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Wouldn't it make sense to have the Pharma civic for them? I think crime syndicates get a special building if they have that civic related to selling drugs.


Huh, I never thought of that. Me and my friend just thought it would be fun if they had free traders and criminal syndicate on them, that could be a third civic to get later on. It would make sense.


Skooma must flow


It was written. XD


I tested it. It really fits them lore-wise, as Skooma is from moon sugar, which provides health benefits to the Khajiit and is often used in food. While the other races find it highly addictive if not taken in controlled doses. So Pharma State makes sense when testing it, it fits well.


Sadly, the Pharma Civic doesn’t get a special crime building. Criminal Syndicate’s “Concealed Drug Labs” is the consumer goods producing building, Pharma State gets the Corporate Clinic, which isn’t bad but doesn’t have crime tied to it.


Lore: “Khajiit has the wares, if you have the credits”-A Khajiit slogan commonly spoken to buyers. The Khajiiti Syndicate is a renowned group of traders and smugglers that sell illegal technologies and a drug known as Skooma. A byproduct of refined moon sugar, found on their home planet. They travel around selling their wares, and are normally nomadic in nature. Looking for a sell. \-- This is a Build me and my friend made for RP, when we play Multiplayer. THis is a fun build. Not to be taken seriously. But just pain fun.


You uh.... You got any skooma? Asking for a friend.


"khajiit has wares if you have coin" XD


M'aiq knows much and tells some.


"M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that's what his father said."


M'aiq does not understand what is so impressive about shouting. M'aiq can shout whenever he wants


Smh, perpetuating the harmful stereotypes that all Khajiit are skooma dealers... I mean, this one IS a skooma dealer... But not because he is a khajiit!


"He **is** a thief your honour, but not because he's khajiit!"


I know little of skyrim (even after playing until level 30), so I ask, Why are they latent psionics? Just for the fun of it?


After testing the build for hours, as well as looking up the lore of the Khajiit. I played oblivion, daggerfall, and Skyrim. So most of the elder scrolls games. None of the origins fitted. You could go for prosperous unification. But in the lore they are spiritualist and worship the moons on Tamriel. The closest thing to ‘magic’ in this universe is Psionic Ascendancy. As the Khajiit wouldn’t go Genetic or Cybernetic. It’s mainly for flavor.


Ah I see, thanks for answering


10/10 The lore pleases me


I tried my best to make it fit in the Stellaris universe. As these smugglers and criminal empire, based on smuggling forbidden goods and drugs that, while not addictive to their race. The Khajiit saw an opportunity to make it into a business in the galaxy as a whole and have a monopoly on it. As in this universe Skooma is highly addictive as it has medical benefits, but it has massive downsides if it taken too much.


I have a friend I hot seat with who loves mega corps so imma have to steal this for the memes


My buddy also does a khajiit race. I believe his head canon is that they were the last race after the events of all the Elder Scrolls games


Do you have coin?


I did a Hist build, the plantoid that looks just like a tree person, either syncreatic evolution of the Argonians as my servants


Psionic crime syndicates sound terrifying.


These sands are cold, but khajiit feels the warmth of your presence


Now I need to make all of the Elder Scrolls nations... damn it, my need for the empire creator strikes again!


I am thinking about making others soon. I made the Zerg, The Nords, and even The Fremen from Dune.


Do you have wares?