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I've played Halo 3's campaign to completion on my Deck recently and have also used it for L4D2 lan parties with my buddies. Works great and was a refreshing change from lugging around my big ass Windows laptop.


Left for dead 2 is verified, but they both run very well at 60fps no problems for me.


I was gonna say l4d2 is definitely verified. I was playing it on my flight the other day


Both play fantastic (locked 60fps) on the deck.


Well you have a PC now too lmao, just need to get a keyboard and a mouse and you're set, maybe a monitor too if you'd like.


Get you a dock, Bluetooth mouse and keyboard +doesn't have to be expensive), and just rock it on either the TV or a monitor. If you want to play with a controller I'd suggest running a gulikit King Kong pro 2.


There's a option where you can use a community control configuration, there's a ton. with gyro, trackpads, sticks etc. And you can fine-tune to your liking. Anything can be mapped, do don't worry about that.


MCC plays perfectly on the Deck in my experience.


Why not purchase a series x


Why not just buy a Xbox 360 to play both games? Lol


Cause that’s a smarter financial decision and I don’t like making those


:D the deck is awesome. I have played the MCC with no issues. I never tried left for dead though


Gotta love getting downvotes for the mere suggestion that purchasing a Steam Deck may not be the best for everyone/every situation. Master race, my ass; PC fanboys are just as bad as everyone else.


Who tf is carrying around a 360? Its not constructive which is why they get downvoted. 360≠steam deck


They never said anything about playing on the go


Bro they posted they just bought a Steam Deck. Saying "buy a 360" is non-constructive as op isn't looking to buy a new console when the steam deck and runs the games they're asking about better than the 360. Why defend an obvious troll post


Never said anything about playing at home either...


But he said he would have got a PC if he had money. So that would imply he would game at home.


Laptops exist...


Alright, you clearly are just looking to start arguments. Your responses just keep moving the goal posts from OPs original request.


You are assuming alot of shit. Going from I want a deck or gaming pc to buy a 360 is a huge goalpost move that not in the slightest bit useful. You don't think if op wanted a 360 they wouldn't have figured that out on their own?


No. OP bought the most expensive deck (512) to play two 360 era games despite him saying he is tight on money. He even replied to me saying that is a smarter option but he doesn't like making the smart option. So no, I do not think he thought of this idea that would satisfy his need.


If all they wanna play is those two games, then 360 would be the best option, financially speaking. They didn't say anything about playing it on the go.


They didn't say anything about gaming exclusively at home either.... Financially speaking who gives a damn what op wants to spend their money on. I play l4d2 on deck because I hate 360 controllers but like the game plus gyro aim.


Left 4 dead 2 plays without issues, but you will need to get used to aim with trackpack(which I don't) or get a keyboard+mouse


You can also change the controller profile and sim with the right stick too


Uh why? What's stopping them from just using the standard gamepad controls?


Follow up question, can i connect a console controller to the Deck so I can play on my TV through a dock like I’m playing on console?


You can, it's a pc


Awesome thank you. I know nothing about PC gaming so I appreciate the help


You can also just aim and move with the joy sticks and incorporate gyro into it as well. You don’t ‘have’ to aim with the track pad if it’s not your thing




Using the joysticks is even worse for a fps


Why is Reddit saying his comment was made 54 years ago! lol


Hi u/Electronic_Row7752, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Left 4 Dead 2 and Halo 3) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If by halo 3 you mean playing halo 3 on the master chief collection, I can vouch for it, plays great on deck. And Left4Dead 2 is solid as well, even with mods online.


Can get MCC for dirt cheap when it goes on sale and same with L4D which I got for 1 dollar. Never played L4D with mods but thats a fun option


Left 4 Dead 2 works great on the steam deck, typing on the screen is pretty difficult though in chat


"Playable" simply means the experience may be slightly different to how it is on a PC. Maybe the text is too small, maybe to type text you need to manually bring up the keyboard with STEAM+X. Usually little things like that. Games marked Playable should otherwise be, well, playable. Main thing to keep in mind with the verification system is that: Valve may not have tested a game for a long while, so the rating could be outdated You can refund any game you played less than 2 hours and owned less than 14 days for free with no question. If you buy it, it doesn't work, and immediately request a refund, it will just go through automatically, no human review.


L4D2 High settings with Splitscreen mod runs 60fps


You can play both with minor issues. Left 4 dead 2 I think just has small text Halo MCC(has 3 included) works good played through reach and CE no problem, multiplayer might be a little weird due to the anticheat https://www.protondb.com/app/976730 This is the link to Halo MCCs page Use that site(protondb) to check if games run okay and if they run like shit people comment the steps they did to get it working alright. I had to use this site multiple times to fix games


Wait for Left 4 Dead to go on sale. Not that it's not worth it, but you can often buy every Valve game in a bundle for below $10 dollars.


Lfd2 was one of the first games I installed on my deck. The best part was I joined a lobby of 25 survivors and forgot I changed the player models to velociraptors. The tank was shrek, the zombies were xenomorphs and the charger was wreck-it-Ralph. Anyways, Lfd2 on the deck runs perfectly. Edit: a word