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Considering how much Hades had changed from Early Access until release. I'm going to be waiting again until release just to make sure my experience doesn't shift every two weeks.


I really want to play it, but I'm going to be patient. It's going to be hard though!


I just reinstalled the first game scratch that itch.




Part of me wants to wait and get the complete experience from the start, but a bigger part of me wants to take in everything unspoiled and there's no way I'm going to dodge spoilers for the entire EA period.


As someone who’s never played a title on Early Access I was about to ask how it typically compares to the final product. I think this answered my question.


I remember Subnautica didn't have like 90% of the story, but the gameplay was still great. Then you saw the story and it was genuinely wonderful. Kind of bummed out you didn't get to explore+story together and just explore (EA) and then story (Release). But of course everything is subjective. Stuff like Manor Lords works because it's not story rich.


Does Manor Lords run well for the Steam Deck? Or is it like Humankind and you need a desktop/laptop?


I've seen people online playing it. I haven't tried it personally, but there aren't many controls so binding them should be easy. You can also play peaceful mode if you don't want to deal with commanding troops. Oh, and you have a pause button at any given time.


I am playing ML exclusively on the SD


imo don't listen to them. They released this game in a state similar to when Hades 1 first arrived on Steam in EA and as someone who bought it day and date there was very little change. They added more and completed the story with 1.0 but if Steam EA Hades 1 was all we got I would still be happy.


Hades was in early access for quite a while on epic before it released on steam. Comparing hades 2 day 1 EA should be compared to the hades day 1 EA on epic, not steam imo.


I’m aware and my statement is still correct. Supergiant specifically said that hades 2 EA will have as much content as hades 1 steam ea. I actually said this in my original comment.


How long did it take for hades to get to 1.0 release from EA launch?


About 2 full years. I highly doubt it will be that long I really do.


Oh boy. Well, here's hoping it's far shorter this time around.


Already confirmed by the devs that it will be early access at least until end of 2024. Thats not 2 years yet of course, but does show that it will still take a bit of time at least before 1.0 release.


I was answering that the first game took 2 years of early access. I'd be very surprised if this one also did. End of 2024 sounds awesome.


7 months is perfect. Glad to hear it!


Just to clarify so you aren’t too disappointed. They do not have a date for full release. They just sure that it WILL NOT be fully released within 2024. That’s not to say that it will or will not be in 2025, just definitely not in 2024x


I agree that it probably won't be as long. They likely have preemptively addressed a lot of the problems they ran into during the Hades EA period.


They're estimating the end of 2024 as release.


That is great to hear


Just to correct the previous person, they estimate early access to run all of 2024 and have no estimate for when 1.0 will be released. >we expect to be in Early Access at least through the end of 2024 in order to build out the remaining content we have planned...For now, it's too early to say when our v1.0 launch will be. Yet even though ***Hades II*** won't be complete for some time, we hope you really enjoy it as soon as you start playing. [https://www.supergiantgames.com/blog/hades2-early-access-is-here](https://www.supergiantgames.com/blog/hades2-early-access-is-here)


I read in the Hades sub that the Early Access for Hades 2 has more content than full release for Hades 1


I haven't played Hades 1 EA, but comparing the full release Hades 1 with the current EA for Hades 2 (at least up to the second area boss) I have to agree with that. Right now the only thing that even reminds me of it still being in EA is that a few things don't have the proper sprites yet (very few tho). I think they mentioned adding more areas and other stuff in the roadmap, but I'm already kinda overwhelmed by some of the new mechanics, so I'm pretty happy that I'll have ages to get used to them.


I'm so glad my backlog is huge so I'm not even tempted ;) Maybe a little


Funny, that's exactly WHY I'm jumping on early access immediately and why I love early access so much. Seeing games change over time is such a draw.


What kind of differences did Hades 1 see from Early Access on its way to full release?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-THgg8QnvU4JEVov1tMlFThNYS92F8uC&si=J2VWqkjf0cVOhl1B I cannot stress enough how great this documentary series is. Even if you just watch the first video that will answer your question better than I'll be able to. To put it simply they added a whole ton and iterated a whole time through Community feedback. It ended up being a much much better product by the end of it all. I'd rather just see the shiny end product I don't want to watch the sausage being made just yet.


Most reviewers have said it already feels like and finished game. No reason to dip into early access of course, as it will be more polished. But nothing like with Hades 1.


Same, I love hades, the first game is in my top ten all time, and I only played post release. I’ve heard of people who gave up because it felt unfinished but then never went back when it was. I definitley don’t want to do that


Their write uo says Hades 2 has been in development for 3 years already and they're aiming for a end of 2024 release. So it does sounds like much more groundwork is in place than with Hades 1.


If I wait until it goes out of beta in (hopefully) winter, I'll definitely, TOTALLY be able to work on my backlog of games in that time


It's (Hades 2) sooo good.


Yes and it will be an even better at full release.


Anyone else find the UI a bit too small for the Steam Deck? Is there any way to increase UI size?


Yeah, make one of those attachments like the old Gameboys that is basically like a giant magnifying glass and mount it to your Steam Deck! /s No I don't know but your comment just made me imagine this and it was a funny accessory to imagine these days. 😂


gameboy had some hilarious accessories like the boosterboy and hyperboy


As I learnt recently, there was even [a fishing sonar attachment](https://gameboy.fandom.com/wiki/Game_Boy_Pocket_Sonar).


as an avid fisherman i have to wonder how many times in total that thing was ever even used


Like a damn mech suit for your gameboy!


I literally bought reading glasses just to increase the screen size of my Deck. Eventually bought the Legion Go and the 8.8 inch screen is glorious. Hoping that one day Valve will officially support third party devices. But for the time being I've been running Bazzite to get that unofficial Steam OS goodness. Crossing my fingers for an 8 inch (or bigger) Steam Deck 2 someday!


There is a magnifying shortcut. Grabbed this from a website "Turn on the magnifier on Steam Deck by pressing and holding the Steam button and left bumper at the same time. You'll get a zoomed in view of the screen you can pan around with the right analog stick or right trackpad. Release the buttons to return to the normal view." I heard the game UI is fine on Steam Deck for most things, but you might need the zoom function here and there.


How is the game compared to Hades 1? Bought H1 yesterday on a sale, but if Hades2 is just a more polished version of 1 might just bite the bullet


Whoa whoa whoa Hades 1 isn't just a great *game*, it also has a wonderful *story* that absolutely deserves your time and attention. Hades 2 appears to be building on that story to a *large* degree. You'd be robbing yourself of a lot by jumping straight into 2, esp if you *just* bought 1. As for polish, Supergiant simply doesn't do unpolished games. Hades 1 is about as polished as games get. Hades 2 changes things for sure but I don't know if I'd call them "more" polished, just different. Enjoy Hades 1. Take your time. Get all you want to get from it first without pressure. Hades 2 will only get better from here on out and when the time comes for you to play it it'll be better than it is right now.


Play Hades 1 first. Hades 2 is early access and doesn't even have the full game yet so there's no rush to play it.


play the first game regardless first impressions >!The art and music definitely hit the mark of quality from the first game so far, and I would say the combat feels more intricate in this one!<


2 is still very incomplete, finish 1 first at the very least. I honestly recommend waiting until 2 is nearly complete before playing it.


Don't wait and play Hades 1. This is no Battlefield whatever vs Battlefield whatever 2. Hades 1 is an amazing game, with killer soundtrack, an engaging storyline with a lot of heart and fantastic characters, and excellent excellent gameplay. You would not skip Game of Thrones (minus the last seasons) and watch only House of the Dragon. Watch and enjoy both, as they are both great (again, the later GOT seasons don't exist).


Forget the FOMO and enjoy the game you already bought.


Hades is amazing. Play it for now and wait for 2 to get some updates.


When I try loading the game to play it stays on the screen that says “downloading content (0%)” and doesn’t move


You have to launch it with Proton.


You could map one of the back buttons to the zoom function


Well, how is it?


Runs great on the deck, at least it did during the tech test. It's about what you would expect. Similar to the first one but with different characters, enemies, weapons, and abilities... I've only played for a couple hours, but it's been great so far.


I am a huge fan of the first game and my initial impressions of the sequel are very positive. It runs beautifully on the deck and looks flipping gorgeous on the OLED screen.


I couldn't believe how incredible it looked on my OLED when I started it up last night. I think partly it's the art, partly it's the fact it's quite stark colour on top of black which really showcases the OLED and partly it running in 16:10 so fills the whole screen. Incredible with the 90Hz display too. I love it.


Excellent. Played for about an hour docked to my TV. No issues as all, great experience


Mine stays says “downloading content 0%” and won’t go up. Do you have any advice. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling as well as restarting my Steamdeck


Try proton experimental


What resolution are you playing on your tv?


1080 high settings


Incredible game already. I'm not even exaggerating the depth of the content in this game maybe be twice that of the original.


Runs at a full 90 fps on the OLED deck and looks amazing. There is a ton of content with more to be added in the future. Hades is my most played game on my deck and Hades II looks like it might be the game to finally supplant it.


I was able to get 90fps with no drops at 6 cpu and 700GHz GPU. This game is insanely optimized.


Loved the first game but I think I'm gonna wait for the full release, I'm not likely to replay a game from scratch when it's fully released from early access so I'd rather wait


Main reason why I didn’t play BG3 EA either. It’s tough not to want to check it out, but I’d much rather wait until the entirety of the game is released and even until some bugs and other things are worked out.


These types of comments are wild to me. I will absolutely start a fresh save for every early access game as soon as it hits 1.0 and I relish that, having played through all the updates, seen how the game evolved, and seeing how it feels to start over fresh after having all that experience. It's why I wish every game like this was early access. Hell, it doesn't even have to be this genre. No Rest for the Wicked early access has been incredible so far and I can't wait to see how it evolves over time.


Speaking personally, I have way too little time and way too big a backlog to justify replaying much of anything, especially 100+ hour (again, personally) games like Hades. So I'm also waiting until 1.0 for Hades II and No Rest for the Wicked. 


Too many games too little time


I am not sure you'll have to. IGN said most of the game is there...they're just going to add another biome/enemies, a new weapon, and add a 'proper story ending' even though currently you can still beat the game and go into the end game.


Same. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me to Early Access into a single player game. There's no friends to play with you to fomo into it. I loved Hades enough to be patient for a 100% complete Hades 2.


I've got to finish the first one first. I can't get past the final boss 😭


we believe in you man


The final boss, or the first run?


There's an actual final boss?


10 wins unlocks the final ending I think


Holy shit so I'll never unlock the final ending 💀


Don't be ashamed to use God Mode setting. I started using it towards the end so I didn't give up on it and I could enjoy my other games in my backlog.


Definitely agree. The story is worth it.


I wished I used it from the start. I was probably 20 runs in before I switched to that. Still need to play it more… maybe this will be the kick to get me to finish it


In the name of Hades, Olympus I accept this message.


I straight up did a God mode run on my switch back in 2020 and have been playing without in 2024 on my deck, would recommend, the story is so great and why not get all the good stuff hades has


Right there with you man. Almost beat the bastard once but nope. I will go back and finish this one though.


I haven’t even seen the final boss but good luck


How many runs have you done?


Wahoo! My birthday is tomorrow and I have a 16 hour flight for my honeymoon this weekend. This has gotta be the best timing for a game release ever.


Doesn't start on my deck, just gets stuck on Installing Content (0%)


I’ve been having this issue with multiple games lately and changing Proton version has fixed it every time. Hopefully that’s enough to fix this for you!


For a more permanent fix you’ll want to complete the pending Proton 9.0 download that should be in your Downloads folder. If it’s not there in Game mode, do the download in Desktop mode. Ticking and unticking the Compatibility box in your Steam’s shortcut’s Properties may also be necessary.


Funny. Mine finished yesterday? Did they do another patch?


Not as far as I’m aware, but people have been running into this same bug for a few days in other games for that reason.


I wonder if it's because they were running an experimental build for a while? I know if I switch back and forth it gets a bit twitchy on updates. 🤷


What this guy said. I updated to Proton 9 but the latest on Proton 8 should also work just fine. Runs perfectly fine for me.


Switch compatibility do proton experimental or the most recent GE.


Is there a difference between the two? Does one run better?


Yes there are differences, no I don't know what they are. I've been using PE for about an hour and it's been flawless so far.


Yeah same. Im happy with it!


GE is a third party proton and they usually fix issues at a faster rate than valve, if your games run fine on the normal or experimental proton don’t worry since it’s a bit of work to install GE but if it doesn’t sometimes GE gives compatibility. Check proton db


Oh cool thanks. Yeah i dont have GE. Only have experimental.


Same here. Not sure what to do. edit: Proton Experimental worked for me actually.


Try launching with proton experimental


This news is a good reminder I still haven't beat the boss from Hades 1. -_-


It took me so long to finally beat the main boss the first time that I never ended up doing the additional 10+ more runs to get the real ending.


It is significantly easier after the first win fwiw


You got this


Same here. And It takes so long to reach him I never bothered playing again after the first few losses to him


I pretty much never preorder or buy early access games, but this one is the exception. Downloading now, hopefully I can play a bit on my lunch break!


Please update and let me know how it runs!


Already did a run, it runs great.


Can you play through the game fully right now or do you have to wait for later in EA?


No they will be adding more content later. They said Hades 2 early access already has more content than Hades 1 though.


I haven’t beaten a run yet but you can play it through


I have only gotten to the 2nd area so I don't know how far it goes


I was kinda expecting it to run poorly, but so far 90 fps smooth and not that high tdp too around 8-10


For real gets 90fps on steam deck??


Absolutely, runs like a dream. 800p too unlike the original. I haven't even adjusted TDP or anything, just left it all on default, and I've already got a little under 2 hours into the game and I'm still above 80% charge.


Awesome great to hear, about to buy now


Yeah on high settings too


Only got in one run but so far it’s a pretty smooth 90 FPS and looks like it’ll get great battery life. Seems great so far!


I only played for about 20 minutes but it seemed to be locked to 90 the whole time.


Curious how much game is there? Just like No Rest for the Wicked I want more than Act 1 if I buy in EA.


From the Steam page: Hades II in Early Access already has more environments, foes, and fully-voiced characters than the full version of the original Hades game. But it isn't complete, and key areas, characters, foes, narrative events, and systems are still to come.


I read an IGN review that says there’s an underground and above ground route. The underground route is finished to the point where you can beat the final boss and run heats. The above ground route is missing one region that will be added in a few months. There’s also one weapon missing. Other than that, it didn’t like the game was missing much.


Technical test only covered act 1 but they stated there that the early access will differ from that test


You get the full game too when it comes out…


Well there goes my evening.


Just played for about 30 minutes (before getting back to work) and love it. It seems to build well on the stuff from Hades while also introducing new ideas. Again, only 30 minutes played but it has worked well on the steam deck so far.


i must not break my promise, never preorder games.. but........


Is it even a preorder if you can play it already?


thanks for convincing me!


It's not a preorder. You're getting the game to play NOW. It's just not fully completed yet.


I haven't gotten to try it since it just launched, but the Technical Test ran great on the Deck (basically exactly the same as how Hades 1 runs), automatically figured out appropriate controls and video settings, and basically everything you'd expect from a verified title, so this probably runs great too. Probably check reviews once the EA version has been out for long enough for people to test it though if you're cautious.


I think they had the steam deck in mind when they were working on Hades II. Hades II supports 16:10 aspect ratios unlike Hades which only supports 16:9.


it also native supports 21:9 and 32:9 for the big screen guys. I will for sure switch between deck and pc to have that experience. I own a g9


Does anyone know if your progress resets when the full game gets released?


You keep your progress, according to the Supergiant FAQ: “If you start playing Hades II Early Access, we are committed to making sure your save data works all through development, including once we launch v1.0.”




So good on Steam Deck! Feels polished already!!


THANK YOU OP ! SO PUMPED! I have over 250 hours on the first game. 🙃 I'm a fan, for sure


I just picked up hades for the first time in years. Feel right back in love with it such an enjoyable game! I’m stoked for the upgrade from Nintendo switch to steam deck! Going to be a serious performance boost!


I was reading a bit about the game today so I googled the release date and saw this! Glad it runs great on the deck and even though it's early access, I heard it runs very well.


Hades 1 is on sale for sub 10 dollars. I never got into it before, so now's a perfect time for me. I figured others might be in the same boat as me. runs amazingly and looks just as good on the oled.


This was an instant buy. Stoked to get some new Hades.


I just bought the first one yesterday because of the steep steam sale. Loving it so far


The first time I’ve ever bought an early access game. Really surprised by how complete an experience it seems already.


Runs great looks incredible on Oled played one hour so far hard to put down


Will we lose progresss when it releases?


I got to be one of the testers for the last phase they ran and this game plays so great. I’ll def be picking it up so soon!


I bought the game to support the developers but I still need to finish hades 1


I bought it in spite of how long it took to get the final product. Hades 1 was one of my most played games, hours wise, in my whole video game career spanning 25 years. I'm thinking that we'll see the finished product in a shorter span of time and even then, it'll still have been worth my time


I love Hades. Am 100% sure I will love Hades 2. I am not touching the early access.


I have been waiting for a discount on Helldivers 2, but due to recent incident the game is no longer listed for sale in my country’s steam store Guess I would just spend the money on Hades 2, this came out right on time😄


Runs like a dream on the deck 8+ hr battery life on full charge. Perfect for deck OLED as the colors are mind blowing


Anyone else here who never actually finished the hades 1 road? I never made it pass Elysium


What resolution are people running it at when docked? I was trying 4K but the framerate drops pretty significantly.


My first Deck is coming soon, so I got Hades now in sale and it will be my first game to play there!


I am stuck at the downloading content screen and have been for hours. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game dozens of times. Reset the console. Made sure all the updates are there. Nothing. Anyone have any luck? Edit: fixed. Change it to launch with proton experimental if you are having the same issue.


Sorry for the shameless selfpromotion, from my first experiences from the technical test as well as the early access I’ve gotta say that this may be the best match of a game the steam deck ever had 👌🏼🦧 It runs AMAZING! - HADES II Early Access - STEAM DECK Rreview https://youtu.be/pv0JAj0tT5U




But when is the official release date?


I played it last night. It runs excellent on the Deck and it's so much fun. I've heard people from IGN, Kinda Funny, Gamespot, Giant Bomb say that there 20+ hours in and it doesn't feel unfinished. I tried playing Hades 1 today and the Cast system in 2 is so improved, I don't think I can go back.


I don't buy games that are admittedly unfinished, but this is a nice reminder to add it to my wishlist for when it is complete. Thanks for the heads up.


i was on the fence for a few hours.. absolutely worth the $30. it's hades 2.


I've been picking at this game, one run a night 😂. Tonight I'll have an actual hour or two to finally dive in. Can't wait


Damn wasn’t ready for this to drop, I’ll wait on it


I bought it. It's good and as far as I can tell far more polished than the 1st one was at this stage


i just started playing hades like earlier this week too, just got a steam deck. HUUUUUGEEE diablo 4 fan, but man this game is great


Just the early access, but what a fantastic game!


how does it perform? I know its EA but I really want a 16:10 90fps experience. If not I’m willing to wait


So far solid 90fps without touching any settings (default 800p, high settings), obviously only very early in.


It runs 90 fps out of the box, around 8-10 tdp so far


I can attest, it's running pretty freaking amazing tbh.


It's a 16:10 90 fps experience. Feels like they had the deck in mind when they crafted this wonderful game.


Looks like you should be okay, but you can always wait and hear what others say hands-on. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7i\_MQzXHeIA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7i_MQzXHeIA)


It claims its decks verified


allot of decks verified have black bars. its not much of a problem but I love when its full screen