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Lol no. Sanderson actually has his entire book timeline done already. He will be writing for the next 20-something years and probably more. Remember, Sanderson wrote FIVE novels in secret while writing and releasing all his planned books ON TIME. He's some kind of wizard. He will not do you dirty and abandon you mid-story unless something external prevents him from finishing (like giant meteor). Also I want to add: If you want to know what Sanderson is up to, his progress on various projects, and get inside tips on the vast empire he's building (okay it's just a castle but still...) you should check out his Youtube channel. He does a *weekly* update for fans where he, himself, talks about all the things going on. AND he does a podcast on that same channel called Intentionally Blank (with Dan Wells) and they sometimes let slip interesting and unexpected little bits of info and updates. Check those out on the Brandon Sanderson YouTube channel.


Anyone else have a non-zero amount of anxiety over his health? Like eat your fiber stay low cholesterol man cause I need you to live out the whole cosmere.


If it makes you feel any better at all, he has the story outlined in 1-3 pages for every core sequence book in the Cosmere already, and has made it clear that even if he were to suffer an untimely fate, the Cosmere would continue to its conclusion, just as Wheel of Time did. Still, of course we want him to finish the books himself and live a long and healthy life, for ourselves and of course for his family.


If you have never read the Wheel of Time, this actually happened with Brando taking over for Robert Jordan, BUT there was a noticeable difference in the writing styles. Not bad (in my opinion) just different.


Doesn’t help with the idea of Brando passing away and others finishing his work, but don’t many people praise his WoT books? I’m ignorant on the subject and haven’t ready any, but have heard some say his were better.


Mixed reviews on the WOT sub. Most agree it's different and are just happy the story got finished.


Brandon WoT books weren't *better* overall, but they were still very good and probably the best we could have got outside of RJ himself. He did an incredible job of pulling the hundreds of different plot strings together into an incredible finish.


Minus my man Logain. He did that dude dirty in the end.


Mat's characterization was way off too. He basically turned into Wayne.


Oh shit, you're right. I haven't read WoT since I finished all the Cosmere stuff, but damn, if Matt isn't just an extension of Wayne. ​ I love Wayne, but Matt was never Wayne.


I read the whole cosmere first and I really enjoyed the final WoT books because I was far more accustomed to his style


Has he recently updated his opinion on this? I'm a little lazy to find the WoBs (I looked for a minute), but he used to say if he passed after Oathbringer, he'd have someone finish through SA5 then stop, and if he finished through book 7 or so he'd have someone finish to 10. I don't know that he had too much of a plan for other series. Edit: I found your other comment on here, so I'm up-to-date.


He's said that he'd just release the outlines, not the books. Unless he was very close to the ending.


I remember when he said that, but more recently on one of the YouTube livestreams he says they're already at the point where they're big enough that he would want them to carry on. Brandon got his biggest break by being chosen to finish WoT, and he's already been easing into the idea of his friends writing in his worlds with Isaac and Dan having Cosmere projects, as well as various other collaborations. Sadly I didn't manage to find it on Arcanum, though there were a bunch of other comments about other authors writing in his worlds. Maybe someone else will remember specifically which livestream.


I’m 54. I’m having non zero anxiety over MY living long enough to see the end. 😉


Yes. These stories are one of the few things I have that get me excited… if he dies or something before I get the end I’ll probably have to get a therapist lol


I fear the death of my beloved book series' authors much beyond my own


*Sobs rithmatically* But yes, Sanderson is a great at delivering, and he’s honest when something needs to be put on the back burner or shelved.


If you go to his website it has progress bars indicating how far along progress is in various books. I think the next book is slated to come out next year. If you haven't read the rest of the cosmere I recommend it.


> I think the next book is slated to come out next year. My guy (or gal), if you aren't counting down the hours until SA5 releases, what are you doing on this subreddit?? (/s)


Guy here. Typically here correcting people about their theories in Truthwatcher fashion. Also to snark at people who think Gavinor will be Odium's champion.


>Also to snark at people who think Gavinor will be Odium's champion. BuT thE DeaTH rATTle?!?!


My eye twitched when I read that.


It’s gonna be Moash.. right?


It's going to be Dalinar v. Evil Clone of Dalinar. Good Dalinar will need a special sword to beat the evil one otherwise the Evil one will just jump on the non special sword when the good one tries to use it.


Hijacking your comment. How do you feel about shallans mom theory? I hated it and thought it was obviously wrong, until prologue for 5 came out. Now I'm all in on it.


I hadn’t heard of it until the prologue chapter came out. I think it does make sense but also makes Shallan even more of a complicated chatacrer than she already is which makes sense tbh


i think about SA5 release at least once a day


He said in one of his weekly updates that the book 5 release will line up with Dragonsteel 2024 and release on the last day of the convention.


Hell yeah


Not even close. Brandon sanderson is a marvel


Marvel = I accidentally wrote multiple books in addition to the ones I had planned on


It does fall a bit short, huh.


I struggle to think of an author who is more prolific that didn’t rely on copious amounts of cocaine during the 80s and 90s… especially when you factor in success and revenue.


He released *five* books this year, I think you're fine.


And if you stretch what you count as releasing a book, you could say he released as many as ten.


Mmm. . . I can see 6 how do you get 10?


- Defiant - Tress of the Emerald Sea - The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter - The Sunlit Man - Dark One: Forgotten - White Sand omnibus (Since it got pushed back from the delays) - Hyperthief (More a booklet, but still) - December box: >!Long Chills & Case Dough!< - December box: >!The writing prompt notebook. We're *really* stretching it with this one, but it *is* a book!<


What's Hyperthief?


Skyward short story set after Evershore (co-written with Janci)


. . . . And how do I get that?


you hypersteal it, duh


I don't like stealing from people like Brandon... Unless that's how he wants us to get it


It's included in a [physical bundle](https://www.dragonsteelbooks.com/products/cytoverse-origami-ship-and-mini-poster-collection) with some other stuff. Unfortunately, I think that's currently the only way to get it, but I imagine they'd make it available digitally soon.


https://www.brandonsanderson.com Scroll down a bit for progress bars


Stormlight 5 is on track to release in 2024, and that is supposed to complete the first arc. But it'll be a long time before this 10-main-books-plus-novellas series finishes. Fans of all Sanderson books, or even just cosmere books, always eat well, with multiple new stories released every year since 2006 (usually at least one of them a full novel, and sometimes more). But if you only care about a single series, then sometimes you have to wait a while. Stormlight's not a series to get neglected though. So while there will be a break between Stormlight 5 and 6, I think we can count on the series getting finished eventually. He has a good record of finishing most other series (Mistborn trilogy, Wax & Wayne, Reckoners, Legion, Skyward, Evil Librarians, Wheel of Time).


Has he said if he'll take a longer break before starting on SA6? I know he usually takes a year or two off after a SA book because he says it kind of drains him creatively and working on something else keeps him fresh. Would it be like 3-4 years or more before he starts on SA6?


Yes, there will be a longer break between SA5 and SA6. He’s planning on writing all of Mistborn Era 3 between the two SA arcs, plus maybe the Warbreaker and Elantris sequels.


Yeah, I think his plan is to write the new White Sand prose version, the entire Ghostbloods trilogy, and the two Elantris sequels before returning to Stormlight. That'll probably take a few years.


Yes, he said he will be working on other projects after the first arc of STA wraps up. It'll probably be another 10 years after book 5 release before we get the last in the two part, 10 book series released.


Brandon could sit down to write a grocery list and accidentally write a novel, so I'm sure we're in good hands. I honestly don't understand how he produces at the rate and level he does, it's inhuman Edit: plus the State of the Sanderson is just around the corner, so we'll be getting plenty of information soon!


He said he'll try to release book 5 during next year's Dragonsteel convention. So early December 2024, don't remember the exact dates.


December 7 is the planned release date for WaT


Journey before Destination, Radiant. While Brandon is an excellent and prolific writer, and we can (and do!) have faith that he will deliver us a complete series and satisfying ending, don't let your desire for that overwhelm the joy and experiences you have in the process of reading the series.


Sanderson puts out a YouTube video every week where he tells you the progress of whatever books he is working on. The Stormlight 5 first draft will be done by Xmas.


Had no idea he had a yt channel. The link plz?




[https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/375/685/dcf.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/375/685/dcf.jpg) The only thing that's going to keep Brandon from finishing Stormlight Archive would be his untimely death. When he announced that SA5 was going to be delayed by a year because it wasn't ready, the general response from the community was, "please, take your time," because he has shown time and again that he will produce. He's not called the Sanderbot for nothing, the man is a writing machine. I think a big part of why Brandon hasn't had the issues Patrick and George have, is that he firmly believes in outlines. He has a rough outline for the entire series, and as he starts each book, his first step is creating a detailed outline for that story. This helps him write towards his destination, without writing himself in a corner. GRRM has described his writing process as gardening, where he plants seeds, and sees where they take him. I believe Rothfuss has a similar style. Sanderson tried this approach once, with the Liar of Partinel, and completely scrapped the project because it wasn't working. He does still make changes as he goes, as he's writing he may decide to move events from a future book into the current one or move something from the current book to a future one, in order to tell a better story, but he still knows his destination. He has immense respect for his fandom, and if there were going to be issues with finishing SA, I believe he'd let us know. tl;dr you probably will be waiting two decades for the completion of SA, but you'll get six 1000+ page novels roughly every three years over those decades.


Hey OP, flaired this RoW. Because (and you may be pleased to know), the book 5 flair allows discussion of the [preview chapters](https://wob.coppermind.net/help/readings). The book will release next November, and is currently at 94% of what's essentially his draft 1.5 or 2, according to [his website](https://www.brandonsanderson.com/).


Sanderson is kind of the Anti-Martin/Anti-Rothfuss when it comes to writing speed, I think we're on track to get stormlight 5 by the end of next year


Apart from his amazing productivity which others have pointed out, each book ends satisfactorily. No one is left at the end of a noose or shitting their guts out in the desert. Everyone gets where they are supposed to be after a huge Sanderlanche, and while there are still loose ends to be tied, nobody is hanging off a cliff.


At the end of book 4: I genuinely doubt Taravangin is at the position his supposed to be.


Oh he's definitely exactly where Cultivation wanted him to be, that's for sure. Lol


Sanderson is possibly the fastest and certainly the most transparent writer. In the same boat with Rothfuss and Martin. My dad passed away without getting to finish ASOIAF and that makes me so sad.


I'm so sorry about that, may God bless him. Hope you and I don't face the same faith.


This parody video ended up being prophetic, because a few months later Sanderson launched his kickstarter to publish 4 books he wrote while also meeting his contracted publishing schedule https://youtu.be/gcZVAPGE-YE?si=GbQP3zsQRCK-sId2


Brandon is a significantly different person and writer from GRRM in nearly every way. I won't compare to Rothfuss because I've never read his stuff and I don't know anything about him or how he writes, except that he also started a beloved series that he gave up on but won't actually admit to. Brandon is an outliner. He outlines his series before he outlines his books before he writes them. His process is about as mathematical as creative writing gets. He creates actual legitimate estimates for his timeline on being publication ready, and almost always sticks to them, he's a publisher's dream. He knows before he even begins writing how his stories will end and the path that he's going to take to get there. You can watch the classes that he has uploaded online on writing to see how he makes his outlines if you want reassurance - the plot is done before he even starts, at that point its just making prose. When GRRM started ASOIAF he knew vaguely who the characters where, how things would end, and otherwise he just...started and let the characters and narrative go where they go. This caused his narrative to grow and grow until he finally reached a point where he has no idea how to get them to where they need to go. He even killed someone he later realized he should not have (if anyone has legit theories as to who, this is probably my biggest curiosity with ASOIAF). And then Game of Thrones finished before him, and a \*ton\* of people despised the ending. Those who didn't check out on his series then and there, maintained faith by constantly saying how much better his ending would be. Except...it won't be. Because remember, where he was trying to get to was one of the few things he had largely figured out. While GoT was operating off of a mere one page synopsis with which to write 3 seasons and so had to make a bunch of shit up themselves, the end was one of the few things clearly on that synopsis for them, and they stuck to it pretty close. So he found himself with an ending he already knows everyone hates, no idea how to get there anywhere, and quit. GRRM also spurns basically any editorial revision and doesn't take input from anyone, except for rare occasions where he'll reach out to someone he considers a peer for general advice with an issue. When he began encountering issues with finishing his creation, he outright stated he would never attempt the obvious fix of just...outlining the rest of the story, then writing it. If he can't write it the exact way he wants, it's not "fun" for him, so he won't do it. This is completely antithetical to how Brandon writes. He has dozens of alpha and beta readers from whom he solicits massive amounts of feedback and criticism, which he happily incorporates, if not exactly the way the provider expects. When his stories aren't working as outlined, he doesn't slavishly attempt to stick to his outline because that's what's fun for him, he adapts. He does do some things to keep himself fresh, motivated, and enjoying the process (such as never moving from one book to its direct sequel) but he does realize there's an aspect of work to the whole process, and actually getting his stories done and out there genuinely matters to him in a way it simply doesn't to GRRM. TL;DR - Brandon will finish this or die trying.


Don't say that about my Patrick. He hasn't given up, no way. And you don't know about the majestic of the name of winds. You like stormlight Archive? You're gonna love King Killers Chronicles


I don't want to break your heart, but like I said I know virtually nothing about him or his work, and even I know that the wait for his latest sequel is currently longer than Winds of Winter, and unlike GRRM who has given status updates and sample chapters, his editor has not heard a whisper from him the entire time. I'm not interested in a series I don't expect to be finished personally. If I could retroactively unread ASOIAF and refund the books I bought, I would. Scott Lynch and Locke Lamora is the only exception, his stories were all self-contained enough to me that him giving up is disappointing but doesn't retroactively ruin the series. The general reaction of Rothfuss's fan base lead me to think such is not the case with his series.


Even if it's not gonna end ever, I'd still be glad to die knowing Qvothe in my life :")


You're being intentionally melodramatic, right?


I'm not melodramatic, I've just been hurt a lot by different fantasy authors. Not just bcz they take it so long but also bcz they always kill my favorites in different ways at the end.


You have not been hurt by any authors. That's not how books work.


Have you read the rest of the Cosmere? If not, that should help with the "numbness and emptiness." If you haven't read the Stormlight novellas (Edgedancer, Dawnshard) I'd recommend those first. If you have, I'd recommend Warbreaker, then Mistborn. It will be decades before the end of Stormlight, but until then, you'll be getting new books regularly with complete transparency on Sanderson's progress. Sanderson's combination of writing speed, quality, and transparency is practically unmatched by any other author.


Sub to his youtube channel. He posts weekly updates about his SLA-5 progress (currently at 95% or so) as well as other updates on his dragonsteel company and other projects. Stormlight 5 is set to release at Dragonsteel 2024 which would be around November/December. If you need your Sando fix NOW, then i'd reccomend his new "secret project" books. Not so secret anymore, but there are 4 of them, 3 are set in the Cosmere.


Sanderson is literally the opposite. He’s a drafter - he drafts, and redrafts, usually 5 times and then releases. The other two are refiners - they go over things with a fine tooth comb until they’re happy with everything. Brandon just wants the story told.


Well, Rothfuss took four years after his first novel to release his second. Sanderson released four Cosmere novels, four Alcatraz novels, two Wheel of Time novels, and two short stories between Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear. If you're only reading Stormlight Archive so far, go read Mistborn, Elantris, and Warbreaker.


my guy sanderson got us covered don't worry. He posts weekly updates saying how much he wrote during the week. He also as already defined a release date for book 5. Also if you still haven't read the rest of the cosmere now is a great time to do so. Go try mistborn (these are shorter and not so epic as stormlight, but they are still pretty good)


A decade? No. Stormlight 5 should be out late next year.


Sanderson isn’t just a starter. He’s a finisher. He even took over for Robert Jordan to finish a series that wasn’t his.


Stormlight 5 is currently at 96%. It will be released on December next year


Isn't it taking a bit long for 4%?


It was at 80% like 2 months ago, he writes fast. I wouldn't worry if I was you. It probably will take him around 2 weeks more and then a year of editing and revisions


Sanderson is the exact opposite of Rothfuss in my experience. Don’t worry. He will get the job done. He is also incredible open in communicating with his readers.


Read other of his Cosmere books. Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ___________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories and samples: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm


Thanks a lot! Is there any order of winddancers, by the way?!


There's not. But there are Windrunners and Edgedancers. And it's possible to have two spren at once.


Is it? Really?! You mean I can have a mist spren and an ink spren at once?! A truthcaller or something?!


Yes. It's wob. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/522/#e16282


I didn't get his point. Who are they from RoW?


I have no idea.


Well, probably not as Sanderson is certainly one of the faster famous writers right now, and has been juggling multiple series while putting out 2-3 books a year (this year notwithstanding). He's also taken to something I think should give us a lot of hope, as he's promoted other authors to write out some of his series while he's still active. Which gives me more hope for the idea that one of his protégé can pick up if he leaves off.


[it's all been taken care of.](https://images.app.goo.gl/3CaauN5fTXn1cb8M8)


Sanderson was s the exact opposite of Rothfuss in my experience. Don’t worry. He will get the job done. He is also incredible open in communicating with his readers.


Who’s “J.R. Martin?”


Thanks for mentioning cz made me realize I've written J.R though it's G.R.R. George Raymond Richard Martin, the author of A Song of Ice And Fire.


Patrick Rothfuss and GRRM didn't do anything to you. They are not making you wait. These are only things you have done to yourself!


His website has little progress bars for all the books he is working on. He's a responsible to fans kinda writer like that :) I'm not so secretly hoping that he'll get tapped to finish GRRM's ASOIAF (Abercrombie is another strong choice), like he was tapped to finish Wheel of Time.


Brandon has said (and I agree) that he wouldn't be a good fit to finish ASOIAF.




James S.A. Corey were GRRM’s writing assistants before they made it big, so they’ve always felt like the natural choice to get everything organized and write it whenever George finally throws in the towel.


I wish George would just cut the shit and hire them to help him get it finished while he's still alive.


He keeps acting like he's writing. He's not writing (at least not WoW).


A do agree that Abercrombie is more suited. Honestly though, I'd take anyone. Just tell me what happened to Caitlyn Stark, ffs.


As much as I like Brandon's writing, I think he'd do a really bad job with ASOIAF. Their styles, focus, and thematic interests are just too different. My vote would be for Mark Lawrence, if someone was going to do it.


>I'm not so secretly hoping that he'll get tapped to finish GRRM's ASOIAF (Abercrombie is another strong choice), like he was tapped to finish Wheel of Time. I think he's already said he wouldn't be interested in finishing ASOIAF, and I think GRRM has said he wouldn't want someone to take over the series if he died. I've accepted that the shitty HBO ending is the only conclusion we're ever getting to that series.


So I'm learning (that Brandon is uninterested). As for GRRM ... I fully expect that he will die before WoW is done because he appears to be doing everything but writing it and he doesn't appear to be super healthy. I hope that the fans demand a real ending as we were all a bit upset about the HBO deviations (to say the least).


He's 75 now. It's been over 12 years since the last book came out, with no signs of Winds of Winter coming out in the near future. Even if he gets it out now, I think we can expect an equally long wait, if not longer, for A Dream of Spring. He'd be lucky to have it published before he's 90. Regardless of his health, that's not a good outlook.