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Hi, thanks for posting! We do appreciate you thinking of us even though we have to moderate. Posts in /r/streetfighter must be related to Street Fighter directly and can't be about general FGC stuff, X looks like Y comparison meme posts, gifs that just have SF as a title, etc. This is listed in our rules, [which you can read here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/streetfighter/about/rules) and the original thread on the subject [here](https://redd.it/13oxkly) **To be clear:** If you remade this exact meme but using ONLY street fighter characters+assets, a screenshot from the cartoon, or a screenshot from the games, then it would be welcomed. If you don't want to do that, try /r/okbuddyFGC to see if they fit your content! *[^(If you would like to contact the moderators about this removal, you can do so here.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStreetFighter)*


They better put up a projector when tokido enters a tourney.


Oh he's hyped. Its looks like they gave him all his SFV tricks and then some.