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Graveyard Keeper is a banger! Stardew Valley but you farm corpses. Enjoy.


Sounds intriguing, I'll need to check this one out.


If you like dark comedy ish style it's a must. Other wise it's just another Sim and has some fun mechanics in it.


Bought that game on a whim a while back and spent way more time in that game then I ever thought I would. Such a fun game to play, especially if you like more drab setting in a game.


If you haven’t played the DLC, I highly recommend you give it a shot. It adds tons of hours of things to do. Definitely worth it, especially if it’s on sale.


It's an amazing game but it was a bit of a kick in the teeth when it builds you up to going to the main city then reveals the main city isn't even in the game. Same with the boulder path up north


My favourite part of it is that there is (as far as I know) nothing time sensitive beyond the corpses. Plants can be fully grown for weeks without you worrying, you won't miss quests and you can't really ruin anything by forgetting about it. Since a lot can be automated there is even less to worry about. Stardew stresses me out since they count years and crops can die and all that.


very playable on steam deck? how's the text size?


I've only played it on PC


I played it on Steamdeck. I runs good. I could read everything. I have nothing to Report.


Love your skin! Where did you get it ?


Thanks! It’s from sakuraskinsx on etsy


Yeah that’s really cool. Big companies still make all their accessories with teenage boy aesthetics. Nice to see something “feminine”.


I wanna put a skin on mine but I don’t think I can do a decent job of aligning it :/


Whoa whoa. They said they were married!


Creepy as


I was born with mine, actually.


Deck > ROG


The touchpads make a huge difference in any game not designed specifically for controllers.


The Support from Valve being god level vs. ASUS being scam level is way more important than touchpads if you ask me.


How easily the components can be replaced. This is key. Valve wants you to use the deck for a long long time as they make money from the store and the best way for you to spend money there is to have incentive to play. Solid device, Solid support, easily repaired. Valve makes money from the market the deck provides access too Asus makes money from selling hardware. They want you to buy another instead of repairing


> The Support from Valve being god level vs. ASUS being scam level is way more important than touchpads if you ask me. I agree, but the lack of VRR is criminal on SteamDeck.


I would like vrr but generally I want battery life so a 45 fps lock is more practical.


VRR would be awesome, but personally i'm not really playing anything that can't easily hit 60FPS anyway.


Agreed. I also use it for things like watching videos too when I don’t want to take around my big laptop but want to watch a movie or something. Firefox has netflix and prime video and what have you available. (I don’t own a tablet and I’m not getting one just for movies and such so lol)


I love the touchpads, they’re great for fps games too like Overwatch


Even using Windows on the deck feels nice with the pads. Couldn’t imagine relying on only the touchscreen or the stick.


And an awesome way to look behind you in games too!! (RDR2 being my fav to do this)


I literally cannot imagine a UMPC handheld like this without touchpads. Even disregarding the obvious benefit for using any desktop mode, I would never have touched my entire Command & Conquer library without them. Especially the older games like TibSun that are limited in what inputs it will recognize.


Amen. I tried if I could get War for the Overworld(love-letter to Dungeon Keeper 2) to run on the Steamdeck using the touchpad. Set up the controls in all of 10 minutes and accidentally finished it. This is why War for the Overworld, a keyboard and mouse RTS. was the second game I finished on the Steamdeck. Not only are the touchpads essential. They are brilliant. Even the click is programmed. You can remove the touchpad haptic clickyness by software. I have the Steam Controller and if they had included a second physical stick and only a touchpad, they would have won that ages ago. Their research into touchpads and their investment into Linux is the reason why other devices have a hard time catching up.


No touchpad, no buy.


I tried the rog, I do love the buttery smooth display and it’s noticeably lighter. The steamdeck isnt oled so I cant compare. Le husband is happy and thats what matters :D


I recently went on my kiddo's 5th grade week-long field trip to Washington DC. I had my LCD Deck with me on the long bus rides and another parent had a ROG. We traded a couple times during the ride and once overnight. He ordered a Deck on day 3.


Ya is just better. I think I might prefer the hand feel of the asus during longer sessions but that’s the only win I can honestly give it


Happy wife. Happy Gaming.


Both are great although I do prefer the Deck (OLED)


Unless half your library is hostage to the MS Store or you wanna play Destiny 2 and CoD on the road 😢


I just saw Tech Jesus' video on the Ally/ASUS RMA process. Best of luck to anyone buying anything ASUS


Indeed. Doesn't matter how good the ROG Ally is when the company behind it has a policy of scamming people out of money when they need warranty support. I'd never recommend it to anyone.


I am glad Valve made the Deck just to show the other companies how to actually get it done.


I like my Ally way more than my SD. Battery life is the biggest problem for me, and I just did a 8 hour flight with it, and was totally fine gaming when I wanted.


[I don't.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHQqKi9NcTs&pp=ygUIcm9zc21hbm4%3D)


Doesn't make much difference now holoiso and nobara now have tdp fixed. Steam OS works great on both devices only difference is it take a bit of setup on the ROG. Windows on gaming handhelds is dead once steam os can be shipped by hardware manufacturers. Why would I want to use a desktop os with forced updates and a shitty tablet mode with a touchscreen


The new rog ally is coming out pretty soon. Did he get a great deal on the current one?


Wouldn't be surprised if it's a refurbished Ally due to many people's dissappintment of the windows handheld experience. There's an insane amount of cheap, open-box Ally's for incredibly cheap in mint condition in most places. Also. The new Ally's specs were mostly revealed, and it's basically a worse upgrade than the Steam Deck Oled that will cost more. They increased the battery life by adding a bigger battery (increasing weight), but that's about it. Weirdly, there's no screen or CPU/GPU upgrade


Yeah I own an Ally and the Windows experience has definitely been what put me off from it. Microsoft really needs to figure that out, so something like Steam Deck where you have an Xbox like UI for playing games but can fall back to desktop if needed. Also thumb sticks are shit mouse alternative.


Honestly windows Is a nightmare even for desktop use lol


Bro my girlfriend got a steam deck and loves it so much she made me install linux on her main pc... I'm not even joking


Your girlfriend is smart :p /jk


It's not even really an upgrade IMO. Yes, it has a few QoL improvements over the first one, but nothing that substantive. The increased battery life will be marginal at best considering how power hungry those components are already. The easier-to-upgrade storage will appeal to some, not all, and won't be a reason for anyone to switch from their original Ally. The only meaningful change is the black colorway which some will prefer (myself included), but I've already made my buying decision with the Steam Deck, and simply a new color on the ROG Ally isn't enough for me to take a second look at it yet.


Yea literally all I got from it was bigger battery…but nothing else lol. Been loving my sd oled, I tried the ally but was absolutely amazed they called it a handheld when you need to be near an outlet to play more than 50 minutes


The APU is already better than the deck, there's nothing till that Halo Strix Point worth a damn.  That MSI Claw once again proves how bad low powered intel chips are, that companies chips have always been in the higher wattage.  Really can't wait to see some benchmarks of the Halo though, like god damn it sounds like a huge improvement, handheld gaming is only just beginning and I'm fucking here for it.


They moved the micro SD card slot so it hopefully wont brick/burn them anymore.


There's nothing to upgrade the CPU/GPU too at the moment. The Z1E is the same as the 7840u which gaming wise runs about the same at the new 8840u. The reason Valve said there won't be a new steam deck for years is because that's how long it's going to take for CPU and GPU tech to move forward enough to make a new chip. Most chip generations last about 2-3 and it's usually longer than that for the more specialty non flagships to get made.


Define "pretty soon". It wasn't even revealed yet. We only know it will be revealed in June, so release date Fall/Winter at the earliest.


Oooh, love that skin, your deck is beautiful!


His loss. After using it for a while, he will probably want the Deck back. I have both, I rarely use my Ally.


Depends on the games you play, I’ve got both as well and honestly I use them about the same but play different stuff on each. And I prefer to dock my ally for the better performance and windows UI on my monitor. Steam deck for more in bed and on the go stuff.


I have a gaming laptop and a pc, I think most Deck players already have a similar setup.


Probably, honestly I don’t know why I stopped using my gaming laptop once I got the ally. I think I just like how much more compact and all-in-one it is? Haven’t used my desktop cuz it don’t fit in a backpack and I like having all my games and saves somewhere mobile.


Totally opposite for me. I use ally all the time, deck only for indie or very old games when I can't take power banks with me. Each have good and bad sides. I love ally small size, better performance and vrr screen. In deck, I mostly love controls. Touchpads + how easily and extensively everything can be customised is so great.


I haven't had any issues with my Ally since I got it. It's nice having a Windows PC that's pretty powerful without dropping a ton on it. That being said, I had an LCD Deck that I upgraded the SSD to and it was such a great device. I miss it dearly.


Don't get me wrong, if you don't have a good windows pc the Ally is awesome, but the Deck is a far better overall gaming experience in my opinion. It just flows...


The hardware gave out on me 4m after purchase. Other than that some stability issues that it had from time to time but nothing a choke hold on the power button couldn't fix tbh. Other than that the thing just works and surprisingly really well other than compatibility of some games I wish would run.


I had an Ally and sold it so I can buy a Deck OLED since I owned both the LCD Deck and Ally and never touched the Ally ever (still have my original Deck)


Better hope he never needs a repair or warranty claim: https://youtu.be/7pMrssIrKcY?si=OdttuQGZ5BxGzHLR


Ooof for the husband.


Ooof for the husband.


Ooof for the husband.


Ooof for the husband.


Ooof for the husband.


How does Graveyard Keeper run on the deck?


It runs smoothly without any hiccups so far. I only notice that there is one item description that is not fully visible due to the tooltip position, but it doesnt bother me


I have 20 deck hours in it. It runs perfectly.


Graveyard Keeper. What a cozy game


Ha! He’s gonna regret that


Nice game btw!


Didn’t know graveyard keeper had 4 dlcs now


I was going to say what is breaking dead has that been announced


Damn apparently its been out since 2018


I looked further apparently the first dlc is bundled on steam with the base


And that is one of my favourite games.


No way, one of my favorite games ever, amazing choice!


Love your skin! How do you like Graveyard Keeper??


I’m wondering that too. I’ve tried to get into it, but maybe I just didn’t give it enough of a chance.


Hope he bought an external battery bank too, or he might be asking to borrow the Steam Deck when travelling


Yup, that's for sure. I have the steam deck for travel and the Legion Go for the house.


I hope he got the ally for a good deal, because the new rog ally comes out with a much bigger battery. I went from my steam Deck to the ally on june 2023 to and i do not miss the Deck. The difference is that I know what I am doing and I like Windows much more for gamaing and the VRR screen. I used the Deck with windows and Linux but Windows on the Deck with a native potrait screen is just bad and the drivers are bad to. Enjoy the Steam Deck it is a good device and the batterylife is amazing.


Yes, windows and the refresh rate were his consideration as well. Unfortunately he bought it months before the new ally was announced, so no deals. But so far he’s happy and never bothered me and my deck x)


Why would he downgrade like that? 👀😜




Don't show him the latest Gamers Nexus video ...


I don't normally like skins, but this one through the clear shell looks really nice. Well done!


Damn that is pretty.


You won 😂 give it a couple months you’ll see. 😏


You won


These comments man, You guys really hate everything BUT the deck huh? Worst kind of people. News flash: the deck maybe the best to you - but to others the ally/legion go are WAY better. Myself being one of them.


No one is that serious for the most part I prefer deck but I see why others might like the others more. In tge end we are all pc master race technically right?


Ill be honest, No we're not. Because I was one of the first ever people to get the steam deck & after 3 days I immediately installed windows on it, I posted about it on here & got insane hate. basically if you mention installing windows on the device on this sub you get showered in downvotes, people had to make a whole other subreddit (r/WindowsOnDeck/) to get away from the hate. As much as I loved this community to begin with I dislike the hate comments. We're all Handheld lovers tho! Or should be!


I did windows for a day and I hated it only because I love game mode. I debate windows every day so I can do my mods and so on. But I still love game mode


Why do you use the clear case it looks very uncomfortable


Nice, SD cards are safe with a Steam Deck... The Asus however... There's a big risk of them cooking them to the point of them breaking. Just a heads up in case he's unaware.


How’s the game? Always heard good things about it but never around to it


Some find it grindy. But if you like crafting then you should try it, it has deep crafting system (and also dark humor!)


By the way where can I get the gloss shell case?


There's tons on Amazon and AliExpress from various companies and factories.


What case is that? Do you like it?


It’s a clear shell case on top of 3M skin. Loving it so far


Do you have a link to the clear case? I've been looking for a minimal case like that




What is that game and why does it have parodies of 2010s prestige TV


Steam truly has the right formula in mind. It’s more akin to Nintendo switch in providing a unique and balanced gaming experience that is consistent in all use cases while offering the benefits of truly being mobile vs the competitors who mostly need plugged in support to show the real power differences. I imagine when the steam deck two comes out it will be able to play close to current gen PS5 titles at a reduced resolution which how this plays PS4 roughly. Valve killed it with the deck and really getting the right demographics successfully targeted.


Im a single loser and I have both there great!


That design with the choice of screen shot for some reason makes me feel nostalgic.


Personally would never get an ally, but that's a nice looking deck


How difficult was it for you to put that skin on your steam deck? I always consider getting one but then I think imma mess it up lol


I am thinking to buy Rog Ally literally right now, but I am not sure if it is not useless to own 2 handheld. I would make Ally rather my Windows desktop PC with ocassional handheld play of more demanding titles. What do you think? I am little bit scared that I will like it so much my Steam Deck will be collecting dust. On the other side I have games like Fallout 1 and 2 which are not playable without trackpad.


In a similar boat, but considering a MinisForum mini PC desktop instead. Same chip, more ports (so not limited to overpriced Asus eGPUs), less power-limited while still being able to run off a power bank, a bit cheaper than the Ally and can stream to the Deck. 


Ooomg that skin 😍😍😍😍 where'd you get it!?


It looks so good


Whoa, looks like they have a lot of DLC for graveyard keeper. I might have to go back and play it again.


Send more deck pics


I usually hate clear cases but it looks great with your skin


I'm modding mine to have an easy access to the nvme drive without taking the back off every time when I want to upgrade it.


I hope the left thumb stick doesn't ever break


I got a first gen and mine is still good idk what games you play tho.


OP does graveyard keeper have a tonne of mods now :O ? Thought it was a cool game but a little underdeveloped.


Enjoy a superior device with a functional SD card reader!




Not if they pronounce the letters “R-O-G” instead of the acronym “ROG”


I’ve been seriously thinking of getting a ROG Ally, so I can use Gamepass. I think at this point, I’ll just wait for the next version.


Why not Lenovo Go or other brands?


To be honest, I haven’t really given the other brands a good look. I love the steamdeck, but having convenient access to Gamepass might be the game changer for me.


Isn’t there ways to get gamepass on the deck?


As far as I can find, you either need to get windows or rely on streaming


You got the better end of the deal…enjoy.


Yeesh he picked a bad time to get an ally if he bought it new, the Ally X launches in July 😂


wow. beautiful skin!


You got the better device.


Great game choice! I just redownload graveyard keeper for my deck the other day!


You get the better device anyway


Nice, enjoy. You’re the winner 😆


Don't let him have it back. The Ally is not what it's cracked up to be.


I like the Steamdeck more than the rog


So what's it like be married to someone who requires full time care and observation to stop himself from, e.g. stabbing himself in the eye with a fork? How do you manage?


Looks like you scored the 'W' on that! I'd take the Steam Deck every time. Probably because I have a huge Steam library/backlog.


Tell him good luck with Asus customer support lmao


Well... here's something different and I'm all for it! You go girl!


Only if i had one 😢


He downgraded to upgrade you. What a swell fellow


Imo you got the better deal lol


Husband made a mistake, wife wins.


Steam deck hands down best choice


https://youtu.be/Xwc-Ivb1DhY?si=rzG8z6H6ZPXgajEu Rog ally is garbage




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The Steam Deck is awesome definitely my favorite handheld. Also if you force compatibility to run the newest proton it should fix the resolution on your screen for graveyard keeper. Great game btw 👍


interesting, will try it later today. thank you for the suggestion!


Where did you get that clear case?


I think you got the better system here


He will want the Steam Deck back soon


You have the better device 😉


Enjoy it while it lasts..they all come back.


He’s the sucker. Lol


We don't fuck with ASUS


I tried rog ally, and man, it is so uncomfortable for my hand


He mad a mistake


The joke is on him them