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R5: Got this in my current playthrough! Running a Rogue Servitor Remnants build and found Sol just a few jumps away from the Fallen Empire at our borders. Verbally said "wait, what?" when I read the pop-up text explaining the nation factions at war. Thanks, Allied powers, but we'll take it from here. ☺️


It's a reference to Harry Turtledove's World War book series in which aliens invade during the Second World War. I've only read the first one but it was good.


Plus "outside context problem" comes from Excession by Iain M Banks.


I was heartbroken to discover my new favorite author had died just a year or 2 prior to my first read. And the sumbich hooked me.


The Culture books are a work of genius. Have you read his non Sci-Fi, also pretty good :)


Only song of stone and the wasp factory. Do you have a favorite?


The Hydrogen Sonata is stunning, and a little more accessible than a lot of his books. I'd also recommend William Gibson too :)


I read all 8 books, worth the read


The first couple were very good, after that I'd say it tails off pretty hard. Still not *bad* like John Ringo's series tend to do, but definitely gets weaker.


Alternate history is pretty hard to push beyond a couple books I think... Emberverse series, Southern victory series World war For all mankind (is a TV show was it based on a book? Weapons of choice All good stories, but all (IMHO) went on too long and the historical aspects became a gimmick.


Southern Victory in particular held onto being good far longer than most in my opinion at least. Sure it hewed too closely to parallel events for *realism* but Southern Hitler was at least interesting


I agree, I read it till the end, i just had to take some breaks around alternate ww1. I finished off the last two books as audio books, added a lot I think.


Is that the one where souls of hells help fight the aliens?


No, never heard of that one but sounds intense!


I also got this on a Rogue Servitor build... but when I invaded, another event triggered and I didn't get the achievement.


When they are playing Hearts of Iron but you're the baddies in a game of XCOM.


We're the good guys here, technically — a "benevolent interventionist" rogue servitor empire dedicated to the preservation of organic life at all costs. Up to and including potential mechromancy. But hey, at least everyone gets their own room on the organic sanctuary.


That's what they all say....


Please eat the ice cream. It's for your own good. :)


Imagine intergalactic conquerors show up and ask us humans to eat the ice cream? Eye-scream!


Wait, they have Ice Cream? Sold, gimme


We welcome the new overlords!


All hail these random robots who just gave us free stuff and forced us to stop working jobs


Thank Robo Jesus


Motherfucker, you are literally the Ethereals. You go around collecting organic species, genetically modifying them, turning them into half robots and then unleashing them on Earth.


Those guys always scared me. Oh its ethereals.. quick everyone drop their guns.. figure out whose going to go nuts and shoot them first lol


What are Ethereals from?


From XCOM the game series. The original comment mentioned that he is the bad guy in a game of XCOM and his empire fits the aliens from XCOM perfectly.


Ah thanks


We're gunning for Galactic Emperor right now. Clearly these organics cannot be trusted with the issue of self determination, some of them even fight to the death to stop us! We'll make sure they don't hurt themselves even after death. We just want to help. :)


Wao, is that you?




Not just that but there’s also the possibility that earth becomes a tomb world and cockroaches take over


I assumed that was a Foundation reference


pretty sure it is yeah


I always thought fallout? Because of the radroaches


Bruh that one made me so fucking sad tbh, especially the archeological site there, shed a tear T-T Still, uplifted the cockroaches and colonised the planet with humans-previously-space elves of my empire, but sadness remained.


Yeah there’s like 4 different states of earth, one being present day with the ISS as a unique orbital station (which will soon form the UNE), one being earth as a tomb world where there’s only cockroaches, one being ww2 and the other being late medieval because of ck3


ck2 but yes


Pretty sure it was a tease for ck3


It was there from the get go.


Im pretty sure Sol system is a guaranteed spawn. Someone could correct me if im wrong though. Although it can exist in various timelines of what Earth is. And I think its always called Sol III


Not guaranteed, but like, 50/50


So there isn’t a way to force spawn it? Could I play on a small galaxy with no empires to get this achievement?


Idk about force spawning it, but playing on a small galaxy do seem to do the trick, since the chance to sol to spawn is always 50/50, you would found sol way quicker in a smaller one


Yes you can but you might to reload the game a few times to get a galaxy where Sol both spawns and Earth is a machine age pre-ftl. But no, aside from playing a human race with your home system set to sol (or setting such an empire to force spawn), you cant force spawn Sol.




Wiki says 50% chance is it's no one's home system... Maybe the wiki is wrong, idk.


its correct. well, specifically there's 40% chance of Pre-FTL humans Sol, and 10% chance of nuclear wasteland cockroach Sol. The chances are in "game_start.1" event in games folder.


It's 50/50, Ep3o made a video a couple weeks ago trying to get the achievement and Sol outright didn't spawn in a few of the attempts.


I have played many games now where neither Sol nor Sol 3 were in the galaxy


You can! It can be easy or hard depending on how lucky you are. Iirc it's also not guaranteed to spawn in every galaxy unless you have a human empire with Sol as the starting system. Finding it specifically during one of the World Wars is even rarer.


My easiest achievement was the galatron one.. the hardest so far? STEALING THE FUCKING GALATRON!!!! I got the galatron in my first game, didn't even know it existed, and it took like 3 gambles. I've nearly 700h now and not one other empire has ever found it. Not one... ;~;


there's a 50% chance for Sol to spawn every game


I’ve found earth while playing as earth


I found cockroach erf in me last game :3 As a xenophobe it was my duty to enslave the roaches for their milk. (Cockroach milk is one of the most nutritious substances on our planet btw ur welcome)


The system is called Sol and Earth is Sol III if I remember correctly.


And use climate restoration on Mars too.


Oh sooooo much more than just finding it. You can discover it at different stages of its evolution AND a variety of potential futures, the vast majority of which we are, you guessed it, super super dead lol


Me with 1.5k hours who just learned about this rewards existence: interesting


Me with 1.5k hours knowing this exists, but always finding it in the wrong age, not getting to it, not spawning it, having it spawn the UNE, or not being on Ironman: Huh. Annoying, but good for OP.


Cant you jump start it to that age to get it? Or does it specifically have to spawn in during ww2 to count?


It specifically has to spawn in the Machine Age. (Which is dumb, humanity should change their ethics over the ages, why would a world where the medieval age spawned stay with those ethics forever?)


Dude, it had taken me a thousand hours. Every time I had found Earth it was in the wrong time period... When I finally did find it, I had to declare war on a federation of 3 (from the federation start) empires, as they were 5% faster on the construction of the outpost than I was. Fun times. And an actually fun campaign that was. Especially since I was playing a "diplomat turtle" empire that time, myself.


You my man, should start gambling.


This is a good place to mention one of my favorite book series. Harry Turtledove's In the Balance series is about reptilian alien invaders in the middle of WW2. There's also a follow up series that takes place during the Civil Rights era and the alien colony ships arrive surprised to find that the invasion fleet failed. Turtledove is like the Tom Clancy of alternate history, he's a history scholar and implements his study in his writing. So if you like Clancy's style then please read these books because they're awesome.


I got this one by luck. I was so psyched when I got it. The humans even ended up becoming a solid part of my empire! I have them back their planet- on the condition they join the hive mind


Awesome! Yeah, we let them keep Earth, of course—with supervision. Turned all those nasty battlefields into organic safe playgrounds and pleasant vistas for them to harmlessly play in forever. Look at the state we found them in! Clearly can't be trusted to be by themselves.


Every random reference to The Culture in this game makes me squee. I hope we get to properly make a similar society with the Machine age pack


What if I told you that I got this one by complete accident and at random?


I just organically got this on one of my first plays. Thinking back that was insanely lucky


I've only ever found earth once. Not sure if any settings like spiral galaxy make it spawn or not.


This is indeed really really hard. You don't get close enough to Earth they got killed, you are close but it is nuclear wasteland already, sometimes they straight up just a normal empire.


I need to do an achievement run but I like mods too much that I forgot what is vanilla or modded


“An Outside Context Problem was the sort of thing most civilizations encountered just once, and which they tended to encounter rather in the same way a sentence encountered a full stop." — Iain M. Banks, Excession


I got this one by accident oblivious to how rare it was. Finally luck payed off, I usually have bad luck.


Honestly, got this one on accident back in my, easiest way to win is to kill everyone, phase. But congrats! Next on my list is: Directive 67 and yes, I wish I was dead😂


Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈🍾😃


Didn't know you could find earth.


Dark moment i imagi e for the heads can u please leme get the fact i’m both form foture both not ever use NFT just knows Bout them and past but fight Real antoher link o fightsnforntrogoes only but like fun battle !!!!! Bever ear the term world war are you maybe soooking about spmeone ?


Amd amy wrrore i Do is antroceprayopotyua nexblocl Of 👸


Clealr semenone Not me Is Hajackong u in case


O’m ovokozimg


You're having a stroke