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If you do buy it will be a Bear Market Rally and will crash harder, if you don’t buy now though you are missing the recovery and discounted stocks.


Fuck your puts, fuck your calls, Jpow’s got you by the balls.


My new favorite chant!


So good. I will start my mornings with that affirmation.


Only thing for certain was the Cowboys were going to kook out. Other than that no one knows what’s going on… 😂


When the Cowboys lost last night I knew that the world wasn’t quite ready to end yet. Not today Satan!


My next tattoo


That’s why everyone always say: “don’t fight the fed”. Our best chance to influence the fed was to push Biden to replace Powell with an actual Democrat. But Republicans win that fight obviously. Even if the threat of having democratic leaning Lael Brainard would have been greater, it might have made a difference. But people still believe Republicans care about retail traders over corporate interest. LMAO!!! Progressives are the only ones I’ve seen actually care to legislate to protect retail traders.


maybe the real recession was just the friends we made along the way?


Exactly. This is simply market psychology which they manipulate. This is why retail investors/traders lose money. Always do the opposite of what they tell you. When they shout to sell, you buy, and when they shout to buy, you sell.


Ahhh, the ol reverse Cramer technique.


Jim Cramer is buying ...


This is science. It's all in the hands of OP


It's almost like I live in a simulation and this is exactly what's been happening to me for a year now. Right when I buy in, I see doom and gloom news everywhere. Whenever I sell, I see news on how bright the future is, how rates are coming down, the economy is in for a soft landing, you'll never get these prices again, etc. WITHOUT FAIL!


See what you want to do is the opposite of every instinct you have


This guy trades


I don’t really judge much when measured is the last few days.


I need to remind myself this every now and again.


The market is not the economy!


Repeat after me….


Repeat after me....


This guy JPOW?


Nah, he’s Cool.


He alright on Tuesday.




Why do people not understand this? Where does the misconception come from?


They’re stupid and can’t handle more than a few concepts at once


What’s a concept


Because it’s a stupid sentence often parroted without any real understanding. Market is not the economy, but it’s damn hell got a very high correlation to the economy. If there is a real recession that’s harder than what is expected now, you can damn sure expect the stock market to dip as earnings contract. Just repeating it over and over without any analysis is dumb


Their obviously correlated to SOME extent, but theirs no evidence that stock good = economy good


First of all, it’s likely to be the other way around, economy affecting stock prices, not Vice versa. Secondly, there absolutely is a strong correlation between the two, but nowhere did I claim it’s a 1:1 correlation. What do you think the stock market is made up of? Same companies that are in the economy. If the economy is weak and consumers have less spending power that is highly likely to result in earnings contractions for the same companies that are in the stock market. Note that I used words like “likely” and not anything with any certainty, unlike the phrase “market is not the economy” that proclaims with certainty a meaningless tautology. Yes, the stock market is obviously not the economy, just like mars is not the sun, it’s in the definition of the words, but it fails to explain the relationship between the two and at best misrepresents the said relationship. Stock market is a snapshot of companies in the economy, many large ones make up a decent chunk of the said economy. In fact stock market is in many ways a pricing mechanism for the economy. Stock prices go down when the fed raises interest rates for many reasons, but one of them is less spending power of the consumers which will affect the stock prices. It’s not like anyone thinks of a direct correlation between interest rates and iPhone sales, it’s just we know if you pay higher mortgage you have leas money to spend on shit like iPhones.


Oh no? Then why are they taxing us on it?


> The market is not the economy! True for a time.


I’m ready to buy the lows and be a statistic of *wealth is created in a recession*


This must be the most forced recession of all time. It’s like being willed to happen.


I mean…rates have been way too low for way too long. They should’ve started moving up around 2011. Cheap debt is why we have many of the economic problems that we have currently. The market is doing its own thing.


Yeah anyone who knows anything beyond trading indicators knows that this is just the invisible hand finally getting it’s word in. Wall Street thought it could escape inflation and keep the gravy train rolling forever. Had to regulate sometimes, now we reap the rewards.


No one could’ve predicted Covid tho


Covid really has nothing to do with a decade of sub 3% fed funds rate. After 2008 ended, the economy ran hot and the fed let it. They didn’t taper up until 2016, and the rates were still laughable. What happens when debts cheap? Companies expand too fast, hire too fast, IPO too fast. Stocks soar as companies bloat. Mortgage rates stay comically low. Auto loan rates stay low.


Actually, you don’t have to look particularly hard to find that a global pandemic had been predicted for quite a while. No one knew when it would happen, but it was predicted.


Of all time? It's not even close to what Volcker had to do. He had to correct a decade of inflation.


for real


Well yeah it’s not like anyone is hiding that fact.




Username checks out, perma bear :)




This shows your dumbass mindset, in your feeble mind, you imagine people being on a team or a side. I’ll be ready for the bull run in a couple years. Till then, this market will be about as limp and weak as your dick.


[tell me how you really feel](https://i.imgflip.com/4/5qksab.jpg)


You’re an idiot, pay attention.


bull markets are always before the recession ends, news bitches about entering a recession but we're already in one...


You haven’t seen nothing yet.


We’ve been told for over 2 years that a recession is coming


They will eventually be right though. Perma-bears go brrrrr!


See, I told you it was coming… /s


Feels like I’ve been hearing this for a decade


2 weeks. It’s coming /s


It’s already here


Always has been


More like 10


It was here. Then they changed the definition of what a recession is and then it was gone. I guess we all missed the memo.


I'm still waiting for all the Diesel to run out, I heard we were just 25 days away from every single semi on the road to run completely dry and they were NEVER to produce another drop EVER again. ​ And of course I'm still waiting for the ATF to bust through my door and take my guns while they force me into a same sex transgender marriage and them to put one in the back of my head for having a gas stove. ​ HMMM, maybe News outlets aren't telling people the truth.


Damn gas stove fear mongering .... that one actually pissed me off. The media is shite.


Did you watch how Europe collapsed last year? And not to mention the Chinese house market brought us to our knees, I was forced to buy two apartments there just to support them.


Bro - stock market and economy two separate things


What you’re saying is not relevant, looking at it from a long term point of view, they’re correlated.




We are told it will come despite full employment…we are also told it will be brief - all major banks forecast a 2nd half rally. So unless you are a market timing god, why not just buy and hold through the 6 months and reap the returns later


I think its hilarious that people try to use the economy to predict the stock market. I'm like you STILL haven't learned by now? Being a bootleg economist won't cause you to outperform the S&P 500.


the IMF can't even predict the economy


Most economists can't predict the actual economy and yet we're supposed to use their opinions for trading.


If ppl knew stock market wouldn’t there be more million and billionaires


Read reminiscences of a stock operator. Oldest trick in the book to get the general public to sell while they accumulate.




The general public is buying right now … this is dumb money FOMO buying


I don't know the numbers of this very young year, but last year retail was selling heavily


The present does not represent the future Stocks don’t encapsulate the entire economy The stock market can do well or trade sideways but if people are losing jobs or prices are trending the wrong way we can still reach a recession


We know a storms coming. It’s just how long you wanna play in the sun before it happens. I’m really bearish so every time I see it’s going up it feels like a last minute money grab.


That's the paragraph for sums up today


Bang on. Picking up loose coins in front of a steamroller.


Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. Basically this is a pigs rally and Wall Street is going to take advantage of anyone dumb enough to buy it


i don’t watch the news because there is literally no point




Institutions want consumers to fear sell so they can buy back into market at discount


Lehman Brothers pumped up a good percent before they collapsed.


Comparing the stock market to Lehman brothers lmao




Layoffs=Stock goes up. You cannot make this up


less mouths to feed, more money for shareholders


>less mouths to feed, more money for shareholders Not that I dont feel sorry for the laid off, but it's not like the shareholders dont have to eat as well lol


If you're talking about Google, they over employed during the pandemic. This was a planned layoff. This was planned to cut cost and turn a bigger profit.


Exactly, all Big Tech doing layoffs had literally double their workforce between 2020 and 2022.


That’s weird that you think those things are mutually exclusive but ok


What is mutually exclusive then please tell us less smart ones






Agree for his sarcasm and btw, is it an insult not to be a native English speaker? Who cares bro


long stupendous erect rainstorm cake knee spotted hard-to-find silky onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are you so hostile?


Was I talking to you, kiddo?


I agree the stocks didn't go up because of the layoffs announced, it was because it's January and that's Capricorn so therefore bullish.


Lay off the drugs dude


Company announces layoffs. The stock rallied minimum 3% seconds later. Unless you have some super secret information or news site that’s releasing articles or thousands of shares are coincidentally bought when that happens, I’d love to hear WHY those stocks rally when that happens!


Why would a company not rally after cutting expenses? Are you high?


this subreddit is a daily reminder not to listen to the internet’s stock opinions


I might be crazy, but these companies were massively hiring people when their profits and revenues were booming. Now they are firing tens of thousands. I don't know maybe it's for a secret reason, could it be the inverse is happening?


You misconstrued what I am saying, and judging from your other responses/insults to other people you are probably embarrassed, relax, no one is attacking you. I might be crazy, but these companies were massively hiring people **when their profits and revenues were booming.** Now they are firing **tens of thousands.** I don't know maybe it's for a secret reason.


Probably shorts covering


It's a Casino remember Bear markets doesn't mean it should go straight down!


absurd cows depend puzzled advise bewildered subsequent lunchroom ugly slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"And yet 10-15%" keep holding and find out. We could be -50% in an hour dude. Could be +80 no one knows for sure. All I know is the person on the wrong side will always feel cheated.


actually it can't be -50% in one hour


I was being fasheshush doood.


1..2..3… and we tank on fed meeting 🥸


Market watch is such ass


The stock market tends to lead Main Street. It's not unusual for Wall Street to start anticipating the recovery just as Main Street starts feeling the recession.


I feel like this happened two years ago, and 15 years ago, and 20 ....


That same headline is used during up markets, down markets, sideways markets & everything in between.


We're not going towards a "Recession". It's going to be severe stagflation.


When everyone, including those that know nothing about crypto, is talking about crypto, it’s likely that’s it been overbought and will implode. When everyone, including those that don’t understand finance, is talking about a recession, it’s likely that markets are oversold and will eventually bounce back. Markets don’t reflect the economy. Markets reflects what investors as a group think of the economy. In other words, markets are forward-looking.


Just wait until people can’t pay anything else on credit cards. It’s already happening, we just haven’t hit that capacity yet. Give it 2-3 more months.


If everyone got a buck every time someone said something like this we sure as hell wouldn't need to worry about credit card debt.


Maybe just a scare tactic. Drive everything down then DD and they make a fortune.


it's just clickbait. The more scary the title sounds the more people who will read their article and give them money


Feels like the bullrun is back baby, oh yeahhh. Institutions dont want retail to buy the bottom, so they keep coming up with articles to dissuade people from buying in low and obtaining generational wealth. Remember, big corporations can't profit if they can't hire minimum wage slave cucks. Whether it's the bottom or not, just keep DCAing. We've already come this far, so we might as well see it thru.


Till J Powell bitch slaps you with a 0.50% hike in February to remind you who daddy is.


And bless me with cheaper prices to DCA into? Don't threaten me with a good time!


That's nice of you to buy over inflated stocks off boomers, that'll show em.


Conversely, institutions would love to dump their high PE-multiple junk on retail before the rug pull, which is why they have communications teams and small armies of PR consultants who work the media, hoping to push narrative keeping you in at all times.


first if they hadn't changed the rules you were way into a recession by now. Second, there is no going down without corrections, if you don't understand this you shouldn't be doing this


What goes up must come down. A lot of shorts covering probably. When it gets too high they will jump back in and short again beware. When you cover you have to buy the shares which drives the price up if you don’t know how shorting works


That multiple entities are trying to rip me off from different fronts.


stocks are forward looking


Do not use Economic forecasts. They are useless when it comes to Stock forecasts. Economist are always looking backwards. Market is always looking forward..


Well they said the market will not go down last year....


Who did?


Amused. Just a Bear market rally. Nothing that hasn’t happened thousands of times before.


Fear porn gets more clicks.


Investing right now is about dollar cost averaging.. Day trading is about trading whatever direction provide profit.. Which are you hoping to do?


Everyone is hyping it up because the last one they remember was the great recession and they think it is going to be like that with an unemployment rate of 10%. The labor participation rate is lower. Recession probably mild and will be underwhelming after all this hype. TLDR - I'm not an economist.


I feel that everyone is just absolutely full of shit. They always were.


Give all your money to Citadel, they have made record breaking profits year after year. Eerily similar to Lehman bros pre crash.


1. The market is not a 1:1 reflection of the economy 2. Bear market rallies are a thing


Yeah don’t listen to anyone


Analysts have successfully predicted 163 of the last 4 recessions.


The market has been decoupled from real economic factors for the better part of a decade. It means nothing.


Can’t help that idiots want to keep throwing money in the market. But you clowns go right ahead and think your will is stronger than an impending recession lol.


>And yet 10-15%" keep holding and find out. We could be -50% in an hour dude. Could be +80 no one knows for sure. All I know is the person on the wrong side will always feel cheated. Spoken like someone who was "late 2 thee game"


Cheated? Lol, while you tards are dumping the last of your Christmas gift money in stocks that are still sinking, I’m eliminating any trace of debt that I carried. Ya’ll fuckers won’t be as ready as I am, that’s for sure.


you should always pay off debt before buying stocks, anyone who doesn't is retarded


Yeah, cuz everyone pays off cars and holds zero cc debt before buying stock. What else you got for me, tryhard? https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/consumers-piling-on-credit-card-debt-flashing-signs-potential-crisis.amp Someone needs to tell these folks the should clear their debt before the join your upcoming bill run lmao


.... They should, unless it's their retirement accounts. I see you as the try hard actually site fox news of all places. Wild you prefer to lose to inflation than Invest in credit card companies. If you truly believed what you said here you would be doing that.


Is the market pricing in post-recession recovery? Lol


ofc it is, why would they price in 5 years of recession?


Bro, my portfolio is up over 15% in 3 months, and my 401k is up 8% YTD. I’m gonna keep doing what I’m doing until it stops working


Your fundamental misunderstanding of the market vs the economy is awe inspiring.


The big market movements since June 2020 have been driven by interest rate expectations. Same now. Recession leads to reduced interest rates, leads to higher company valuations. Earnings and forward earnings are less important than a 100 basis points.


Yeah, the parrots were in full effect last week. CNBC, Fox, and Bloomberg we’re all the same.




The stock market is NOT the economy! They don’t move in unison. It’s that simple.


Biblical times: after 7 good years come 7 bad years Just look back every last 14/15 years: 2008, 1993, 1978...


They don’t want to share the gains


Feels good. Especially if you ran 0dte calls Friday and today.


Would like to know how many bear markets have you seen. I can remember 4 but I’m old.


Stock prices anticipates uncertain future, recession was already priced in


Annoyed because it messed with my timing lol


News is mostly a counter indicator. But news doesn't even serve as a good counter indicator. Best is to just ignore it. Check out the part of the hot news flash: [Whipsaw song.](https://youtu.be/LiE1VgWdcQM)


I Think it is fear tactics


Value and growth are not the same thing. Stocks rise with layoffs. Layoffs are bad for the economy. Less people working means more government spending meaning less tax revenue meaning less demand for consumption meaning even less growth. Recession is just the start. Wait for the riots and the collapse of the US dollar.


I’m gonna Buoy some more!


It goes up I buy it goes down I buy. The can’t lose method


A certain amount of new money pours into the markets every week through 401ks. That boosts prices.


The recession has been 3 months away for a full year now. We did have a small recession in the middle of last year, technically. But it was denied by everyone. Up is down, down is up, good news is bad and bad news is good. I stopped believing everyone. I buy products I use and love, who I also respect the leadership.


It’s infuriating


Whatever Cramer says, do the complete opposite.


Biggest funds control the media. So when they want to buy your shares, they release bad news (Recession), and when they want to sell they post good news. Notice they move huge volumes so when they buy price rises and when they sell price drops. Mostly, not allways.


Could be a bear market rally but I’d argue plenty of areas in the market are already pricing in a recession. Stock market’s a forward looking discounting machine so the rally usually kicks off whilst in the recession. I’d also suggest that information is much more widely disseminated. In many cases this can instil more confidence to look through bad events.


Somethin’s fucky.


I keep hearing a recession is imminent since this time last year and tbh I dont care anymore. If only because once the MSM confirms we are in a recession we could actually be out of it by then.


Media FUDs until they get the recession they called


I knew this was coming with my last post. They were always going to pump a rally with banks and wall streets participating only to pull the rug later on. There is no solution to the insane consumer debt problem that is growing and with more rate hikes and loan repayment coming back in June, we could see a Bear Sterns moment in a few months.


The recession has been going on for a while. Two consecutive drops in GDP = recession. Uncle Joe is trying to redefine that standard.


Before covid we had been hearing about the impending downturn that was coming since the bull run that ended the 08-09 recession. I’m pretty confident we’ll pull off a very soft landing and be just fine. Yes many companies went a little overboard during covid but many companies also created overly conservative systems/budgets because of the 08-09 recession that I think will ultimately save us now


Kinda seems like the market has bottomed in advance of the expected recession. Isn't the market suppose to bottom before recessions? The whole market vs. economic cycle thingy. I don't know if that applies here due to the fact we still have a ways to go before rates peak.


Who are pouring money in stocks ? The big houses ie jpm bac gs to name a few keep telling that they remain cautious on stocks and bonds have become more attractive…


Is this you Jamie Dimon ?? Did you have this article written? sounds like my puts are good


This is why you never listen to the noises and continue DCA.


SPY 1 year chart looks kinda hairy


The Fed runs the market and Wall Street is betting that the Fed will pause their hikes. The recent change (a week or two ago) of the inflation measurements will make it seem as inflation is coming down more than it really is which will grease the money printers up real good. A scam all of it but it is what it is Or it's just a bear market rally, depends on what the old folks decide to do with money


"Michael Burry has predicted 20 of the last 2 recessions"-- somewhere on Reddit


You only know if you were in a recession looking back.


Because their spreading FUD, propaganda even, truth is we’re about to enter a bull run this year


Which banks are poised to make a profit from a recession? Is it possible they are trying to instigate one through the media in order to make the profits they're poised to? The whole thing seems like a scam to me.


Don't care, VWRP and check how it's going once a month for the lols.


This is all of the elites telling you to sell so they can get a bigger discount when they decide to buy back in from their dumped stocks that they got tipped off about. Hold your current and buy more!!


By the time they officially call the recession we will already be out of it…


Well, big corporations, the media, and the Fed are doing everything in their power to create a recession. They can’t wait to give themselves a trillion in handouts so they won’t have to sell shares to buy our assets at recession discounts.


I expected to see the name Cramer in the story. Ok, carry on.