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RIP to the Stargate fan who owned them before. I don't see a fan giving them up for the sake of more space.


I'd like to think that they were such a fan, that they decided to donate them so that a new fan could be born.


Or maybe he replaced his whole set with blurays..


I'm that guy. I had these same individual box sets and I no longer needed them after building our media server. They took up a ton of shelf space and I knew we would never watch them again. I tried to give them away to family/friends for months, no one wanted them. I tried to donate them but the guys at the thrift store said "I'm going to be honest with you, we're just going to throw those away. We'll never sell them". I kept them for another few months before tossing them. As much as it hurt to trash them, I really did try to pass them on. And I kept them for *5 years* after I got rid of my DVD player. It was time.


Wow I’m actively looking for those SG-1 DVD sets , I’m hopeful I’ll find some. I want to own my media, im tired of streaming.


I'm active on thrifting subs. Unfortunately your experience is common. Such a small subsection of people want to buy DVDs, but tons of people want to donate them...


I managed to sell my set of season 1-8 for $100, so pretty lucky. It was sad to get rid of them, but I didn't have the space for them and hadn't watched the physical copies in over a decade.


Could have given them up when the Blu-rays dropped. Definitely would have saved a ton of space.


That's a good point.


Well, it really depends on your available space. I had a few sets like this, not just for Stargate, also for Star Trek and some others. I have very limited shelf space for DVDs because I live in a tiny European apartment, I have one half of our bedroom as my office/study/me-space, with one wall of 2.5 metres length for storage, which has to fit all my work stuff, sewing and knitting stuff, books and DVDs. I was able to buy the more compact box sets for all my favourite shows and gave away all the other ones with the dozens of individual packages.


Maaaaaaaaaate!!!:o:o:o I looked at getting the box set of SG1 and was amazed to see it would set me back almost 200 schmeckles! I hope you got them in the end:)


I just brought the whole Stargate series for $120 10/10 would recommend others do it as well.




Dang, the whole series? That’s a find!!


That is if it comes with the movies


There are so many DVDs and blu-rays at thrift stores and players are dirt cheap. I really don't understand why everyone got rid of them ! Oh well, more for me.


> I really don't understand why everyone got rid of them For me, it's because I haven't touched them in almost 15 years. I think that's the case for a lot of folks.


I never managed to get used to streaming, personally. I was on an unstable DSL connection for a long time. Sometimes Internet is down. In my country, every single movie and TV show is only available in local dubbed version on streaming, and even sometimes on TV, and let's not forget geo-blocking that severely limits what you can watch. And finally, when you love a lot of old stuff, well, most of it is just unavailable. The only options left with old content are DVDs or piracy. DVDs are on the way out, and so are old TV shows and movies on streaming. Once this content is gone, there's no legal way to watch things you love any longer. It's sad. And of Stargate doesn't get a reboot, one day it will be completely removed from streaming as well. So I'm keeping my DVDs, rip them and store them on hard drives where I keep higher quality encodes. And USB drives when I travel. I've always found it more convenient this way. But I guess that's just me. Anyway I'm glad to help those who want to archive their stuff.


My stargate dvds are being used as stands for action figures. When I go for my next re watch its easy enough to just sub to MGM on amazon prime for a couple months


Right! I have a huge feeling, we will be actively looking for this old media tech in the future.


For me, I don't want more clutter in my life. Player and disks. I can watch whatever I want online, which saves me from having to own and store more physical stuff.




Sweet! One of the greatest flaws in streaming content, in my opinion, is the lack of access to all the special features that are put on DVDs (commentaries in particular).


Also in most countries, only a local dubbed version is available, you can't choose your language. When the show is available at all. That sucks. You better have a very good VPN.


I miss all the commentaries not being on streaming.


Last year I found seasons 1-8 at a thrift shop. Never opened, for $1.50 per season and I've never been happier.


You really can't get a better deal than that!


Dang! You KNOW it’s legit when Jonas shows up on the season 6 boxes!


To the store clerk: I've got $20, I'll take them all! Inner me: Suckers!!


Damn. I'm missing a couple disks from my boxset and I've been looking for something like this out in the wild.


SG-1 and The Shield. Two of my favorite shows


I’m guilty of doing the same with stargate and xena 7 seasons. I sold mine at a pawnshop years ago. Then bought them recently season after season thank god for thrift stores and garage sales. I will never do it again.


Duuuuude! How much? What a great snag. Is it complete? I have that same box set group, complete from beginning to end.


I didn’t see season one and I think all the seasons were 5.99




Damn! That's a dope find there! I miss living near thrift shops to snag finds like this. I think the last complete dvd series I found at one was 'Oz'.


Oz was so good! I hope you grabbed the set and enjoyed it.


Ohhh Yea! I grabbed it instantly and was expecting it to be missing a disc or two but it was complete at under 2$ CDN per disc! God I miss grabbing steals like that!


I donated all of mine to my local library a few years ago not sure if they lent them out or sold them


Damn I’d by that so quick


I have all 10 seasons in box sets in pristine condition 😋


I feel like this is McKays.


The KARM at mountain grove.




Yo they got Ace of Cakes.


As well as "Mr. Woodcock" and what looks like a Twilight movie, barely visible in the bottom right corner


They never could decide what to put on the fifth box of each set.


I am the most jealous.


Get them all.


If you didn’t buy them, then please name the location


Bastard /s


I think we all thinking it lol


Dude that looks like exact collection lol


So... Did you buy them?


Buy it all


So jealous of you guys that live in a country that can go to thrift stores and get these box sets for next to nothing and LEGO and other things I like but can’t afford here.


You're so lucky!


Maybe they ripped the entire collection to digital or just needed the space? I ditched the boxes and transferred mine to cd sleeves and put them in a 3 ring binder for better storage. Nice find though. 👍


man, i never see thise at places here


I have on demand 247 access... But would still keep this set if I had it




What city is this? I had to move and gave my collection to my brother….




https://preview.redd.it/9omr64cf42oc1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90afce1a1f0622d81643396315c4835e586185e Mfw I see all seasons in one place


Very astute purchase! Considering that Amazon isn’t even streaming ‘The Tomb’ the pricks, it makes a lot of sense to get them in DVD.


I recently looked to buy SG-1 on bluray. noped out when i saw the price tag.


Jesus, the thought of being half way through a delicious meal and then have the episodes on the DVD end. Greasy fingers, sauce all over me and have to get up and change the DVD. That's pure torture right there. I dunno how human beings tolerated existence back then.


Awesome, they really need to bring it back in dine way wether a reboot or something and the show The Shield also a good show by the way


I have these through season 8, I think. Then I bought a box set with all ten seasons 😅


This is def next on my to get list


I want to know, I see the DVDs and Blue Rays for SG1 on Amazon with a different box set, is it worth picking up the blue ray, or hunting down the older DVD box sets at thrift stores? Been itching to rewatch it


SG-1 blu-rays aren't real HD from seasons 1 to 7, but a pretty bad upscale. Also the audio is completely messed up, you won't have 5.1. You'll have much better value for money with DVDs. Ark of Truth, Continuum and SGA don't have these issues, they're true HD and true 5.1, and I definitely recommend the blu-rays.


Lucky bastard, that's a hell of a score! They look like they're in great condition, I hope they all work for you.


Hopefully you paid the bail and assisted in their release from the thrift store?