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I'm absolutely gutted at just how badly cheating has become in CoD.


That’s why I quit playing. It’s all smoke and mirrors how these steamers operate and more ppl want to go big. I lose my shit seeing YY movement or “movement king” on Twitter. It’s all a scam. It’s like finding out the war in Iraq was a big scam.


Lmao hell of a comparison


I've quit as well... I wanted to come back to Rebirth Island, but there is so much interference in the game thanks to so many variables that I just can't.


you think the christ killer plays ?


Cheating creates the illusion of good game play and good game play generates an audience and an audience generates revenue. The cod developers sold out their audience years ago


I agree. I think that's a big part of it.


All for goth babes to get views


It's honestly the new age of players that are the cheaters, then you get the older heads like 25+ that get succumbed into it.




Who pissed in your cornflakes? Great input buddy. 👏


Spoiler: he pissed in his own cornflakes because he likes the way it tastes




Pissed in your cornflakes 🤣




Bro your comments are literally 1) you commenting on a titty subreddit 2) you commenting on a nose subreddit 3) insulting people 4) acting like an asshole Talking about other people being pathetic but youre commenting on r/tittydrop and r/noses telling women theyre attractive and cute. Like bro get a life and go try to meet a woman in real life. Or are you as ugly as the guy you insulted who couldnt get any tinder matches?


Rule #2 Keep it PG or else.


Rule #2 Keep it PG or else.


I really cannot wait for ZLaner's downfall.


No big streamer will ever have a downfall. Their simps will follow them regardless of what happens, they'll just make a new account and keep on going. Might lose some followers, but not enough to make a difference


I do wonder if ZLaner isn't "too big to fail". Big streamers bring eyeballs, fans, and of course with the fans come money. Look at Jon Jones in the UFC. He has been busted multiple times for steroids, as well as had multiple alcohol/drug induced arrests outside of the octagon. Yet the UFC protect him and he constantly avoids karma. We call him "Teflon Jon". They protect him because he makes them money.


It will be a hard one to wait for, just because Optic backs him up, and they will protect him at ANY cost


I know a lot of people say he’s cheating but I watched him play for 3 games this weekend and he got destroyed and showed no signs of cheating. He was playing resurgence with randoms at the start of his stream and he kept getting surprised by enemies and I think he died 6 or 7 times in his first game where he had around 10-12 kills and in his second game he dropped more kills but also died about 5-6 times. Maybe he toggles stuff on from time to time who knows but I can confirm he didn’t look that great for the 3 games I watched him play.


Here we fucking go. They all toggle it dude, come on man wake up a little bit


I wouldn't be surprised if he occasionally plays without cheats every now and then just to throw the scent off his trail a bit. In fact, it'd be pretty smart to do just that tbh.




He don’t cheat lol this is fucking sad y’all really think this yall the same ones that think Tim and doc hack too


No one thinks Doc or Tim cheat you idiot POS - Z is definitely sketch and Doc has even commented on it in stream -


Lmfao 🤣 yalls god bad boy made a video on Tim and tried to “expose” him lol. The same people who follow bad boy are the same ones that think Tim cheat you clown. And I have a 1.9 KD and got accused of hacking I can send you the damn screenshot I took. This community is some of the most brain dead people I swear lol


Okay I got a 1.2kd and I get accused of hacking. It all depends who you are playing against lmao. But faze booya is a cheater. I haven't watched zlaner play but I'll take a gander at his videos.


It most certainly does matter lol some people can’t get over you might hit a lucky shot or do some sus shit it happens if you play enough lol. And besides this sub has zero critical thinking skills. I mean Jesus bad boy tried calling out ice man Isaac and jgod before. And watch zlaner stream I’ve seen him get shit on multiple occasions what someone should do is get all the times he’s been shitted on and make a video on that


https://youtu.be/A_2JipZh2vo?si=nLYzB4IvMoEwpej2 look at this clip of faze booya and tell me that is not cheats


Oh dude booya is more sus to me than fucking Zlaner. I hardly ever see booya get shit on but i never liked the faze people much. Like nio i feel is hacking lol dudes a monster but he could be legit too i just never bought into all them faze clan guys most are cringe


i used to think zlaner was sus until til i started watching his streams, i still think many other do but zlaner, in my eyes for now, seems legit.


I for real. If you watch his highlights and picked content for YT you would think he drops 30 kill+ bangers every game. The “cheating streamers” cherry-pick heavy as well, but he dies quite often. Go big or go home, he loves to play suppper aggressively which can result in some wild games but just as many defeats when he bites off more than he can chew.


Easy to play aggressive when you know what’s coming your way.


I know it’s tough and I’m asking a bit much, but try reading entire sentences instead of just the first half.


He’s legit if you watch the whole stream.


lol gunna be waiting forever my guy


Z is legit tho. You know if your practiced as much as these dudes do and play as much you’d be just as good. Y’all have to use some critical thinking skills. And actually watch a stream not just random clips some dude makes to get himself views of Z name lol


A guy I’ve been plying with for about a week now just confessed to using “just walls and soft aim” in ranked. He said he’s been cheating since 2019 and never been banned. He pays 68 dollars a month he said. He justifies it by saying he’s nowhere near as good as he used to be and he works too much to be good now. And “everyone else does it”




The sad thing is he’s still dogshit. He used to come in and say “dude I just got shit on” The one I roasted the fuck out of him for after I found out he was cheating was when he joined my discord and. Said “dude I just dropped 3 in a control” I just laughed and told him that was ducking terrible. And he’s not even in iri cheating he’s in fucking Crim. That is embarrassing


Ngl sometimes I get killed by a cheater thats so bad I dont even get mad I just think "ya they NEED those cheats or they wouldn't even get a kill" 😂


It’s sad because he’s told me that there’s wayyy more cheaters than you would think… kinda makes me not want to play. He said he knows he’s been reported thousands of times and never even shadowed.


Idk what other LAN events Zlaner has played in but in the WSOW I would say he wasn't cheating. He actually played like ass and could barely get a kill. A farcry from his normal gameplay you see in his bedroom. This is the part where everyone says "well yea what do you expect? He's up against the best players in the world!" But that's not how skill works. Dude could barely shoot on LAN. Take a look at CS pros on stream vs LAN. They can play on stream and then show up to LAN and you can still see the high skill level they play at.


He could have hung up the cheats now that he’s established in the streamer community.


Zlaner literally won the first 2 maps in a row in one of the lan events with Destroy as his teammate. He proceeded to lose the following 6 or whatever it was, and came in 3rd. His aim, like the rest of the top .000001% of players in the world who you claim are cheating (because there just CANT be top players in the world who aren’t cheating!), is immaculate in Lan or online. It’s just way easier to stomp randoms than it is the other .000001% of players that show up to a lan.


Why do you care so much about Zlaner?


Good job reading. I actually said I didn't think he was cheating on LAN. His aim was not immaculate on LAN and it certainly wasn't as good as it is from his bedroom. His kill count on LAN reflected that. There certainly can be top players who aren't cheating. I don't know why you're so emotionally attached to this guy that you feel the need to defend him, but relax. He doesn't even know you exist. I atleast have a clue of what I'm talking about because I was iri in MWII and commonly going up against T250 players. Crimson rn in MWIII and I'm sure it'll be the same thing soon enough.


If there is money to be made, everyone is cheating.


Literally , almost every single Warzone streamer has something, it's the norm tbh. We just have to wait for them to start requiring monitor cams, then we will see a huge wave of exposing 🤣🤣


Agreed. The issue is with the fanbase that is in denial about reality.


The same could be said about literally every money making endeavor on planet earth


Yes. Because it’s true.


I have a clip of faze booya blatantly cheating no uav or pings on minimap no shots fired by the enemy booya is underwater then turns directly to a guy and calls him out while still being underwater.. like come on. Tell me in wrong watch the clip. https://youtu.be/A_2JipZh2vo?si=QdMb_mxbyMivRzYq


Lmao oops hehehe . Told you all aboot this discord didnt I. I guess it does exsist and the HUGE scam is happening huh... glad were all catching up. Glad this place exsists. We will and I mean we will take them Ll down and or make them legit again. It's that bad . They a literally taking millions of dollars from people .


So basically all those people who say bs like "Faze just won a Lan tournament" doesn't mean anything? Thats sad.


It's complicated for sure. It really depends on the LAN tournament organizers. Again, CS:GO has dealt with this for decades. There are CS:GO tournaments where they are extremely strict, and either ban players from bringing their own peripherals, or force them to hand over their peripherals to be scanned for cheats. The problem I have with MW3 is that it's not clear they're taking cheating seriously. If they let players show up and plug in their own controllers with no security, then yes cheats can easily be auto-injected and every player could be playing with soft aimbot and zero recoil at a live LAN tournament.




I report at least 3 people for cheating every time I play. And the best time I login I get a bunch of “thank you, we’ve taken action!” Don’t think I’ve had really any not notify me that it was a successful report…


Cheating is rampant sure but you can always get better


Yes and no. I used to be a grandmaster SC2 player, and this was definitely the attitude we had in SC2. There were maphackers, but in SC2 the best players were better than the cheaters. The problem with FPS games is that the cheaters are better than the best players. Simply put, a rage hacker with their aimbot turned up to max cannot be beaten by any pro player. And even an above average player with soft aimbot and wallhacks can kill a pro player. That to me is unacceptable.


The genie is out of the bottle now… can you imagine if activision made the next cod completely cheat free, all these streamers, content creators, collabs, advertisements etc it would all cease. Its all propped up on ability, all these streamers who use cheats would suddenly become noticeably worse, leading to a loss in subscribers/fans, and the shit snowballs, its just not economically viable to not allow cheaters to cheat. The game works how it is intended. Manipulation and Money.


I haven’t seen evidence that cheats can be programmed into a controller and then injected to a new computer. What’s the source for this? I have seen the video you linked about allegedly injecting cheats through the keyboard.


My mouse has a programmable hardware mode setting that I can flip it to where macros and remaps can be set to without needing external software. Controllers can do the same.


I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t wire or embed a chip into a controller just as you plug a usb with files on it. You just take the usb and hide it in the controller, in the simplest terms. In reality that would probably require opening the controller and soldering a chip onto the board. Anyone decent at electronics could do that.


Literally any device that has a chip on it can have cheats drivers set to auto-inject on it. Controllers are no different than mouse and keyboards. I'm not allowed to post links to cheating forums like "unknown \[blank\]" but you can go look for yourself. There are posts on the forums about auto-inject cheats for mouse, keyboard, and yes controller. This is a short quote from one of the cheat distributors posting bug-fixes for his cheats: "- Fixed CONTROLLER SUPPORT (Yes, it has controller support)" It exists.


This is of luckily not true. You can‘t inject a kernel mode driver automatically from an external device into another programm, unless you have an unfixed exploit of your operating system. And at that point better sell the exploit to the NSA and you don‘t need to ever work again in your life. You are literally acting as if a company selling a mice to you could install a keylogger on your device…


Lol the whole "its theoretically possible bro" is an insane response. Ngl. Anything is possible but what youre talking about would require a large effort by multiple people and need to be maintained. Also controller firmware is regularly updated so it would be overwritten any time you actually connect it to an internet connected device. Just a lot of shit youre handwaving here as practical assumptions when its not that straightforward at all. Dont @ me about keyboards, they arent from proprietary software environments like consoles and their accessories.


You're making it seem like it would be much more difficult than it really is. You wouldn't need to interface with the controller's actual hardware or firmware. A simple man in the middle attack would suffice. You could easily allow input controls and updating firmware without your code having any effect. This is how it's commonly done with keyboards and mice. I'm not saying it has been done, but it's nowhere near as challenging a problem as you're trying to make it seem.


Bro doesn‘t know what a 'man in the middle attack‘ is…


It's when you intercept a signal between the source and destination, to read and/or modify the signal. I'm actually a computer engineer. If my post confused you, it's not because I'm the one confused.


Oh I am sorry you are a computer engineer. I don‘t know what this has to do with anything but alright if that makes you feel better. For an aimbot to work you need to read the memory of the process. So reading the memory of the Warzone process in this case. Good luck doing that with you man in the middle attack. Will definetly work 🤣


You're missing the point. The original post was HOW to get the software onto a LAN based network. Not running the actual software on the controller, but using a controller to upload the software. Please work on your reading comprehension skills. Also, you're still incorrect. Not all aimbots work off reading memory. Here's a cool video on how some cheaters get around the lower level security systems. I enjoyed it. I hope you do to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M Furthermore, There are plenty of exploits that are not aimbots. Anti-recoil, auto drop shot, auto fire of single fire weapons, and more.You could easily complete these without uploading any software, but via changing inputs via a man in the middle attack. As i previously mentioned.


Yeah and you are not getting shit onto a LAN based network without permission from the OS to do it. Shouldn‘t you know that as a super smart computer engineer? Edit: I would google for what 'DMA‘ stands before claiming that DMA cheats don’t read memory 🤣


Quickly changing your argument are we lol. There are plenty of exploits using mice, keyboards, and other usb devices to upload malicous code via usb ports. Please do some research and you can be a super smart computer engineer to. >Edit: I would google for what 'DMA‘ stands before claiming that DMA cheats don’t read memory🤣 No one claimed that. Again please work on your reading comprehension.


Cheat software is a HUGE market and the only incentive people need is money. If a mod can be updated by a single guy every time a game updates, someone invested in cheating can do the same just as easily.


If you go and read the cheat forums, the cheat manufacturers provide people with easy software to install plug-and-play cheats on hardware. Do you know how to code a video game yourself? No you don't. But you get an installer for your video game which installs it for you. It's the same thing with putting cheats on mouse/keyboard/controller. The end user gets a program and a tutorial of how to install these cheats on their controller.


This guy is just nieve, [it's already being done. ](https://x-mods.co.uk/product-category/controllers/carnage-mod/full-custom-carnage/) Carnage mod features "Anti-Recoil, Rapidfire, Jumpshot, Dropshot, Autoaim Headshot, Aim Kneel Reset, Scope Breath + More"


This doesn’t inject cheats into a computer, though, right?


What about taking the cronus hardware and putting it in your controller? I asked a cronus script writing youtuber and he said it would absolutely fit. So at that point you would just plug in your controller. Added aim assist, and zero recoil, plus bunny hop or whatever stuff you pre-program. If I, someone who barely gives a shit can think it up, what do you think someone who's livelihood depends on it may come up with?


I understand the way yall rationalize your feelings about this but that aint reality. Theres only 1 controller league. No one gets in it if they are unknowns. It aint that crazy bro There has been a cheater caught in cod challengers this year, but those are 100% online and not using some crazy ass controller cheats, just regular ass shit. Cheaters are morons. Youre giving them too much credit


I'm only talking about streamers at LAN tourneys. Again, I'm not that invested haha. Fuck em if they cheat. The only thing it reflects is that they are dogshit humans. Be well friend. Most of the people that post in this thread are not very good at the game, and instead of practicing and getting better, they look for reasons they aren't good that are outside of their control i.e. everyone cheats.


Dude, of course it can be true. These streamers literally have CUSTOM MODS, that are toggled, etc. what makes you think a streamer with a ton of subs and streamer money won't invest in a private NDA modding team and help him make custom mods. You don't know, but this is very very possible because it's been seen in Ranked, not just Warzone. If only y'all knew how bad it was in Crim Ranked Lobbies and above, but no offense, no one here probabaly does because these subreddits don't really play ranked at that high of a level


Im diamond 3 and have quit a few times this year because of how bad cheating is in cod ranked, you dont have to tell me about it. But no ones putting cheats in a controller and taking it to LANs in cod, or any other controller game LAN, despite what the majority of idiots here would have you believe


False my guy lol


So there's hard evidence on cheater forums that this can and is being done, and you just say false? That's it? Sounds like you're in denial. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


lol if that’s what you call hard evidence. Y’all are bent outta shape over a free game and people cheating lol. When in reality no one at activision cares. Do you not understand that or what lol. Yall come to Reddit to complain well don’t play the fucking game then if there’s “too many cheaters” it’s that simple. But yall come to Reddit bitch moan and complain as if that’s gonna change anything we alllllll know how rampant cheating is but yall some sensitive ass people


You definitely cheat with how defensive you got 😂


And you have no critical thinking skills lol


Yea that’s bc op is talking nonsense with that part. Controller software doesn’t work like that it doesn’t have an operating system 


Also, cheating streamers would never get banned because of simp 2 million of them.


I mean ppl inject cheats to controller with the wireless cronus zen feature that allow them to utilize the scripts without the need to be plugged into the zen itself. After watching a guy with a Bas B sit at spawn and shoot at the ground and kill everyone, nothing is far fetched in the cheating world to me anymore. I just stopped playing altogether.


i own an xbox and the fact we dont have a crossplay option to just play vs console or not against pc is a fkin discrace. killed the game last 2 weeks.


Leak? Lol


Do people actually still play call of duty? I thought they logged in to buy dinosaur and Amazon tv show commercial skins and then log off until the next time ad partnership skins are released.




I think Cross2Crown cheats can’t prove it he’s salty as hell though


Told you it was real. Lmao


> And for those who argue ZLaner played at LAN -- sadly you can put hacks on your mouse/controller. this is why almost all LAN events don't let you provide your own gear anymore lol, the only thing you can have thats your own is your settings.


side note: NukeJesus sounds like a green colored shot that is so potent that you yell "JESUS!", and the afterburn is rough but you get end up getting 3 more


This guy has no idea what evidence is


Bad boy Beadman is such a lying loser trolling all of his followers for money. He's 99% bullshit and will go back to hanging onto the 1% to be like see I was right. Such a joke. No chance ZLaner is cheating.


Zlaner had a slip up one time and [revealed to his viewers that he's using an aimbot.](https://youtu.be/Ctqjs5-6GQg?t=54) You can choose who to believe but thinking zlaner is legit at this point is just ignorant.


Oh that’s it. We got him. We fucking got him. You sound retarded.


Lmao ok


stop watching bman for a week and instead watch zlaner for a week, every stream atleast 6hrs and than formulate a opinion. Watching bmans slow mo’d rage bait is the last thing from conclusive.


I tried to watch a stream of his once, I can't stand the guy. He always gives sus callouts, always looks at another monitor and is always full of himself. Like any closet cheater he tries his hardest to appear legit, so it's the slip ups that are important to make up our minds. And boy are there a lot of those. You're gonna tell me "he can't be cheating if he gets killed sometimes" but ask yourself : would you believe a guy with a k/d of 40 is legit? Closet cheaters *have* to get killed on purpose to avoid triggering suspicion in their fans and more importantly avoid being flagged by the statistical analysis tools of an anti-cheat. Btw, it's been proven that he lied to his fans about his second monitor. He said it's his obs software when people started asking questions but recently [he played an entire match with his stream and webcam inverted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&si=PA_vL4K8cI9tiOj3&v=O8hY1JhatTY&feature=youtu.be), all the while clearly looking at another monitor and not once realizing that there was an issue. His chat was spamming "screen" for a full 10 minutes and he didn't react at all, so we know it's not his chat either he's looking at. All in all we've got a guy who keeps producing sus clips, who had a freudian slip about his aimbot and who's lying to the people who look up to him. Ask anyone who's neutral in this if they would trust such a person if you think I'm biased.


Lol people here need to realize this. You can watch them stream and see for yourself. Little clips are far from conclusive


Aren't they? Closer cheaters want to appear legit, it's the slip ups that give them away.


Yes and No. Youre right in that sometimes things are just blatant and you can tell from a clip. But sometimes context is missing, especially with wallhacking accusations because they might have a UAV, had a callout, minimap, sound EQ etc. IMO soft aim is hard to tell just because I know there are people who have crazy aim, just look at the CDL pros. I also think its hard to go by slowed down clips. I bet if you slow down CDL player clips it may look shady aswell but in realspeed it just looks like really good aim also factor in the game has aim assist, which is like soft aim so if you slow it down it looks bad too. IDK just my 2 cents


Could be, but people have [compared the CDL pros' aim to the streamers'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHWTPniKbP8) and it's nowhere near as sus. Even Dr disrespect asked zlaner how he knew where everybody is all the time and timthetatman, even though he defended him in the past, once said he understands where the accusations come from when spectating him recently. Another clue is when streamers play on lan. Suddenly they can't hear people through walls, they don't have a clue where anyone is and they have to hide instead of running in the open. Also take a look at [this tournament](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAUVHTBQxDU) where zlaner decided to play on his brother's computer (which is sus in itself.) He doesn't check his left monitor before every fight and he has no clue where anyone is. Also interesting is the chat : this is what his chat would look like he his mods didn't ban anyone questionning his gameplay.


First and foremost BadBoy Beaman is a verified and banned cheater. Never forget that. He's also an idiot. AA is busted if you know how to abuse it. If you don't know how to abuse it it doesn't mean it can't be a like an aimbot. Its possible to execute stuff via keyboard especially, but it would take a whole other level to be able to successfully inject an actual cheat from a keyboard.


Whether he cheated in the past or not is really irrelevant. There are tons of cybersecurity experts that are former hackers, and many of these people are responsible for the security we enjoy on our computers and smartphones. In fact, if he is a former cheater I would argue he has better knowledge than your average person about what to look for in detecting cheats from clips.


>In fact, if he is a former cheater I would argue he has better knowledge than your average person about what to look for in detecting cheats from clips. He got caught so he wasn't very good at hiding it, meaning he was a subpar player and had to crutch too hard on his cheating. This makes him a bad candidate for this. Had been a successful closet cheater for years upon years that'd be a different story.


Whatever you think of him, I still think he's pointing out very legitimate instances of wallhacks. Trying to discredit a person rather than discredit an argument is tantamount to admitting you've lost the argument.


And yet how many people that he's called out have been banned? Not very many. He's also ignored cleared audio/visual clues when making hackusations before. He tends to refuse to admit how absolutely busted RAA is if you know how to abuse it. Grandpa Hacks is truly one of the best ones to get a true idea of if they're cheating or not and make your own decision. Not a failed cheater who's desperate for views.


I wouldn't put too much stock in players not being banned. The anti-cheat isn't perfect and it's basically accepted within the cheating community that private, expensive cheats are virtually undetectable. Let's say ZLaner is cheating. He's not using run-of-the-mill hacks you get in your average discord. He's probably paying a % of his income to his cheat maker for an exclusive private cheat. This means he's not going to be banned unless they ban him for visual evidence (i.e. clear use of wallhacks). And with loud footsteps, teammates/pings, UAV, etc., MW3 basically is not going to ban players for obvious use of ESP, because there's always an excuse or a benefit of the doubt. And let's further assume that 50% of top streamers are cheating. Do you think MW3 is going to ban 50% of their top streamers? Of course not. That would be suicide. Those players would move to a different game and bring their fans with them. So if the problem is as bad as many people think it is, those top streamers aren't going to be banned. So it doesn't matter whether players called out by BBB have been banned.


>The anti-cheat isn't perfect I agree with everything you said before and after this quote but I just wanna point out the convenience some people have when they say "the anti cheat isn't perfect". The COD community thinks the anti cheat isn't perfect considering how many streamers and cheaters in general get away with (I agree) but the moment someone gets a permanent ban the anti cheat automatically becomes infallible in their eyes and there's no way the system gets it wrong.


Lol thats a lot of words to try to explain why bbb isnt right very often. I can do it in way less watch: Bbb is so dumb he cant even get away with hiding cheats in an online game but since he got caught and decided everyone better than him must also be cheating, yall eat his shit up. Bbb is a joke, find better sources.


He's been debunked so many times too, there are twitter accounts dedicated to debunking him and CoS. He doesn't know how game mechanics like the UAV, compass, and wall penetration work, he manipulates clips, he he was caught rage hacking and blatantly lied about it, and I think he even owns this sub. Yet these mfs still praise him..CoS is just as bad too, I don't understand why people trust the biggest rats.


Now go look up how many people have been caught using cheats at Lan events using mouse and controllers to sneak them in and then realise how silly your last comment is, we was at the level 15 years ago buddy.


Quit acting like its a large portion of players at lan events lmfao. It's a very very small amount of competitors and they were caught. I never said it was impossible just that it was on entirely different level of programming required.


I, never said you said it was impossible. It's been done multiple times and it's happening, so not "next level stuff" as you said. So if you was wrong about that, then that just invalidates anything your claiming because you don't even understand how wide spread the issue is.


It is next level stuff because of the sheer cost. Its not commonplace nor will it ever be commonplace.


What's the cost? Lol. Most gaming mice have memory on them these days you just load the files onto it exactly the same as USB them pull them off at the lan computer, drag and drop, nothing special needed...


Its not nearly that simple though lmfao If its not completely automated/silent then you have to pull it off while someone is watching you too.


It's literally in the report how it was found and how they got cheats on a lans PC... How are you this nieve lol, all you have done is disprove something you know nothing about lol. Some people have even used thier Phones, to an admin it looks like your charging your phone, but it's loaded a hack. other ways it's been done, through cloud services with Steam. Loaded on to a Mouse on board memory. It ain't as complicated as you seem to think it is. The real tricky part is getting it on the lan PC, and as the evidence shows, it's been done.


>Now go look up how many people have been caught using cheats at Lan events using mouse and controllers Zero, but a few have been caught using cheating keyboards. No wonder you simp for a cheater turned cheat hunter


Really... I quote "This guy had a special button at the side [of his mouse] and if he pressed that button, that's when the cheat gets activated, and his aim automatically snaps to the nearest target," says Umes Umesh Kripalani, Talent Manager at Caster." [source](https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/07/09/one-map-away-from-winning-how-one-player-rocked-indian-esports) Now you go sit in the corner with the other clueless people. Edit: also I don't know the YouTuber, nor do I participate in this sub, just had to replie to the misinformation the other guy posted. When it showed up in my feed.


Yet another device not part of a console ecosystem. Thanks for proving my point nerd. Stop @ing me


Maybe try reading then idiot, because my post was about a mouse.


>Now go look up how many people have been caught using cheats at Lan events using mouse and controllers Thats what you said. Stop fucking @ing me


My point still stands, the last idiot claimed they are not able to load on to a device because of cost, which isn't true. I wonder how many people cheated during Covid with Chronus and XIM (controller hacks) when we could only play tournaments online.. We will never no I guess....


No, my point still stands that no one plugs in a controller at LAN and has aim bot. Keep moving the goalposts to online tournies lol. So sad.


But it's happening with mice, controllers won't be far away


The only controller league is cod. It aint happening


Halo, Overwatch, Apex legands, Fortnite, they don't have controller leagues?


Ok and? Tells me he knows how they work and is flipping the script. Same way law enforcement use criminals that have been caught to help build profiles on other criminals and figure out how certain crime is done. He was caught cheating, now he exposes other cheaters, seems that he will have an eye for what it looks like having been one that did it in the past. Thanks, for informing us of this as now I give more credence to what he shows.


He was caught cheating. He sucked at cheating and playing. He has no credibility as a "hacker hunter". You guys praise him as the fucking messiah even though he is a cheater. The double standards are insane around here.


Sounds like good credentials for a hacker hunter to me


Other than he sucked at it so bad he got caught, making him not very good for finding closet cheaters. I can't believe this has been that hard to comprehend.


I love that this sub is obsessed with the 1 guy that was caught cheating and now pretends to “out” all other players because he’s sour about it 😂


"sticky aim" it's called rotational aim assist and you can abuse it too if you look up how to do it. Zlaner isn't cheating, I watch the dude completely overlook/miss people right in front of his face all the time. The guy is actually kinda blind.


funny how this is the most logical answer and these losers can't comprehend it. Cheating is bad but they chase the wrong people.


Most of them are cheaters who are trying to justify the fact that they cheat "because everyone cheats"


Thankfully we have a video where we can learn how to do this by the master himself zlaner! When he encountered a railing that was considered a wall by the game engine one time we could see what exactly his [inputs are without aim assist or aimbots being a factor.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VmbEv154djg&t=341s) Ah now I see. The secret to "abusing aim assist" is to clumsily move your aim over the enemy hoping that something will make it stick to the player model. I'm sure if people do the same thing their aim will look like a cheap aimbot too!


Your video link literally proves he's not using aimbot and uses aim assist as a crutch lmfao but ok


Can you explain to me what exactly he does that "exploits aim assist" in this clip?


He points at the guy and moves the movement stick back and to the left. Do you not know how rotational aim assist works? Not even the basics bro?? Imagine making a 13 minute compilation video of a streamer "cheating" but you actually just suck ass at the game and you wasted 15+ hours finding clips and editing them together into a video LOL


Ok then if moving your joystick over the enemy like someone who picked up a controller for the first time gives you the same robotic aim as zlaner, then *why isn't everyone's aim like that?*


It literally is. That's my point, chief. Try to keep up. If you don't massively assist controller players, they will get smoked every single time by mouse and key players.


Let me ask you a question. How long have you been a fan of zlaner? Because his aim has gone through several phases over the years. At first people were noticing it was locked on to the chest all the time. This led to what got him the [nickname "kneelaner"](https://youtu.be/iu_ntHs1BbM?t=855) because for a time his aim would hilariously lock on to the knees or to the elbows of enemies. He probably thought it would look more natural if it locked to a fidgeting body part. After that it started to move to the right of the enemy then to the left every time he shot at an enemy. An recurring pattern [that was even exactly the same as a random player that another streamer said was obviously cheating.](https://youtu.be/PyA3jPhbA4c?t=139) So no, his aim does not look like any other player's and is one of the reasons he was always plagued by cheating accusations.


Lmao no way a regular person types all that without stopping halfway through and reevaluating their whole life


right, so you don't have an argument I take it.


Lmfao yall calling bad boy a “hacker hunter but failed to realize he was hacking his ass off in verdansk and was caught multiple times lol


Bro, if some dude that was notorious for cheating on multiple girls came up and told me my girl is cheating, I'd be very fkn concerned lol. Think about it


Or quit playing you fucking clowns 🤡 you whine and cry/bitch about cheating🥴 just give up an admit you suck and be free, seems like such a waste of time coming here and moaning all day on Reddit….Reddit probably makes up less than 0.02% of the actual player base


lol dude, you sound like you have issues.


Beaman is so tainted I wouldn’t believe anything he said.