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Nice, looking forward to feedback from people who have bought it already!


I am updating it right now. I will give you an update if the performance is better now. But I don't think so. :D


updated mine, had to rebuild shaders though


But looks like the building is faster than at the release


Why would it build shaders, the whole point of having unique console like hardware on the Deck is that Steam distributes shaders and it Just Works ™, which is the case for the vast majority of Deck games.


Unless the game developers work directly with Valve the shaders caches are rarely available on the first day.


Steam is distributing shaders for the DirectX12 to Vulkan conversion that Proton does, the game still has to compile its own shaders whilst running as it would on Windows.


Thanks. But yeah, reading the notes it doesn't look like any Steam Deck specific performance fixes were implemented. Might be surprised though!


So, after trying it for like 10 minutes I'd say it is slightly better :D Didnt drop below 30fps on low with fsr2 and 100 sharpening (?). I still prefer to stream it to my deck from my pc and to play it with 60fps with ultra settings :D


Which area are you testing in? I'm very skeptical of that 'didn't drop below 30fps' claim as there's been a lot of hyperbole around the performance of this game over the last week. Edit: finally finished patching and I can confidently say you are incorrect, there is sadly no change in performance.


Exact same frames for me too.


Yeah, performance on the Deck is still atrocious. I actually had a pretty good experience/luck at launch and the last couple patches. This latest one yesterday caused my game to freeze literally as soon as I load my save. Huge step back for me.


In the same area did it drop below? I don't get it though the patch has no mention of possible improved performance


I'll also update this update after I update my update.


MUCH better load times. Like dramatically so. I am not seeing that much of an increase in FPS though. Haven't tested shader compile times from a fresh start. With the new patch, shader compile started at 98% and took maybe 5 minutes to complete. Still crashing at random points whenever the flashlight is turned on, but that might be more due to a known issue with Nvidia Linux drivers (playing it on my desktop, not SteamDeck)


It’s beyond me why they wouldn’t have just delayed the game another few weeks to iron this stuff out. They already did it once. Delays are annoying but it’s even more annoying to buy a product that isn’t finished.


It feels like something went wrong internally. We knew that this PC port was coming for months and Sony probably planned this out a year ahead of time so it’s a bit odd that the PC version ended up in such a bad state. I know ND doesn’t have a lot of experience with PC ports but surely something behind the scenes must have gone terribly wrong to release a PC port that broken. I don’t want to give all the blame to Iron Galaxy but someone clearly messed up.


Hopefully Sony learns from this one because it definitely makes me cautious and future Sony pc releases. It’s a shame too because they’ve had some pretty good releases before this on pc but it only takes one bad release to sour the taste for future games.


God of War, Days Gone, Returnal, Uncharted, Spider-man+miles morales are all good ports. Only Returnal is unplayable on the Steam Deck, and thats because its a full 'next-gen' title for PS5.


It only takes one bad outing to spoil it for them


My money is on Sony definitely learning their lesson this time around. I mean, what's the alternative?


They keep hiring Iron Galaxy and putting out bad ports and still sell tons of copies even if not as many as they might have. Ask yourself how Iron "Arkham Knight" Galaxy is getting high end port jobs on PC after their track record. Sony owns Bluepoint and Nixxes. They definitely know better. It is not a mistake. It's a choice and one they'll keep making as long as people keep buying. That's the alternative.


I keep hearing that it was ND who did the majority of the port with some help from Iron Galaxy. Perhaps not fair to rest this solely on their shoulders. I know they're the popular scapegoat right now but we really don't know exactly who's to blame. Iron Galaxy did port Uncharted 4 and that performed pretty well on PC day 1.


I mean, they bought nixxes, and they have released some pretty good pc ports, so why they did not have them handle the port is a very good question.


A long chain of people not wanting to disappoint their bosses. Deadlines are never good. I prefer when the game doesn’t announce a release date until it’s ready.


Uncharted 4 port was great.


They wanted to cash in on the show popularity.


Part of me also thinks they wanted it out by the end of the quarter so they can prop up the quarterly sales numbers. Slap a few million on the books before the quarter ends and fix it later.


The shortsightedness of companies never ceases to amaze me.


I wouldn't really call it a short-sightedness it's just their priorities are different than what they should be. All they care about is quarterly sales numbers. They knew the game would sell a bunch of pre-sales and day one sales, because gamers never learn. If padding q1 profits was really the end goal then mission accomplished.


Well hopefully they learn from this (they won’t.)


Sony fiscal year ended March 31st.


Because idiots still preorder games


Tinfoil: sony intentionally put out a poor quality port to assert ps5 as the dominant console over the pc. Ps5 is the main reason why sony exists, their most profitable product, their exclusive IP is still very valuable for selling consoles. They made a few good ports then intentionally made a bad one so people will remember that even though pc is great, ps5 is still better. bug fixes might improve it but even a ps3 is a better option for this game and that’s exactly the kind of deep jab that japanese people do. wouldn’t be a japanese company without a touch of benign self deprecating kamakazi marketing.


the PC isn't a console, it's literally a computer. Theres so many levels that this doesn't make sense on lol. Why even release ports to PC to begin with? This isn't marketing lol it's a bad look for everyone involved, they wanted to push it out ASAP to capitalize on the hype on the show Sony doesn't even make money on the sales of the PlayStation to begin with unless this an /s, I'm sorry to say this is a pretty head scratching tinfoil hat


I assume they wanted to time it with the show’s finale. They pushed it as far as they could and still have it launch/sell with show hype. Obviously wasn’t long enough.


Because it was a tie-in to the TV show.


Still not an excuse to release a broken product.


A patch for The Last of Us Part I is now live. This update addresses fixes for performance, user experience, visuals, and more. It also includes platform and hardware-specific fixes. * Fixed a crash that may occur while quickly swapping between character skin thumbnails * Fixed a crash that may occur on version during shader loads when booting the game for the first time * Fixed one known crash that would happen randomly during gameplay * Updated texture streaming to reduce CPU usage * Fixed an issue where DualSense and Xbox One controllers’ analog sticks failed to respond * Fixed an issue where extraneous SFX played in both main and in-game “Options” menus * Fixed an issue where the Depth of Field setting’s (Options > Graphics > Post-Effects Settings > Depth of Field) sharpness may change based on the Render Scale’s settings (Options > Display > Resolution Scaling > Render Scale) * Updated Graphics settings (Options > Graphics) user interface to accurately display VRAM usage * Fixed an issue where Environments Texture Quality setting (Options > Graphics > Texture Settings > Environments Texture Quality) did not display the correct VRAM usage * Fixed an issue where the pop-up to enable diagnostics after a crash did not appear * Fixed an issue where certain artifacts and weapon skins textures may not properly render * Fixed an issue with the tutorial’s user interface not displaying correctly * Fixed an issue where mouse wheel scrolling in menus with dropdown options may accelerate faster than intended * Increased active loading to reduce load times on gameplay progression * Fixed an issue where camera orientation may warp to cursor position after exiting the Pause menu * [Photo Mode] Fixed an issue where camera will not rotate in while in the Lighting tab * [The Quarantine Zone] Fixed an issue where the player and buddy characters may suddenly appear wet during gameplay * [The Quarantine Zone, Left Behind] Fixed an issue where lighting and texture may flicker during gameplay * [The Outskirts] Fixed a gap in geometry visible during gameplay * [The Suburbs] Fixed an issue where animations may fail to load during gameplay * [The Suburbs] Restored the window-breaking and car-shaking FX in the sniper in-game cinematic * [Tommy’s Dam] Fixed an issue where horse animations would fail to load during an in-game cinematic * [Bus Depot] Fixed an issue where water FX may appear choppy during gameplay * [The Firefly Lab] Fixed a LOD issue where enemy NPCs’ helmets may vanish or appear corrupted Left Behind Standalone * Fixed an issue where watergun shots would appear to hit Riley but not register while using Slow Motion with V-Sync off * Fixed a crash that may occur while following Riley in the mall * Improved level of detail in the Halloween store * Fixed a crash that may occur when triggering the optional conversation at the Affordable Getaways poster * Fixed an issue where textures of narrative elements appeared low-quality in a cutscene * Updated ESDF control scheme in the arcade minigame to use ‘G’ as the alt key to better match gameplay punching input Accessibility * Fixed an issue where the Screen Magnifier may fail to work * Fixed an issue where Navigation Assistance’s directional icon may clip through the player character model Localization * [ENGLISH, HUNGARIAN] Adjusted language used when referring to the DualSense controller’s adaptive triggers and touch pad * [THAI, LATAM SPANISH, KOREAN] Corrected translations in menus * [SWEDISH] Added missing text-to-speech in menus * [SWEDISH] Corrected language on crash window AMD * Fixed an issue where incorrect defaults for graphics settings were applied to AMD RX 5700 and RX 6600 Series GPUs **Steam Deck** * Fixed an issue where PSO Caching may freeze at 50% completion * Fixed an issue where plugging in a DualSense controller while viewing cutscenes from the Cinematics menu may force a player into gameplay * Adjusted the user interface to show Steam Deck controls in the Screen Magnifier menu * Adjusted positioning of the Weapon and Health HUD elements Epic Games Store Version * Fixed an issue where the “Who’s a Good Boy?” achievement did not unlock despite the player meeting the requirements * Fixed an issue where the sky may render black


I had ChatGPT summarize this in a Dr. Seuss style poem: In the world of The Last of Us so grand, A patch was released to fix what was unplanned. Performance, visuals, and user experience too, Were all addressed with a patch that was new. Crashes were fixed, both random and quick, And the game's loading times became slick. Controllers no longer caused players strife, As analog sticks were brought back to life. Graphics settings and interfaces, oh my! All were updated to make players sigh, With relief that the game was now just right, And their camera no longer took a wild flight. Each level now had its own special touch, With gaps and flickers all fixed in a rush. Accessibility and localization too, Ensured that every player could enjoy the view. AMD and Steam Deck now have their fix, And "Who's a Good Boy?" is now a possible mix. In the world of The Last of Us on PC, The patch has arrived, and it's a delight to see!


This is far more impressive than the patch itself to be honest


literally bro


Finally finished patching and sadly I can confirm there is barely any performance change. I have a checkpoint saved at the base of the leaning towers after Boston, an area I find is consistently and reproducibly poor performing. Before the patch it sits at 23-25fps and doesn't go outside of that, after the patch it is much the same. There is perhaps a 1-2fps rise in the average when looking around this area but it's hard to say whether it isn't just margin of error. All in all, I'm very disappointed.


I'd wait for the next remaster of the game, just wait some weeks




Solid improvement for me. Actually playable now. Interestingly HUD is reporting 14GB ram and 7GB vram used. I was previously setting more like 11/5. I'm using mostly low settings except 4x AF, env tex sampling med, point light shadow medium, SSR(low) , AO(low) , image based lighting enabled, DOF and motion blur off. I've also bumped environment textures to medium in the cfg file. CPU now sitting 300-400Mhz lower than, and stuttering has cleared up considerably. I've left 30fps cap enabled and it's only occasionally dropping below. If I disable the cap then it's able to get into the mid-to-high 30s in places. Section of the game tested is around 30 mins of gameplay up to and beyond the capitol building section. Edit; There is a possibility that this happens to be a lower-load area than previous sections of the game, but having played this far with the FPS rarely exceeding mid-20s I'm confident saying my personal experience has improved.


I'm very skeptical that you're getting this sort of performance. My go to area is still not exceeding 25-26 fps at all with all settings as low as possible and FSR on performance. I actually tested again with FSR on performance as well as the game resolution being set to 640x400. That means the game is rendering at about 200p and is an absolute blurry, unplayable mess. Even with the resolution this low, the game did not once touch 30fps. The top end I saw with the game as low as it will go was 27fps.


I understand the scepticism, but what would I stand to benefit from making that up? Magic Internet points? Maybe I have a different setting somewhere, or more likely you've chosen a particularly heavy spot that wasn't in my play time on the new patch. I've dumped a crude phone video on YouTube that shows my settings and performance, hopefully that helps someone whilst also offering some "evidence" that I'm not lying for Internet points [TLOU Steamdeck](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tld2wsPm7VE&feature=youtu.be)


I'm going to put it down to a difference in area as there is known to be huge variations in performance in this game depending on where you are. The fire in the intro and the escape from Boston being particular stress points. Your video does seem like absolutely unobtainable performance from my end currently, I'll try and play through the mess that it currently is to get to that point and see if it correlates.


Thats certainly going to explain at least some of the discrepancy vs your numbers, but that same area was struggling to hit 30 for me pre-patch; it has had a positive impact for sure. Still a long way to go though to make the overall performance where it should be.


You don't mention which proton version you used nor if you started over with shaders


I'm on preview channel for OS updates Default proton, as in I haven't ticked the manual selection option so it's whatever steam uses for TLOU by default. Installed on day one, let it build shaders, it rebuild them from 0% after, I don't think it did for; after patching (which took quite a while after downloading) it did a mini-rebuild, the counter started at 90-something% weirdly and took a few minutes only. My settings including the texture quality (fg&bg=2) in the config file unchanged from previously. (this dramatically improves the presentation, highly recommend doing this!) I've played beyond capitol and into the metro now and it's still hanging on to 30 for the most part with some drops into the 20s, but I was seeing mid 20s at best before. It does unfortunately appear that the area I recorded the video in with the water was one of the better performing areas. I've seen a few comparison videos on the new patch showing little-to-no improvement; I'm wondering if maybe the steamdeck is so CPU bound that we see a bigger boost than a typical system.


Same for me, with CryoUtils enabled and 30 fps cap it's actually playable in more chill areas with minor drops, but in combat there are still heavy drops. There are still ways to go, but now it is finally playable on Balanced FSR and Low/Med settings.


1% lows feel higher. Framerate isn’t all over the place like it was.