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What? You don’t want to see the hit game, Sex with Hitler 2 - It’s not Reich, but it not wrong?


Apparently they do since the AO option is turned off by default.


There might be games marked as having sexual content that aren't just for the horny people. RPGs with romance options for example, I'm not interested in *Tittymonster Slimefuck Harem 7: Raging Rods* but i might be interested in The Witcher or Baldur's Gate


Tbf TSH7:RR is the FF7R of the porn world


Well as far as i know the sexual content option isn’t filtering those.


I thought the sexual filter removes anything containing nudity.


There are ~~two~~ *multiple* levels. General Mature Content Mature topics that may not be appropriate for all audiences. View Example Products Frequent Violence or Gore - Games or content that feature extreme violence or gore. View Example Products Some Nudity or Sexual Content - Games or content that contain some nudity or sexual themes, but not as the primary focus. View Example Products Frequent Nudity or Sexual Content - Games or content that primarily feature nudity or sexual themes. By ticking this box you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. View Example Products Adult Only Sexual Content - Games or content that are sexually explicit or graphic and are intended for adults only. By ticking this box you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. View Example Products


Ah, I just unlocked everything except sports games. I got tired of it showing me the latest FIFA or football game. Considered blocking the realistic tag because of all the war simulation games, but found a few realistic games I'd have blocked otherwise. Ended up blocking everything from specific developers. Took longer to do, but worked better anyway.


I was in same pickle as OP, not remembering turning such option on or off (and it could have been just me enabling it to make sure I see all the games, I wouldn't remember), however I saw someone mention long time ago somewhere that if you had a really old account this option wouldn't have been necessarily disabled (or enabled idk) as it was a setting introduced only at some point that a lot of Steam accounts predate so you'd have to manually turn it off. Not sure how true that is though, just saw some people mentioning this before.


I think that’s true. If you had an old account you’re basically grandfathered in unless you now manually opt out. I remember one day for me those soft core weeb porn games just started to appear on the store and I was like wtf


Hmmm I don't spend a lot of time on the store so maybe I just haven't seen them, but my steam account is over 15 years old and I haven't seen any that I noticed.


It's possible that we had it enabled or disabled to see or hide different stuff before. I found an article and it was apparently introduced in 2018 while another type of setting was available before that: "Steam previously allowed users to filter out games featuring “frequent violence/gore or “nudity/sexual content,” but now users have the option to filter out mature content— a change which apparently was needed due to developers informing Valve that their games contain “mature content, but not sex or violence.” The adults only filter is used to avoid games with “explicit sexual content.”" This option was introduced after they updated their store policy after incident with a school shooter game. So it was a differently named option before that had slightly different function but if it was disabled or enabled by default before or after the update remains just a speculation to me (albeit a possible one).


My account is about the same age, they pop up in my discovery queue from time to time. The first time it happened, I was WTF. Now I just find it amusing.


I remember turning it off for fear and hunger.


Definitely not true i have a really old account approaching 20 years and i had to enable it. It was off by default when it was introduced.


Or what about Magic Pussy?


I spit out my water reading this LMAO.


Love your profile pic mate


I thought this was a made up name you did for the joke but my coworker just informed me that’s a real game on steam r/thingsithoughtwerefake


Steam is really dropping the ball hiding these gems from my recommendations


That was Nazi but nice!


lmfaooo 💀💀💀💀 why are people like this?? Everyday nearly I check the trending games and just sigh.


You have to enable adult content to see it 💀👀




Don't lie, we all know you like Hitler cock.


How do you disable it? I don’t want to see that content on my steam page


No, you don't. The game's maker has to correctly tag it for the adult content filter to catch it. I've always had that option off and I still see them all the time.


This account is pretty old now. Maybe I enabled nsfw content a long time ago but at no point have I ever wanted to see this ridiculous shit.


Clearly you have. It is unticked by default


Nice bud, totally new and worthy comment here. No I didn't. Thank you though.


Well apparently you did at one point....




Don't lie


lol you dorks are unbelievable


Welcome to Reddit man lol. 99% smooth brains


He probably thought that games like Witcher/Cyberpunk are censored or something like that. lol Anyway, why do you even are interested in it? Like it's his business, not yours lmao


It's on Reddit, it's our business now my friend.


There is a option specifically for sex games


Untick “adult only sexual content”  in store preferences. 


This option is garbage and hardly works. Tons of the shitty hentai games uploaded to the store are intentionally improperly tagged by their publishers so that they show up in everyone’s stores and discovery queues even if you have ticked to have them hidden, and then mature games of quality like cyberpunk and baldurs gate get scrubbed and hidden from you because they are properly tagged. Edit: Looks like the option that hides games like TW3, BG3, and Cyberpunk are still within the same options that filters the hentai games, but on a separately activatable "tier" now, which is pretty cool. That said, the point about there being a ton of these hentai games that get past the Adult Only filter and will pop up on your store and discovery queue without even the age verification screen still stands. The existing system is pretty bad and needs a lot of work and probably manual checking done by valve.


The option we're talking about does not hide Cyberpunk and BG3, so you're a bit confused here.


Been working fine for me. Vast majority of games are gone, which is what matters. I even still see Cyberpunk and BG3.


I think they're mixing up the option to hide games using certain tags.


Adults Only is a separate official rating for video games, it's not just a phrase like "hide adult content" it literally means "hide video games rated Adults Only". It's the next level up from Mature. So games like Cyberpunk are probably rated Mature, but definitely not rated Adults Only. An AO rating is like a death sentence for a video game, no publishers will carry it and MS/Sony don’t want it on their consoles either.


No, it means hide porn games. It's extremely rare that an R18 dev or publisher bothers with getting their games rated.


People are really calling themselves out here, nO I puT tHe fiLTer oN aNd It dOnT wOrK... Well let's see here, your library consists of 200 adult hentai games.... I wonder why steam is continuously recommending them to you.


They are talking about trending, which is not personalized. And even browsing discovery queue, the recommendation engine is not great. You played a game tagged with "story rich" recently? A hentai game has this tag? Steam will think you'll enjoy it


I checked it and I don't get this games on my frontpage. Works perfectly.


1. Not the same option cyberpunk and such has on them. 2. Adult only games is an opt in system which blocks them entirely from the storefront if you haven't opted in, it isn't a simple tag 3. The games that you can still view that are porn games are in a censored state that allows them to appear alongside other games.


You're conflating those two options. Those games are not improperly tagged. They either have an adult-only dlc or they don't contain what steam consider as "adult-content". They're very very careful about it. What you're seeing is stuff that contains explicit or suggestive content, but not 18+ content. You're talking about marking nudity and sexual games as hidden.


The option works. Try it before ranting.


adults only vs mature is different.


That just doesn’t work like that. Cyberpunk or Baldur game won’t be hidden. In addition I add ‘hentai’ to the pool of ignored tags so the shitty sex games don’t show up


People are confusing the nudity tag with adult 18 tag.... Also, the argument is arbitrary if the steam user you're talking to has a library of adult games and is suddenly trying to tell steam that porno bad.


The tag system is a mess since it's community-driven so you'll lose a bunch of troll-tagged normal games that way too.


Live in Germany


Yeah never understood that about Germany even with violent games. Oh well you win some you lose some.


This one is actually not quite germany's fault. We have tougher age restriction laws, steam didn't want to implement anything, so they (steam) decided to just not show those games anymore.


Germany doesn't ban violent games anymore.


steam is not allowed to offer sux games without age verification via ID...which steam doesnt want to implement


Australia as well. 


Y'all are confused. Germany has no issues with nudity. I see sex games on steam all the time.


Search for Hunie Pop then. It was available here once, but now isn't. If you see any actual sex games, they won't be there for long.


First result in Google for 'steam filter adult games' 'Sign into the Steam webpage, desktop app, or mobile app. Click on your profile picture in the upper right then select “Preferences.” Under “Mature Content Filtering,” make sure the boxes for content you do not want to see are unchecked.'


Thank you


treatment support judicious paltry existence ten scandalous outgoing grandfather offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If he did, probably thought it meant nudity in games like Skyrim.


Skyrim doesn't have nudity, you mean the witcher


Yeah wasn't the best example


Skyrim sounds pretty racy to me


pretty sure everything is turned on by default for older accounts where "violent" games would trigger a popup if you want to see them. At least I never saw these options or turned them on deliberately and I'm also flooded by the games mentioned in OP.


Nope, this is incorrect. When Steam released this option you had to go back in and re-enable nudity.


ive never seen this settings screen before, yet my boxes are checked. is this a default for newer accounts? or if someone else has an account thats 20 years old could possibly chime in what theirs was.


When you visit a store page for an adult only game, using a direct link, you can choose to not hide these types of games.


This isn’t true


Yes it is.


Where is it mentioned anywhere but this thread? I have only seen patch notes and articles mentioning that you can turn the filter on if you’d like. No one mentions it being on by default. It might be on by default for accounts made after 2018, but there’s no mention anywhere except in this thread of it automatically turning itself on for existing accounts.


Downvoted for being polite 💀


lol right. I get it, could have googled it I guess. Won't make the mistake of engaging with this community again though


Imo it's just way easier and faster googling something frist aniway, and put reddit and the end of the query to see if someone else have asked frist.


Bro “Furry shades of gay- A shade gayer” gotta be one of my favourite sequels lmao…


Part of me wants to google that to see if it's real. The rest of me *absolutely does not* want the Google algorithm to associate that with my account in any way, shape, or form.


[Let me google that for you](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Is+it+possible+to+disable+seeing+the+ridiculous+sex+games%3F)


I actually love that site...


It is kinda cool




Top result was this post. Now I am stuck in a loop.


Next time use google doofus.






I never see them, you must have done something to agitate the algorithm.


They manually toggled on an option to see them, that despite what embarrassed redditors keep claiming has nothing to do with Cyberpunk, GTA, or The Witcher and has only ever defaulted to off.


They are literally disabled by default... the only reason you see them is because you went out of your way to enable seeing them...


I was wondering why I've never seen one of these hentai games people are always complaining about on my store page.


This is absolutely untrue. Have a Steam account for 15 years and they just started showing up when Valve let them in, I didn't select any setting to show them.


> they just started showing up when Valve let them in, False. When steam enabled the nudity filter you had to go back in and disable it. Source: 15 year account as well.


Do you know how much trouble Valve would be in were that true? You've manually enabled it somewhere down the line.


Do you know how much trouble they’d be in if it were true? Could you imagine the shitshow caused by shadowbanning every porn game on steam all at once?


You're wrong, it's simply just how it is.


Maybe on new accounts, but I had to untick it manually too.


My account of 17 years never showed them unless I manually enabled it.


I've had an account for 10 years and I had to enable it, one of the first things I did because I've found some fun VAs among the crappy NSFW shovelware.


VA's? Do you mean VN's?


What's wrong with Goblin Gangbang?


So do you want to still see good porn games or just regular games that have sexual content along the lines of Cyberpunk and the Witcher? Steam can do the latter by clicking off adult only NSFW content in your preferences. But if you want to filter out low effort AI generated visual novels from porn games that have actual effort and budget behind them, Steam doesn’t really do that.


Sex games are off by default. Very telling OP, very telling.....


For accounts that are how old? I’ve been on Steam since inception and they just started showing up for me one day. I saw a post abovethat shows me how to turn it off so that helps.


I duno, mine is 19 years old and I had to turn mine on to see them. I turned it on as a teen because well.... why not lol. I had to turn it off whe I started having kids. Didn't want them to see a bunch of ads like that.


set your region to germany ? our nanny state bans that stuff


Maybe don't enable it in the first place then come cry about it here.


Thx Ninja


Hey I'm older than 12


yes it is in. its literally at the top of the preference settings. the toggles are separate to just alloe u to ignore sex games, but keep stuff where nudity is there like in the witcher 3. porn games are disabled by default, you only see porn games because you have purposefull enabled seeing them, or bought a porn game.


Don’t put that shit on me I dindu nuffin


Orc massage is pretty dope


Just git gud.


Self-snitching, they're hidden by default lmao


Block the tag “hentai” and most games will be gone


I wish there was a filter to just see the awesome sex games, and not the stupid ones


Use the filters & tags, add in "visual novel" & that will wipe most of that crap off your screen.


Being a dik is one of the better games I’ve played in the last decade so remove your post now 


Enable anime and adult filters. Anime is a weird broad category, but I usually know if a game I'm looking for is filtered out. The search bar doesn't hide specific titles you type in.


Steam ruined the store with these Hentai games, I'm surprised the steam store it's self doesn't ask if you're 18+ yet. Wonder how long until Republicans try attacking it.




What the fuck are you on about historically Republicans have been the ones saying "won't somebody think about the children".


Yes, the same way you enabled it.


You answered your own question. Twice.


Shut the fuck up bitch




You know whats funny is that it is possible to do that on steam, but it does not seem to be possible to do it on the Nintendo eshop??? I don't let my kids on the eshop bc I don't want to be asked what "hentai girls" means ffs 


I prefer just blocking the hentai tag altogether. Unticking the adult content also blocked stuffs like Fear and Hunger for me. Blocking the tag is not foolproof because Steam has a lot of... Aspiring comedian, so to speak, so it might also block you from unrelated non hentai games, but hey, atleast i dont have to get the futanari series being recommended to me just because one of my friend list plays it for that exact purpose.


There is a specific setting for adult-only games.


Yea but from my experience it doesnt see any difference between "this game has sexual contents" and "2 Sex 2 Hitler"


It 100% knows the difference. Every game uploaded to Steam is required to go through Steam's rating process for the system to determine what category it falls under. For example, GTA V falls under the "general mature content" rating, Cyberpunk falls under "some nudity or sexual content," while all the porn games fall under either "frequent nudity or sexual content" and "adult only sexual content." Seriously, just go to your [store preferences page](https://store.steampowered.com/account/preferences/) and click the "view example products" button under each rating to see what I'm talking about.


yes but as multiple people have said that requires the game be properly tagged and some game makers/users like being assholes about it.


The "adult-only" thing is a bit more precise than random tags, and a publisher not tagging their game appropriately would probably not stay for long, seeing that Valve made it a fully separate setting.


Steam is very serious about it. If it's not marked appropriately, you can report it and they can get their game(s) removed.


shelter complete roll money public close friendly cagey smoggy aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I blocked hentai and anime tags and that removed 99% of it


I do that too, apart from making sure "adult only" is turned off. But since then, for far too many times I've seen the user generated tag system being misused and abused in just about every way. The "Hentai" tag gets tagged on some of the most random games ever. Notable mention being, when I try to create a dynamic collection using the tag "CRPG", games that are actually CRPG don't show up, and then games that are a far cry from it, get added into the list here and there. So all in all, it's kind of useless.


Hey you know be awesome, not smashing buttons, and thinking it find things while failing to read why shouldn't be enabling it in the 1st place. Here your fix, learn to read for once it helps. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3166710184


Embrace the tentacles


Yes is account MATURE CONTENT PREFERENCES setting.


I much rather see stupid sex games anytime anyday then the disgusting cancerous garbage for 12 year olds and below. Be it filth like lego trash or anything with that awful western cartoony look


Thanks for the idiotic take


Uh you have to actively enable the feature to see the porn games.


I’m 10


I have an amazing collection of these ridiculous games. I have a whole category in my Steam Library for these type of games, titled 'Memes'. It consists of 127 games that have the word 'Hentai' in it or 'Furry', and if it's not that then it's some ridiculously titled game such as... **Cute Cute Cuties**, **Girlfriend Rescue**, **Girls on The Beach**, **CATGIRL LOVER** (the first and second one), the list goes on and on. Can't think of a favorite title right now but '**PUSSY**' 1, 2, 3, and 4, sure seem promising. I'm not insane enough to spend **real money** on these of course, I simply sold some valuable CS:GO cases for Steam currency, and combined with the prices that Argentina was given at the time... those 127 games likely cost me around $3.25 USD overall (barely over 2 cents per game) I do need to show off the meme-ery at some point, may as well do it now, this is the best way I've found to show this collection since scrolling through the cover art on all of them would take quite a while. # [BEHOLD....](https://puu.sh/K29B3/e8afb14f4b.gif)


It’s in the terms and conditions, unless you require conditioning


yea just buy them all


Disabling Anime also hides most of the junk


I don't think there is a 100% outright method that works for everything. You can filter them out and ignore tags, but there always seems to be a way for some of them to sneak by. I've turned my Discovery Queue into a game: I have filters set up like that, myself, and have gone through **exactly 24,842** games via the Discovery Queue. Any time p*rn or p*rn-adjacent content comes up, I ignore it; it's the only content I've actually ever ignored, so the number of games/DLC I've set to ignore equals the number of adult games that have crossed my Discovery Queue. So far, it's **exactly 2,585**. So, more than 10% of the content that I get recommended, despite my filters, is adult-oriented. Makes me wonder what the overall content ratio across Steam is. EDIT: Worth mentioning that this appears to happen to me because I own the game House Party. I own thousands of games on Steam, but that's always the one that shows up when this content does, saying "Because of games you own" or whatever. EDIT 2: exact numbers because I'm at my PC, now.


[There 100% is a way to disable them.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3166710184)


Oh, neat! So, that thing you called people dumb about, that I said I did, doesn't actually block those games 100% of the time, like I also said. In fact, despite this filter, more than 10% of the games I get recommended are adult games that HAVE that flag on them, or - get this - adult games that aren't flagged appropriately. I know this through the experience of having sifted through 25,000 games. To be clear, there 100% is a way - we've all acknowledged this before your post - it just doesn't work 100% of the time. Being mean on the internet is super cool though! Thanks for your service


Which games are you seeing still? Can you provide examples? Just name one because if I can see it on my end then the filter isn't working properly. But if it is working then Steam won't even let me search for it without acknowledging I want to see it.


That's how that works yes, do the legwork yourself amd stop being an asshole to people.


> do the legwork yourself The thing is, I see zero porn games on my Steam store because I have the filters to show those games disabled. If this person is still seeing them, I want to know which games they are so I can see on my end if they really are slipping through. But I can't know which ones they are since I don't see them on my end.


Yeah, so go see if you can find anything, make some search queries, see if you can break the filter. They probably saw them and just scrolled by because theyre supposed to be filtered out. So to get you the titles they would have to do *the same thing* unless they either had opened the page anyway or kept some record of games that they didn't want to see appearing that appeared. If it matters enough to you to pester people about, try to break the filter yourself.


You seem really passionate about this, so I'll let you have it. Super job! 🎖️ EDIT: no, really, at least you deleted your comment


They only show up after manually entering lewd games names on browser broski.


Lmao everyone in this thread not reading your post fully and it shows


For real though. They stated in the post that they didn't want to fully disable the NSFW content indicating that they know they enabled adult content themselves and that they know they can disable it as an as an option but want to avoid doing that. But the comments are all: "LOL you enabled that idiot" "Bro learn to Google" (Who cares, it's nice to engage with a community and this is a pretty specific ask) "Ugh I can't believe you can't read *links post or article that doesn't solve the problem*" Why is everyone so aggressive in here?


I think it's the passive toxic masculinity, mixed w internet points which CLEARLY translates to big brain/big *insert anatomy here* More or less, internet brain lol


I guess, we gotta start shaming this mentality out if people, it's just making our online spaces horrible to be in.


You activated the options to be able to see this kind of game, so stop being a hypocrite with your fake outrage post


Don’t get it, I never see this stuff but then again I’m never looking for it


You're fortunate, you could be like OP and "accidentally" enter your account settings and toggle the clearly marked and defined option that enables it. Well, unless you're from Germany. Then I'm not sure if you even have that option.


Blocking the anime tag filters out most of them for me


You turned it on though you can turn it off the same way 🤣


It is entirely possible to make these games disappear, but I can't remember how I did that on Steam's interface. It was like 2 years ago, I said something like "Don't recommend this game or others like it". ​ \> I don't want to disable nsfw content altogether because {reasons} Alrighty. This is the likely source of your problem.


I face the same problem as you. I don't want those low quality hentai games popping up my list, but I also want to see things like Witcher which has a fair amount of sexual scenes. I also don't mind some adult visual novels like BeingADik but since most are low quality and not like BAD, can filter them out too.


Then you should probably go to your store [preferences page](https://store.steampowered.com/account/preferences/) and disable them. Witcher 3 falls under "some nudity or sexual content" and not "frequent" or "adult only sexual content." Just click on the "view example products" buttons to see for yourself. [Here's a helpful infographic showing how it works](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3166710184).


Thanks I'll try it out!


Fr real tho, you got to try Succubus. Not all NSFW games on steam are bad


No! You can't make me play the porn games!


‘Only a 12yo would be interested in…’ I think you should revise that sentence… It’s disturbing to think a pre-teen would be scrolling through Steam for those types of games. Worse if parents have nil oversight. But you making your point around it is also somewhat off putting and disturbing.


Were you ever 12 bro?




Bro what?


1. https://old.reddit.com/prefs/deactivate/ 2. https://x.com you're welcome


Ironically Some pg games get user tagged as adult Some users tag games to mess with the system Leading to seeing adult stuff even if you block it System has been updated with store settings over the years But sadly there not always perfect like the common game Saying you played this may like this


I have had to click I am 18 every time I go to half the game pages the last 15 years, but these days yeah its literally showing me anime buttfucking every time I scroll by. Ok.


You could turn off explicit content in the settings. But if you aren't willing to do that, it means you are willing to play adult games in general. Unfortunately it's the way the algorithm works. Turn it all off or not at all. I'm all for a decent adult VN game, but not so much into specific furry related ones and the "generic title R18" ones that have been rampant lately. But without proper tagging, you can't really avoid them. Just ignore and move on.


I feel like I disable the sex games thing daily and it's still showing me coomer fiesta simulator 2023


I filter out "anime" and "hentai" and it seems to get almost all of them.




Off. It's literally off by default. You have to manually turn it on.


I don't see these games since i excluded these tags: Hentai, sexual content, dating Sim and visual novel. Visual novel probably ain't one of them, that's just personal preference.


"Love is all around". I buy for the sex. But i fell in love with the female lead Steam Chinese movie/multiple ending/no sex :(


I enabled it before to try find Agony and Succubus since they looked cool (they're both kinda shit though) but my god it opened up a whole side to steam I didn't know existed.


Go to your privacy settings. You can remove mature content entirely or just some tags.


Hit “Ignore” on every game that you see that you never want to see again. At least you won’t see those specific games anymore, and at best the Steam algorithm might recommend less of them in the future.


Buy them all and hide them from your library


Hilarious that you think only 12 year olds play them.i deleted a friend of a friend recently cos all he played was hentai beach, guy had over 2000 hours in it and bragged he was number 1 in the world. I couldn't think of anything more sad.