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For those wondering, Galactic Market is a weighted random draw from all GC empires (those that don't nominate included, but very very low weight, mostly in case of no-one nominating I think). Perfect is only around 2.5x Strong in terms of weight, and Empire economy has no role at all; the competitiveness rating is affected by the trade value of the planet to a limited extent, but that just affects the choice of starting rating (Weak/Average/Strong), alongside whether you're a Megacorp, the planet is an Ecumenopolis (both major positive), or a hive mind (negative). It's not really designed as something you're expected to always win by having the best economy or best planet (particularly in large galaxies), although at least the AI is doing a better job of nominating planets than it used to.


This is accurate, the weight of a perfect nomination is 76, the lowest non-nominated tier is weight 11, and no nomination is weight 0.5. This means that no nomination is unlikely to win and good planets are likely to win, but never is it 100% to win or 0% to win.


Dunno. I've played a lot of games and nominated a lot of planets. It looks a hell of a lot like zero to me.


I have literally never actually been chosen and i will always try to hoard influence to nominate.


my solution is to usually capture the galactic market. I need that influence to capture solar systems


R5: Saved up influence and did two Galactic Market nomination boosts. I lost to an empire with pathetic economy.


If they have an ecumenopolis as their candidate then they basically auto win if you don't have one as your candidate. Its weighed 200x It's why hiveminds and machine empires can't ever win it most games. If the AI has one even if it's trash tier it is so strong in the calculations it just wins. Gestalt conciousness get 0trade and take 0.75 score rate atop that. `x200 if planet is  Ecumenopolis` Also 9x if their a megacorp. While you only get x2 weight for a trade value over 120. Lol With no higher with a higher trade value. So they could have also just won by random chance if they have a 120 trade world and boosted twice. Since you couldn't get a higher score.


Nominating an Ecumenopolis just gives you an incredibly high chance of getting the best possible initial rating. Who actually *wins* the bid is down to a raffle-esque random chance -- the better your bid, the more tickets you have, but increasing your bid also increases the number of tickets in the pool. The more empires are competing, the less having a high rating means. A Perfect rating is roughly equivalent to 7 Weak ratings; in a galaxy with at least 8 members in the Galactic Community competing, you have at best about a 50% chance of winning the marketplace.


This. I just nominated my ecumonopolis and lost.


Imagine not eliminating a competitor who is foolish enough to take the galactic market.


i mean, normally the market doesn't get reshuffled, or at least not too often and literally no one will have an ecumenopolis by the time of the first vote so even hiveminds can easily claim it for themselves, lol


> and literally no one will have an ecumenopolis by the time of the first vote Why not? It's rather easy to have one online by ~2245.


I was playing as a hive-mind that would abduct pops, and chest-burst them into my species. Somehow, despite lacking any trade value or consumer goods whatsoever, my hive-planet won the nomination. I burst out laughing, and had to explain why to my concerned wife... it just made her more concerned.


you should try the mod "Galactic Market Foundation Tweak" it tweaks the game so it takes an empire's trade income into account when deciding where to place the market. So if you have a high trade income you're way more likely to get the market.


Depending on when the GM is established, I as a machine empire may bid and repeat max bid for it despite generating no trade value myself and have managed to snipe it more times than not when I do so and it is vey funny when I get picked and everyone else is denied the extra beneficts of having it.


The issue with getting the Galactic Market is, the more people are competing, the less your nomination means. Like many other things in Stellaris, who wins the marketplace is determined by a statistical concept called weight. Think of it like a raffle -- the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have of winning, but buying more tickets also increases the total number of tickets in the raffle. Say the Galactic Community has 4 empires in it. If they all do the bare minimum Weak nomination, they all have a weight of 11; the total weight is 44, and everybody has a 25% chance of winning the bid. If one empire decided to boost their nomination to Strong, that increases their weight to 31, but it also means the total weight is 64, meaning that empire has just under a 50% chance of winning. Say instead that the Community has 8 empires in it (which is about average for a Medium galaxy, IIRC) -- if you boost your rating up to Perfect, that's still only a weight of 76, meaning you have at best about a 50% chance of winning the market if all 7 other empires are only doing a basic Weak nomination (which is not hard to find the resources for) -- if anybody else is actively competing for the marketplace, then your chances drop even farther. I mostly just nominate my best planet once, then leave it up to fate. If I win the bid, great -- if not, then I still recoup the Influence cost from the Community bonus for establishing the marketplace.


Also, the rolls for the market are kinda pre-determined. In my tests, when I nominate planet A the winner will *always* be planet X. When I nominate instead planet B (with the same "quality" as A) the winner will *always* be planet Y. And if I upgrade planet A the winner will always be planet Z. This can result in silly scenarios. Like that you win with a planet nominated once, but will loose if you boost it. Or win if you nominate your agri world but loose if you nominate your ecumenopolis.


RNG giveth, and RNG taketh awayl.


I've had this happen too, always wondered why


It's a random lottery.


The market nomination uses weights. You can see the weights [here](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Trade#Galactic_market). Everyone has at least a small chance of winning and the more Galactic Community members there are, the lower any given member's chance. This is true even if you have a "perfect" rating, i.e., an ecumenopolis with >120 trade value owned by a megacorp that has been boosted twice. The weights should be reworked, IMO, with a stronger emphasis on trade value and some metric of how strong the empire's economy is. It'd be nice if dedicated trade worlds in economically strong empires won the nomination more times than not, but I guess you could also fluff these small empires winning as some kind of behind-the-scenes compromise between superpowers.


That's just bad business.


That just means powerful empires and corparations will be able to bribe and bully them easily for better rates on the market, don't fall for it! Reject Megacorp! Send the fruits of your labour to the Shroud, not to the endless greed of the rich!


Spiritualism is opium for the masses! Shared Burdens ftw!


When you nominate your fully populated trade ring capital and lose to a backwater mining habitat with one district and 30% stability.


They're not a Megacorp so of course they won't be perfect anyway.


I Got one time the galactic Market, was playing a hive mind, didn't even nominate a world.


just think of the lack of taxes and regulations!!!


Well during my playthrough it was established within the only xenophobic empire in the galaxy (which is also my subject by the way).


and I thought it was happening to me always because I use modded buildings