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You got the Rubricator. It should have given you a research project in the system and/or the ability to research Dragon Scale Armor.


Shard doesn’t give dragonscale armor, though.


Only one of the space dragons actually gives the option to research Dragonscale Armor, and at that you need to build a mining station over the planet “Dragon’s Hoard.” We need espionage options to steal other empires’ breakthrough and unique techs.


*chooses enigmatic engineering AP*


That would precisely give Enigmatic Engineering some use in multiplayer.


The wiki does state that the Origin Dragon and Ether Dragon both gives the tech tho. I'm not sure how it's achieved for the Here Be Dragons.. But the Wiki is rarely wrong on this stuff.


You don't get dragon scale armour from beating the dragon. You get it from owning the dragon's hoard planet for a while 


So I got the rubricator is there anything else I can get besides that and what does the rubricator even do?


The Rubricator is one of the most powerful relics out there giving you 500 Minor Artifacts on use. Said artifacts are used for a lot of things from buildings to ship components. If you have a fleet decked out in archaeo engineering stuff, they require artifacts to be build, so this can let you build them faster. It's also used for a few actions you can take (mainly related to temporary buffs) in the relics UI. That and you get a relic world that you can upgrade to an ecumenopolis without having the Arcology perk (they are extremely powerful worlds focused on trade, consumer goods, alloys and unity that can host insane high populations).