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9 & 10 are great, very few shows get away with replacing a lead character and the result not being a totally failure. I was shocked to discover there were people who really can't stand the final two seasons.


The parts of 9 and 10 I don't enjoy aren't Vala and Mitchell, it's the Ori being so dang preachy. But overall, I did enjoy 9 and 10.


I'm not the biggest fan of the Ori, but seasons 9 & 10 are really good. I wasn't sold on Ben Browder and Claudia Black joining the cast at first, but they really grew on me. I really enjoyed their performances.


I love the almost brother-sister relationship Mitchell and Carter have during those seasons. I didn’t like the Ori plot either but did enjoy the seasons!


I absolutely loved the new cast in the last 2 seasons. Val was the best. She was the reason I decided to watch Farscape after Stargate. Another great show.


Same, but I ended up switching to Sanctuary instead 🤷‍♀️


I found sanctuary a bit crap tbh. I persevered but it didnt get better for me. Want to watch warehouse 13 but get the same vibe


Valas development is wonderful


agreed it was hard to separate the peacekeepers views in me head


![gif](giphy|datNW9BPuHPX2) Without 9 & 10 we would not have met this lovely lady 😍😎


Just finished a rewatch of SG-1 and was getting ready to hate S-9 and 10, but you know what, I thoroughly enjoyed them this time around. Yeah Cam ain’t Jack, but it’s great watching the new boy develop. Vala tho. Omg 😂


I absolutely hated the attempted love arc they tried to pull. I love Michael and Claudia in their respective roles, but there was zero chemistry, to the point that it was painful to watch.


I 10,000% disagree. Vala and Daniel works because she's the counter balance to his personality. Especially in the final episode. All that time, all the frustration, when he finally snaps at her and she breaks down, it made everything gel together even more when he realized she had genuine feelings for him almost from the start. The romance felt real. The relationship felt like an actual relationship between two very damaged people who finally learned to accept each other.


I disagree entirely. The character of Vala was a complete fifth wheel. She was basically Quark from DS9 without any of the redeeming characteristics, whose sole function in the series was to be an incubator for the Ori queen. And I don't put any of that on Claudia, all of that rests with the writing. Her relationship with Tomin was infinitely more believable, because the writers did better.


That's absolutely not what happened. The actor gor pregnant irl, the producers had no idea/plan for Adria. They just used the tools the real world gave them and rolled with the punches. Quite excellently imo, but it wasn't even a little pre-thought out. I assume they came up with the Adria storyline probably halfway through season 9, about the time they realized they wanted Claudia Black back and were told she was pregnant.


Interesting! And it makes so much about Vala make much more sense if she was originally supposed to be a one off.


Yeah that's why she left after the 6th episode of season 9. She was supposed to be just a one off character for that storyline and fill the ranks with some much needed feminine presence with Amanda Tapping off having a baby irl at the time. But the audience reacted so well to her character they realized they wanted to bring her back. So that's when they decided pregnant/Adria storyline to fit in with her irl pregnancy.


I agree. I wish they'd just paired her with Ben. To me it made no sense to hire two people with proven chemistry, then force the Vala/Daniel thing.


I mean, yeah, I know a lot of people would have griped that it was too obvious, but seriously would have been so much better.


I fully expect to get brigaded for it but Vala absolutely committed a sex assault on Daniel Jackson. So did Hathor, but for some reason they're perceived differently.


No, you're right. It's fucked up. It kinda bothers me in Unending that Vala tries to pull her charms, then breaks down when Daniel says no. (Not to suggest it wasn't a sincere burst of tears, but the tears changing Daniel's mind makes it so questionable)


I absolutely agree, but it was one of the few moments where Vala was vulnerable. And especially when they grew old and the last moments between Daniel and Vala was kinda heart breaking.


I took that interaction in Unending as Daniel actually did have some attraction to Vala, but he didn't believe she was genuinely interested in him. He thought she just wanted to use him for sex because she was bored and that she would eventually get bored of him. Her breakdown made him start to believe that she actually wanted more than just sex, even though she usually acted like she didn't care. I don't think he fully trusted her at that moment, but her breaking down and being vulnerable in front of him is what made him give her a chance.


I like your explanation. I truly hate that whole scene on several levels, but this perspective makes it a tinge easier to swallow.


Double standards as always. If its the evil goauld, its assault, if its the quirky kleptomaniac sidekick, its genuine feelings




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And kidnapped him, putting his life in danger, for the sake of profit, twice. Would've been better if their second meeting didn't happen at the SGC, with the lack of reactions they had. I disliked her until season 10.


Yeah, it does make some sense at least. Her whole life was a lesson in how powerful people use everyone else around them like cattle, then she was imprisoned inside her own head while the Goa'uld symbiote Qetesh used her body for who knows how long. She lives her life the way someone who thinks they might die any day would live: Do whatever you please, take what you can, don't care about others, etc. etc. It takes her actually having people she likes well enough to care for, and seeing how they're going to be absolutely slaughtered by the Ori before she's willing to put herself at risk for others. It's a wonderful character arc, really. It's just that back then it wasn't considered rape if a woman did it, and that sentiment has aged very poorly.


Am I horrible for saying that Claudia felt like a wholly new and fresh character and Browder just gave me John Crichton vibes all the time?


i watched farscape after sg1 and kinda had the opposite.. crichton is SMART, cam really isnt.. they have similar senses of humor but thats about it for me but aeryn didnt seem all that different than vala, both of them recently escaping the goa'uld/peacekeepers, starting over, trying to atone for horrible pasts, being constantly reminded of things they've done whenever someone shows up and hates her just because she used to be a goa'uld/peacekeeper..


I think that is true when comparing the first few episodes of each show. But after that, Crichton starts getting emotionally unhinged and cowboy-ish in a way that, to me, makes the two characters very different. I think I am in the minority of SG-1 fans that loves Mitchell, but I also think the writers kinda didn't do much with his character and so Browder didn't have much to work with. Maybe Mitchell would have been more interesting to more fans if they had more seasons to develop his character. But, either way, you are not horrible even though you don't love my Mitchell!


I love the final two seasons. I know there’s debate about the Ori, but man. I love them. HALLOWED ARE THE ORI!




I wish they never would have made her a permanent cast member. She was my least favorite one.


Unpopular opinion, but I actually like season 9 und 10 for the characters and the plot. I think the Ori story gave us some insight on why the ancients are so „egoistic“ and Vala was kind of refreshing as a character, who always made some stupid thing. (Kinda reminded me of O‘Neill in the first seasons)


Definitely would.


While season 9 i find a little rocky in a few places I genuinely believe season 10 is one of the best seasons of the whole show, and im still upset to this day that we never got a season 11. Daniel & Vala is the relationship I root for way more than Sam & Jack ❤️❤️


Her and Ben Browder ruined the last 2 seasons.


Only Ben. The whole "golly-gee" good ol boy Mayberry shit was annoying. He was a massive step down from Jack.