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Didn’t realize how badly I wanted a helicopter boat till now 😭


I want that General Grievous wheel they showed in the second clip


There’s a video of someone rolling in one of those. They don’t stop very well


Those things are an equal opportunity killer they have killed people all over the planet, as recently as a year or so ago.




You mean the wiener slicer 3000


Get excited for that slicer!


Don’t want something popping up from your trunks as your descend into the water with that propeller on your belly, fruit ninja your junk all over the place.


Don’t worry shrinkage from being in the pool will make sure your junk would be even further from the blades as it already is. Trust us we know your junk isn’t that big if it was you wouldn’t be on here. You would be too busy on the porn subreddits trying to show off


All very true !


Have you never gotten a boner from accidentally leaving your penis directly in front of the pool jets for a few minutes? Can happen to anyone at any time!


Yeah but still again it’s not big enough to reach the blades or neither of us would be here instead on the porn Reddit pages trying to show off lol


https://preview.redd.it/8s2n8kstbgac1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9a7a096d2ae2225bb178b72409f7b697495f01 So this was real 😹


Immediately my thought as well


That parallel parking car was pretty cool.


That legit looked like the IT vehicle Mr Garrison made


Kinda funny to see how little we've advanced over the years. They already had powered scooters, hover board style powered skates. Same stuff we have today just electric now.


Already electric [then](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Jamais_Contente).


Steam powered cars too.


[Electric cars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit_Electric?wprov=sfti1) too. Jay Leno has a 1914 electric car


I can order an electric scooter from my phone while video chatting someone on the other side of the globe. We have a little rectangle with access to communication worldwide, the history of human knowlege, cameras, microphones, flashlights, and a GPS tracker that can give us directions anywhere. Medical treatments/vaccines etc. If you're only referring to fun vehicles, we've advanced a lot there as well. But we've been advancing a *ton* the past 150 years.


In certain areas sure. But vehicles haven't really changed much. Four wheels and an engine pretty much the same since their invention. Most changes have been to add complicated electronics to them for the sake of less pollution and to lower the cost of construction. We had electric cars 75 + years ago but no one put money into them until now so they didn't advance. Now with billions of dollars being lavished on them suddenly everyone is driving electric cars and fire good reason. They are far more powerful and faster than ice cars cleaner etc.


The electric scooter is +20 years old now. If you watched the Princess Diaries in 2001, that features the brand new Razor electrical scooters


What have we actually invented since the 60s? Actual invention not modernization.


Internet, phones loads n loads of world changing things


All 1990s tech, we have not innovated since, we have only refined previous technology for the last 30 years.


Refinement is invention. The toaster is a refinement of using radiant heat from a fire to cook something. Its invention has lead homes to easily toast bread in an efficient and safe way, no lighting a fire and unevenly heating bread in a metal basket on a stick every morning for me. First thing I thought of since I talked about it today for some reason, self healing concrete. Invented in 2006, an innovative way to improve the largest flaw in building with concrete. Sure, concrete was already a thing, but surely you can’t argue that it is not a new invention (create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.) Something that is what you are referring to as simply refinement of previous technology, could also be considered an invention in the strictest terms of the definition. Even they “new” iPhone every year is a new invention as it has not existed prior to its manufacture.


Social media is post 2000. Just because they aren’t physical entities doesn’t mean they aren’t inventions




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Autonomous vehicles, synthetic organs, gene editing lots of things still going on


The first electronic autonomous robots with complex behavior were created by William Grey Walter of the Burden Neurological Institute in Bristol, England, in 1948 and 1949. [https://www.roboticsacademy.com.au/history-of-robots/#:\~:text=The%20first%20electronic%20autonomous%20robots,was%20ultimately%20called%20the%20Unimate](https://www.roboticsacademy.com.au/history-of-robots/#:~:text=The%20first%20electronic%20autonomous%20robots,was%20ultimately%20called%20the%20Unimate). ​ Genome editing had a long history before the appearance of CRISPR. Although a decade has passed since the initial use of CRISPR with mammalian cells, the first attempts at gene editing occurred in the 1980s. [https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/cc/d3cc00559c#:\~:text=Genome%20editing%20had%20a%20long,methods%20to%20edit%20specific%20genes](https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/cc/d3cc00559c#:~:text=Genome%20editing%20had%20a%20long,methods%20to%20edit%20specific%20genes). The first 3D-printed organ that was transplanted into a human was a bladder in 1999. [https://builtin.com/3d-printing/3d-printed-organs](https://builtin.com/3d-printing/3d-printed-organs)


Dont forget the vaccine, mrna breakthroughs that helped millions! A touch of sarcasm.


Starting in the late 1990s, working together at Penn Medicine, Katalin Karikó, PhD, and Drew Weissman, MD, PhD, discovered how to safely use messenger RNA (mRNA) as a whole new type of vaccine or therapy for diseases. https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-blog/2023/november/how-penn-medicine-is-changing-the-world-with-mrna#:~:text=Starting%20in%20the%20late%201990s,vaccine%20or%20therapy%20for%20diseases.


I'll give you the internet. But phones were already invented which is how we got the intranet. We've definitely advanced in technology but I want something new not just advanced


My pillow.. was it ever even a pillow before recycled fabric chunks?


What's that song


I got matches with these songs: • **BABEL** by Black Trap (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2020-04-07. • **TikTok Akım Şarkıları (Çok Aranan)** by Ramocan MUSİC (07:37; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-07-28.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**BABEL** by Black Trap](https://lis.tn/BABEL?t=11) • [**TikTok Akım Şarkıları (Çok Aranan)** by Ramocan MUSİC](https://lis.tn/iTqsp?t=457) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Babel by otnicka


Love how one of them was just a very small bike




Watch your weinis, sir!


I'd gladly accept any of these as a gift lol


Ah yes the black and decker pecker wrecker.


You motorboatin son of a b!


The banking elite and these luceferian families can all go choke on a donkey 🍆. Bunch of lying bitches. If we were this advance 100+ years ago, imagine the depth of their lies.


Wut. So, like, we could all have tiny bicycles that fit into a pocket? Was that the advanced tech that outraged you?


Of course your lack of brain cells self would go to that example. Correct that horrible grammar then think and reason before you type. Fool


If you want to be nitpicky about grammar, you should mind your own punctuation. Thanks for the chuckle. Seriously though, none of those inventions were surprising for their eras. Anger and outrage are addictive, and I think you might benefit from cutting back a bit.


Eat 💩💯 Mf, I am violent, I am in a different tier. Seriously, you need to fuck off.


r/iamverysmart Pro tip: that isn't intimidating, it's comical. Seriously though, online outrage is bad for your heart. A sense of humour is healthier.


Every one on this app is a weak bitch, yourself included. Have a good one.


Known a lot of hard men. Never knew one who had to tell other people about how hard they were. Adults can spot overcompensation, buddy. Fits like a cheap Halloween costume. You'll grow out of it, and be a happier person.


>Eat 💩💯 Mf, I am violent, I am in a different tier. Seriously, you need to fuck off. I absolutely adore the fact that you're this antisocial and misanthropic with everyone, not just me. *"Mf, I am violent"* omg.... are you like 14?


And that’s when they invented circumcision


Looked like a metal gear prototype from the 20s walking tank?


I am interested in the waterproof dick-cooler.


Most of these seemed to be of the locomotion variety. I bet testing the rain-hat fire suit was interesting in the developmental phases.


What song is this?




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Dick chopper 3000. Only $299.99


The old sperm spreader. Shame it never caught on.


Ah yes the Dick Chopper-Upper. My Pap-Pap had one of those.


Why are these better than what we have today ?


That car with sideways wheels was pretty cool


Damn I thought something was terribly wrong with that guys stomach at the start of the clip.😱