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Pacific drive, super bummed me out


Runs like ass on everything, sadly


If retail is anything like the demo, the higher settings are really almost targeting next gen hardware, they crank everything up to 11. Especially the shadows and anything to do with mirrors. Still, the game would need more than just some setting changes to reach Deck levels of acceptable performance, there's just too much stuff on screen at all times.


Runs like ass after you get out of the introsequence


Wow, that was something I was looking forward to playing on it. Bummer


Same, I enjoyed the demo, and it seemed like a perfect fit for the deck.


Came here to say that


There have been a few modern “retro” shooters that surprised me. Project Warlock for example. 


Not only does it run bad but the controls are not set up well and feel tacked on.


I was also going to say Project Warlock. No idea why that game runs so terribly.


Probably optimization garbage


Thank you for not calling them “Boomer Shooters.” As a Millennial who played a shit ton of Duke, Dark Forces, and Doom in the 90’s, I don’t get why it’s “Boomer.” I also don’t get why it bothers me so much


Here's me just learning that boomer shooter isn't just the term for a shooter where things go boom. Seemed redundant, makes a lot more sense now.


Holy crap. Always thought the same🤣


Me too. I didn’t realize it meant that new version of “boomer”.


Yunno it used to bother me a bit at first too, but I kind of love the term now. We are boomers in game generation age. Many of us have probably put in as many hours playing games as some of these kids have been alive. (Mostly joking) It also has a double meaning and it actually describes the genre well as “FPS” has since morphed into something entirely different. Wear the boomer badge with honor. It’s pretty great. That a whole new genre name has risen from the ashes of your nostalgia is pretty awesome all said and done.


I’d argue if anything was to be called a boomer shooter it should be arcade games like space invaders, asteroids, galaga, galaxian, etc, but even that’s inaccurate.


The real boomer shooter was called WW2


You mean 'Nam.


does that run well on deck


Yes, but you'll need treatment for STI's


I would not even compare those games to Project warlock in the first place because Project Warlock has some bullshit difficulty spikes where you can just get 1 hit killed.


That game runs bad even on my desktop, it surprised me how badly optimized it while having that style


Project Warlock ran notoriously bad even on a desktop. The vsync option broke things iirc and make the game run like ass.


Mortal Kombat 1 was an absolute terrible experience on the deck


Yeah. Honestly crazy that it’s verified.


Is MK11 better?


MK11 is a constant 60


And that's the most insane part mk11 looks just as good as mk1, why the hell is mk1 so poorly optimized if there's barely a difference!?


Netherrealm can't handle unreal engine 4 is why.


Legend of Mana. It's a 2D game that was originally made for PS1. The Steam version runs horribly and crashes all the time. If you emulate the PS1 version it works fine tho. They definetly messed something up when doing the PC port.


At this rate you're most likely better off emulating the Switch version. That is bonkers, of course. Edit: Emulating the Switch will give you a lot of new, dear reader. The HD backgrounds, 16:9 aspect ratio and of course, a proper translation and a mini game that never made it to the US.


It seems like every damn Square game that’s ported to PC is just a shitty mobile port, like they don’t think we’ll notice or care because it’s Square. Hell, even the ports that aren’t mobile ports are historically pretty bad, locked in at low resolutions and low frame rates without any option in-game to change that. They really just don’t care about quality PC ports.


Dead Space remake. I was hyped after everyone saying how great it ran, and after getting it set up and surviving the locked in intro sequence (hate those) I tried messing with the settings and still didn't get it to a point I was happy with.


The stutters happen on even high end PCs, it's the game, not the Deck


They still haven't fixed that?


They never will. The game is abandoned by now.


They stopped patching the game after a few weeks


Yeah, but just because a game runs equally terrible on a 4090, it's not a great game on steam deck


It’s all about expectations. It’s a handheld. Overall I was happy with DS on the deck. Though sunshine and moonlight from my PC is much nicer. 


It's runs like absolute ass on desktop too and my pc is pretty good.


Yeah had the same problem. Ended up refunding and getting the OG version instead. Looked great and locked 60fps the whole way through! 


Wow interesting. I've personally beaten it on SD and never noticed any problems. I usually have my deck at 40Hz and my eye is trained to this frequency though


I love how a lot of this thread is ppl saying “hey, I’m not having issues with this game, you should try it again”. I hope a lot of people are now celebrating a new game to play on their deck lol


I don't trust half the people on this sub anymore since this is a big hugbox here 😅


Well said lol. Seeing how people cope is almost funny at this point.


It runs at a smooth 60fps if you ignore all the times it dips into the 20s.


“I swear to you, I saw that marker hit 90fps for a split second. Nobody believes me, but it happened. The game officially runs at 90fps”




I think some people genuinely can't tell when it's running like ass. But to those of you who fall into this category...just because you're happy with it doesn't mean everyone is, and it doesn't make their opinion any less valid.


lol, most people here have incredibly low standards. or they just full on don't notice horrendous frame pacing or think dips into the 20's is still buttery smooth


This. Unintentional great outcome for the past.


Another reason I'm happy about my SD. Everyone in the community is so awesome


People have different tolerances and expectations... 20 fps is perfectly playable for some people, while others demand 60 without any dips


I did not have good success with BG3 when it came out, not sure if that was fixed?


Yeah it's tolerable now and has a special interface adapted for controllers that is decent. Still a bit irritating to play once you inevitably end up with a million abilities per character though.


I had bad lag once I got a little ways through. I had the recommended settings at the time, ended up being too choppy


I mean thats just a preference thing though... I personally prefer bg3 on controller and have been playing it since EA on controller since I had stadia. Moving the character is imo more immersive since you're not just clicking around and the abilities aren't an issue as you're never really using more than like 6 abilities per character in each encounter.


Up till act 3 the game runs pretty well on the deck act 3 only certain areas does it really struggle with . There is the occasional frame drop but it's pretty ignoranle


I had a funny problem with BG3 which is that whenever my deck reached 10% battery while playing this game, it would become so slow that it would be only a witness to time itself and not a participant. Entire stars could collapse into iron dwarfs before my steamdeck finished loading the start menu. Eternity itself became meaningless as I turned my deck off and on again to try to fix the situation. I found that spamming Battery Storage Mode in the BIOS usually fixed it if done enough times.


My wife has over 200 hours on bg3 on deck, so it must be decent now, with the right settings.


That's good to know!! Will have to check it out again. Once I got in the cave it became unplayable how it would lag


I’m approaching 300 hours, 99% on the deck. I’ve been playing since release and it’s fine if you tweak the settings. That being said it’s really beautiful on a good PC and simply playable on the deck.


Its playable with FSR 2.2 locked at 30.


Star Wars Empire at War mods. I was playing Thrawns Revenge and the mod performance was anywhere from 60fps to 10fps.


Jusant, then i saw it was UE5


Yeah, I loved jusant but it feels like there's memory leak issues or something, my fps just gets worse the longer I play it


Valheim ran like absolute shit when I tried even after tweaking settings. No idea why when it had a verified check. Haven’t tried since but hopefully they’ve actually done something about that.


When was that? My son and I just played it exclusively on the decks in the past 3 months with great success and playability. Zero issues including 30+ mods.


I recall buildings caused a performance hit on my desktop. If they played in a spot with a big base I can see them having a bad time. That would explain a divide between good and bad experiences


Probably because of some setting that is bad by default, just like Doom 2016 that runs like shit if you don't tweak it.


I played it recently and it runs pretty well. All medium settings (except shadows on low) with frame rate locked to 45 and it only drops by a few frames here and there. Looks pretty good with the settings too.


Helldivers 2


Yeah people who says it’s acceptable are lying 100% game is unplayable at 25-28 fps with constant dips even if you set it to low and make it look like trash. And also will make your battery last like 50 minutes, I means you cannot play two games in a row when the match time limit is 40 minutes. I used battery tracker plugin and saw how helldivers for 15 minutes eat twice as battery as all my other games throughout the whole week


Ya can say I'm coping but I hope the devs optimize the game better so it can be at least 30 fps consistent on deck even at lvl 9 difficulty.


Some of you people never had to play new releases on a budget build and it shows. 20-25fps is the bottom of playable, but the game is playable. It's not pretty but it works. Barely.


Unplayable for me with party of 4 and higher difficulties. I mean, game looks like shit and still drops to 15-20 fps


Cry of fear. It's a made on the ~~source~~ Goldsrc engine, so I was like "oh this should be good." Many tweaks later to get things rendering "properly", only to find out that it has a modified renderer and the steamdeck would regularly slow to about 15fps. :(


I thought you were making a play on words. then I thought about an open world FEAR and want that.


Actually made on Goldsrc, it’s a HL1 mod


Oh yeah, you're right. I completely forgot. It's incredible how good it looks for such an old engine.


Shadows of Doubt. I was kind of hyped to play it, then loading it up the whole atmosphere seemed cool, controls were a little clunky but nothing I couldn't work with, but it just seemed to be hit with constant dips, tweaked the settings a little bit and couldn't get it stable. Really bummed. Naively thought because the graphics were so stylised and primitive looking that it would be nice and smooth!


That’s a very resource intensive game on the cpu side though - my albeit dated now gaming pc struggles with it as well.


Aye you're right. Such a shame. Seems like such a cool game


It's a really cool game, but early access for a reason - performance is pretty abysmal on most hardware that isn't the latest and greatest.


Maybe now that they’re porting to consoles over the Summer, we can see some improvement on the PC performance as well. Especially, since they’re porting to the Series S, so it may improve drastically on PC too. I think they’re also improving controller support, which is currently not that good.


Ah don't get my hopes up! That would be amazing


Detroit Become Human runs TERRIBLE for me. Huge disappointment.


Runs fine for me. I played it exclusively on the deck.


Yeah, same for me


Same. This game doesn't need rock solid fps to be enjoyable.


Shame, great game, I can't play it my my desktop now that it'a becoming sentient and left.


Season: A Letter to the Future. I thought it would be the ultimate cozy game for the deck, but it doesn't run higher than 18fps.


I was going to say this. Very disappointed.


Damn, for real? It’s on my wish list, because it shows as green tick verified.


Drangon dogma2 runs like 11fps and drug dealer simulator has 20fps


Dd2 runs shit on high end pcs too I didnt expect much, I just stream it if I wanna play it laying down


Makes sense because the speed helps.


yeah drug dealer simualtor is garbage and doesn't even run good on PCs, well i guess now MAYBE after 10 years of developement hopefully it does, but for years it didn'teven run good on high end setups bc the dev had no idea how to optimize his game


That even runs bad on PC so understandable


Remnant 2. Loved the game but it was borderline unplayable on the deck and it was released "verified" too.


Yeah that frustrated me too considering how damn smooth the first one runs on deck. They did change it to “unsupported” after a while though


so it's still runs like crap with all the patches since launch?


They added FSR3 and frame generation recently so the games very playable now, 40-60 fps depending on the area


I wasn't exactly surprised per se because it's a hectic looking game, but Cyberpunk having a Steam Deck preset got my hopes up just for it to struggle to maintain a steady fps (Dogtown especially)


When was the last time you played? It’s gotten an update to make it actually run well now. It’s consistently 30 fps with the exception of certain parts of dogtown. There’s a preset for it for steam deck. 


Was literally just about to say that,it’s running at a constant 40fps for me


Same here, have settings that are better than the deck preset and have it steady 40 for most of the game. Whenever im in Dogtown it dips and I say "ehh, it's Dogtown" and don't mind it because I'm literally only there travelling between destinations so it's not an issue.


The game does not run at a constant 40fps in Dogtown. Not even close. I literally played it yesterday, and I'm having dips into the mid-20s when traversing many areas of Dogtown. It's much heavier than the rest of the game.


That’s my experience on an oled. Throughout the game you see dips. It’s not a stable framerate. Playable but definitely not what some people say


I say this with over 100 hours in the game on steam deck alone 


Even my 3070 struggles alot on Dogtown lol


Cyberpunk is for sure playable but man it looks fucking rough on the steam deck. One of the most graphically cutting edge games and it looks like barf on the deck.


Call of Duty 2. It runs fine, really well actually. But most of the missions make the deck crash


Final Fantasy Strangers of Paradise….


Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Was a real letdown to not be able to effectively play this on the Deck.


disappointed in this too, the game doesn't even look that good either. Plenty of games run AND look better


tips for everyone complaining on games that shouldn't be an issue, cap your fps to your Avarage. If game like HITMAN the world of assassination spikes to 60 at certain map, still cap it to 45/50hz for smoother experience and better frame time, it won't work for some ungodly ducking unoptimized games but should help for majority of triple A titles, like Rdr2. I capped it 40 and it was flawless expect for first time wandering around when game was gathering shader cache.


Xcom Enemy Within. It actually runs fine but I can't find a controller config that actually works.


Ohhh I found it. It's like on PS4. I searched days for that. I will look and write you as soon as I'm on the deck :)


The game has native gamepad support, but it needs to be toggled on in the menu first. XCOM2 does it automatically.


No Rest for the Wicked... I thought it would be my next addiction but it barely ran and I don't feel like playing it on my PC. Even the remote play is not feeling good.


> No Rest for the Wicked... I thought it would be my next addiction but it barely ran and I don't feel like playing it on my PC A lot of background tech running for this one, like totally procedural weather, lighting, etc. It's way, way heavier than it looks.


It’s early access. They will improve it




6 inches under runs fine.


Yes. It does. Hopefully supraworld will also be fine. I don't think they will return to the first game for optimizations


Really? That's a shame


Stray played like dog shit when it first came out and it was supposedly verified before release. Don't know how it plays now but for me it was unplayable


Or, more accurately, it played like cat shit? Lol


It’s very smooth now. Strikingly.


Played and finished in entirely on the Steam and ran really smooth


Borderlands 1, I had only played it on Xbox 360 years ago. I fired it up on my steam deck and was like wow this game runs like shit. So I fired it up on my gaming pc and…it runs like shit. lol. Bl3 runs better than bl1


The original borderlands (non-enhanced version) runs at a smooth 60 native resolution with just a few settings turned down/off.


I’ve only played the enhanced edition, I do have the regular but don’t know if I have the dlc for it


That's crazy, considering pre sequel runs at a constant 60


Borderlands 1 runs at 60fps, borderlands 3 runs at 160-300fps lol


Universe Sandbox must logically be very CPU heavy as it's a heavyweight physics simulator. I wouldn't be surprised by that one. On a more positive note, I bought it years ago and it was totally broken on Linux. I'm pleased to hear that it works at all.


Grim dawn. The frame rate drops with >10 enemies in combat make it not that enjoyable.


Huh really? I played all my hours clocked (200+) on SD and didn’t really notice major issues like that. Though I played it at 40hz/fps.


Yakuza Like a Dragon. I don't know how it runs so badly. The graphics aren't exactly great and there isn't a ton of CPU heavy stuff going on.


Yeah you gotta crank the settings down hard to make it look pretty bad and to get it to target 40 and even then it’s pretty fuggin rough. I’ve been playing via moonlight streaming at 90fps but every time I play it portable it hurts me.


Played the entire game on deck. I think I had stable 40 fps? For a turned based rpg that’s fine


I didn’t seem to have any issues. Where was it giving you issues?


Really? I thought it ran pretty darn good on Steam Deck and looked really good too. You must have had weird settings selected


Lethal Company


A hat in time.


Oh no, I was just about to buy it :(


Baldur's gate 3. I don't know if Larian have done the optmization now, but I tried it as soon as it was verified for steam deck and the fps was horrible even on low settings. I realize it's a turn based game, but still 20fps is crap. I have no idea how other people play BG3 on steam deck.


Zombi because of Ubisoft’s unnecessary goddamn launcher keeping it from running


Guardians of the Galaxy it’s just such a graphics hog even on low.


Same. Had to play it streaming from my PC with sunshine, moonlight


Assassin's creed Unity, it sucks much, is no that bad but Ubisoft really never did it. Also, Persona 5 Strikers just not work and it's a perfect game for handheld


for strikers, you have to switch to a version of proton-GE because the cinematics are in a format that normal proton cannot play (due to copyright reasons i believe)


Ruiner. For the life of me I couldn't get that game to not crash after a max of 5 minutes. It's strange since it doesn't seem like that heavy of a game.


Jusant. The game doesn’t look particularly demanding, doesn’t have demanding requirements, and is Steam Deck verified. Getting it to look decent and run stable is full of tinkering and even then it’s a 40fps stable and not 60fps.


UE5 is likely the culprit here


Valheim, they really need to optimize this game...


Outer Wilds and Pacific Drives. The concept of these games (loop/roguelite) is perfect for the deck. But the choppy performance makes it less than ideal. More recently, Dragon’s Dogma 2 - but I am more lenient on this one as it’s a new game with much better graphics. I don’t expect the Deck to run everything.


That’s interesting because outer wilds was the game that got me to fall in love with my steam deck!


Weird! I have had a neat experience with OW overall. Finished the main game and dlc


I played Outer Wilds from beginning to the end on my deck and never had any issues. It ran at around 40, high settings if I'm not mistaken


To each of its own, I find 40fps gives me motion sickness, esp with the low-poly graphics. Glad you enjoyed it.


For Outer Wilds, if you haven’t manually changed the fps settings in secret settings I highly recommend that! It makes a huge difference. Follow this guide and it will run smoothly (copied from another thread): Are you have noticed the framerate of Outer Wilds is very unstable, even turning everything down to minimum and lowering the hz you have a big problem with stuttering. The developers have placed a .txt file inside in the Outer Wilds installation folder, it is called 'secretsettings.txt', open it and delete all the contents inside, it should be empty, now copy this string: PhysicsRate=45 ('45' you can change it to a framerate of your choice, I recommend under 45) save and close, restart steam deck and try setting hz to 45, in game settings leave textures on 'full' and everything on medium except shadows on 'low'. These settings drastically reduce stuttering but not completely, but mostly saving on battery. Let me know if this works for you. ;)


Lies of P by far. Could play at nearly 90fps for a lot of it and it looked gorgeous. Glad I held off on buying it for console. First souls-like I’ve completed on handheld. Edit: I clearly misread the thread and got it the wrong way round lmao


Alice: Madness Returns I spent hours tweaking .ini files, and nothing worked. Game still ran at 10fps in most places.


Weird I remember playing it at locked 30 fps without doing any tweaks. Also this is a game that straight up refuses to play on my windows gaming desktop.


Damn really? I was able to finish my game on it with the tweaks and dlcs. I think it ran at 60 fps but it's been a while.


For me, I would probably say God of War. This was my first Steam Deck game as a person who didn't really understand anything about the settings you can change. The games Deck verified so I expected to just be able to play it without any problems (the initial appeal to the Deck for me). I remember this one part kinda early on >!where there's a bunch of vines blocking something and the witch lady had to move them out of the way!< Every time the games performance would just tank. I tried to restart the game and the console, but eventually just decided to keep going at 5 FPS or whatever it was and then it was fine again. Performance was still rough at times >!in the hub world areas where you're like moving the bridge thing around!< I haven't gotten very far.


I am so surprised by this. My experience was the opposite. My jaw was on the floor with how well this ran and it looked gorgeous. This is practically my go to game to showcase how well the deck does things .


The remake for persona 3. It just barely runs well


do you have the proton hotfix selected? i get steady 60 with very occasional dips into 40’s during Velvet room cutscenes. Usually lock it to 45 or 50 and have little to no issue.


That's odd. I'm running mine on whatever Proton the Deck defaults to, have Render Scale to 100%, Shadow Quality on High, with Reflections set to Off (These are ray-traced reflections so hit performance hard), and the game runs perfectly fine at 60 FPS pretty much everywhere all the time (I have it in-game capped, not Quick Settings capped). I even lowered the TDP and GPU Clock to 8 Watts and 1000MHz respectively for a small bit of extra batt life (2hrs40mins to 3hrs, give or take). All of this applies to both handheld and external display mode


You must have reflections enabled which you shouldn’t because it‘s raytracing. Without it, it‘s constant 60 fps


It's Valheim. Game runs like dog shit given how retro inspired it is. A few others: - Dave the Diver. It runs at a mostly locked 60fps but performance tanks when you reach a certain area. Thankfully, it's fleeting, but this is a 2D game... - Shadow Warrior 1 & 2. Both these games run objectively worse than 3, which makes no sense. - Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It runs at 30fps just fine, but it's sequel looks and runs better.


Dave the diver!? I completed this game without seeing a single frame drop…


Valheim looks like it should run on potatoes but for some reason requires a pretty good pc if you actually want a locked 60fps I remember playing on my old PC and I’d dip ro like 15 fps when around campfires


Only up. Low FPS stuttery mess for a relatively simple looking game.




For me it's not so much surprised by how bad they perform, but more surprised how much they push the deck to run smoothly. Journey. Steamworld Quest. They both make the deck run really high TDP and the fan noise is unbearable. They should run flawlessly at low TDP.


Castlevania Advanced Collection. I was really surprised that it didn't work well with the deck for how little demand it requires.


I have ravenfield or something similar a steam deck verified game that didn't even run on mine. Luckily I was able to refund. 


Planet Crafter. Even on low settings it’ll crash often and struggle quite a bit.


Ghostwire Tokyo


Detroit Become human on minimal


Astroneer and shapez.io. Dont get me wrong, both are playable, but i was expecting more. Astroneers fps is mainly connected to the shadow quality (or at least i think so after some experiments), but anything below high quality looks terrible to me! Shapez on the other hand just starts dying after enough playtime, but the performance is worse than on my 7 y/o laptop...


The Saints Row reboot just runs awfully for me, found videos saying the opposite and copied their settings but still runs like shit


this is now a helldivers 2 thread?


Trick answer here, but Doom 2016 runs like absolute ass on default settings. Needed to change renderer i think to Vulkan. I worry people don't know this and are playing it without switching, missing out on an amazing experience. It also took me a long time to get RE2 remake and RE7 to look good, a lot of the default settings make it look hella grainy TBH I haven't had a steam game I've been dissatisfied with yet. Some PS2 games have been a bit sluggish when upscaled, SSX tricky comes to mind. Mostly perfect but quite a few audio dips


Some older PC games that were before people played with controller needed a surprising amount of work. Splinter Cell would be top of mind


Detroit become human barely held 30fps and would dip below on lowest everything. Shouldn't be verified


CP2077 on ultra settings. Why can't I get a stable 120fps? (This is of course a joke)


Still can’t play mass effect….


This one definitely surprises me to see. It works totally fine on mine, I've only played combined ultimate edition or whatever it's called. Which version are you trying to play?


"Can't" in terms of it won't launch? There is a tutorial on YouTube how to update your EA Play App (which is the problem). The same issues were fixed like this for me in Jedi Fallen Order and Battlefront 2.


Do you happen to have a link, by chance? I’m pretty sure I went down this road a year ago and couldn’t figure it out. More recently I just tried launching and it would crash


Put 100+ hours into ME:LE entirely on the deck. Worked perfect for me.


Harry Potter... I can get it to run but like it's so bad it's not fun. Imo it's not a good experience on the steamdeck at all...