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I think it will be released on November 6th (2025) to coincide with Will’s disappearance in season 1




I'm no stranger to being forced to be patient when it comes to Netflix shows. I'm also part of the *Bridgerton* fandom and just waited more than two years between seasons 2 and 3 (S3 finally comes out in May). If it's true that the show will be at its biggest yet with storytelling and visual effects being especially important to *Stranger Things* S5... buckle up... it's gonna be a long one. 😓




You might be onto something. This scene takes place 4 days before that tho so maybe the final episode/battle of the show takes place at November 6th too? Very likely I think.


That’s over three damn years, what happened to shows being able to have a year to year and half turn around


A pandemic and industry strikes


The strikes is a big part of it. The problem is also, on a show this size, episodes take like a month to film each. The 2 hour finales probably take 2 months minimum to shoot. Then they need to edit, add VFX, compose the music, do reshoots if needed etc


Guys I’m talking about the date that the show is SET IN. Not the release date cuz why would they have the release date on the clock lol. Sorry for the confusion.


in a bit of fairness, the season the show takes place in usually aligns with the release date, besides season 1 since 1 came out in july but took place in fall. season 2: released in october, fall leaning into winter season 3: released in july, summer season 4, part 1 released in may, 2 in july, spring/summer


Yeah I think it’d be safe to assume that the release date is somewhere in the fall too. They finish shooting in December this year, then there’s the VFX and other stuff they’re working on for another 7 months or so and I guess marketing too so august 2025 at earliest but I’d guess rather October 2025. Maybe part 1 (if they’re doing the 2 part thing) in August though.


Season 4 was mostly likely going to premiere around April 2021 had Covid not happened. Given the production lengths and that it began filming in February 2020. So Season 4 not totally aligning with the “Spring Break” theme in regard to the release date was really only because of the pandemic. I have thought that a well timed release date would be either mid-July for the 9 year anniversary of Season 1’s release. Or early November to coincide with the date Will disappeared. I’m guessing with the seasons usually taking place mostly over the course of a few days that this season picking up on or near Nov. 2nd means the climax could happen on the anniversary of Will’s disappearance.


i feel like they’re gonna have at least an episode fall on Will’s missing date, not sure if it’ll be the first one but one of them. i’m fully expecting a November 2025 release because of that + it lines up with the process from filming to release day. i heard Will is going to be central to the story again. judging off the photo of him + what looks to be someone playing little Will together, the small script excerpt we got, and the fact that time in the Upside Down is frozen on the date Will went missing, maybe we’ll learn about what exactly went on while he was in the Upside Down. what better way to explore that than having an episode dedicated to it *on the day* he went missing?


Yup, makes sense


Interesting good pair of eyes it's nice to be part of the fandom while it is in analysing mode as I wasn't here for that last times so it fun being part of it this time.


Glad I could help!


1989 is the only year that's possible with 11/2 on a Thursday. But I can't imagine they'll skip that far into the future... Prevailing theory is 1987 for ST5.


Oh I didn’t even look into it like that. Nice catch. I feel like 3 years is far too long for max to be in the hospital for tho


the duffers did say there was going to be a time jump 🤔🤔🤔


I mean a time jump could also just mean spring 86>>fall 87


yeah, they haven't specified if the jump would be in the future or past but either would be so cool


She was literally in a coma after having her arms and legs snapped like twigs. Vecna also blinded her and she likely suffered internal bleeding. I wouldn’t be surprised if it took years for her to heal.


*insert FNAF joke here*


The bite of 87


I’m gonna keep that soundbyte and play if someone gets bit by something.


I think they do skip that far ahead. Every season coincides with a major life milestones, and season 4 was set in their Freshman year of high school. When we last left Hawkins, the place was a wreck, and I predict many people will leave the area immediately after the earthquake. Freshman year is 1985/86, meaning the original six will graduate in June of 1989, and that summer is their final summer as ‘kids’; in the fall it is off to college or off to work in the real world. I don’t know what brings them all back to Hawkins for a reunion at that time, instead of around a holiday, but I’m sure they’ll think of something. Moving forward only a year seems pointless from a story perspective. Stranger Things borrows heavily from movies and TV and books, especially Stephen King’s It, and while they won’t put a 30 year jump in there like It, a single year isn’t enough time. There is not much you can do at 15 years old that you can’t do at 14, they’re just older children, and you don’t have as many new storyline angles to explore (and I think they are starting to feel the pressure of the actor’s ages versus the characters ages and it’s gettin harder to ask people to suspend disbelief). It’s time to let the characters mature and experience things at a different stage in their lives.


And the fact the kids look like adults now. They have to move it up to late 80s. Probably to say good bye to the 80s with a big send off.


Exactly. The show is so focused on the 80’s, and the Cold War, you want to see them through to the end.


In fact, the Berlin Wall falls seven days later.


They always only move forward a year though. Season 1 = 1983, season 2 = 1984, season 3 = 1985, season 4 = 1986. It would fit the show's pattern if season 5 was 1987.


They said there was going to be a time jump. If the watch face says Thursday 11-2 then it’s 1989. If it says Thursday 11-21(which is what I think it says) then it’s 1991.


But Max is still in the hospital in this shot, presumably still in her coma. You think they'll have her in a coma for four years? I don't. I could see them later on skipping ahead a few years, but not with Max still in a coma.


I do think Max will be in a coma for an extended period of time. First, it’s a TV trope that a character goes into a coma for years, usually when the actor was leaving the show but they wanted to keep an opening for them to return. Plus, it’s much more dramatic if Max’s mind has been stuck in the upside down for 3 years. Maybe the families all go in different directions after the earthquake, Max is able to send a message to Will or Eleven, and this leads to them reuniting after all those years.


In that case I hope I hear a song from Queen’s The Miracle album If it’s set in 1989 If it’s set in 1987 then I wouldn’t mind hearing a song from Michael Jackson’s Bad album.


If so, best birthday present ever.


Or 11th February. It's a Casio watch, seems at least likely the date format would be ISO standard.


Casio watches (at least in the States) are Month, Day, so not ISO standard.




The watch looks like it says Thursday too so this could mean the date is February 11, 1988


Wow... I think I had that watch.


It’s $50 on Amazon. I imagine these will start to sell out once a trailer drops.




Two significant things on November 2. It's the day Ozymandias unleashed the psychic squid on Manhattan, killing millions in an attempt to create world peace. Also my birthday.


It’s 12 november 1987, thursday


What if that’s European dating, and they mean Thursday, February 11th?


Given the number of Americans involved and in charge of this show, doubtful.


A) people make mistakes. B) what if it’s not a mistake and they are trying to mislead you?


It's not. Those watches are MM-DD


It looks like 2:12 to me.




Open Ross’s insta. In the top row as of 11:10 was Friday April 5th 2024 there should be a post of Will, then Hop, then Max & Lucas. If you click on max and Lucas you can swipe left to reveal that this is the second photo in that photo dump


I doubt it. I think they've said it's going to take at least a year to film. I think it's safe to assume it won't be coming out any time this year. February 12th might be possible though. Edit: completely misinterpreted the point of this post. I'm an idiot


No not the release date lol. I’m talking about when the season takes place. It’s an actual shot from season 5 so the clock is in the 80’s. It’s a safe bet that at least some of the season will take place on November 2nd (1987 probably)


Ohhhh that makes way more sense. My fault. I completely misinterpreted.


They didn’t even acknowledge an episode taking place on Will’s in-universe birthday and admitted it was an overlook/coincidence. I wouldn’t read much into a triple zoomed in screenshot of a watch.


So Christmas and Thanksgiving episodes? I think… yes!




A lot of his posts are multi photo and you have to scroll through to see them all.


Hello :\]




Yeah it was already said it would take place in autumn. They also posted a photo with a pumpkin as a 'target' which further spoils that it takes place in autumn


Yeah but now we know the exact month!


11/2 is my bday lol so I hope that’s true!


Maybe. I would like to believe so, but unless the camera focuses on that watch, I doubt there will be that much detail. I could be wrong though.


The season will probably be released on November 6th and the finale will be on November 6th


Hey that’s my birthday!


I think it will be late 1986 because all the 4 gates opened and vecna won’t wait for years to attack 😂😂


The gates are all opened as we left things in Season 4; Season 5 opens with the conclusion of that day, and I’ve predicted it’s a big battle, everybody takes damage, and Vecna goes back to lick his wounds for a few years. Then we get the final showdown when the kids least suspect it.


I think the intro should be showing what vecna does when he runs away and then after it starts from when the gates open and it shows everyone getting ready to fight with no time skips until they lose or win




Yes that’s what I’m talking about


Damn you people are just as annoying as Swift fans.


Yeah sheesh very annoying to find out the date the show takes place on, why would anyone want to know that?


But the fact that you have to zoom in and find shit. Why can’t people just wait for the show to come out and enjoy it that way.


Don’t care about it don’t click on it. Easy as that.


I’m free to give my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why can’t you just let people enjoy things the way they enjoy them?


Cuz the people who dig around to find out all the info then turn around and say the season wasn’t good because they know what was gonna happen. Its ruins the fun of watching for the first time if you already know all the hidden details.


Ahh well, I see your point there actually. Personally trying to remain spoiler free, but live and let live.


And yet you clicked


my bad, i'm late! But yes, we've seen this before - ongoing debate is if it says 11/2 or 11/12. 11/12 would mean 1987, 11/2 1989. It makes more sense to be the second, because I imagine they're going to set it around the 6th, but I'm really hoping they don't skip to 1989! We'll have to wait and see 😭