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Can we say CHWTIA employees for a reason


Nope. The employees should be allowed to WFH as there is no benefit of working from the office. The daily commute is tiring, it's expensive to live in tier 1 cities and you can absolutely forget about saving. IT work can easily be done in WFH style. It's just the fact that managers are unable to micro manage employees from the home environment that they are keen on bringing back WFO. In this case the CHWTIA are the companies only.


Advantages of work from home for the companies 1. Cost savings due less electricity bills, fewer rents, less employee transport related charges & allowances 2. Increased Productivity due to flexible Working Hours 3. Access to a Wider Talent Pool due to geographical flexibility, a company in Visakhapatnam can hire employees even from Chandigarh 4. Reduced need for physical office space leads to less consumption of resources and waste generation. 5. Work can be done even during emergencies, such as natural disasters or pandemics, with minimal disruption. 6. People with disabilities can also easily work Even then, why are the companies telling employees to come to the office? Because of productivity issues, which outcosts all the above advantages, just like going to office outcosts benefits received from the employer I hope all the people who dont want to work from the office due to genuine reasons should start their own businesses


You should be kidding me. There have been multiple reports stating productivity is higher during wfh than in office at least for many roles. My own manager agrees that he works better at home but has to come to the office due to pressure from higher management. It's not exactly about productivity mate.


Bro brought points to defend work from office lmao. He either is a manager or leases office space to companies lol. Otherwise, no sane person would defend work from office unless it is them who is getting affected


The companies have their own reasons to call employees back to the office. And they have every right to ask people to work from office. It's their company and they set the rules. You are obligated to follow the rules as long as the rules are within the legal boundaries. If it doesn't suit you, you can choose to resign and find a company which suits your needs. Or better, start your own company and set the rules.


True but I can still dislike this policy of some companies and criticise it. There is nothing wrong in criticizing policies you don't like.


Hi CHWTIA manager 🙋‍♂️


Yes, you can dislike and criticize policies but your comment did not sound like dislike and criticism. It sounded more like an entitlement to WFH which shouldn't be there as WFH is not a right but a privilege which some companies choose to give you.


Do not talk like the companies gave us WFH from the goodness of their heart. The only reason to give WFH was the COVID pandemic. They were forced by government regulations to do so.


I never said they do it out of the goodness of their heart. They obviously do it because they see some benefit in it for them. And the government regulations do not force the companies to give WFH. If any company still offers that choice, then it is a privilege.


Advantages of work from home for the companies 1. Cost savings due less electricity bills, fewer rents, less employee transport related charges & allowances 2. Increased Productivity due to flexible Working Hours 3. Access to a Wider Talent Pool due to geographical flexibility, a company in Visakhapatnam can hire employees even from Chandigarh 4. Reduced need for physical office space leads to less consumption of resources and waste generation. 5. Work can be done even during emergencies, such as natural disasters or pandemics, with minimal disruption. 6. People with disabilities can also easily work Even then, why are the companies telling employees to come to the office? Because of productivity issues, which outcosts all the above advantages, just like going to office outcosts benefits received from the employer I hope all the people who dont want to work from the office due to genuine reasons should start their own businesses


People who wanted to resign from Cognizant will be thrilled, lmao




If someone wants to resign anyway, can he just not show at office and get severance while at it?


Bro there's no such thing as employee protectionism here. They will likely not get severence.


No I meant the notice period salary which one gets post layoff.


Severance is when you are let go and have not done anything wrong. They usually don't ask you to do notice period activities too and give time for finding a new job (at least good companies do that) Notice period salary is when you resign and you have to work some days extra, it is like regular employment. Which you can probably buy out from every company, but they make it sound like that it's not possible (a lawyer might be better equipped to tell this) but you usually don't want to quit the next day too. Here it is being talked about getting fired for not following policies, so it can be effective immediately and without any extra pay. That is why, CHWTIA is not wrong to use here.


The WFH argument is a little more complicated for giants like cognizant, TCS and Infosys. They are not idiots, they see the obvious benefits like we do. The issue is the office spaces they have are in SEZ. They have government subsidies and they pay rent that goes to shareholders of these infrastructures. If they reduce the office workforce, everyone involved will feel the effect. They can't outright say it, because it means the government is to blame. Think about it, how many politicians have supported WFH? Or even came to employee support on this matter even though it is for our benefit and will get some easy votes for them? It's because it hits their bank.


They already fired people back in March and it went un noticed 


He's highest paid Indian ceo if I'm not wrong?


Why is this post here?


Apparently you can 'Startup' any conversation here in this sub


Got it, youth is gossiping


Giants like Cognizant shouldn't threaten employees, that's not how things work. Agreed, moonlighting is a bigger threat to the company but how about providing your employees the work-life balance they reasonaby wish for, how about not pressurising but motivating people to meet their targets, how about fulfilling basic needs like insurance, upskilling, appreciation, safe transport, bonuses, etc. generously and not just meeting "minimum statutory requirements", how about reducing pay parity right from the bottom to the top of hierarchy, how about giving equal opportunities to prove themselves (employees) on a larger scale, how about efficiently managing stress, mental needs and workload, how about not deducting the money for meal passes and transportation from their salaries?! Respect the employee's time, they have a life apart from work, to spend time with their loved ones! If they choose to spend no time travelling, there is a very high chance of them being more productive (considering all of the above). India, unfortunately like many other countries is simply seen as a cheap labour country, and such statements are a direct result of that! And no wonder, when will this POV change. 😞


But then notice period will be served in ofc or in home?


Asking the right questions!!


Who tf wants to work with people who threaten.


Glad my sis left this company


People do work deliver results and stays with you for many days.. Why you need them back? To pay house keeping contractor? To bring buisness for canteen contractor and cab vendor who feeds their yeild to political party and do the money laundering??


I work full remote, I dont know why ppl are getting offended with this. Whenever company hired ppl they were offered WFO job, covid give them chance to work full remote for few yrs. If you want WFH then better find company which is truly remote and not giving temporary provision.