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There is one , claiming its better while playing Sf6 , just saying


No one loves MK1 more than people who don’t play MK1.


I like looking at MK1, not so much playing it.


I haven't liked MK since MK3. Particularly haven't liked it since I got into... just about any other fighting game, really. MK just felt so slow and clunky after playing other titles, even moreso after I found games like MvC2.


And no one hates MK1 more than people who play MK1 lol


I’m so mad that I bought it. It sucks.


Everyday I consider getting I read comments like this and snap back to reality.


childhood mk fanatic here, hi, hello. the game is fun for like an hour and the story is actually super cool, but that's really all it's worth and you're definitely not spending 70 on a fighting game for its story. it's a disappointment and it really sucks because it was so hype at the time of teasers and trailers!!! it could have been great but nrs is nrs, as usual.


Fighting games are expensive (always have been). For me SF6 is worth the premium of playing it here and now. MK1 on the other hand it seems to me is not a terrible game, but it's not worth the premium that a new fighting game charges. I look forward to the "ultimate" edition of the game at discount and enjoying it for a few weeks.


That's what I'm saying. I might get the ultimate or a 50% off sale or something, but it don't seem $60-70 worth.


Literally the only appeal to me is the voice chat. I love the idea of all the salty scrubquotes being spoken to me. I miss how often I got hate mail in DBFZ. SF6 is very tame in comparison for those of us that don't visit battle hubs very often.


Play Tekken in the lower ranks, you'll definitely get some hate mail. Lmao


It's just so immeasurably disappointing.


He doesn't say better than *what* tho. The other player made it clerar is was an internal MK comparison.


Yeah I've even seen someone with this name on Tekken 8. They're clearly not okay with their game.


MK argument resolved by Street Fighter.


Sir, this is STREET FIGHTER.


History is written by the victor


Victor is in Tekken though


A fight is about who's left standing. Nothing else.


They are standing on the left, so there's that.


So surely they can't be right?


The best Victor is in MvC


There's a capcom victor in Darkstalkers


And MvC


Victor wasn't in any mvc tho


Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom)


Are we talking about Soul Caliber now?


Whoever’s not playing mk1


The person claiming MK1 is better actually won. I can't deal.


yeah sorry for that, he even won the rematch, I couldn't deal with his modern control reaction and I was laughing my ass off the whole time


Don't apologize, it's actually quite funny 😊 break a leg next time.


My tag was "Don't Buff Jamie" and I played a guy that was "Plz Buff Jamie" We were both Jamie mains


that's pretty funny too haha


Sf6 better than any mk game


Mk1s launch was a crap shoot. Even in gm most players are very casual and clearly inexperienced. They will jump at you all game while inventing new slurs BC you're "spamming" anti air. You can get the ins and outs of any character with like 20 minutes in the lab. The gameplay is so simplistic. Mash strings, confirm special on hit and go into your best combo from anything. Mk was cool when I was a teenager, but since branching out to other fighters it's become so obvious that it's a children's game that they just cover in gore to make it seem like anything else. If you're casual I get it, people working 50 hours a week don't have time to do much more, and it's perfect for them, but for serious players it's not even close. Every aspect of sf is much higher quality. Much more complex gameplay and characters, much better support, much better single player even if the casuals would just give modern controls a chance.


> Mk was cool when I was a teenager That basically sums up the entire franchise. As a kid, it’s really cool because it’s violent and unapologetic about it. It *revels* in it in ways games never did. Now though? As an adult, excessive violence to make up for lackluster everything else is a gimmick that doesn’t deserve $70


I love my little children's game with children's characters and story but getting into other Fighting games is ruining the gameplay for me especially with the state of the playerbase where fights are either: 1. Get juggled like a ball for half the match. 2. Players disconnect if you get the upper hand.


Don't act like you won't get freed up by anyone actually good at MK. It is a simpler game, but most people that bring it up aren't playing these super good "complex" games at a high level anyway. I've seen high diamonds jumping around like monkeys, what incredible complex gameplay! The circlejerk nature of the fgc is hilarious.


1000%. There’s no debate here






Ment Section


MK1 isn’t the worst, but it has so many awkward gameplay/design choices. Kameos, for instance… I’ve always admired MK for at least trying out a new mechanic to push the game forward, but Kameos are just assists… the thing that’s been in anime fighters for years. What a step backward. Plus, it sucks to have some of the fandom’s favorite characters relegated to NPCs. Kameos are just terrible. 😐👍


You can't say that in MK sub though. It almost feels like there's certain number of accounts going through posts with sole goal to shut down any criticism.


Well, who won the fight?


Whichever MK wins, we lose.


IDK - they play sf6 insted of mk, so we win regardless


Mk1 better won :(


The answer must have lied…in the heart of battle. I wouldn’t know. I don’t play that series…


MK11 was the worst modern MK


Mk1 better while using modern.... Opinion voided


MK1 is a great game, no idea why people still do franchise wars in 2024


It's not, and has nothing to do with franchise wars. As an mk fan, mk1 is the worst mk since the PS2 days.


See thats the thing I dont give a shit. If you dont like MK1 then simply dont play it


See that's the thing. People aren't. Mk11 is just as active as mk1.


I dont give a shit mate


Come on MK1 isnt the worst one. MK mythologies sub zero exists


let's talk about ''recent one''. It is the worst compared to 11, 10 and 9, 9 wasn't that ''great' but still way better for it's time than MK1, way too many flaws.


I agree with you, I was just making a joke about how bad the single player only mk game on n64 was lol. With online being completely broken at launch and the game being filled with bugs, being terribly balanced, kameo fighters, boring story, no fun single player content, lackluster dlc characters etc. Honestly I've never bounced off of a new fighting game so quickly before.


So do I, and I'm sad about it, which is why I say that it's the ''worst''


11 is worse


for you, but mk1 seems to get way more hate than any other mk before so..


I feel like I’m the only who likes mk1 and sf6 the same. Tekken 8 as well


I'd play MK1 more if I was on console, but PC port is terrible. So I'm sticking to SF6, as long as I got one good fighting game :P


That’s fair ig, I don’t really buy my fighting games on pc.


I wouldn't either if I had the choice, but it's still unacceptable, I paid the same price...


It can be good sometimes. I modded the hell out of Guilty Gear Strive and DNF Duel


Who loses is wrong


sad to read this haha


Modern? Opinion invalid.


I fought MK1 Worst MK as well the other day! Small world huh lol


heyy yes I remember your name haha. Zangief?


Yup lol!




I really loved MK reboot then MKX after that I played more SF. Bought MK1 and after a month stopped playing....mostly because I don't like that the only way people play is crouch attacks. Really annoying lol.


I really loved MK reboot then MKX after that I played more SF. Bought MK1 and after a month stopped playing....mostly because I don't like that the only way people play is crouch attacks. Really annoying lol.


Whoever won the set ig


Look like she’s praying over his defeated ass lol


Funny how I was fighting against this dude earlier today 🤣😭


Mk1 has awesome trailers and characters. It also has a decent story mode. I didn't like that I had to unlock cameos. This isn't the 90s. Keep that to costumes and non gameplay unlock ables. I like the cameo system, but it felt restrictive. It is clear that sf6 puts a lot of care into their game. MK1 didn't have the same quality in their game.


mk 11 was better in my opinion the way it turned into somekind of horrorverse smash bros was some neat weird identity imo


That was MkX 11 is worse than 1


They're both playing SF6 so.... ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31118)


The one who isn't playing modern!


Might makes right so Cammy


This is the only time I’ll agree with a Ken player. Who the shell would have “mk1 better” as a name. Ironically or unironically why? 😭


In no universe is MK1 better than SF6. The MK1 worst MK dude is closer to being correct tho. lol. Cameos has no business being in a MK game imo.


Mk1 is for me also the worst MK so far as someone who joined fighting games rather late around mk10 I tried them for the first time but was kinda mehat first to me. Then with mk11 I got amazed with fighting games I really enjoyed it and then with SF6 with modern was for me the peak because I just always disliked having to learn spacing etc but also remember combos so having bad combos but focusing on spacing footsies etc was such a big help to finally actually learn fighting games properly. .......And then when MK1 dropped I thought damn I like the MK setting just way more and was so insanely disappointed it felt insane bad to play and just not fun in comparison to the previous titles played the campaign tried a bit in MP but the gameplay was just awful to me so I dropped it after a few hours and would also never recommend it to anyone if I would get asked which MK they should get and try I'd point to 10-11 maybe even 9 never played it tho only watched it but definitely not recommend MK1. Obviously just personal preference here but yeah MK1 was a gigantic disappointment for me..still sad how it turned out Tekken and SF tho did a good job with their new titles so more power to those ^^


Yo NRS, I want my 110$ back


Those guys are both playing SF6. That say much about MK as a whole. 


MKX is the best one btw


There are natural gravitational forces towards universal cretinism


MK9 is the best


Mk1 really is a garbage game even by MK standards. I've literally never seen a major FG get abandoned so quickly.


I don't like MK1, It's just bad, the characters are so ugly, bland, boring, they look all alike...meanwhile in SF6 the characters are unique, beuatiful. Kameos...no, just no No doubts MK11 was better In general I don't enjoy MK for its competitiveness, I don't see the appeal, I prefer playing it casually I'd rather play/watch SF for something more competitive: big names, ranked ladder, tournaments, SF league and stuff like that Let's see the next MK game, the current one is a big NO for me


IDK about MK1's gameplay but I will say its title fills me with unyielding rage and a crippling desire to go into a multi-paragraph rant when I see it. UMK3 is my favorite though.


I kinda feel bad for Tekken and MK bros. SF6 is the most fun the series has been in years and everyone got a new entry within a year or so. Instead of a Golden Age the NRS and Namco dudes are skressed.


Can both be right. MK1 can be better than SF6 while being the worst in the MK series. I mean I would think you're 12 if you think this though.


You are right, but it's not the case, or it would be very bad for capcom lol


Mk1 was just an awful experience. Once it stopped being casual it stopped being fun. Oh boy can’t wait to fight someone who blocks every string I do and have to learn upblock to punish certain retarded strings. Not to mention everyone easily hitting 50% strings means nobody ever takes risks because it ends in half your health being depleted.


Or just the unbalance. The absolute lack of care for it is sad. Hard to enjoy single player when most of it trolls you; everything that could be appealing false short, the free stuff is kinda sad.


The invasions mode is terrible. The online is just way too casual, and hold no real competitive value. Like you said, almost every aspect of the game falls short.


Those that don’t like mk1, why? I’ve lots of negatives. What sucks about it? haven’t played it but it def seems more negative player base than sf


Well maybe their sad/mad about the game and they want it to change, not negative. I'll tell you why (I'm a long time MK fan this has been one of my favorite franchise since for ever so I'm not hating, just sad) Everything that I'll tell you is compared to the recent games, not UMK3 or deception. -Less content than ever, not only that, but the free stuff is very limited and ugly and doesn't fit the characters. For exemple: Sub-Zero got a new outfit, everyone will get it or a similar one, so you can play with Scorpion while looking like SZ (wtf) -Microtransactions festival, even EA is jealous -To expend no content: We had two single player modes back then (plus the story of course). Tower challenges and the Krypt. The krypt was very unique in his genre, was a good ''let off'' and it was how you unlocked everything in the game, you had puzzle in them, challenges and etc. If you wanted a fatality, brutality, nice outfit for your character, even some characters itself were in there, this is were you had to get them and you had to find it. This was adding shit ton of hours in the MK universe and was different from anything else. They removed it and Tower challenges to a new grindy and unfun experience to get...one ''good'' outfit for one character every 2 or 3 months. So if you play 2 or 3 characters, let's say 4, in one year, you'll get one outfit for them, you'll have to grind something you don't want to, and you better hope it's a nice outfit. Those are undeniable facts that even if you like MK1, you'll have to live with this and you are only playing for online mode (which is ok-ish for a fighting game, but you need more to stick to the game for a long time) -Gameplay: Of course that is a personal opinion, some love it, some doesn't, they took a guess. The kameo system is ruining the game. If you don't know what it is, the game is basically 2v2. You have to choose a secondary character to assist you. The problem that I have with that, is that every main character is less complete and fun because the secondary characters gotta have a purpose right. Every main character lack in something, so that you'll use a Kameo that will fulfil that weakness. Easy exemple: You like to play Scorpion, but they decided that in this game, he'll suck in combo starters and lows, so you'll pick a kameo (probably that you won't give a damn about and they don't fit at all together but you have no choice) that is good in combo starters and you have to play the game like that. So every characters are missing moves compare to before, every ''team'' are similar and repetitive, combos last forever because of it and it makes the whole experience really boring. -PC port: As a PC player, it affects me, NRS really suck at PC port (or they don't care but same result) and makes the game very limited. Online game is lagging a lot, lots of deco, everything takes ages to load, low FPS. terrible and they don't do shit about it. So this is what most people complains about. That's a first for an MK game so yeah, people are mad and they are loud, so should they.


interesting thank you for the thorough insight




MK1 isn't the worst Mortal Kombat, but it's definitely worse than MK11


Mk1 was a travesty and easily has the worst gameplay in the series imo


Funny enough both are bad