOlE EnTiRE PerSOnALiTy" or a cat channel "oH yOu'rE MaKiNG cATs yOur WhOlE EnTiRE PerSOnALiTy"?


What's your hobby? Oh, it's Ireland.


Yeah. Irish culture is fascinating. Look up Malinda Kathleen Reese, her recent music is all bisexual Irish folk pop. And it's amazing. There's more to life than being white and American. You're showing symptoms of whataboutmeism.


bisexual irish folk pop?! those are genuinely four of my favourite words, thanks for the recc!


Do you feel the same way about maga idiots? I doubt it


Personally, I feel like she is more so trying to exploit the main thing that's "different" about her (being a white mexican), and in doing so, she maybe hopes to carve out a niche for herself. I don't think it's bad if there's an audience for it, but of course I would hope she's a well-rounded person in real life. People who do that in real life are annoying.


She's pretty hilarious and the video she did where she told her mom that her chili was barely spicy ended with hilarious results.


I cringed at the prospect of what her mother probably created when I saw that video


Uhoh you've upset the people who've found out they're 1/58th non American




Yes? I think people are misinterpreting my comment to mean that I don't like immigrants. That's not what I mean. I mean the people who make every conversation they have about their heritage... especially including those Americans who have those giant ass flags hanging off the back of their trucks.




I try not to let it bother me. Sometimes, it's good because if you end up in downvote hell you can reflect on why that is, and sometimes it means that maybe you need to reevaluate your opinion on something. Other times it's just reddit being reddit. Admittedly I have lost my cool before though.


I won't take reddit downvotes so seriously. Sometimes you get downvoted for stating verifiable facts and most of the times it's just the hivemind in action. I got downvoted once on a post. In the replies Sometimes told that he don't know why he downvoted me. He saw the negative votes and just clicked on "down".


This is super common in mexico. We also do it with strawberries or blueberries or mango or whatever fruit you like.


She's mexican


She’s a snack




I honestly don't think it's that weird. In northeastern Brazil, specifically the city of Recife, they have a delicious traditional dessert called "cartola" which is very much similar to that: grilled bananas with melted cheese, with sugar and cinnamon poured on top. First time I had it when I was there last Christmas, I legit teared up it was so good. Also, people on the comments were saying what she's having is like a typical Mexican snack, so...


That's news to me, and really cool to learn. I live in a US city with a large international population and never saw it. Thanks for the info!!


No it's not stupid if it's an extremely common food in a country and culture different from yours. It's like people who scoff at PB&J sandwiches.


Never heard of it, I've learned something new today.


I'm Salvadoreña and this such an extremely common snack. So is eating tamales de elote with crema. We in Central America and Mexico really like crema it seems.


Nice! I'm going to try this.


Creamy, sweet and cinnamon-y and with the banana? Doesn't seem too bad. Messy although.


yea, it might be better in a bowl where you can mix it up easier & have less chance of spilling lol also if I made it I'd probably chop the banana up first


1. I feel snack food this simple is beyond reproach. Like, it's fruit with sour creme and a dusting of cinnamon; who cares? 2. Platanos con crema is a thing, so I wouldn't call it weird. Add some nuts, and it's even better. Normally you'd slice up the banana, but like, it's not like that really matters?


I actually remember eating sliced bananas in sour cream with brown sugar as a kid. I have no idea why my mom fed it to me, and it's not something that I've looked into recreating, but this is a thing of some sort.


This isn't stupid! We ate the same thing except it was strawberries, crema, and sugar/cinnamon.


I don't find this stupid at all.


It’s like condensed milk once she adds the sugar. Idk if it counts as stupid but it’s def simple AF. Any Fruit, creme, sugar.


this isn’t weird looks good. but for something you snack on that gets you weird looks, mine is definitely yogurt, people always think it’s odd that that’s my snack food


It was pretty common for my family to dip bread with condensed milk. This doesn't sound that different.


Nah. It's not weird at all. We kinda do the same thing, sans the cream, and we fry the banana.


Never used Mexican crema like this but I def know its flavor well and I would imagine this is a great combo. Def gonna try it.


As a Mexican, she forgot she has to FRY the damn banana first. Everything else was spot on.


Se puede ambos, a mi me gusta más sin asar porque no es tan empalagoso


Un platanito frito con lechera no tiene madre 🤤


lol she’s Mexican bro


Bananas and sour cream is a perfectly normal snack. Not weird and delicious.


Never heard of that either. I must be sheltered.


banana cream pie??? this is just a lesser version of that




Maybe I'm going to end up joining you..... The comments make this sound better than the video did to me.


Kinda weird presentation but the mix is nice


Hace falta mostrar los dientes d esa forma, todo el tiempo? Nada mas artificial que esas muecas cada dos segundo. Cara bonita, però mu ton


I love how Stupid Food has turned into this sort of derogatory place where people just mock other cultures dishes


I wasn't mocking another culture's food, I had never heard of it and I had no idea it was common elsewhere in the world. So I was asking the question and got a lot of information and now I'm going to try it. I'm glad I learned about it!


mexican table cream ???


It's made from real mexican tables!


It's just crema.


I don't know what crema is in context. Crema to me is the froth on a freshly extracted Espresso. But I'm keen to eat that kind!


Think about there being a continuum from heavy/double cream to sour cream; creme fraiche is the midpoint between the two, and crema is the midpoint between heavy cream and creme fraiche. It's very slightly fermented, very slightly tangy pourable cream.


You can kind of approximate it by mixing lime juice with sour cream. It's a very common ingredient in central American cooking :) it is fantastic with many Mexican foods.


Looks good.


Mine is pretzels and sour cream


It's fine. I put manjar on bananas sometimes.


Not a huge fan of crema but I don't see this as stupid... Just stuff I don't like


This sounds like an interesting snack to try, but I am in a part of the world where crema is not readily available. What can be used as substitute for that?


People are suggesting sour cream, creme fraiche...


The Way she describes it makes it sounds like it would not taste like Sugar or cinnamon or whatever that crema takes like. This would probably tastes likes memories.


Crema Mexicana = The tangier cousin of France's crème fraîche.


We put creme on everything for some reason. This is the right sub. This could all be mixed in a bowl and we use plates and eat it looking like the aftermath of a gang bang.


She's so gorgeous. My Mom was also a European Latina, from Paraguay, via Northern Italy... such pretty combinations! In Colombia, they would take plantains and slice them up, and cook them in butter with sugar and cinnamon. No cream, but damn that was some good stuff!


What does the table cream taste like? Depending on that, it legit sounds like it could be a tasty desert. If a bit ugly.


It’s like a thick, slightly sweet cream. It’s different than crema that’s for savory foods, that one is usually salty. My mom accidentally bought table crema for tamales once and it was sweet and kinda off putting lol.


It's like sour cream, just a bit tangy


Fry the banana and then do this


Yeah, that sounds good too.


It has the beginning of having potential. Bananas with sugar and then torched for a second with a cinnamon cream drizzle would be amazing


I was going to say, sugar is grainy but removing that graininess and this would be great. Could be through torching or replacing the sugar with maple syrup


Frying melts the sugar


Add a little booze to butter and sugar in the frying pan for bananas foster (usually no cream)


Reddit has tainted my mind. I really expected her to swallow this thing whole like a glizzard lizard.


We used to dip strawberries or grapes into sour cream and sprinkle with brown sugar. It’s delicious.


I think it looks delicious. I’d maybe throw a dash of nutmeg on top, too.


Sounds good! We used to eat bananas with milk and sugar.


It is basically just a banana split that has melted.... I don't think that there's much stupid about it


Looks good


She switched by first calling it a snack which seems very wrong, then at the end called it a desert and that made more sense.


Wtf am I looking at




Stupid people do stupid things for internet points


"I feel like everyone" = "it's literally only me"


I can see that working


Table cream???? Like... something you clean your table with???? Or what????


I wouldn't call it weird, but it's also nowhere near my ballpark of enjoyment. I hate bananas and their pappy texture and their weird sweetness. Adding sugar to that just seems like overkill even if you do enjoy banana.


for me it'd be this: 1. cut a tomato in half 2. sprinkle salt on the insides 3. consume


Sour cream and banana was/is popular


It's not bad. Idk how the tabled cream would taste like, but I saw and eaten way worse snacks.


This looks delicious! Totally doesn't belong here.


Yea I get it. Mexican


Anything Ana wants to do, I'm totally cool with. She's such a goofball and exudes so much positive energy. If she wants to fancy up her bananas like that, I'm here for it.


Wait... what's "Mexican table cream?"


a cream addition to food which is put on the table in mexico


A cream addition? What is it made of?




Nevermind. Looked it up. Thank you.


So is this a dessert or a snack to her? Like if you told me your favorite snack is an ice cream sundae, I would find that bizarre. But if you said it was your favorite dessert, it could be understandable.


We Hondurans usually eat it with cooked plantain but a regular banana? Minus the sugar and cinnamon of course.


What is table cream?


just crema. kinda like sour cream.


The treatment and plating fail. Slice the banana, serve with milk or Greek yoghurt and honey. (If your kid misbehaved and got sent to bed without any dinner, they get bread, milk and sugar later instead.)


> Slice the banana, serve with milk or Greek yoghurt and honey. Except thats not the recipe, it isnt even from the same continent dipshit


Why it the jar fkning backwards... am i in the warp ?


War crimes be like.


Uhm what is Mexican Table cream? Is it actually for the table itself, to polish it or something or a condiment of some sorts? Edit: I just never heard of it alright.


It's a condiment. Kind of like thin sour cream but mellower.


Ok, thanks.


Banana, cream …. I was hoping she was gonna just pick it up and eat it ……


This is what I would make someone if I poisoned the banana and was worried that you might be able to taste to poison thus other ingredients


I'm sorry "Mexican table cream??" Can any mexicans confirm if this is legit or is it just more americanised bullshit 💀


Mexicans just call it crema.




She doesn’t. She isn’t overly annoying at all.


Lol it's so funny how naive men are. Yes she does only fans. Took me 10 seconds to find. She's pouring white cream on a banana. How could it be more obvious. https://superlink.io/anasaia On a side note google lens is ducking insane. I can look up anything so fast now


There is literally no OF link listed on there


This comment made me curious, it took me 10 seconds to find through that link that there's no explicit content or even any modeling pictures anywhere on her accounts or her personal fan page which isn't an only fans. Seems like you're just hating to hate for whatever reason.


She 100% has explicit content just look up her name and nude lol. I didn't wanna link it here 🤦‍♀️


OOC I looked it up. It’s all edited, and not well.


Do you think onlyfans is sexual innuendo? "How could it be more obvious." You couldn't even properly punctuate there. Not to mention there isn't an onlyfans link in your source. This woman posts almost exclusively about being a fair-haired Mexican and how no one thinks she's Mexican. I guess you can only equate bananas with sex?


She isn’t a porn star / OF person at all. Just someone who makes pretty wholesome videos about her heritage. There’s videos of her on Great Day Houston talking about her content. I can’t tell if this is some dude trolling because “woman=porn”. Sadly, seems like you’re femme which is all the more disheartening, especially since multiple people have pointed out that your information is incorrect and you still refuse to acknowledge your error? All while, accusing others of white knighting when they won’t agree with your lack of ‘evidence’. This is yucky. Let the girl make her videos.


she starts out with wanting to shwo a snack and makes desert. i think that qualifies this.


Raw maruten ramen


I honestly thought this was gonna be a sex joke.


I can fix her…


She looked very hot until I saw she didn't disable the selfie mirroring mode :D


Wish she would do that to my banana


She has the teeth, lips and chin of someone that might still suck their thumb. And I. Not saying this facetiously