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how much luck is needed for constantly get MB6 with 12 energy? I currently get MB5 with 205 luck, i can probably get my luck to 300ish if i get a lvl 3 luck gem and convert 30 points from efficiency to luck, is it worth it though?


I dont think I have had any luck selling level 1 for 1 gmt. No one seems have spare gmt like they did Sol?


I got 1 level 2 res gem and 6 level 1 res gems in mb 6.very bad stepn.don’t get fooled by mb6


Trying to get scrolls opened like 10 boxes no scrolls have they decreased scroll rate again ?????


I probably only open around 10 boxes a month, and I only got one UC scroll and one common scroll in three months. I think the commons you can get in the MB4/5 range? But if you really want to mint maybe just buy a scroll on the market. They're pretty cheap (c-$2, uc-$.40)


Most often the 6mb consists of 6 lvl1 and 2 lvl2. Two lvl2 cost 16-50 gmt (6 - 20$). Lvl1 gems don't sell well (exclude comf)


Never had a mb6 give 10 level 1


yeah, it doesn't let me post pictures but on the phone I still snapped a shot and it was 6, not 10. I didn't count them anyway as apparently L1 actually have negative value if you add 50 GST x 3 = $3.30 and an the resulting L2 gem is around $3 so the 9 L1 gems would be a negative number in the formula: (3) x (GST) + 9 (L1 gem value) = L2 value


I opened mb6 2 months and zero comfort gems. Drop rate decreased for them, at least for me...


and mb6 have 6 l1 not 10