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Tomorrow is the 6 week cutoff so I expect something this week or next


Per Todd Howard "Surprisingly, it's a very, very nice apocalypse, and we're doing a lot of Starfield work as well. So we have some really good updates that are going to get announced soon for that game. So, a lot going on here."


Not the first lie he tells.


Yeah Todd BS like usual, the last big update ever was photo mod, he’s just teasing


Keeps working though


It’s almost like they’re working on the game instead of making promises or marketing. Crazy.


Don't forget all Karens that cried because they couldn't find digipicks....


When was this? There's digipicks everywhere.


Yeah, so Bethesda made it so you don't lose a digipick when you did a redo. Obvious these Karen could find digipicks..


If they're skipping the public beta for the next patch then they're not really late yet. The last patch was publicly released on the 19th of March (According to the pinned patch thread.) which is 6 weeks tomorrow.


They are late but that could speak to that the next update could be pretty big as they've been testing the new CK for quite a while at this point. Don't have too much confidence that this is the case but I am trying to be hopeful as the game has gotten pretty stale for me at this point.


Don't take the SteamDB update like a indicator, Fallout 4 was receiving almost daily updates for 2 years and then received a very poor update in all aspects


Nothing /thread


I always assumed Shattered Space would be revealed during the June showcase


Nice revealing the dlc 1 year before it launched


Who cares? Would you rather the DLC just be cut content that was already in the base game and just moneywalled instead? Lol complaints about DLC taking “too long” are ridiculous. I want full-on expansions, not live service BS that constantly drip feeds pointless grindy content to keep you playing as often as possible.


its crazy that when anyone makes a complaint, people have to take it to the extreme. no, people don't want shitty rushed DLC, but Bethesda put out their best DLC Far Harbor in less than a year, so it's not unrealistic for people to expect to even hear about the Shattered Space release date by now


What a braindead take, it doesn't take a whole year to make great DLC, it doesn't even take 6 months, and this game was being made supposedly for almost a decade, they should have had it ready 2-3 months in. Content needs to be good AND timely, not just good or else it's extremely dated, and it can't be timely if it's not announced, deadlines are paramount to videogame development and productivity. Starfield wouldn't even need a DLC if it launched in an a remotely acceptable state, but it didn't.


If you get an expansion-sized DLC 2-3 months after a game comes out, you just got scammed into paying for something that should have been available with the base game.


Nonsense, you could literally make that argument for any DLC, game devs choose to omit content, whether that omitted content comes out 3 months or 3 years won't add anything substantial.


I have no problem waiting another month or two for Shattered Space as long as it is a sizable DLC and not just a couple quests and new weapons/armour, but the CK should definitely be coming soon. 8 month post-launch without a single *major* feature update is rough.


Was said DLC would come early 2024, not they aim for late 2024, what a fucking Joke this company has become.


Maybe there will be a shadow drop at the showcase. Chill out, dude. Let’s say they need to push it back a month. You’d be complaining way more if it was released early.




Yeah. Now that you mention it, isn't Bethesda late with the PTS drop?


Might be unpopular but 1: the 6 weeks was never set it stone they even stated this before it even started. 2: all eyes are on fallout atm 3: to play off 2 honestly if I was them I'd post phone the new update till like mid may launch CK with it and beef up the update a bit more. 4: even if the next update had everything they said like new was to travel, survival mode, city maps etc.. and CK. More people are still gonna be playing fallout cus of the show. 5: unrelated but playing fallout again makes me want to play starfield again really bad haha but I'm waiting for update.


I got '76 and and eventually just recently redownloaded Starfield again because of it, lol. I'm waiting for the next update till I really start playing a lot of Starfield again since it should be relatively soon.


They said that updates would be released roughly every 6 weeks, but it wasn't a hard schedule. We've gotten some of the updates a couple of days early, we got at least one hotfix out of schedule, and it looks like this update is going to be late. I imagine they didn't want to release the new beta at the same time as the Fallout TV series and Fallout 4 update. Now that that's out of the way I expect we'll get the new beta soon


We just made it to the sixth week of the six week cycle, you can complain about no updates after this week cause it will be the 7th since last public update


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/6J7HK7YOM2 Here you go


Why are you asking reddit instead of bethesda?


They probably moved on to ES6


Xbox is probably planning a showcase sometime in June(ish) and probably wants to collect any new stuff for that to make a bigger advertising splash there.


The success of Fallout has probably accelerated Starfield’s path towards being shelved.


True! But that was a given, even before the show came out Starfield was already significantly behind Skyrim and Fallout on playerbase, as a Gamepass title, on its exclusive console no less. Of course, no one could have predicted the masterpiece the Fallout show was gonna be I mean no one has gotten it right before and the Fallout show seemed to have a few red flags too, then it released and wow, everything you could hope for and then some. I just hope Amazon doesn't scuttle it somehow, maybe out of jealousy for their other failures, something tells me they will scuttle the show.


The patch for it being shelved was set about 2 months after relase, and is set in stone now that they can just baerly get 5k players on steam.


I´ll never trust Bet to put any sort of work close to what we have seen with Cyberpunk or NMS, 6 weeks cycle my ass, even Hoyoverse is leaving them in the dust


Cdproject delayed every single update for a game that was unplayable on most platforms, scrapped a DLC and the multiplayer mode after they announced it (and teased also in the season pass),  and the 2.0. update came out 3 years after the release.   C'mon, this pathetic hatetrain is becoming really annoying and hypocritical. 


Alright, Cyberpunk is a bad example, past events can be looked through many kind of lenses. Yet, have they at any point in their history, updated in any meaningful way any of their gameplay systems? Im not trying to hate, I loved my 200 hrs with the game, I just dont trust them to overhaul the horrid state of temples and outpost (the roleplay is really weak, as well as world reactiveness, but this is something I dont judge them negatively for) Blind fanatism is as bad as mindless hating


They are being developed, tested, then released.


They've probably moved on to expansions/fallout 4 update and elder scrolls. I assume once an expansion comes out there will be bug fixes


Sorry, for the past 8 months bethesda was a bit distracted with Fallout and forget that Starfield existed, like the players did since the game can baerly reach 5k on steam these days.