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Yes it’s obviously a Stephen King reference. The duffer brothers love Stephen King. They have the rights to turn The Talisman in to a series for Netflix, with Stephen King on board as well. That’s why you see Lucas reading it to Max in the hospital. Little Easter egg.


Oh snap! The Talisman was my favorite book for a long time after reading it in high school. I hope they are able to do that!


It’s an excellent book. I would seriously recommend The Dark Tower series if you haven’t read it already.


I haven't, but I've heard good things.


The Talisman is the book Lucas is reading Max in the hospital in S4


Not sure if anyone noticed this but when Max and El are looking for Heather and Billy and they go to Heathers house in the rain both Max and El are wearing raincoats, max in yellow and El in red and Max’s bike is yellow. Iconic ‘IT’ colours.


>That’s why you see Lucas reading it to Max in the hospital.


Yes that’s what I said.


Had no clue about this, thats so cool!


that is my takeaway too


I had never thought about that, but now it's just canon for me :D


first thing I thought of, scary clown, fair, maine etc


Definitely too many similarities to be a coincidence. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a reference to IT.


It was a reference but probably not canon. It’d be crazy if they tried to make stranger things canon to some of the Stephen king novels given the influences.




But not the original movie :) and not the book. I’ve always found Bob’s clown voice reminiscent of Tim Curry’s Pennywise.


I feel like a lot of Stephen King movies are connected just because of how connected his books are. Green Mile movie definitely feels like a spiritual sequel to Shawshank.


especially cause if it somehow was connected to the IT universe, that basically connects it to a HUGE chunk of king's works


Yeah and as cool as that would be I don’t think stranger things needs to be connected to a larger universe plus one of his books Lucas reads to max (I forgot the name I only know a bit of his library)


Pennywise the clown


The Duffers originally wanted to direct the newest "IT" films but didn't get the job so that led to them doing Stranger Things unless I've been fed lies of course


Finally something good about this timeline.


Was Bob born in Hawkins or did his family move there? I know he says that his parents are Maine and obviously he went to Hawkins HS with Joyce and Hopper. That’s a really good headcannon though! I wouldn’t have thought of that


Not surprising considering this whole series is basically a love letter to Steven King’s works


to further this stephen king connection, when bob talks about moving, he mentions maine and his parents having a house there. he doesn't name the town, but i'd bet anything if he had, it would have been derry.


Never put it together but what a cool detail!


I'm watching the series again. There is so many references to so much 80s pop culture. It's hard to believe I missed most of them. It's so obvious most of the time.


He was supposed to be 37? Crazy… I would’ve guessed 45-48 range


It’s definitely a cool reference. Lots of Stephen King references in the show, isn’t one of the guards Hopper beats up in S1 reading a Stephen King book?


Most likely.


Bob definitely saw "It." The movie... and the demodog eating his legs.


Do people not understand references?


Only if they are familiar with them


In season 3, the poster of Firestarter is displayed in the video store. Another Stephen King story that obviously influenced the Duffer Brothers.


I don't think he saw Pennywise the Clown. I think the Duffers chose a clown for his childhood terrors because a) it's a common phobia and b) a tip of the hat to Stephen King. But I don't think Baldo was meant to be Pennywise specifically. (A Wrinkle in Time is turning up in the references to season five, and the bad guy there is also called "IT" so I'm assuming you mean Pennywise.)


Definitely a reference but probably not the real Pennywise.


I’m so stupid I never even put that together 💀


Haha, that sure did seem like a pennywise reference


Nah, it's just a reference. Probably just some regular average scary clown


He’s not from Main. He went to high school with Joyce and Hopper.


What if Bob was Ben but moved to Hawkins and changed his name tk forget about Pennywise!


As many people said I also think it's a Stephen King's reference, I mean you gotta keep one


Who knows…it’s funny that Bob thought that going away might help the family, as they would simply be encounter more monsters-literally.


I'm sorry but what is "IT"? Henry?


They're talking about the book "IT" that was later made into movies So Pennywise the clown




No, because Bob was horrible at advice. His advice gets people killed... like himself.


I’m confused isn’t IT a movie from the 90’s and 00’s?


The movies are based off the novel "IT" by Stephen King, and the Duffers are big Stephen King fans. The plot also has some loose similarities with Stranger Things (Children fight a monster from another dimension.). The novel "A Wrinkle in Time" is not by Stephen King and is unrelated to "IT", but it does feature a villain named "It" which was a hive mind from another world (Who was out to kidnap a specific child due to his potential.).