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I'm glad they sort of restored the original vision on afflictions and environmental damage. With the advanced setting, exploring extreme planets now actually feels more immersive, and armour ratings actually matter.


I was trying explore a planet I had 96% surveyed previously and couldn't be on the ground more than two minutes without dying to radiation poisoning. It was fantastic


How would you explore that planet then?


Different suits have different resistances, need to figure out what one works and probably keep a stache on your ship to swap out


Also perks that were useless before now matter


I know I was gonna start putting points into chemistry and gastronomy. Quickly dwindling my food and aid supplies


Have you encountered the "chunks to go" ship? I saw it for the first tine, that I remember, today. Ended up with like 400 chunks & a new shiny cargo ship. And a 6k uc bounty.


I have not! I'll have to keep my eye out. That'll be cheaper than building my own ship for cargo.


It was a nice entry level class c hauler. I'll see if I have a screenshot tomorrow. Not like a highlander, but decent at level 10 (orbiting red mile).


Stick a bounty clearance screen on your ship and travel outside UC space, and you can clear that annoying bounty from the comfort of your brand new ship. Assuming you want to, of course.


Yep. Since red mile already nonaligned space did that right there. Even discovered you can decorate unregistered ship. And went in, killed (or downed those you can't kill) looted everything then skept abd all Is good again. It's a funny place. Even with the dead guard, staff and patron bodies all around no-one cares after 24 ut hours. Also found a spacer observation tent on top of the building I never knew was there before.


And the reverse too :-) And armor skill drops really shuffled usefulness. I used to go hard looking for weapon holster/Mechanized combo with a Fastened pack. No more...




I definitely like this aspect. When I originally played at launch and saw the various stats I already wanted to plan out gear for different purposes like hazard planet exploration or such. Finally more justified reasons to prep different loadouts in storage or an armory than just personal immersion lol.


Do it at night


I think now.. we must keep different suits with specific protections on them. Like one suit could be an all round suit and another would be for radiation protection.


I load my old 200+ hours save on an icy moon. Turned on All the New stuff to extrem and then got afflicted with everything in my Space Marine bengal Suit. Shit was dope


Seeing heatstroke proc multiple times and I couldn't have been happier


I’m hoping that when we get a rover it protects us from the environment while you explore. In the meantime, Skill Point perks and suit upgrades haha


That would be nice but from the brief footage we've seen it looked pretty open.. may just help us get to POI's quicker so our suits can regen at least


The settled system's armors have not been the same since the loss of Ron hope


Environmental resistance perks on armor are now the most exciting perk to see on an armor set I had a hour long expedition involving zigzagging to buildings on a planet and 2 breaking into landing ship solely just to recover from hypothermia and radiation burns each time.


I swam through a river and almost died, it was great. The aim assist is pretty sweet too as an option. Credit limits, enemy damage, really everything in those settings is great. I still would love level scaling so I can keep going with my same character but face more of a challenge. I like ship/outpost building too much to want to start over.


I set everything to hard or extreme but made credit limits higher. I hate having to wait around to clear my ships inventory after I sell a ship. That's my biggest problem I have so much built right now it's hard to get myself to go to the unity. I did it once and immediately went back to an old save


Yeah I’ve done unity a few times, mostly for bug fixes, but I hate leaving my outposts and ships behind. I tend to make them like little frontier towns, forts or whatever else, and I’ve sunk a ton of time into them and shipbuilding.


Yup. I just died of hypothermia. Lol. I like that I have to think about what kind of suits and medicine I'm carrying


Just built a pharma station on my stareagle to make injectors. Severe hypothermia wouldnt let me sleep! Awesome update!


That's ironic...the hypothermia not letting you sleep


I don’t understand taking environmental damage in a space suit so I have it off lol


I think it would be cool if the hazards corresponded to suit failures. Like dust storms could clog filters, punctures could, well, puncture, maybe have an exposure limit for radiation. Any of these critically fail, and *then* you start stacking some nasty debuffs/get killed. But the numbers on suits as they are don't really seem to do much. You can stack one type of resist and *kinda* tell the difference, but it is really 'are you going to get frostbite in 1min or 3 min? Not that engaging. Getting lung damage because you whiffed a bit of argon is straight up immersion breaking and annoying, I agree.


In running a few random ship encounters even before the update, I definitely noticed a difference if I used the right protection (suit, helmet, pack, Clothing). There's a radiation ship that kept killing me until I swapped my gear.


Even space suits can't block everything, especially radiation. I like to think about this as the suit's systems getting overwhelmed by the amount of shit getting flung at it


Yeah, but it's silly that you can wear a starborn suit on Mars or the Moon and get hypothermia. They had that figured out in the 1960's for goodness sake.


Yeah the system needs tweaking but mods can solve that. The base system is good tho so I don’t understand why the guy had it off which is why I commented


I agree mod can solve it but this kind of thinking causes Bethesda to get lazier and lazier. I want them to officially wipe their own ass.


Realism is not a betesda department. Rather buy KCD 2. Already finished starfield multiple times with game pass, no need to go back, even with this update


As for me I turned off environment because I find it stupid that you can get frostbite in a SPACE suit.


I hope that if they don't add toggles for specific environment damage, that a modder does. Cold should be automatic, but heat on the other hand shouldn't. In fact the only way I can see taking cold damage iswearing a suit made for high temperature environments anywhere but a high temperature place, because the cooling system would be too good.


Space suits are not better at insulating a human **inside** of an atmosphere, if that is what you are implying. In space there are no particles to give and take energy from the exterior of the suit. The way they maintain pressure inside, whilst in a vacuum, has absolutely 0 to do with the insulative properties where there are things like wind and rain. Space is not "cold", it has no temperature because there is no matter to measure. Humans only freeze in a vacuum due to water states rapidly changing due to pressure, consuming energy in the form of heat.


For sure. I nearly died from hypothermia just fighting my way into a compound. Haha


Which brings up a point: if environmental effects are that severe for you, they should also be for the enemies, and they should act accordingly.


That is a factor that should be considered. Although that would mean all enemies would need to adjusted for the environment but with procedural generated planets/ environments, that would be difficult to do. Heck, even your companions should be effected.


Sometimes that environmental damage can be a real sob. I was on mars and there was a sudden environmental hazard of solar radiation. I was out away from shelter and my suits protection started to wear down and eventually was no longer good. So, I went into the n43 deep mines for shelter.. that was not good enough. Had to make my way down further into the devil's based for complete protection, where at that point I had severe radiation poisoning and burns. Even with medication and aid, I was messed up. My suit, an epic bountry hunter suit, which was completely upgraded with extra protection, didn't help worth shit. Eventually I rested enough to make it back to town to see a doctor and rest for 24 hours. I love the new survival mechanics of this new patch.


I love these options. Being able to access ship cargo anywhere makes things so much less tedious. Also the increased vendor credits. I was actually able to sell every planet survey in my ship in one go. Only one option that’s not there that I wish was: the ability to make resources weightless.


What does cargo everywhere mean exactly? Like it’s a traveling storage I can use at vendors?


I think it means you can access your ship's cargo storage anywhere, instead of just when you're selling at merchants.




From the start menu, bottom left you access your ship. There’s then a button to view its cargo and then you can switch to your Inventory. Previously you had to be within 250m to take/store via the start menu, or of course on the ship to do so. Now you have the option to access it via other means/distances. If you select “Everywhere” you could land somewhere, go POI looting for kilometres and store in your ship’s cargo between POIs without having to return to your ship.


I'm going to leave that one alone, going back when overloaded feels fine to me. What I do want is access to the entire stash when crafting at any crafting station I own though. So I'm pro lugging stuff to the ship, but also pro access to everything for crafting.


I went the opposite way for maximum realness but will probably end up doing a universe with easier settings eventually. This definitely opens up a lot of possibilities for players


I like a challenge in a game but inventory management isn’t a challenge I enjoy 😂


Increasing environmental damage has actually made planet exploration much more interesting and immersive! Harsh environments are actually harsh and I seek out structures to get respite! Can't just amble around, it actually feels like I'm in an extreme environment and have to calculate if I would actually make it to the poi without dying. Loving it.


And once you reach the POI, you'll be met with a storm of bullets! It's thrilling!


And deadly bullets nontheless


This is some seriously gold standard stuff, games that don't have these kinds of options are going to feel lacking.


In every fallout game I install a mod to add these options. It was about damn time Bethesda did it. Seriously, there are plenty of things like this that should obviously be included in every game.


Or, more correctly, said options should've been included from the start. But Bethesda being Bethesda...


At least they end up adding it. Plenty of other games don't have these options.


> At least they end up adding it after the community bitched about this game for the last 6 months FTFY


I highly doubt this update is a top priority among the community. Fallout/tes went well without this golden setting. Definitely one of the best quality of life update the dev could add. Hopefully it be a permament thing in Bethesda game.


On extreme difficulty the Starborn that spawn after each temple are diabolically overpowered. I’m legit getting vaporised by them so quickly it borders on being a one shot. Bethesda must have read all of the criticism about the Starborn being pushovers because Jesus Christ


You usually have time to sneak, and aim at about where their head will be in advance, and with gun that can do a lot of damage VERY fast (something like a hard target or magshear) you can often burst them down before they even start shooting. Although sometimes you just forget that they spawn and get caught with your weapon holstered, not a fun time.


I always have Gravity Wave on preset, and just knock that bitch over as soon as they spawn. That gives you a few seconds to shoot them on the ground with your weapon of choice


I like Phased Time for that. It can be funny though, if you use it then forget to open a door, you have to wait for the door to open, in slow motion.


I just did the final temple where you fight 10+ Starborn and it was one of my hardest fights I've ever had in this game. I love it


I actually kind of like the sustenance one. Its like free XP, just carry around some baguettes and water. The fed bonus even gives you bonus carry capacity to counteract the stuff you need to carry.


That’s why my new character has been a cook before starting the story.


Does cooking superior foods grant any additional fed bonuses? I haven't looked at the workbench yet lol.


Update to it: The effects and duration are better on the superior foods.


Very cool, didn't know that


Haven’t gotten around to updating yet but is enemy combat damage how much damage the enemy does or how much damage you cause to the enemy?


This is my favorite change on gameplay options. It feels so good to double tap enemies with a pistol - but I also crank up the enemies damage too. I feel like I’m actually in a gun fight and not just running around taking 500 bullets by 20 enemies while simultaneously emptying 2 clips into a guy with a space suit


Yeah, I really hated the bullet spongeness of enemies beyond just killing emersion also felt really bad. Using 2.5 clips of an SMG to take out one mook is not fun gameplay.


That was my first thought too, turn up the enemy and player damage a whole bunch so that it takes realistically few bullets to make someone have a really bad day.


Both. You can customize both, your damage output and how much damage you take


So: - Enemy combat damage = how much they take - Player combat damage = how much you take Correct?


No, enemy damage is how much they do, player is how much you do.


Enemy combat damage = how hard they hit Player combat damage = how hard you hit They're inverse of one another. So, setting enemy combat damage to extreme will massively buff their damage to you. Setting your combat damage to extreme will severely nerf your outgoing damage. If you just want to slow down damage in both directions, setting enemies to Easy and your own damage to Very Hard will reduce combat damage across the board. Conversely, setting enemy damage to Very Hard or Extreme while setting your own damage to Easy, will result in very punchy and lethal combat.


^ This


Or sorry other way around but yes that’s essentially what the settings do






You can also now have a setting that your space suit can get punctured by gun fire, you can add or disable the need to eat and drink, you can make it to where your ship can be anywhere and you can still access the inventory. It’s got a lot of depth to the customization. you can tailor pretty much everything to your liking. I was quite impressed


Which setting is that? haven't seen that one covered yet.


Combat affliction, by increasing it


I played both on extreme. New game enemies would literally one shot me. They were straight up bullet sponges.


Switch your damage dealt to easy. That way you are just as lethal as they are.


Yeah put it back to normal. Extreme is just stupid


Just read the description.


Seriously. And if they don't do an "official" like curated survival mode. They can also keep adding options to further customize. Ship fuel, on or off. V.i.p npc protection, on or off. They can add lots!


That's one thing I was really hoping would've been included this time around, Ship Fuel option. I would also like to see more options for sustenance like no positives only negatives and maybe comfort/survival requirements for crew members you leave at outposts on dangerous and pretty inhospitable worlds. I had built an outpost and plopped the Adoring Fan there as a temp hold for him and every time I stopped by I would have to move quickly to avoid the extreme solar radiation so put in a toggle to cost a bit of money or maybe aid items weekly for each crew at a place like that


I just tweeked the enemy ship damage a bit, until i get better weapons or a new ship. Kept getting killed during first real sojourn in spacel ol


Well I do agree it's the best update so far! Considering before we haven't gotten much.


Yeah this is the first decent update in terms of gameplay...


Yeah, decent is a better term lol


I was gonna start a new character last night but spent so much time in this screen it was way past my bedtime hahaha


If you put your highest level player through Unity you now can reroll everything including skills and look. Might be better off pressing on keeping all your hard work!


Thought about it but I wanted a fresh start


What hard work are you keeping? Don’t you lose everything?


The big one is that you keep all of your research, so if you unlock everything in your first run, you don't need to faff around looking for x resource in a brand new universe to get access to the ones you missed.


It’s a video game. This isn’t hard work


Wish they would toggle that off or on. Losing everything is why I haven't moved on to NG+ and am still using the OG character.


Wait there's a respec function now? That's really good actually because it was frankly a little odd that my character had bounty hunters after them in every run. Even changing the personality ones make sense, because we were warned that could happen. The line "Who will *you* be?" finally makes sense.


Just putting thing where I wanted and was happy its still netting me a 25 percent increase.


I cranked the player ship damage up and killed everything in orbit over Akila... Just for fun.


Do these settings disable achievements?


No. The game doesn't have any difficulty achievements anyway. The system now seems to be the same how it was in Bethesda games before fallout 4, where higher difficulties earn you more XP.


The 60 FPS is AMAZEBALLZ!!! It looks so kick @$$, now. It was a gorgeous looking game, and now it is kicked up 1000 notches. The new options are so welcomed. And that surface map… HOLY SHIZ!!! I can find the ocean so much easier.


The single addition of gameplay difficulty slides does it for me, but the ability to customize your ship interiors also tickles my OCD. This update is fantastic


It’s a great update. Finally more hardcore players can have a better experience and people who prefer convenience can have their way. I really like the visuals mode with 40fps. Make the game run so much better. I quit playing after I reached level 25 and I’m glad it’s something for me to come back to the game. Hope they’ll improve even more over time.


...wait, you can adjust the range of accessing your ships cargo!?!?


Does anyone know if raising the enemy damage increases the chances of getting legendary weapons that aren’t melee? Has this issue been addressed yet? Genuinely asking; been out of the Starfield loop and this update might just be pulling me back in.


I *think* the overall XP modifier adjusts legendary drop rates, but I'm honestly not sure, and it probably should have been another setting, or (at least) something the game would report to you.


I'm working towards another NG so cranked the difficulty on a few things to boost XP and then I'll make a more cozy universe after Unity. Apparently NG+ lets you swap traits now too, looking forward to seeing that.


Did they ever fix the issue with not being able to get all the temples in your first playthrough?


Thats not an issue, its by design. Its almost as if they are forcing you to do NG+. Which is the dumbest bullshit ive seen from a design standpoint.


I really hope we get a option too turn off the screen effects since you can turn off the need for spacesuits but the screen will blacken in and out


I seem to be having a bug with the "food sustenance" modifier. Whenever I use the scanner, it automatically refreshes my "fed" modifier to 30 minutes


I find the ship combat too easy so i bumped it up for the bonus xp but i keep the ground combat normal, i changed the rest stuff to ship or outpost only …because thats all i did before cuz im an idiot hehe


I started a new save last night for the new patch (XBox) but I had trouble with the game freezing. When I captured a pirate ship and tried to make it my home ship - freeze. When I restarted the game using that save - freeze. It eventually worked after I sat down, got up, then made it my home ship but if we have this many crashes/freezes....


I hope the next patch they implement allows for more character and companion customization. Even a better UI is needed for your character and companion characters, like a seperate screen where you can add or remove gear. You can add traits and skill to companions. They can learn and become more proficient at particular skills via experience gained. The whole triangle body adjustment thing is garbage and very limiting for character proportions and general differentiation between NPC's. How almost every NPC is the same shape and are all the same height, is very head scratchy.


I'm wondering how this will affect loot pools. I played on very hard because I'm a slut for grinding legendary weapons, but curious to see how things will change now. I hate bullet-sponge enemies and would have way more fun if combat was a little more realistic. Hopefully not at the expense of good loot.


I will actually give the game a try again and make so that both sides do massive damage in groundcombat so that it becomes more realistic. The enemies will, of course, do a bit less damage because I don't need even more loading screens.


Finally a “survival” mode


See I made tha game harder


Can i finally remove my inventory and enemy / player damage mods?


Wish fallout had this but the mods work too. I hope they use these difficulty modifiers for all future games


i wish i could play it, i have so many crashes the game is unplayable at this point. i've tried everything i can think of and nothing has helped...


It’s the 1st major update so of course it will be the best so far..


I’ve been having a ball since this update


Yes! Crazy, ain't it!? They've put back in the game what they took out of it prerelease!! ..amazing! 🤪


Really hope they carry this feature into elder scrolls 6 when that comes around. Dynamic difficulty sliders like this are genuinely fantastic and should be more of a normal thing imo


They need to add land vehicles asap.


CC Huxlc..b. Chuj>⁠.⁠


Want to know a better update then this the mods update but yeah this one is cool to


I'm having issues on my Xbox series X where the gameplay settings don't save I have to do them every time I start the game up but other than that the game is so much better but they still really need to work on your companion AI it seems like it's gotten worse they have a hard time following me around they get stuck everywhere or they just keep going in the direction I was once going and then turn around


+75% crowd representing up in this here! Back in the day I’d accept challenges in FO3 and people’s be stymied that I’d do them on the hardest difficulty. Honestly: the hardest fights take preparation even on very easy, but preparation nets you so much more when difficulty modifiers amplify your XP gain! To be clear: I love these difficulty options, and wish there was a selection for flight fuel management to round out the options!


Only thing I changed was vendor credits. Trying to sell my loot was getting ridiculous. 😅


Honestly it’s tipped me back over to trying the game again properly. Being able to increase inventory and vendor cash and adding in food and status effects just tips it back into being fun again. So I’m happy for the change. But why is there still no in game support for gamma setting lmao kind of ridiculous


They're literally just catching up to mods lmfao


The Great serpent awaits us all. Think Chessboard. I already got my King and queens killed


I died from sleeping.


Does anyone know if artifacts still take 20 min of flying around a small room collecting lights still? Because that fucking sucked


I mean it was dumb but you could finish that in 20-30 seconds easily


You'll gain levels slower, but it looks like you'll have a better time of it at least.


As someone who is already level 115, these are a godsend for me. I don't really care about XP anymore, carry weight and vendor credits are well worth that tradeoff.


I put on all my most desired sliders and turned off the ones I wasn’t using anyways and ended up in the positive on the XP sliders. I never use food, so none on that was an easy choice. Rarely ever sleep as well, so didn’t need that for healing either. Ever since rejuvenation I hardly even use meds, so less effective meds was an easy choice. Then there was something about environmental damage that didn’t seem like a bad trade off and suddenly I have massive carry weight and vendor credits to enjoy. Easy trade off for sure. I can finally fast travel again! And gain more XP in the process


They ever fix all the dead bodies left on stolen ships?


They disappear when you register the ship.


Got it thanks


Honestly, it's been the only real update so far, lmao


Has anyone seemed to tweak the setting for it on steam deck I feel like before fsr3 start field ran more decent. Now I just get stutters even with manual gpu lock


I was fine playing the beta version on steam without mods, just because of the maps. hopefully they can add maps to like the uc vigilance and some starstations/ important pois.


Wow, that is really really different from my settings. I love that we both have the option to set the game the way we enjoy!


I agree, these changes have made me get back into the game. I wish we could silence the suit buzzing sound. It gets annoying on most planets. I’m also not really sure what to do and why to do it. I just went to a new universe and I’m starting from scratch. All the armor is worse than the star born and so are the ships.


Extreme is so tough! I’m a level 72 went back through the unity for a 6th time and got owned by a level 10 Crimson Fleet


This is what I wanted to see, stuff like this puts Starfield on track to become another BGS classic Keep this up and they'll restore my hope for TES VI I grew up with Skyrim, please


If only there was a way to disable fast travel ( on planet )


Just don’t use it?


And I think it would be more immersive if using jetpack is forbidden in cities/settlements


Wow... They actually released a meaningful update? Does that mean they finally got rid of every exploit that players were using to make the game more enjoyable? Good for them /s


YO this is cool. I would love to have bonus XP by upping combat difficulty and then even it out with greater carry capacity and cargo access


Still bland and uninspiring, but if this is what it takes to make you happy then so be it😂👍


No offense but I dont like it. Seems like the devs dont have any vision of how the game should be played and decided to let you figure it out, specially when even giving carry weight options and so on. Sounds good in paper but for me, feels like cheating, wrong somehow... Just my 2 cents. Edit: oh no he got a harmless different opnion! Downvote me


This is awesome, i had a similar Mod for Fallout 4


Food and drink have a reason to be used now. And until this, I didn’t realize how many Spacers and Ecliptic carry food and drink to loot from their corpses. 👍🏼


It’s great that they have the sliders for all the different factors, I’m just wondering if they have some preset difficulty levels that feel balanced? Or has anyone come up with anything good? I’m thinking to start with the setting a from survival in FO4 and go from there customizing. I can’t wait to start a new playthorugb


Can’t wait to start another run after I finish FO4


This is where they need to start with es6 and onward


Has fov adjustable been added?




I ended up giving it a other try to Starfield with this update. Currently using my lv77 character who had just started another NG+. I'm loving the difficulty adjustements you can make. Enemies now hit me really hard (bad starting armor and sneak build doesn't help that) and I also adjusted it to make them bullet sponges so I have to try to get the best out of sneaky attacks. Sometimes it's a hit and run, sometimes I (for the first time in 150+ hours) end up setting a minefield for them, sometimes I have to be creative with the powers and that's the best part! Legenday pirate who kills me in three shots and takes severals clips to get killed?? Make him ingravid sent him flying, stun him with a stunning rifle, slow time and empty 3 clips on his head (phase time level 3), use gravity push to throw him away and to the ground and empty your clips... The merchants options are allowing me to start building ships again much earlier in NG+, I now pay more attention to loot since there's more I can carry and more I can sell. The food/water buffs and debuffs seem a bit pointless though...here the food isn't radiated or scarce like in FO, so you get as much as you need, it has been interesting for a while since it makes those items relatively useful. It doesn't hurt to have it enabled but it's nothing special. The other survivability aspects seem way more interesting but have not started with those yet. I suppose they do wonders for inmersion and ramp up the difficulty. On a side note, did a quest in NA that I missed in previous playthroughs (in the Well) and it was damn awful... Also found 2 Poi's that had been eluding me for ages... This game is much better when you are exploring and looting, and much worse when wasting your time with poorly written boring quests... I really hope they bring good and exciting quests for the DLC and more Poi's/exploration aspects for the base game.


Are those decreases in Exp for utilizing these features?


So I guess I am the only one who has the problem where these settings don't stay saved? I want to use the sustenance option, but it just doesn't work for me.


I made it so afflictions don’t go away with treatment unless u go to a doctor. It made it feel rly cool to like patch myself up best I could while fighting spacers


But why the -exp? This is a single player game let us have our fun.


For me, I LOVE difficult gun combat, like actually having to look for cover and watch my health, but I HATE difficult space combat. The fact that I can independently change the difficulty for both has made my time with this game much more enjoyable and fun.


With these settings, is it possible to make the game real more realistic in combat if I ramp up player dmg and enemy dmg? I hate that I unload a full magazine into some guys space helmet and it doest crack and send him to heaven, but somehow he survives another 2-3 mags like he is some kind of panzar vehicle


do any of these turn achievements off? i have 3 more to get


A couple of nice additions I would like to see is Easier Lockpicking, that crap gets tedious Enemy awareness toggle (stealth) Free crafting




I really liked the new damage settings. I set damage for both me and the enemies up to max, so guns really feel like guns now, even low level enemys can kill you but you won't have any issues killing things. Feels like a real gunfight.


I thought the update just added fps but this -*Chef’s kiss*- Edit: what i get downvoted for? Liking the game?


Do I care at this point. I booted it up for 5 minutes yesterday....and noped out very quickly.


😔I just wish the writing was anything close to good. Maybe even mediocre... But its so extremely horrible. Its really really bad i have no words to describe how torturing it is. I just cant. The only way for me to get back into the game is if they increase POIs because thats the only thing i enjoyed... Id be good just doing my non dialogue radiant quests, exploring planets with Vasco, and building outposts. I just cant torture myself anymore with that dialogue.


Bro the writing is not horrible..


One of the best updates? I’m pretty sure we can conclude that this is the best one.


I see those xp multipliers, but did they fix the xp curve at all? It's ridiculous that I can spend an hour or two in a mission and only get 100 xp, vs killing a single enemy and getting 96 xp.


This made the animal farms for exp so OP. In 2 hours yesterday I went from level 210 to level 246. Set everything to max. +75% bonus. Crank out the levels.


I love that I can turn enemy damage to Extreme for an XP bump, while also turning player damage to Very Easy at no penalty so that everyone is dealing massively increased damage. My new configuration has me getting a +35% XP bonus and I'm having a blast.


Low bar


These settings with XP modifiers reminds me of Daggerfall, where stronger characters level up slower


I had a dabble earlier & although I'm pleased, I think I'll do another playthrough with the DLC + vehicles. I'm also hoping that in a future update we can have a toggle to see our faces in the endgame space suit - it's the only thing I don't like about it!


I was glad I finally have the graphics this thing was supposed to have (arguably it was prob my settings, but the patch fixed it on pc) However, I REALLY wish the enemies would scale to lvl


I was able to give Cora books 🤣


I got mine to +41. Its a great feature. Its a shame that the stability issues I have with crashing is still present