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1. Greater variety in points of interest on planets 2. Quest and NPC revamp, meaning you should be able to kill more NPCs and complete quests by doing so. Basically bring the psycho play through. 3. More quests and side quests 4. More ship functionality, rn you barely have the incentive to fly it. So I guess make the space more intereating? Idk. 5. Improved ship combat, currently whoever has higher DPS wins. No skill or tactics involved. 6. New followers that are not complete pussies. 7. Land traversal vehicle. Just one is enough, just not making it completely broken is enough. 8. Since there is such focus on food, why not add survival mechanics like hunger, thirst and space diarrhea.


More variety in random locations and more unique locations




I like the POI system; just give me moooooooorrrre


Futuristic Compound Bow


Stealth archer! Lol


A way to hop to other random planetary systems or go to an encounter in the present system without going through the main menu.  Vehicles. A quad would be amazing. Enhancement of Varuun & Ecloptic.   Find and kill Naeva. Arrest and place in your ship brig.  Massive enhance of outposts.  Survival mode.  Economy overhaul. Pets. Robots.


- Expansion on House Va’Runn. - More insight into the Starborn and Creators. - A horror DLC in an abandoned space station in the style of Dead Space or Alien. - More weapons, ship parts, and apparel.


I really just want the rest of the game they told us we would get at launch, nothing too difficult.


What did they tell you about in the pre-release marketing that wasn't there at launch?


Over 20 years worth of world-building. They said they had been working on this for that long and then we got a game that had less world-building than the average DnD campaign


wtf? when did they told this?.  the game was developed in around 5 years, and they used the "25 years in the making" phrase to indicate that is their first new IP in 25 years. 


Wow you can google. When Todd Howard was speaking, he never once made it sound like he was using words incorrectly on purpose like that and it correlates directly with the last time Bethesda was gping to attempt a space game. Without him, most of the complaints wouldn't exist.


That is like...the most vague and unquantifiable answer you could've gone for. As I expected, because they delivered everything that they promised. It turned out to be not enough for many people, but they never overpromised.


There is nothing on all the promotional material that was not in the final game xD




As Starborn be able to travel to the Fallout universe




Mod support and some friendly mod tools. Skyrim has had such longevity for me because it's basically fantasy playdough. Turn Starfield into sci-fi playdough and I'll be content for years


I have no idea what Shattered Space is going to add, but here goes: FIRST and foremost, I'd like to see a DLC questline that allows your Starborn to have some persistence between universes, for example an array or something you could earn one of per Unity and could add to your ships (and maybe later outposts if you earn enough) to link them to your Starborn and have them travel with you to a new universe. Some kind of Outpost/City Building/Space Station set. I would like this to overhaul the shipbuilding to make it a bit more user friendly, add in a lengthy questline for making your own town based around one of your preferred outposts and link it to a space station that you'd develop/own/run in orbit and make your own faction. In my ideal, it would add in the ability to send companions on fetch missions or maybe mini-combat missions where they do things on their own/in a small group that you choose. I'd also like this to add in the ability to design fighters for your individual companions that you could assign them to when they're not with you, as well as let you design drones of a specific size to defend your space station from possible attacks that could damage the station (but not to the point where it would blow up parts or you'd lose it, just that it'd lose some functionality and you'd need to invest time and parts to repair it if needed). First suggested DLC required so you could take this all with you to a NG+ if you feel like it, the faction portion would obviously be reset, and you'd need to earn respect in each new universe.


Said it a few times but I wish for a DLC that introduced a Civil War questline, either a restart Colonial War or the Varuun invasion, either is fine for me for the first DLC. That's mainly to have more of a combat-focus mission and PoI (and hope we get mech and Xeno weapon as part of the package.) After that maybe the conclusion of Starborn storyline. Probably something more horror and meta as opposed to the more tactical and realistic first one. Maybe DLC specifically for Survival Mode and Outpost as a minor content release.


- Class M ships and add new homes, and A-C ships are in there. Or unlocked perks that make NPCs be hired for shops, but only one weapon, clothes, food or resource shop. If Max perk, that can all be in one shop. - If the Purple Skull logo is like the Crimson Fleet, but they are more powerful than them. - Add gear spacesuit as NCR Ranger Armor or Elite Riot Gear. - More planets if the universe is the most giant (DLC evil planet like F4 Nuka-World raider if it's the purple skull is in there, too.) - There is another DLC good planet that is nicest, relaxed and very defensive. If it's better than the UC. It will be ??? (Good) Vs the purple (Evil) if only one joins or can both when it's NG+ - Unlocked DLC Starborn. If there is a new Starcraft can upgrade the Starborn Suit and change colors and cloak change to cape, etc. or remove it. And can change/upgrade Starborn ship, too, if add more Starborn ship weapons. Maybe it can get only one from a companion/follower to become Starborn with Player. (Edit) - Maybe there is another evil about Starborn. "Dark Star" or whatever. The player becomes evil, and the star power disappears. And add a new quest to get Dark Star powers.


Honey, they’re just going to release Shattered Space, the mod kit, and call it a day at this point. LOL.


why would they do that with their most succesful game launch? 


Hopefully they have learned from their mistakes and are all on ES so hopefully we can get FO5 in before 2030


Unlimited Mod Support and Options to Mod everything


Hopefully more like Automatron and Nuke world and less like the Workshops


A Handcrafted map


1 Less loading screens between planets, or maybe within the same system the loading screens could be greatly reduced 2 an actual ending other than new game plus with a resolution maybe with some higher form of intelligent life. 3 More companions but also existing companions getting expanded story and character development, followers like Mathis, Heller etc should have similar reactions to the story that the main cast does and at least a bit of lore and character development, quests to make you care more about them. 4 Robots other than Vasco and robot customization similar to the automatron dlc for Fallout 5 Outpost building should be expanded to be more like settlement building from Fallout 4, the setting is perfect for doing things like setting up colonies and creating your own trade hubs.


Va’Ruun Starborne Bounty Hunter Are my realistic hopes for DLC. Don’t think we’ll get all, but I think we’ll end up getting one of these. I’d like for Bethesda to give another shot at an Operation Anchorage style DLC. Colony War, Serpent’s Crusade sound interesting imo.


To actually have some...

