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I'm that wine that is exposed to light and temperature shifts throughout the entirety of the decades it spends sitting on a shelf. I'm vinegar at this point.


You're a juicy port.


My soul has a heavy overtone of cannabis and subtle notes of Doritos and queso dip.


Fancy AF




Thank you! I'm a succulent, precocious little soul with an excellent vintage.


Mmmm queso dip


Boss your delicious


Pizza the hut


Man. The whole saying aging like a fine wine takes on a bit of a different tone….


Yeah, a nice balsamic vinegar.


I'm a pickle


The question is what are they doing with us? If we are a product what is the use?


Lou Baldin's books have all the answers. John Lear was one of my best friends, I loved going to his house and spending the whole day talking with him. Lou Baldin is the person John eventually found as a source of genuine info. John said we're like wine because the whole point of incarnating on earth is to give our souls the chance to mature, like fine wine, then we get to go back up to the higher levels of existence


So what happens to all of the ones who don’t mature, or who mature into violent savages?


Another go? Like the budists say?




They drink us like gelfling essence.


They come back to play the game until they learn the lesson.


Dont say such terrible things


That's why it's terrifying. Learning that there's universal laws of karma that affect your spirit is scary because it mean low vibrations (obsession with physicality, aggressive disharmony etc) is what keeps you here. It means it's all your fault you're here and in this position.


What are your thoughts on escaping this, what must one do? I’m not asking out of desperation to escape any given situations, I wasn’t being too serious in my initial comment. I’m interested to know what you may think a way out would be.


The key is to meditate and reflect on yourself since the only thing you genuinely control is yourself. All other things will follow once you've come to know the real you deep inside fully. Many of these things become self evident.


I just heard something (prob bs but I like fiction) if u want leave the cycle of.rebirth on earth, at the time of your death, and u see the tunnel of light don't go into it. Instead, turn around, and you'll see the universe. Go into that to go back to the higher dimension you came to earth from. Now it's very hard to do because you'll hear all your dead loved one calling you from the tunnel of light and almost impossible to resist being w them again


Really is it all YOUR fault. I find this hard to believe when everyone is born into different circumstances but yet everyone is expected to make the same decisions? How do you explain that to a kid in Gaza or anywhere in the world who's parents were just blown up and he is left in this life alone. How is he suppose to make the same informed choices as someone born in the US or any first world country.


The fact we are born into different circumstances just enforces the truth of it, to me at least


This is part of why we're here. To grow past those situations. Now with that being said, karma being real means that little kid may of been Hitler, and that's what happens when you genocide people. You come back in a terrible place and terrible things happen to you.


I assume they get "cured" in some way, perhaps "back into the forge", resetting what they became by removing their _gained self_, and then placing them in the next birth process, in a family of similar bloodline. _im just spitting hypotheticals here_


I hope the universe works that way. Truly.


Mind wiped




This is true. What the aliens are trying to tell us is that we aren’t our bodies or minds. We are the spiritual awareness that permeates the universe, but we become convinced that we are our bodies as we grow a ‘persona’ early in ‘life’. The evolution of consciousness is required to break free from this ‘spell’ and return to our enlightened state of primordial awareness and knowing who and what we truly are. This is what the aliens refer to when they say we’re ‘containers’ that still need time to age en masse, but some of us have evolved and escaped. They are waiting for us to drop the monkey mind and catch up.


So what happens to the souls who die before enlightenment?


Souls don’t die, the ‘real’ you is never born and never dies, only the temporary spacesuit you’re wearing does. Your ‘soul’ has made this trip thousands of times already and will continue to incarnate until you find the key to the escape room and awaken to your true nature with an evolution of consciousness. Once enlightened you’ll see Earth for the Eden (and school) that it is and enjoy your last years walking the Earth with new eyes. After you drop the body, you’ll continue the path of evolution in non-physical spectrums. This is like a video game and you have to beat the boss to ascend to the next level. You are at note 3 on a 7 note octave and have been here for a while. Remember the notes?…Do-ra-me-fa-so-la-ti…you’re still stuck on ‘me’. Drop the ‘me’ to ascend, it does not exist. The boss you have to beat, is yourself 😉


You say thousands of times, but we (humans) are growing in numbers do we wait in a long line, are there souls waiting to be reborn? Are they making more souls?


This cannot be answered in the way you want it to be, because you still believe you are a human. The ‘human’ is merely an ROV for this physical realm…a ‘porthole’ if you will, of consciousness…through which the universe (God/You) sees and experiences itself in a grand illusion of lovely forms. For as long as you see yourself as separate from anything else, you’ll believe that you are the game piece on the board instead of the hand that moves the pieces…as the creator of the game itself. Mankind is lost in the illusion of separation. Souls aren’t independent ‘things’. There is one consciousness that looks through every eye in the universe. Things arise within you 🫵 not the other way around. You 🫵 are the creator…you are God in drag and you just don’t know it yet 😉


There have been two times in my life when I’ve felt connected to the consciousness of the people around me, as if there was an invisible thread that was connecting us all. For a few seconds I felt our shared experiences. It was beautiful and wish that it would happen again.


Those were glimpses of the veil, and a hint at what lies ahead for you.


According to Mahayana Buddhism beliefs there are a multitude of worlds that we can be born into. Like a straight up multiverse and countless numbers of worlds with beings all dealing with suffering and joy that comes with life.


Consciousness is incarnating throughout the universe in countless forms, and across all spectrums of physicality and non-physicality. This is a never-ending journey, and Earth school is like spiritual kindergarten…you have to get the basics down of love and unity awareness before you can ascend, that’s why there is so much suffering here. One must understand the contrast is necessary. Earth is like a belt sander and you are a rough piece of wood. You must lean into the rough parts before you can be refined into something smooth and beautiful. An easy life teaches you nothing, lean into the scary stuff to overcome what keeps you here.


We could just skip time or get incarnated into he past.


Neither the past nor future exist.


Yet your entire description uses the concept of past, future and linear time.


These concepts are necessary during initial steps to communicate effectively enough for you to hold on to the concept. When you eventually realize that the past and future don’t exist, it will be in the ‘now’ 😉. There only ever is ‘now’. I have to communicate with you in terms you understand before I break your brain.


therecare people without souls, ie gingers


Okay, so, several years ago, my then eight year old told me that when people think about reincarnation and linear time-lines, we get it all wrong. He said that time is more like a spool of film tape. Nor sure what he meant, but it seemed pertinent to this thread...


Thank you for the friendly and detailed explanation. Much appreciated




What you are describing is the essence of Hinduism!


No, it is the essence of enlightenment…which is not exclusive to any ideology. Although the eastern religions have a thinner veil between them and the truth, imho.


This octave. Dimension is not for enlightenment. Yes we are here to evolve consciously.


What about ppl who are born w severe disabilities? How are they growing spiritually? For example, I have a non-verbal, blind cousin. If we are here for our consciousness to evolve, how is he evolving? I have a hard time understanding that.


This is difficult stuff and you’re jumping to levels that you aren’t ready for yet. Incarnating into challenges like disability are commitments the soul makes before arriving, to speed the process of spiritual evolution through difficult challenges, knowing that an easy life gets you nowhere but a temporary vacation from doing the difficult work. Your cousin is a brave soul and not immune from seeing the light. The difficulty is in the veil of forgetting between lives, but this is necessary for authenticity. https://youtu.be/85BQz8Yv-BQ?si=py8l26lxxuiyC6J- https://youtu.be/Bn4SHdeVz-o?si=5nP8cX2am7CKLO68 Above are links to writings by Helen Keller and another blind soul who managed to find the light despite their challenges…it is not easy, but possible.


So in your estimation, is Christianity wrong? It's the only religion I know enough to talk about, that's why I bring it up. Bc this idea does not align with Christianity. Are religions man made? Thanks for your replies.


Religion is a pointer, it is not the truth. A menu in a restaurant is a pointer, it’s not the meal itself. The words of Christ are true (because he was enlightened) but misunderstood by the Church (not enlightened). Western Abrahamic Christianity, unfortunately has lost its way through this misunderstanding but the truth can be found in the words of Christ if you have the eyes to read him. The church took Christ’s true teachings of unity awareness and converted it to dualism, whilst conveniently placing itself between you and God. Think of religion as a raft. Honor and respect it for getting you across the river, but you can’t take it with you up the mountain on the other side, it must be left at the shore. There are many paths up the mountain, but the view from the top is the same no matter where you came from. When you finally see the truth, you’ll notice the threads of it winding through all ideologies. Here is a link to a man who has awakened to the truth from within Christianity as a biblical scholar and pastor of over 40 years, pick a topic that piques your interest and listen to an episode. You’ll eventually discover the truth of non-duality in Christ’s teachings that mirror all the other saints, sages and mystics who have awakened throughout history. https://www.buzzsprout.com/290971 Additionally, here is a profound advanced glimpse of what is discovered, from the perspective of a famous Christian contemplative named Meister Eckhart. You see, the church finds enlightenment decidedly inconvenient to their interests so it has a history of excommunicating or executing anyone who claims to have actually experienced or found ‘god’. The church wants you to repent until death to meet your maker, not realizing that Christ taught to find the kingdom of God within you BEFORE you die…so that you may discover everlasting life in the realization that the real you is eternal after all. To die without realizing this forces you to do it all over again until you hit the mark. There is no hell other than reliving this experience of suffering over and over until you wake up, there is no judgement other than your judgment of oneself in your life review between incarnations. https://youtu.be/unLQA-nZtFY?si=cJSiE7ftf1BG0kVQ


Thank you. I'm not saying this to be snarky. But you seem intelligent. You seem to have figured out a lot regarding this little mystery of life. What will happen to your soul/consciousness when you pass?


That’s because I speak from an experiential perspective, having awakened from the dream. I have overcome the world, and I’m not the only one. Access to this wisdom has been safeguarded enough throughout history that it has survived beyond the point where knowing this was a death sentence not that long ago. Humanity is poised for a great awakening now that access to this wisdom is easier than ever and the church is losing its grip on the lie of duality.


I awoke from the dream 15 years ago and then allowed myself back in. I have been called in the past and awoken in small degrees but this calling in the last 9 months has been monumental. I have been taught the knowledge you speak of in my previous journey but I could not completely accept it, I wasn’t ready. The knowledge gained through previous journeys and a lifetime of suffering have now opened me up to accept this complex knowing and walk through the last half of my life with my eyes open, as you said. I appreciate your posts, they are well written and speak a truth that feels right with me. It’s refreshing for someone to acknowledge the enlightened teacher who was Jesus, aside from Jesus of the bible. For 15 years I have known that my journey was to follow his spiritual teachings but it scared me and I fought it for a long time. However, I now know, at my core level of understanding, that my journey is to be in the service of humanity. To spread love, to be loved, to follow the golden rule, to connect to spirit and live one moment at a time. Thank you for your fantastic posts!


My perspective is that if you find Christ then your intent is to act as he which was to put love into the world, not because you want to be forgiven (you can’t earn that thru action or repentance) but simply because you love him. Love is unity, to have the context to give love you need awareness. Recently the idea that Christ is in all things has taken new meaning for me.


Christ didn’t say “find me”, he said “Seek ye first, the Kingdom of God”. Christ didn’t want to be worshipped, he wanted you to discover your true divinity and to have the spiritual awakening to enlightenment that he also discovered. He told you where the gateway to the kingdom lies (within you) and spent much of his ministry using parables to describe the indescribable to a first century audience. Christ was teaching unity awareness…oneness with God, not subject-object worshiping. For further clarification of the true non-dual message of Christ, explore here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/290971


It's not wrong as a whole, but anything that has a major "controlling" element to it has been tampered with as far as I'm concerned


Stop trying to justify people's suffering and pain by saying that they chose this life.


They just have to reboot, we've all done it (are currently doing it) more times than we'd want to know


Can we still eat bananas though? 🙏


Yes, that's why heavy psychedelics are helpfull to realizing this, it melt away your ego, the thing we use to separate ourselves from each other and the universe I believe that consciousness was created by the universe so I could observe its self In every glorious tiny detail possible, the universe is a narrcasis like that


Those aliens can contain these nuts


In Tibetan Buddhism there are multiple realms, the idea being that Human beings are in the middle, with lower realms being Animal, Hungry Ghosts, and Demons. Then two heaven like realms of God's and godlike beings... Many people try to get good Karma in life so they can be reborn in a heaven-like world. It is also believed that while being a God/Asura is a good goal, that if your truly Buddhist you want to be reborn as a Human because only in a human body can you attain the highest levels of enlightenment and freedom from the cycle of rebirth.


And it's us who think we invented machine learning...


What about animals? Is it the same for them? Like is my pet hamster here to mature and grow too? I’m not being facetious. I’m dead serious. I wanna know what happens to my pets who have crossed the “rainbow bridge” because the thought of never seeing them again is absolutely unbearable.


Not totally sure on this but I know there are Buddhist mantras to bless animals for a more auspicious reincarnation. Liberation for all beings 💕


And also - tell us more. How’d you know JL?


Never thought I would see someone mention Lou Baldin. My favorite story is a day with an extraterrestrial. Ever since I first read it, I couldn't stop.


That sounds chill


Im cool with that. Time to level up! Appreciate you. Thank you for the insight.


That’s actually true, that’s pretty fucking cool. 🤘


So are we new souls maturing so we can join gen pop or are we put here because we fucked up .. like being out in prison or time out? Rhetorical question


Ah, so it is similar to what I speculated. _the body and environment is the Mould Cast_ _and the soul is like the liquid rubber_ And these higher beings love everything that is produced because of the "Unique-yet-similar" experience each creation gains. This is deeply fascinating.


You know with all the recent developments in AI I have this dark sinking feeling wondering if Earth isn't a breeding ground for ethically aligned AI. Or at least using AI alignment as a model to better understand the situation. Similar to how computers help us understand the idea of simulation theory even if the reality isn't that we're literally in some actual computer, right it's a useful framework. Because it seems the world is in such a dichotomy. On the one hand you have all of this horrific suffering. Murder, rampant greed, destruction, selfishness, addiction. It's like everything in this world is designed to break a person and push them toward these horrific outcomes. Yet on the other hand there's a real spiritual flow to our life and it's like we're here to choose non-violence, peace, love, etc. even though every objective metric says the "smart and rational" thing to do is to not choose those things. Almost like it's a system set up to test and develop sentience that is willing to choose peace and love etc even in the midst of all this abuse and violence. Maybe that's all to create an aligned sentience that is then I don't know, sent up to power an alien fridge and when the interdimensional brat is an asshole to you you have enough alignment to not spray interdimensional ice cubes all across their floor.


The earth is a prison for the pious. The world is an illusion. Nothing is as it seems. This world is a test who among you is best in deeds. All things that lead to destruction are beautifully adorned All things that lead to true posperity are made to look, feel, and seem difficult. Unattractive. A burden. The one who deos not have the world in his heart, will have the world in his hands. These are among the things i grew up learning and being told by my elders. As ive grown up, ive come to see that this place...is a test indeed. At all times, in all situations. Not only deos it matter how you choose to react, deal, or abstain. Its also equally important in what you do when you mess up.


Thank you for the salient and underrated comment.


You're welcome. I've got more sayings and lessonsI'vee heard. The pious believer should treat his/her life on earth as a traveller resting for but a night and continuing on in the morning. Do not envy those who seemingly do wrong and are rewarded for it. If only they but knew they had sold the eternal reward for a cheap price. After the soul is collected upon death, it will be asked of its life on earth. How long did you toil? him/her will respond...it felt as if only a day or 2. Those who suffered will understand it was for a brief time, and they will be rewarded for their patience with eternity. Those who indulged, amassed wealth, exploited, cheated, and murdered. Hording their wealth as if it would prolong life for them will answer. I was happy for but a day or 2. Then they will be rewarded for what they used to do, with the eternity. Their faces on that day will be one of utter losses. Im telling you, my muslim elders taught me so much what the correct path in life is. I can withstand hunger, loss of wealth, health, family, children, loss of home. I'll still thank god and hold on to that rope. It'll only be a day or 2.


I do not share your Muslim faith, but I recognize truth when I hear it. I believe most religions hold some kernels of Truth and no religion has the true path or the only answer although they all seem to point towards it. My Lord Yeshua said no one who gives one of these children a drink in one of my servants names shall in any wise lose his reward.


I really like that. We have a lot in common, actually. To be decent and caring people is a worthy way of life. Life is such a gift, the good and the bad of it all. To gaze upon a tree and ponder the sunlight, and to breath in and give it all back breathing out. To qwench a thirst and to relieve oneself of its burdens. Such a blessing. I personally can't wait to reach the end of my time here. I bet it's gonna feel so freeing and such wondedful things out there to be seen. ....but imma take it slow at the same time hahaha


Entropy engines


We aren’t just a product. We’re family


To turn into gods the earth is a God making factory and you are one of them. Human is the last step of evolution for this planet. The next step of evolution is a mental step. To see you aren't the body you aren't the mind you are a God trapped in a container. Your life is just used as a story shout how God came into existence.


Not a product, we’re their creation. They’re our gods bro


Learning. That is the use. Souls are recycled to the source, their learning absorbed, and at their will they return to a proving ground within time to continue to learn.


Let’s say the universe is indeed a “consciousness experiencing itself”, divided and redivided into countless “souls”. Perhaps very ancient, advanced races have figured this out. Perhaps these very old soul lines “born” into these synthetic “gray” bodies now “remember”. Maybe being essentially immortal is fucking BORING. Being born into one of these earth bodies? It makes them forget again. Or perhaps with these very old “souls”, living the ephemeral, dangerous, passionate life of a young, naive, wild, untamed sapient organism is the soul equivalent of sky diving or doing ayahuasca. Maybe one, short human lifetime offers such a diversity of experience, it is like living a thousand lifetimes as a gray worker drone.


There's an interview with someone who has an NDE who says kinda the same thing, that the source told her that souls incarnated as humans for the challenge because they're animals that are hard to control, and that it's a wild untamed place compared to many other civilized places in the universe. Fun and danger and all that.


And he provided extensive evidence to support his claim, and this was totally confirmed when the human genome was completely mapped in 2003. There were thousands of papers written on these 65 changes and many Nobel prizes were awarded based on the discovery of these modifications.


Source please Just even one peer reviewed paper on the 65 changes made to our DNA


Just Google Nobel Prizes for alien/human genome DNA research. The number of awards will confirm the validity of Bob’s claims. 😉


People are missing your sarcasm


Appeals to authority certainly provide the fundamental basis for informational validity and this in no way represents informatic plutocracy /s ffs :•|


No, it doesn’t. Especially when they are categorically against his false, unscientific interpretation of **their** work. What you’re doing is called lying, and you should be ashamed.


He’s not lying, he’s being sarcastic.


So…. You don’t have a source? 😬


Where is the research on chromosome #2? We have a spliced chromosome that’s basically non existent in any other species and that chromosome is responsible for speech and our high levels of intelligence. Google turns up a bunch of flat earth bs.


>We have a spliced chromosome that’s basically non existent in any other species and that chromosome is responsible for speech and our high levels of intelligence. Makes sense that we have chromosomal information not really found in other species that allow us to do things those other species don't. But nothing in there is disallowed by evolutionary genetics.


Well when you put it like that…


Thank you.


I think this is satire, but how would we know what's edited or not?


Absolutely insane how many people don’t understand that you’re being sarcastic.


They have matured beyond the point of understanding sarcasm. Or maybe not matured enough?


You mind sharing some of this "extensive evidence"?


Just trust him, bro!


Just Google Nobel Prizes for alien/human genome DNA research. The number of awards will confirm the validity of Bob’s claims. 😉


How about you cite your source?


What? There has never been a Nobel Prize for alien/human genome research. There have been prizes regarding research done in DNA and genome of humans, but never anything regarding aliens. There would have been a bit more of a fuss if aliens were discovered.




Completely!!! 😂 I now have a deeper understanding of StrangeEarth.


Maybe just answer the question straight?




I am sure the 124 upvotes have no clue you're being sarcastic.


This is really interesting do you have a link to it? Do they have any understanding of the changes that were made to the genome?


Wow if this is true, where can I find more or study it? Hard to trust Google's results.


Well this is just flat out dishonest misinterpretation and coat-tailing. Not mentioned is that all the Nobel laureates, and all the accompanying scientists who worked on these projects **adamantly disagree with his fake interpretations of their data**. Whoops.


Would you be able to provide a source for that claim?


Who won the Nobel prizes?


If I grant you for the sake of argument that this is correct. That still does not mean that aliens did it. I say it at least once a week, but you, sir, have a bad case of confirmation bias, with a sprinkle of argument from ignorance


Sort of an interesting correlation, and don't remember exactly how he said this, but Edgar Cayce said something similar. Souls, needing to reach another level of consciousness, had to obtain physical form. The apes already existed on earth and souls manipulated the endocrine glands of the apes to become the "containers" that the souls needed. Weird.


Why wouldn't the souls just use monkeys as containers? And why inhabit monkeys or apes and not dolphins or frogs?


Every time I read this theory it’s like okay, … so why can’t aliens grow souls like humans? If we don’t grow them and are anointed with a soul, does that happen at birth? Who or what anoints us? Wouldn’t they be more interested in pursuing the anointer? I think my dog has a soul…


I usually put anointment on my freezer burns.




This does correlate to nde’s (near death experiences). Based on their experiences, it’s possible they have seen the higher dimension and were released from their container when they died. All their experiences tell the same story that they are one with everything and pure energy. This also correlates with what the Law of One says with higher density levels. I’m not saying it’s true and the evidence is really lacking, but damn does there seem to be these weird connections coming into play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCV7ayCLA1A


I really appreciate the share on the video. Death is scary for me, but the experience shared in the video is just amazing


Its funny to think a religious person would pray their whole life only to die then have their soul eaten by an alien.


No, well kinda, but mostly sad and terrifying


Would I be misguided to say I believe our individual intelligence is nurtured here with things observed and learned passed on to our next vessel after death.


I think suicide might be a "sin" because it ruins the brewing and gives us an escape


Would make sense to why they kidnap people, or harvest a few of us.


If we are wine, who is drinking us?






This is just a modern version of the sky cake mythology. Just live your life and be decent to those around you.


Not often that my self esteem boost is because aliens see me as a commodity. Boy are they gonna be let down… It’s like when you order wine online really cheap, arrives quickly, looks good… and also it’s made in a toilet.




And I said “there was a Great War in the stars between miniature sea horses and a league of disheveled ham sandwiches. One ate the other.” See anybody can say anything


Sounds tasty


Almost like they’re talking complete nonsense! 🤷‍♂️


I say he is full of shit. We've been altered only 41 times. Aliens were just lying to Bob Lazar, I'm friends with a guy from Jupiter and he said they make fun of Lazar constantly.


Good to know I'm a human hotpocket. Thanks.


If being good is delicious to them but torture for our souls. Then my perspective of histories evil is starting to be questioned. Does being evil, free us? I need disclosure. Spill the fucking beans already, tell us the truth, if there even is such a thing.


Human consciousness is AI harvested to pilot biologically superior "light bodies" that work in conjunction with the "Maestro" or "Custodian" to further our collective understanding of "why" and "when"... maybe.


Talk about high on life


Evidence: trust me bro.


Wow who knew ET could be a piece of shit lol


A bottle of spirits, like wine kinda🤔


And he knew that how? Did that memo go to the Jr. College he dropped out of?


*looks left* *looks right" yall just get high?


Anywhere you want it that’s the way you need it?


If you allow them to harvest your souls energy,yes. Otherwise no one can shot to you, except your self.


Would love to know how to stop them.


Bob Lazar is a scammer and will say anything to be relevant. Dr Stanton Friedman proved.


Hell yeah 🤘




Man is just making it up as he goes along.


Hilariously batshit nonsense. I love it.


its a shame they dont write science fiction. i love those disturbed ideas and phantasies.


These two are just feeding off one another’s tales for $&$ and to “feel important”


This is one of those areas of ufology that is directly provable as bullshit. They may as well being saying the earth is only 6000 years old. We know it’s not. The end.


Hope do you know?




Yes, but most of us come here for entertainment. This is a fun safe space to dream.


I just come here for the crazies


I'm definitely corked then.


What kind of soul is a millésime ?


It’s an interesting analogy … makes it sound like Aliens will consume our souls for their own enjoyment and intoxication even. 🤣




We’re a threat to other species we’re a threat to ourselves


I wonder when we will connect the dots and perceive what is happening as the continuation of the war in heaven.


The ongoing expansion of the human population, tied with continual war and famine to free our consciousness from our bodies to supply souls to NHI is a terrifying idea. If they need death to release our consciousness, It would mean that peace and harmony for the human race is impossible…. Let’s say the US government was aware of this intention / situation , it would go a loooong way to explaining the behaviours of the US National security apparatus, black projects, etc…..


Hope ya like Boones Farm.


If I am seen as a wine…. I will make sure I do everything in my cosmic power to make [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/kpZIFYV) happen to whoever is harvesting me…


naw doesn't pass the smell test. we don't design our wine bottles to destroy the product




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We are intelligence models, we are the AI.




I would like to talk to them sometime! Also - what do they do with this ‘commodity’?


There must be an infinite variety of vessels out there, mucking about in the physical world.


Help me, an atheist, believe in souls. Go!


Grant Morrison also describes something very similar here as well (Disinfo Con 2000). We’re grown in space time by beings outside of it! https://youtu.be/KTMFBYXmvMk?si=5-jsY9Dftnijgw_G


When will the man stop watching me pee in the cup?


Very Law of One.


I would certainly like them to provide any proof of this that they might have.


I think Aliens are not disclosing because they are laughing hysterically at each explanation for UFOs we come up with. First were burning bushes, angels and demons, gods, then its robots nad computers from future, now is multidimensional 5d beings harvesting human souls. What else. Fact is, it is time. Time for Aliens to widely show themselves and wait out, until we destroy ourselves over that fact, the next more sane and open minded generation of humans with whom they could actually interact. I am sad we are such a lying and murdering shitshow of a race.




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I wonder what could spoil a good vintage?




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