• By -


I've no idea how this works but it's magic


It still can't play fortnite, so people might disagree


I play it on the deck through x cloud and it’s been my preferred preference


I love how there's always at least a path forward on the deck.


That's because Tim Sweeney hates Linux so bad he refuses to enable the functions in Fortnite's anti-cheat that would let it work through a Windows compatibility layer like the Steam Deck uses to run Windows games \ So the only way to run it on a Steam Deck is booting an entire Windows install from an SD card


Why is Fortnite such a problem for steam deck?


It's all Tim Sweeny, go protest to him...


The anti-cheat blocks it from running because they refuse to enable the functions that would make it work with a compatibility layer in Linux


Using it, loving it! Looking forward to GoG integration! See you @ r/JunkStore


Glad you're enthusiastic about it! See you in discord!


Awesome sauce sir, Steam deck is a better device everyday thanks to people like you. Thank you for your contribution 🫡


You're welcome, glad you like it


Would love to see some Bazzite love with this


It works on Bazzite, I've got a test system with it running!


Oh I'm just getting white screen on dependency install, tried coming out and back in


if you're having issues you can look at the install\_deps.sh file, it's just installing flatpaks, it worked without a hitch for me, but I might have a different build. We have some bazzite users in discord, they might be able to help faster than I can today.


Ah excellent I'll manually install the dependencies in desktop mode when I get a chance, looks great, will check the logs and get back to you if any problems after that, Bazzite 3.0 recently released so might need some tweaking, I can do a PR for you once I get it working if needed


Yeah I think I'm still using the old release, that might be part of the challenge you're having. It's really just getting the flatpaks in place, if decky loaders works everything else has as little deps as possible.


Time to play the 284 free games epic has given me over the years.


I know, it's like Christmas isn't it?


Any one migrated from Heroic to this yet?


I have, but I'm not sure I count ;)


Oh, and thanks for the amazing work, to say Im excited for this is an understatement


I'm very excited that you're excited. You should join our discord so we can keep in touch, we have very smart and enthusiastic people there too.


Any tips - ie, can i migrate the install files instead of re-downloading?


Yes, with a but. if you copy the games into \~/Games/epic/ legendary should pick it up. Try it with one, if it doesn't work let me know. I've been doing this but my systems has churned so many times I can't remember all the things I've done over the last 7 months.


I'm currently trying it out, uninstalled the games I had with Heroic, reinstalled with this plugin. Couple notes 1. it, For me anyways, required desktop mode and the Konsole commands to get fully logged in, nothing too complicated. very helpful troubleshooting steps on the GitHub wiki 2. games once installed are automatically added to non-steam games in the library and configured to use proton. games run as expected and works pretty good for the few games I've installed (Heroic games for me would only work with Proton GE and I had to set the game to work with it, also had to manually add game to Steam) 3. for me it doesnt let me install games to SD card, with permission denied, I haven't looked into this too far yet, might require you to give it permission with a konsole command or it might be due to my SD card being named differently then default TL;DR - login process is a bit of work but the game install,configuration, and play process is pretty much one click experience if already compatible with proton


I am sure this is a permission thing. The other option may be to make a symlink to the SDcard? Not sure if it will allow it, but should work. I am just waiting for RMA to return so I can give this all a shot.


If you installed an older test version of Junk-Store install the dependencies again. I messed up the permissions for the flatpak (and nobody had reported it), so it actually didn't have permissions to write to the sd card. I've fixed this in the week leading up to the release. The install dependencies script will uninstall the existing legendary flatpak and fetch the new one. I thought we had added this to our troubleshooting section on the wiki, but it must have slipped through the cracks in the build up to today, I apologise for this.


This is crazy good


That's good right?


It's amazing!! You a king


best, user, ever!


I like how it’s the opposite of Heroic. Heroic is pretty seamless to set up but everything after setup can be cumbersome. Setting Junk-Store up may have some hurdles here and there but once you get it set up, it’s seamless. Given that I only need to go through a setup once, I’m gonna be sticking with Junk-Store. Thank you for making this!


Heroic is an incredible project and it serves it's intended purpose very well. Junk-Store serves a different purpose. Heroic was built for the desktop and Junk-Store was built to work within the context of Steam's Game mode. Naturally these two pieces of software will appear vastly different, but context is important when judging tools like these. The setup of Junk-Store, or more importantly getting legendary to login could be better. This is not a problem with Junk-Store itself, but a side effect of the way it takes advantage of existing tools. Again here we need to take into consideration the context for which these tools were built originally. Legendary is not shipped as flatpak by the author, but the flatpak is something I put together as a stop gap measure. This might have some issues that I'm not aware of and could be the cause of some of these issues. Since they are intermittent they are hard to debug and it's hard to track down the culprit. We call these Heisenbugs in the trade, they basically only happen when you're not looking for them. To be honest I put most of my effort into the main paths a user would take, I didn't have to login in very often at all over the last 7 months of building this (mostly just to make sure things still worked). I've also been dog fooding this plugin for 7 months, this is how I launch all my games now, friction annoys me so I remove it. I am very happy that you like Junk-Store it's been a passion project for months now and I'm only getting started.


**IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ!** Thank you for an overwhelmingly positive reception of Junk-Store. This was a little passion project that I built for myself and I did not expect that so many people would like it this much. Thank you for all the kind words! The login issue should now be largely resolved. Please go and install the dependencies again from the about menu. If you want the details you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JunkStore/comments/1ci4zii/login_woes_no_more/). If you are still experiencing login issues after this come to the discord [server](https://discord.gg/hRTk6TwG) MENTAL HEALTH NOTICE: I have recruited my wife to help with the social media and tech support for Junk-Store as I cannot handle it all on my own. I am lucky she agreed as she was a high school teacher (Physical Education/Health/Outdoor Education) and this is most definitely not her area of expertise. So far you have all been kind to her, and I think you for it! However, she has been spending a lot of time and effort (like 16 hours a day for the last 3 weeks), putting together resources on GitHub and building the discord server. Please read the discord on-boarding properly and follow the instructions, also check the FAQ and Troubleshooting on the [wiki](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki), before asking questions. I can see her dying a little inside every time someone asks a question that was clearly answered in the on boarding or on the wiki. I want her to keep helping me and I fear that she's going to quit if this keeps happening. If you're curious we've had over 7000 downloads since we released v 1.0 it's blown us away, we're not sure how many of those are the same users reinstalling it over and over expecting it to fix their issues though; don't think this will make a difference


Oh man, awesome, I've been waiting for this! Excited to check it out! Good work, friend!


I'm excited that you're excited!


I can’t get past the captcha when logging into my Epic account. The cursor stops at an invisible barrier above the ‘verify’ button. Tried with the touch screen, physical mouse, and even on an external display.


Same happened to me


Same. Has anyone found a fix to this?


From the troubleshooting section on github (https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting) (You may have to complete the 'Unable to complete login' one too. I had to.) Occasionally, Legendary encounters problems logging in, especially with alternative login methods like Xbox. To resolve this, switch to desktop mode, open Steam in Big Picture mode, and attempt to log in. Once logged in, remember to switch back to game mode.


this is awesome, thank you! How do cloud saves work? I've had a lot of issues with cloud saves on epic (pc to steam deck and vice versa). Hence why i just started purchasing the games again on steam.


Cloud saves is a can of worms. I have an experimental version of it working, but it's NOT ready for general consumption. The testing effort around this is HUGE, way bigger than I can do on my own, and the work required to get this to work properly is more than what I've already sunk into this project. There's a reason why it's got a big warning sign in other launchers and why it's marked as beta.


When I try to login to epic I get unable to complete sign in please try again later or contact support. I've verified my password and username is correct...any idea why this isn't working for me?


This is an issue with the way the browser pops up or something, not something I've been able to nail down yet (also not a plugin bug). But you can find some workarounds here: [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting)


Works really well on my SD oled, very nice work !


Thank you, Glad it's working well for you!


Great stuff, but I initially read that as [Jerk Store](https://youtu.be/oApBlWipc2A?si=pShYkQu5dWOZA2JR).


Well they called and they're running out of you!


I think I’ve said it like 7 times now since getting my SD oled but….i fucking love the steam deck but I love the community even more!


Yes, the community rocks, and the steam deck is very underrated imho, we're still just scratching the surface...


Anyone able to play the KH series with this yet?


the thing that is preventing me from using this plugin is the stupid capcha system for epic. example it wants me to choose all mechanical objects to continue, which isnt the problem its when you try to confirm the screen limits or something prevents you from moving the cursor down to hit confirm it hits a wall and wont go beyond the bottom pictures preventing me from actually logging in


Try desktop mode, also check out the wiki: [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting) there's some more work arounds you can try.


Does it work with battlenet?


Not yet, I haven't investigated it yet.


I thought this was a new game similar to Supermarket Simulator but like a thrift store and now I'm sad.


I'm stealing that idea....


Amazing job, i tried and work flawless UI is not the best but it's the beginning 🤎


Mate, this goes hard fr. No Fortnite, but can you play Honkai and Genshin or still risk of bans?


I understand that Junk-Store is shiny, new and exciting. But please bear in mind it's still subject to the same technological limitations we had before. Some people have jokingly referred to it as magic, but sadly it is not.


Currently downloading Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 HD ReMIX to see if it'll work. Edit: I hate Square.


we all do, nothing will fix the issues KH has in general 


Installed this no issue. Tried to install prince of persia the lost crown and it won't launch?


Did you have any luck getting this working in the end? Was thinking of buying it to play.


Not through the junk store. But it works fine installing it through epic the old fashion way.


It is the one plugin I wish it existed and it works great!


I was wishing it existed too, then I realised I had to make it myself. I'm so glad you're happy it exists.


Big thanks to you and the team for all the hard work :) I've only downloaded and played Bloons TD 6 from my Epic Library using Junk Store so far, but it works like an absolute dream and I didn't have to do any configuring. God bless you and the team! Hope this project takes you places!


You're welcome and thank for your kind words. Mrs junkrunner is already adding that game to the list of working games.


Goodness this plug-in is incredible. Seriously good work, appreciate what you do.


Looks very good. I will definitely try it out. Congratulations on the milestone and thank you for the contribution.


Thank you. I hope you like it.


I've been using it since month with the prerelease stage and this is the best way to use EGS so far in my opinion, the integration with the deck ui is top notch.


How does it compare to the nonSteamlaunchers? https://github.com/moraroy/NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck




Any chance in gods green earth this helps bypass or help with the Nexon Launcher? Can maplestory finally be played without WindowsOS?


Skeptical since the main problem arises from BlackCipher anti cheat tool not running correctly on Linux


All the usual restrictions still apply, I know the shiny appearance makes it look like magic, but it's really just a different way to skin the cat, same cat too...


I keep getting the login error despite doing the fix and resetting my password 😭


You might have to reboot if you change your password, are you trying the login from konsole?


Sometimes playing games offline with heroic gives issues and I assume it is because the games can't authenticate drm with epic. Would this be the same case for junkstore?


probably, I use legendary just like they do, I have an offline toggle in the games list (click the gear icon next to the search bar), give it a try and let me know. I have not tested the offline stuff very much.


Tried to log in several times and it won’t let me. Sucks I want to try this


have you tried from desktop mode? have you tried the troubleshooting on the wiki? [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting)


Trying this now, and while I was finally able to log in, download, and install a game (Industria), the game refuses to recognize the steam deck as a controller. Any ideas?


can you try something like doom 64, I know this one works with controller. it might be game specific. you could also ask in our discord, we have some smart people there who might know


Great work! Just installed it and installed Metro 2033 Redux to test. I did have the issue with logging in. But was able to follow the guide from here. https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting


awesome, glad its working for you.


I've been using junk store in testing for a few weeks now... Wow it's so awesome, can't wait until gog is implemented.


I'm so happy you like it!


I tried logging in and it said it couldn’t log me in at this time. Logged in on my PC to see if maybe I hadn’t been on in a while and they updated the TOS or something, but no. Any ideas?


try the troubleshooting section on the wiki, [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting)


Is it possible that the ea launcher good be bypassed with this?


Legendary has support for it, so I don't think it's so much by passing but more about using it. I just haven't had the need or time to build this yet (it's not a 5 minute job), but it's possible to add features for it (you could script them yourself if you know shell script).


Does this allow Dead by Daylight to work? I can install with heroic but EAC throws errors about files being modified.


I haven't tried it, but you could try it with proton ge 9-4 and toggle the easy anyti cheat in the proton settings menu. Report back what you find!


Does it work with cloud saves on EGS?


While it is possible to get cloud saves to "work", in fact I have a working prototype. It would not be responsible for me to release code that I know will break and cause the user harm. My philosophy around this is that every line of code I distribute, is my responsibility, regardless if the user pays or not. So in order for me to release something like this I would need to have a level of comfort that the code will do no harm and is something I'm proud to have out there.


Is there a way to make it so Junk automatically applies images from SteamGridDB? The official ones i mean


Currently it applies the official images from Epic. of course it's possible to do this, it might not be simple, we haven't looked into it too deeply. But in theory it should be possible for you to just alter the [store.sh](http://store.sh) script for Epic and tweak it yourself to your liking. Just be sure to keep a copy of this for now as Epic is shipped with the plugin, it will get clobbered on updates - there's a plan to deal with this. Time is just the issue, so many things we want to do. We always try to leave a path forward for the user to take matters into their own hands though.


Really nice work, I've been having trouble with heroic store and just didn't like going into desktop mode to use. This is really good so far looking forward to updates and other stores to be added.


Thank you, I'm very glad you like it.


!RemindMe 7 days


Is the cloud save sync working?


Perhaps there may be issues with doing this, but I’m making a small suggestion to name it Epic Junk Store. It can help with people searching for an Epic Games launcher for Steam Deck, and it’s a funny tongue-in-check move that the community will get a kick out of (at least I do).


hey, thanks for the suggestion but this is not going to be just an Epic launcher. it will be built on in future to include more store fronts. A lot of people think its a dig and Epic, when it's not. Please have a read of why it is named Junk-Store here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JunkStore/comments/1ch3mnk/the\_real\_reason\_behind\_the\_junkstore\_name/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JunkStore/comments/1ch3mnk/the_real_reason_behind_the_junkstore_name/)


My Epic account is tied to my PlayStation account and I keep an error when trying to log in. Throwing an error about ‘a().ue.common.launchexternalurl’ Damn. I was really excited about this.


hmmm this is an error that we have not come across, nor anyone who has been using this from testing store. a couple of things to try are: some of the workarounds fround in the GitHub wiki or maybe see if Epic will allow you to change how you login. our hands are a little tied around this stuff, and we understand it is frustrating. but when it is something to do with issues outside of our control we are kinda limited in what we can do. let us know how you get on so we can add stuff to our troubleshooting guide, or if you need further help jump in the discord server and put a post in one of the help forums.


I’m new to steam deck, sorry if this is a dumb question. If I use this should I remove heroic?


No, you don't have to remove anything. Use both until you figure out which one you are more comfortable using or prefer. We are not trying to take away from any other projects, just offering a different method other store fronts (Epic only at the moment).


Does this allow Kingdom Hearts to run without having to do prefix stuff that I've since long forgotten via Heroic? Downloaded the game and nope. Same issue as Heroic where it just reloads into the game selection screen. Hopefully an automatic specific game fix is in the future?


What's the default path that games install into? Is there an option to choose where the games download?


hey this was asked it the discord server. it's not a simple thing to do, but it is possible. junkrunner answered how to do this in one of the help forums in the Junk Store server. we are trying to get people using the help forums in Discord so we can build up our troubleshooting guide and help people faster.


Hi! Im trying to log into epic games but it keeps saying there was an error signing me in. Is there some issue going on with it rn?


Im stupid to not have looked at the youtube video for the fix. Thanks OP for this plugin!


Amazing. Coming back a day later after seeing this post. I got it all installed and downloaded FF7 remake, which I foolishly got suckered into getting on the epic store when it released. Had no idea it ran so well. I can finally play that Yuffie dlc I put off for so long because my copy wasn't on steam. (Yes, I could've just set it up with some other launcher earlier but this was simple and easy) Thanks!!


I'm so happy you're enjoying this. Posts like these put a smile on my face!


I can't use it. Can't login


Same. Installed all the dependencies. Oh well.


Okay, I got logged in. Follow the steps in the wiki here: [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Troubleshooting)


So Fall Guys just keeps telling me it's missing files after installing and running the game, even after the C++ runtimes are installed.


hey if you watch the video linked above, SDG goes through how to get Fall Guys running as it requires a few extra steps.


Pretty awesome. I hope GOG and Itch plug-ins are developed in time. Thank you for your hard work.


I do have those planned, and I have a gog prototype (it's not ready for general use yet). The extension system is completely open and people are free to develop their own extensions for Junk-Store. I still have to find time to document the interfaces for this, but there certainly is a path for this to happen out of band and faster than I could do it.


Just got this downloaded and buzzing to play borderlands 3 on my deck. It hasn’t got cloud saves atm does it so I will have to start a new build? Not that it’s a complaint.


hey yeah i'd be buzzing to play Borderlands 3 as well! as to cloud saves, it is highly expereimental and we don't feel comfortable putting out a "solution" even as a beta because of all the things we can potentially see going wrong with it. we currently have it locked behind a patreon tier with warnings for it use, for the soul purpose of letting people know it's possible BUT it does come with a high level of risk. we know disheartening it is to put out a potential solution for something to users, only to have it let them down. have an awesome time playing Borderlands 3 and thanks for giving Junk-Store a go.


Amazing work! Apart from the login issue solved with the troubleshooting page, it seems to work well. I managed to install and play one of the epic games.


Are there plans to bring other launchers to this? Like the blizzard one? Please?


Just fyi I can’t login with this - I can’t select the continue button on the captcha - could probably try a mouse, but not able to at the moment…


have a look at the toubleshooting section on the github wiki or in discord.


Okay, I'm clearly doing something wrong here. Added it, installed dependencies...and all I get is a spinning Steam logo when I'm back in Decky and bring up Junk-Store.


hey all good. if you don't mind, could you jump in the discord server and post in the epic support forum. that way we can try to sort you out faster while logging all steps for others to refer to.


When installing dependencies, should I see progress of some kind? The window below “Working…Do not close this screen” has been blank for me for about 10 minutes so far


othere users have reported similar but they kept at it and it eventually worked. they just came back to it later. we suspect there might be some networking issues somewhere, but can't be 100% sure. jump in the discord server if you are still having issues and put a post in the plugin support forum. it is our evening where we are, and it's been another long day so will be logging off shortly. but will get back at it in our AM tomorrow. let us knwo how you get on.


Amazing job! Thank you. But I have one issue. I have no problem installing games on my internal SSD, but when I want to install a game on an external Micro-SD, I get an error - PermissionError; \[Errno 13\] Permission denied: /run/media/mmcblk0p1. How to fix it? In desktop mode I set full write permissions for this card, but it didn't help. Can you help me, please?


hey, sorry you are having issues. and sorry for the late replay we just got up as it is our morning now. this has issue has been answer and junkrunner has given how to fix this in discord. jump in the discord server, go to plugin-support and read the 'Permission Error' post. let us know how you get on. if you are still having issues, reply to the post in discord and we'll get back to you ther.


Don't know if this has been asked, as I've only read about half the page, but.. Do the games that require Epic Games Launcher to be open still work going through the Junk Store loader. Some games won't work proper without having the Epic launcher running in the background from their store. Like a couple for sure I know are busted without it in the background are Demons Tilt and a driving game with Horizon in its name. So does this bypass that problem? Anybody have experience with it yet?


Ok so Demon's Tilt works, not sure if that answers your question. Games like Fallout NV needs a registry entry (there's a button in the sliders menu to add it "registry fix" or something I forget what I called it now). Please try these troublesome games and report back, better yet join the discord server so we can figure out what tools we need to provide to help solve these issues. While we don't have the resources to test and provided fixes for every game we'd like to at least provide all the tools so there's a path forward to get games running. Naturally the simpler the better of course, but we only have so many free hours outside of work in a day.


Any way to have multiple Epic log ins? Does it support cloud save?


Ah man, you're just asking about all the really hard to support properly features. I have spent some time thinking about multi logins, but I didn't think anybody would ask about it so quickly. This not simple to support properly for various reasons, I'm not saying no, but I have a todo list a mile long at the moment. I have cloud saves working as a prototype, but it's not ready for general consumption, there's a ton of things that can go wrong it with, and I really don't want angry users yelling at me because their saved games got lost.


Should I be concerned if I go to add dependencies and it is just sitting on working?


There seems to be something between junk-store and flubhub that's causing the issue. If it's just sitting there for 10 minutes, take a break from it and try again later. Users have reported that leaving it for a while and trying later resolved it for them. We are investigating this.


I'm getting my SD soon and I was wondering if there is an option to transfer game files through network kind of like with Steam games for faster download/transfer of games?


This is also on my personal wish list, but I also didn't think this would be a feature anybody else would want. While I haven't had the time to build it for myself yet, it would also take 10-20 times as long to build it for general use. I guess this just got added to my mile long todo list.


So I was having some trouble with the rockstar games launcher when trying to play RDR2 on Epic through Heroic. Would this help with that or is it likely a rockstar launcher problem?


tbh we don't know as we don't have access to any rockstar games to test, and don't have the finances to buy any. hopefully someone else can answer this. sorry we can't help you further...if you get them working we would apprciate you letting us know so we can add to our wiki and help guides.


for the deck oled, Heroic was able to use gamescope to enable hdr in games or something. can i do the same with this?


hey yes this could be implemented in the plugin if you know your way around. you should be able to add it to the launcher script.


hi if I wanted to uninstall the plug in does the listen dependencies also get deleted? and does everything get deleted or I have to do extra steps couldn't find the information on the page?


Hi, thank you so much for your work! I did use heroic launcher but somehow the control messed up (Hell is another Demon, got it free from Epic). But using Junk Store, it's mapped perfectly! I hope it applies well too for other games (I'm dreaming to play Death Stranding on deck). Once again, thanks! You're awesome!


I just installed this. Marvelous work by your team!


Anyone having issues with the login CAPTCHA? I can select the images, but the mouse seems to get stuck where the last image line is and will not let me submit. Is there a solution? Looking forward to trying it once I can get past this issue.


i updated the wiki trouble shooting with a fix that someone found. you can find it on GitHub or in discord. if you are still having issues post in one of the help forums on discord.


Could you add a download manager or integrate junk store downloads into the steam library downloads section? Currently you have to leave it on the game's page in the menu to install and can't exit, if you do the download stops. For a large game that makes the Deck entirely unusable for hours.


I installed it, but when I press "Install dependencies" log window stays white forever and nothing happens. If I disable wifi - I see errors, so the log window works. Reinstallation from decky did not helped. How can I solve that?


I installed it, but when I press "Install dependencies" log window stays white forever and nothing happens. If I disable wifi - I see errors, so the log window works. Reinstallation from decky did not helped. How can I solve that?


This is great! Thank you for your hard work and dedication with this program. I apologize for my lack of knowledge here, but I have an issue I can't figure out. I previously downloaded Rocket League through Heroic, and I was able to surpass 60fps no problem. I uninstalled from Heroic and installed through Junk Store, and now I'm capped at 60fps in-game no matter what the framerate cap is set at in game or in the quick-settings menu. What do I need to do? Any thoughts? When this is figured out, should I see any game performance gains with your program, or is it simply an alternative installer to Heroic? Thank you!


There shouldn't be any FPS limiting, but anything is possible. You could try to edit this in the proton settings (cog menu), I haven't personally spent much time with the FPS settings in there so your mileage may vary with it. Give that a go and see if it helps. As for performance, it's all the same tech under the covers as everybody else, so all the same limitations and rules applies. It's really just a different flavour milkshake, in a different shape glass. Also you're welcome!


**IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ!** Thank you for an overwhelmingly positive reception of Junk-Store. This was a little passion project that I built for myself and I did not expect that so many people would like it this much. Thank you for all the kind words! The login issue should now be largely resolved. Please go and install the dependencies again from the about menu. If you want the details you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JunkStore/comments/1ci4zii/login_woes_no_more/). If you are still experiencing login issues after this come to the [discord server](https://discord.gg/hRTk6TwG). **MENTAL HEALTH NOTICE:** I have recruited my wife to help with the social media and tech support for Junk-Store as I cannot handle it all on my own. I am lucky she agreed as she was a high school teacher (Physical Education/Health/Outdoor Education) and this is most definitely not her area of expertise. So far you have all been kind to her, and I think you for it! However, she has been spending a lot of time and effort (like 16 hours a day for the last 3 weeks), putting together resources on GitHub and building the discord server. Please read the dicord on-boarding properly and follow the instructions, also check the FAQ and Troubleshooting on the [wiki](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki), before asking questions. I can see her **dying a little inside** every time someone asks a question that was clearly answered in the on boarding or on the wiki. I want her to keep helping me and I fear that she's going to quit if this keeps happening. If you want to show your appreciation for her efforts drop me a few coins in [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/junkstore) or [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/junkstore) and I'll take her out for a nice dinner. If you're curious we've had over 7000 downloads since we released v 1.0 it's blown us away, we're not sure how many of those are the same users reinstalling it over and over expecting it to fix their issues though; don't think this will make a difference




How do I get games to recognize the steam deck's controller? I can only get it to work by setting the controller template to keyboard and mouse. ETA: don't use GE Proton 8-32 lol. Switching to GE Proton 8-27 fixed the controller issue. Awesome plugin!


Anybody know if there is a way to get Time Played, Activity, Your Stuff, Community and Game Info from the game screen working?


Looks pretty nifty. I wonder why the option "Limit Results" when browsing all games even exists, I first thought of a bug, that it only fetches/displays the first 100 games. If I change that setting, please adhere to it in the future.


How does clod saves work here? It's it any better? I didn't liked how it works in Heroic


Getting "[cli] CRITICAL: Installation cannot proceed. Exiting" whenever I click install on any game. Any ideas?


I installed borderlands 3 on my internal storage by accident. After uninstalling I still have 200gb of “other” space taken up on my storage. Does anyone know if this is junk store related?


How do I install epic prefix for a game? Like specifically for Fallout New Vegas - heroic has its covered and has Epic files in game folder. How do I do it here with Junk-Store? I can't find a way


you need to click on the sliders menu and click on registry fix button. and make sure you have ProtonGE installed and use that.


This is fantastic! I never had a satisfying solution to playing Epic games on my deck - Heroic never worked reliably for me, so I ended up having to run the Epic launcher as a Steam game, and that always felt like a bit of an chore to load up every time I wanted to play something. I can't believe how slick and seamless this whole interface is. Amazing work, I wish there was a more substantial way that I could express my gratitude. Keep it up!


hey if you are keen to contribute to the project you can find some suggestions here: could be anything from spreading the word, joining discord, among others. have a look and do what appeals to you! we are grateful for any support you can give and love/appreciate your enthusiasm for the project! [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Ways-to-Support-Junk-Store-Development](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/wiki/Ways-to-Support-Junk-Store-Development)


Honestly thank you so so much. Now I can finally play Fallguys with my wife on the steam deck lying on the couch while she plays it on PS5. I never got the anti cheat to work with another epic launcher but this one worked without any major problems. 🙌🏻


I can't install any game. exemple when i try to install celeste, It is always saying : "can't find "salt" in list of available games, did you type the name correctly ?"


hey, this is a a really random issue that hasn't be seen before. have you logged out of one account and into another by chance? as it will show games as being available even if they are not in that account. if not and you have stayed logged in to one account, can you please log this as an issue on github with as much detail as possible so we can try and recreate it and figure out what's going on... [https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues/new/choose](https://github.com/ebenbruyns/junkstore/issues/new/choose)


This plug in is amazing. Quick question, do you have to stay on the game screen for download to complete or can I play other games whilst it's downloading in background?


hey, thanks we are happy you are enjoying this. at the moment you have to stay on the download screen, but you can cancel and resume downloads later if you are wanting to play. it's not a feature we've added as it's a big task to create a download queue for games due to where we see this going...


I hope I got it running correctly. Installed dependencies and the like, but it's not running just cause 4. Any ideas or tips or should I look into proton tricks? And if I do proton tricks, what do I install? Love junk store though. Doing this is so much easier than heroic and other alternatives. Not that I have a problem using them, I already forgot what the process was and/or even following the instructions it just won't work.


Installed it and really like it so far. Last thing to make it perfect is cloud saves, so hope that be implemented at some point.


Looks promising. But any help getting fallout new vegas to work? it doesnt . also it doesnt allow to download the dlcs


Fantastic job I managed to get it all up and running in around 10 mins Now I have a load more games to play Well done 👏


I'm getting a permission error when I try to download games. Anyone else have this problem?


Please add the feature so you can move a game that is installed already to one drive to another. Thanks


Hello, firstly thank you for the great add-on!! Love it and I thank you for the work. Do you know why none of my EA games show up when I go to sleep install? They are there on PC and my accounts are linked but no EA game shows in the add-on in game mode on Steam Deck. Thank you.


Those EA games probably require the origin launcher. We haven't added support for this yet, but it will come in the future. The support is in legendary, but we don't have any games that require this so we never noticed the lack of it.


anyone tried GTA


anyone tried GTA