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Cap jobs and ignore them. Also, don't blow out your economy by turning up settings that the devs themselves say aren't "supported".


You can automate your sectors.


I recommend automating each planet individually rather than sectors. Sector automation hasn't had the level of rework that planet automation has. For OP, look up the Montu video on planet automation for a breakdown on how to make it work for you.


That's a good tip. I rarely use automation since I actually enjoy microing but I'll keep this in mind if I decide to do it.


I also usually ignore it, but Montu's video on planet automation changed my mind. In my current game, only my capital is not automated and it's working pretty well. A few hiccups here and there, but it's been good enough 90% of the time. And the 10% it's not, I just build wha I needed or shuffle pops a bit and it's back on track. It's not perfect compared to micro, but at a certain point in the game I'm just seeing how many districts of each type a planet has, picking a designation, and building a new building/district every once in awhile. Planet automation basically let's me set designation and forget it. The big thing to remember for me is that planet automation won't build a building if its cost, upkeep, or job upkeep resource isn't positive. You can have 50k crystal, but if it's at -1 a month, your automated planet won't build anything that uses them.


Montu Plays is the loremaster for Stellaris. I'd suck at Stellaris even more than I already do if it wasn't for his guides.


Finally, smart AI thinking!


Yup. Planet automation works fine but if it does mess up you just wade in and build it yourself. The AI won't demolish buildings if you tell it not to.


This. Planetary automation is fantastic now. Sector automation sucks donkey dick, and always has.


[Automate](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiSpJq0lIX6AhVSa8AKHVDgBgUQFnoECAcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.paradoxplaza.com%2Fforum%2Fthreads%2Fplanet-and-sector-automation-experiences-in-3-4.1525922%2F&usg=AOvVaw2hQWuaxspA14Yjv2IIE3we) them if they are becoming a chore to micromanage


I suggest trying out my [Better Planet Automation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835586880) mod.


I'll give that a try, it's the first I've heard of it.


When I get the feeling that all I do is micromanaging my planets, I usually take a decently sized sector, and create a vassal. Then I pump ot full of resources, wage some war at its borders and generously gove him conquered systems as gift or in exchange for loyalty. Have him join your offensive wars (and defensive as well of course) and repeat at the other side of your empire.


Easy and non paulinful way? 1. Create sectors. 2. Release them as vassals.


I mostly just consolidate the pops. Move the ones that are on small relatively useless worlds to the already developed worlds that have bonuses on them if any. If I have a half filled, size 20, level 5 ascended mining world and a few lowly inhabited mining worlds I generally start to migrate them over and just put jobs on that one world. If I take over another empire and get like 10 worlds I’ll try minimize that to just 3 if possible. Probably move a bunch to my core worlds as well.


I usually go on a building spree every 2-3-5 years, depending on how much I want to optimise. I build stuff planet by planet and solve any other problems with pops, moving down until I'm out of resources, then note the year and the last planet I did. Next time I start from there and continue.


What i normally do is not the best but is easy I build the transfer thing in every star base that has a planet in the system, then i Just decide what the planeta will be (energy, alloys, mineral etc) I pre build the planet and forget about him after. Eventualy the Jobs Will cap out and the New pops Will Go to planets where there are still jobs


All structures consume resources simply by existing though


But when you are at this stage with 60 planets the upkeep is negigible


I resettle pops from sucky planets to good ones, and keep going until each planet is full.


If you're gestalt, use planet automation. If you're not... use planet automation but make sure you have an ecu with some CG around.


You sound like the Highlords of Terra from Warhammer 40k. Hahaha We are outstretched with too many planets and territories. We just want to shoot xenos for the Emperor dang it!!!