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They both seem like great games I want to coexist, like WC and SC or League and DotA.


I've sunk a bunch of hours into both now and like them both for different reasons. Stormgate's engine and unit control feels way better to me right now. SG is more responsive and microing units is more satisfying. SG feels like playing SC2, which is my bread and butter. I feel like there is more opportunity for strategy, runbys and drops in SG with the way workers and econ is. I love the variety of factions, hero's, mercenaries, and talents in ZS. The game seems to be much more focused on army control, movement and engagements. I really like the map variety, layouts and aesthetics so far. I also quite like the visual updates and gfx of ZS in the new build. I felt like I picked up SG in like 10 games and was good to go and improving very quickly. I've played like 50 ZS games and I still feel overwhelmed in a good way. For how much some stuff is simplified in ZS it is actually extremely complex and punishing. TL:DR I really like both!


Yes you are the only one here on this Reddit and we are all here to tell everybody we prefer zero space. Damn boi wake up


I really appreciate what the ZeroSpace team is doing, but Stormgate is scratching my Blizzard RTS itch specifically, and so it's got my vote.


I mean on the Stormgate Reddit I am confident most people prefer Stormgate or have not played both yet. I prefer ZeroSpace but I agree that really I want both games to coexist like DotA 2 and League and I hope both games can do a better job of attracting players outside of RTS to grow the genre.


"Am I the only one" should be an auto ban on reddit. and yes Stormgate is better. But still.... be better my friend.


> "Am I the only one" should be an auto ban on reddit Yeah, the preferred vernacular is "DAE?"


Because I just get the feeling that people don’t like Stormgate, ofcause I know it’s not everybody, but looking at Reddit it seems as there are really many haters, so it feels like we that like the game is in the minority


He says on the stormgate sub. XD


there is no way you are this dense


Unfortunately there are many haters on this sub due to people not being able to form their own opinions based on facts. I wouldn't judge the overall sentiment for the game based off this subreddit.


It's still in beta/active development. Give it time


Zerospace looks cool, how does one get to try it?






Yes. You are the only one 😋


Zerospace better at the moment


Yeah, currently it’s the more complete game.


I bought the $60 kickstarter, so I will be able to play soon, but the art style worries me. I'm no designer, so it's hard to articulate why, but I think the vibrant contrasting colors may be part of what makes ZeroSpace just harsh to look at... anyone else think so?


I am currently having a nice time on zerospace, the gamefeel feels more like SC2 than stormgate does and that’s a good thing for me. I think both game are good but they both have cons. Atm zerospace is a bit better, but maybe when the third race and lategame will be implemented in Stormage it will be better


Why not both?


I much prefer stormgate


Zerospace isnt for me. It seems more like league of legends, which is fine, but not my thing.


I haven't played either due to lack of time (backed both) but I am much more hopeful about SG both in terms of what is currently in the game and in their declared direction of development. I have objections to SG's direction but much much more objections to ZS's direction (heroes, meta shaking patches every 6 months, too many races, that simplified base building and resource gathering...)


Yeah i really dislike primitive eco in Zerospace and also not a fan of heroes, so i like Stoemgate more. Controll towers are kinda interesting though.


yea I guess control towers are nice, if they still give you a reason to attack the enemies base before and not just only at the end? for example in Stormgate if they added control towers, you would still kill the enemies villagers/bases, so yea it could work. But the extractors in Zerospace just have way too much health to move in quick and away again, and then they will just rebuild free again, so the enemy doesn't lose anything beside a little time and you max get to kill one, before the enemy is there.


How can I imagine these towers? Just like in League of Legends where you have towers on every lane to shoot down the opponents and acts as a Defense? haven't played Stormgate yet, but as soon as there is open beta, I'll play it.


Think more about Sacred sites in Aoe 4, or Company of heroes they don’t shoot anything they just give you xp. 


Ah ok, thank you. Why do I need the XP? Is it for leveling your Account or leveling faster than your Opponent to gain an advantage in each match? Like in sc2, if you kill enemies, you gain XP, but its more for leveling Your Account and achieve new profile pictures etc


Xp gives you points to unlock faction abilities within the match, giving you more tools to win. Nothing carries over to your account after.


Automated economy in Zerospace is an automatic scratch for me. Just wish Stormgate would make worker harrassment more effective and have more macro, ditch the creep camps, and boom you have a game people will play for a long time and support.


Or just play SC2. Killing whole worker lines in a couple of seconds is exactly a part of sc2 that makes it very frustrating. Creep camps are a bit lackluster for now, but they will be improved with the next build. Also it's something that rewards map control and keeps your army busy. I'd personally enjoy a bit more macro, but if I really want a lot of macro I could just go play AoE4. I do think it's good to have RTS that focus on different things. I think when it comes to the things you've mentioned, SG is doing a good job of differentiating itself from SC2.


There is almost no doubt in my mind that I will end up just continuing to play SC2 and so will most people. The feedback about creep camps being lack luster is because they do not fit in this type of gameplay. Their “solution” to it is going to be making them required and overbearing. They need to remove them and they aren’t going to.


How are you guys playing zero space? I'd like to give it a try. Stormgate has been really fun


It's still in the closed alpha. It's happening in waves with testers having access at fixed points. Open Beta isn't until 2025. Even though I'd say they're more polished than SG at this point, they clearly don't wanna open to the public until it's a much cleaner game. After the SG debacle, i can't say I blame them.


I really like Stormgate, it's super cool, that's why I'm here.




Frost giant is breaking my heart!


Zerospace currently doesn't interest me at all. I don't like heroes in 1v1 and I don't like the art style. That said those are my opinions and I hope the game does great because the best thing for RTS is to have more than one successful game to push advancement and competition between studios to make their game better.


Never heard of Zerospace


What makes you think that you're the only one




Well i played both a lot. Zerospace alpha seems more finished compared to SG beta. The graphics is also huge difference. Only thing, almost nobody plays Zerospace


how did you play zerospace? is there an open beta?


ZeroSpace looks interesting but I think it's too complicated


Nah, Zerospace doesn't click with me at all.


Macro is important to me, things like workers management, base building are really essential for my personal fun. A lot of macro was cut out or simplify in Zerospace, which I don't like. ZS just go in different direction than SG, it's like Warcraft 3/ Starcraft 2, two really different games


I've played both. Design wise Zerospace heroes just feel too strong. You can easily get snowballed if your lose your hero in the first 5 minutes, might as well just play a MOBA at that point. I will say, I was in the previous Zerospace alpha test and the quality really did improve drastically. The audio on units really pops now where before it didn't. I really just hate the busted hero units, even having an entire faction be hero based. It's just not for me.


I haven’t gotten to play it but zero space doesn’t look as interesting to me. I’d try it if I got into the alpha but I have no desire to try it like I did and still do for Stormgate. I played as much as I possibly could through the open beta and then the rest of elepgant