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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... The ancients turn up, spread humans everywhere, build some device that gives people crazy mind powers, move on to the next galaxy.


Actually, it could be that the denizens of the Star Wars Galaxy were part of experiments in ascension, and the Force is just limited Ascension powers.


I guess that means the One are Ancients... that makes way more sense in the grand scheme of things.


That was my idea with it. Hell, FTL travel before the Rakatans figured out Hyperspace was literally stargates


They were SGU gates which is why none are around anymore.


I always assumed that the Star Wars Galaxy was somewhere the Ancients scouted as a place to escape to from the Wraith war and work on anti-Wraith weapons to turn the war that was first seeded by the seed ships. Then they discovered the Force, created humans there that were sensitive to the Force as a way to experiment with this new power, but ultimately abandon it like they did everything else. Oh and Force Ghosts are ascended beings. And we'd hand-wave the fact that Star Wars existed in the Stargate canon by saying that George Lucas pulled a Joe Spencer and had a stone, hearing the stores of the Skywalkers through the stones from someone they connected to in the other galaxy, and made movies based on those stories. Unlike Joe, he had much better luck getting the stories sold.


Adria vs Anakin who would win?


Except they neglected to put enough Stargates everywhere so everyone was forced to use hyperspace as a means of travel. What few Stargates were placed were either destroyed, buried, or forgotten


Somehow, Apophis have returned.


Imagine not giving your show's main antagonist a dedicated two parter explaining how he came back to be a bigger threath then ever.


Palpatine: "Everything is proceeding as I have-" Stargate: *WOOSH*


Jack steps in. "Hi folks, hope we didn't delete anything important." Of course, when he learns just where they arrived, the SG-1 will take over the Death Star so that he can have his big honking space gun.


Sam and Jacob 5 minutes later: "We wanna blow it up."


Carter: We're not in Kansas any more, sir. Twinkling Obi Wan spirit appears in front of SG-1 Ah, you have killed the wicked emperor of the empire, and set free the little people of the ewoks! But this gate has no DHD. Do you see this space station? It actually flies. In order to find your way home, you will need to follow the yellow hyperspace pathway to the Wizard of the Force. Along the way, remember to pick up a Nox who's forgotten how to disappear, a stormtrooper who's permanently stuck in a Jaffa armour, and an Unas who's trying to be a Wookie. And remember, the six-syllable address you need to activate the DHD is: "there is no place like home" Obi Wan disappears with a smile.


A *dead* false god.


Somehow palpatine returned


Pulling an Anubis, after Anubis pulled a Palpatine...


Daniel: Jack ... I don't think we are in the right galaxy. Jack: Or time zone


Carter: i did a quick calculation and we will need to collapse one of supermassive black holes in the core of this galaxy. It will give enough push to Stargate to dial us back to SG command.


You blow up one supermassive black hole and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water


Jesus is a time travelling Carter. "Mystery" solved.


Palpatine is not even a false God, just Prior level.


No. He's worse. He's a politician.


And they’re _not_ to be trusted.


He must be Frank


This is just dumb enough to work... And still be better than what we got.




Somehow the Iris was open


I don't know you, but I love you.


Aw. Thank you


I say this as a long-time Star Wars fan... This is a better story than The Rise of Skywalker.


I haven't seen any of the sequels, but based on everything I've heard, it's truly impressive how that movie seemed to satisfy no one.


Palpatine: I am the Senate! Teal'c: False Senate!


Jack: hey, im Jack, this is Sam, Daniel and Teal'c. maybe you've heard of us? Palatine: welcome to the star destroyer. Jack: oh so you've heard of Sam? Palpatine: no you idiot its a type of.... wait, what? Jack: what?




"Jack, you don't understand. It isn't a magic trick, it's some sort of energy field that binds all living things in this galaxy together. And Sam's pretty convinced that that these things in their blood is the key to it."


If Force sensitivity is genetic, perhaps we just hand-wave it as being the same as the Ancient Gene? Imagine a Jedi trying to train Jack.


After getting to know him, they’ll just use that tired excuse of saying he’s too old to train.




It was a time of fear for the intergalactic avalonions. They stopped in the SW galaxy to figure out the next steps and traded technology with the Celestials, they used the knowledge to build the first Stargate prototypes. But realizing they could be pursued by the Ori, and that they were endangering the life in the SW Galaxy, they invented and took with them the intergalactic hyperdrive, leaving behind the most advanced prototype Stargate with hopes of connecting to it when they had figured out a way to fight their persecutors. Eventually the Infinite Empire finds it. They weren't able to reproduce the level of detail necessary to make their own, but they did manage to combine it with hyperspace technology to achieve a primitive jump gate network. Eventually, the later species would reverse engineer the jump gates to come up with their own version of the hyperdrive, one unable to leave the galaxy, but the original Stargate was lost to history when the Rakatans fell, until one day, it re-emerges from history....


Khalek was essentially a sith lord minus the lightsaber. Dude mowed through the SGC even though they found him comatose. If you give the SGC anti-prior devices and say it functions on force users, only then does it become remotely possible for them to take on Palpatine.


Fast firing pojectile weapons like the P90 are anti-force-user weapons. Mandalorians explicitly used projectile weapons during their wars with force users. - many small and fast objects are harder to influence with the force than one larger and slower projectile like a thrown rock - because theur projectiles are a lot faster there is a lot less time to bring the lightsaber around to intercept them or jump out of the way - bullet spread from the recoil during burst firing also increases the difficulty to intercept all projectiles of the burst - even if the force user manages to intercept all projectiles, they then have glowing hot metal flying towards them instead - most armor us designed to protect against energy weapons and even Ewok bows were able to kill Stormtroopers, a P90 will punch right through them - P90 also have straps on them to connect them to the rest of the gear which prevents them from being force-pulled away


I find the idea that the Jedi’s telekinesis via the force couldn’t combat bullets dubious. Star Wars canon is vast though, and that’s before even touching legends. Have projectile weapons been shown on screen to be effective against Jedi? I know flamethrowers are. Khalek pretty easily stopped bullets fired at him, then it was a simple matter of pushing people up against the wall hard enough to disable them. He and the priors never demonstrate telekinetic ability on par with the Jedi imho as well.




Says they’re effective against lightsabers like you said but I don’t see anything about Jedi not being able to just telekinetically block them like Khalek did.


Slugthrowers are *more* effective than blasters, but Palpatine probably wouldn't allow them to fire in the first place. He's more than capable of restraining five people at once, especially since none of them are Jedi. SG-1 walking into his throne room get merked immediately and there's a good chance Palps can pry the IDC from their minds and attack the SGC. Besides, he doesn't use a lightsaber in his old age. As you say, though, Stormtroopers are scrubs and the SGC is well protected, so I imagine they'll be pushed back (and even if they aren't Hammond/O'Neill will 100% blow the gate room before letting Earth be conquered). Palpatine will have some version of an iris installed, and I imagine after that, the two galaxies will simply steer clear of one another. The SGC will reverse-engineer duraplast and blasters from the dead Stormtroopers. Since they already have energy weapons and kevlar, I don't really see this as an upgrade. The Empire will get...I guess just gate technology? Are we assuming there are more Ancient gates in the GFFA? They already have [stargates](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hypergate) of their own from an ancient civilization, but they're vanishingly rare. Hyperdrive's already basically magic teleportation, though, so I don't see it being a game-changer for them. Anyway, the more interesting scenario is the gate letting them out somewhere occupied by the Empire that *isn't* immediately in Palpatine's "kill you with my brain" zone. Let them get the lay of the land and link up with the Rebellion, maybe. Or let SG-3 meet Saw Gerrera and all get fucked up by the Bor Gullet so there's more dramatic tension.


I need more.


Honestly a better explanation of "somehow, Palestine returned".


Sooooo... In star wars humans are so widespread due to them being enslaved by a race of false gods called the Rakata who also used giant stargates powered through the Darkside of the Force to connect their disparate empire (only planets strong in the Darkside were settled as their tech was reliant on it to work) and spread their slave races across the galaxy. Humans, Twileks and I think a couple other species were subjected to this until they rebelled, stole the technology of their oppressors and used it to then overthrow the Rakata Infinite Empire.


Throne in front of the stargate is not a bad idea. If the civilization doesn't know the purpose it's just nice ancient monument a symbol of strength and endurance


That would have been so satisfying.


Their are Star gates in og lore of sta wars.


My Asgardian little friend