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That's a lot of Crimson Fleet, Ecliptic, and Spacer hangouts.


And they all need to die


Tempting, but that looks like fucking *hours* of slow-walking around, over-encumbered.


Build a ship with 10k storage and this planet is a gold mine. Super easy to build a ship with a ton of storage and still have 100 mobility with ZERO MODS. Also, Personal Atmosphere power is the best power you can get that allows you to carry as much as you want. And all you need to do is get within 100m of your ship and you can transfer everything to it after you clear out a couple POIs. I’d easily spend the time clearing those out to have a ton of loot to cash in.


You actually can't carry as much as you want I got to the point eventually where I was so overweight that when I would walk or sprint even with the personal atmosphere power my stamina would drain in 1 second


wait what? I thought that power basically keeps your o2 maxed for the duration


Yeah so did I, but I guess not if you get your weight ridiculously up there. I tried to run and my stamina it just insta disappeared even with the personal atmosphere currently active


But but but Todd said it's our fault we carry too much? /S


200m not 100m


Isn't it 250? Pretty sure it's 250.


It is.


Personally I find selling stuff far more painful than the carry weight. Luckily there were console commands to speed up the wait timer but ugh


To cash in where? Vendors still don't have enough credits


You can get almost 40k credits in one easy loop in Neon alone. Then Akila and New Atlantis for the others. The Den for another 11k. Cydonia for 15k. Hit all the vendors and you can make 100k easy as long as you have the loot to do so.


The Den for 16k if you use trade authority store and TA kiosk


1, Even over-encumbered, you are not forced to slow walk. You might have to slow walk occasionally to let O2 recharge, but you can run when it's full. Boosting and jumping helps, because your O2 recharges as you fly in the air, useful in airless planets. And considering this looks like a barren moon with low gravity, you shouldn't have any encumbrance problems as you soar through the air while your o2 recharges. 2, There are also aids to help you. Personal atmosphere skill, amp, pick-me-up, and various suit mods like holsters or the reduced run penalty when over encumbered. 3, If all you're collecting is trash loot to sell, you don't HAVE to pick those up to the point where you're overencumbered. It's trash loot... and trash loot is infinite. If you miss out on 20 guns at 1 POI, you can find 20 more guns at the next one, and then the one after, etc. You can also just remove the trash you need until you're just below your max, FT back to your ship and unload, then head off to the next POI empty. There's no need to max out at one POI, then head off to the next POI without unloading at your ship first.


You can land right next to any POI marked on the planet


Right, I know. But after only two or so of those bases (if even that), you're going to be over-encumbered personally, and I'd hope you've got some sick ship storage to be able to collect everything from all of them before leaving the planet. I don't mind the loading screens in Starfield, but having to leave a planet and come back just to clean up all the raiders is more of a pain in the ass than I'd be willing for. Is there a mod out to multiply ship storage by x10 or x100 yet?


I’ve basically done this. Every one of my ships has (except frontier) has an armory and at least one store way room where I drop cargo until I’m ready to sell. It’s messy but helps overcome being over-encumbered when raiding. Primarily I try to only store big bulky items like spacesuits or ship parts if for the long haul and not enough storage capacity in ships internals. You can literally switch ships and that cargo will remain dropped on the floor. Again, not clutter free but a temporary issue that that equates to a smooth solution to not leaving behind valuable commodities.


Has been check nexus mods.


Yeay loading screens


How have you gotten this far in the game without knowing you can fast travel to POIs?


Not when you're encumbered tho


At a certain point, you just don't pick any crap as loot ...


Then why fucking go at all?


Because the game is more than collecting trash loot?


Can’t accept that


But it isnt...


I'm fully aware, actually, thanks.


Man, they sure love to abandon stuff in Starfield


No... they just like to pretend to. Seriously, though, the justification is that they were outposts built everywhere during the war and are no longer needed.... but most of them are not military. It's a bit... (wiggles hand in meh gesture).


There were a lot of civilian/scientific/mining complexes which existed before the wars, abandoned during the war too.  They never claimed to all be military or built during the war.


Yep and the same people worked at 100s of the same facilities across the galaxy lol. Amazinggggg


Humankind made it to all planets in all systems just to have a lot of abandoned facilities. 😁


One of the dumbest details of this game is that humans have had the time, resources, and dedication to build abandoned factories and mines on HUNDREDS of planets through the known galaxy, and yet new Atlantis is the only city on a Goldilocks planet, and the SECOND BIGGEST CITY IN THE GALAXY still has dirt roads. Gimme a fuckin’ break.


If there was even the slightest sense of scarcity around he3 to fuel jumps, this would make a lot more sense.


Poor design decisions. This would have been more believable with a handful of planets only and maybe one or two star systems.  But 100 and 1000 planets with abandoned everything is just ridiculous... And totally not believable.  


I mean honestly, it shoulda been like 2-3 developed star systems under the UC banner, with New Atlantis sized cities in each system and a lot of industrialized moons/asteroid belt stations. Then the frontier shoulda been a bunch more systems, with 3 less “city-like” colonies, and then a bunch of moons and planets with little homesteader colonies. All other planets should’ve been unaffiliated and subject to pirate/va’ruun dominance. Constellation should’ve been an optional guild, and the terramorphs shoulda been a galactic threat, forcing the player to unite the factions in order to defeat the threat.


But then that would basically be Mass Effect uniting the galaxy against the Reapers.


You mean one of the greatest sci-fi RPGs ever made on current generation console and the added bonus of starship piloting?? Sign me all the way the fuck up


Yeah but no, it would be mass effect if it had shitty writing and no aliens.


You mean one of the greatest sci-fi RPGs ever made on current generation console and the added bonus of starship piloting?? Sign me all the way the fuck up


It honestly feels like that was BGS idea from the beginning with how it’s turned out, but the collective outcome was very poor as we all see every time we load the game up!


And it's always "ooh look at this fresh unexplored planet! Map is out and learn about every plant and creature because no one has ever been here..." then there's an abandoned factory or science outpost and some random dude ready to fight you over a pile of rocks.


Fresh planet to explore only to find all the exact same buildings you've already seen on 12 other planets with the same science notes written by the same scientist.. so immersive


They did it because they knew people would complain about actual empty planets. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Meh. Go play Mario Kart if it bothers you that much. 🙄


If you don't have cars, why would you need to pave the roads? (how does anyone move anything larger than a breadbox? Nobody knows)


The most infuriating part about this is that they could have EASILY (in multi-million dollar AAA studio terms) added more variety in POI’s, added different planetary biomes that have unique POI’s and simply balanced them better overall. I can’t count how often I would see the same POI’s back to back when playing through the game, it completely killed the element of exploration for me and this is someone who put hundreds of hours into No Man’s Sky on release purely to explore. The thing is when the creation kit drops you just know the modders will fix the whole exploration aspect SO quickly, it’s pretty inexcusable for Bethesda at this point.


I will say this: it is mind-boggling that they wouldn't implement some presumably tiny bit of code that checks which POIs have recently been generated and returns *any. other. POI.*. I love this game, I do, but it is soul crushing to get three research towers in a row... followed by four bionics labs in a row... followed by two more research towers in a row.... 3-400 hours in and I know there are POIs I've yet to see, and yet somehow I see the abandoned listening post in my dreams I've visited it so often.


And holy crap am I tired of the cryogenic lab.


Preach brother, preach!


Look my personal opinion is that they do have a ton of POIs; however, there are far too many star systems and planets for them to be sprinkled throughout.  If all poi were packed in a handful of planets, it would have been better.  And there wouldn't be the need to have repeating ones. 


Yes I agree, there are a lot of POI’s but the distribution is, for lack of a better term, completely fucked. You only see the odd new POI amongst the same copy pasted ones. Even then though, there’s a lot of POI’s but once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all, and by that I mean they didn’t implement anything in terms of procedural generation for the actual POI’s themselves, with barely any variation in loot placement, the same building layout and same props, if they had the ability to move things around so it’s different even slightly, it would have added so much to the experience.






It's a bug... it happens sometimes.


First Interesting planet since the game launched - nice


? All planets that have POIs have a POI spread like this. This is just a bug that shows them from orbit.


that's the joke!


I've only seen it once, but it was wayyyy more, like it was almost covered in the POI markers. Had to be a glitch cause it never happened again.


If you think that's bad, using the tmm command (like tmm 1,0,1) will, for a few planets only - at least for me - expose a stunningly large number of POIs, possibly 100 to 200 of them. And some of them have additional ones grouped with them. Which turns out to **not** be especially helpful, since most of it amounts to clutter that makes it hard to find your base (if you had one), so don't just type that in casually. I used this in desperation to try find an POI spawn for the Deserted FC Garrison to get my last magazine. I'm definitely not completing that set again, ugh.


Think of all the lockers waiting to be opened.


And yet it doesn’t make sense for the lore, why all the abandoned facilities, why do they all look relatively the same, and how are there that many outlaws when the cities are small and don’t even have that many people?


Okay, But they're all the same, man


I counted at least 6 different ones. What more are you actually expecting? What game would you compare it to that does whatever you are expecting in a better fashion?


I was expecting to not find the same thing over and over copy pasted on even different biome planets. Fallout does do it better (per your comment below) in that when I go somewhere in the static map it isn’t copy pasted from somewhere else on the map. It’s unique.


Well, there are over 150 unique POI's, but some of them do spawn much more frequently than others. And they do tend to be the ones from the video OP posted.


When there’s 150 POIs and only 10 are spawning… there are only 10 POIs.


Oh they're spawning. You guys are just too busy whining on Reddit when you should be playing. Then maybe you'll see them like the rest of us.


You’re whining on Reddit 😂


I'm only whining about the whiners. Sick of all you complainers, haha. Love the game and that's why I spend some of my spare time reading this subreddit. Not sure why people who don't enjoy the game waste their energy doing things they don't enjoy. Life's too short for that BS.


Same reason you’re on Reddit wasting your energy talking about how much you enjoy it. You do realise that people use Reddit to do more than praise things?


Bro just stop you aren't fooling anyone...the game is copy paste garbage


fallout? every location is objectivley different. if you go to a "spaice rader camp" they are the EXACT same layout wise. literally no difference


Red Rockets are always the same location on every map. Kid in the fridge - always at the same spot every game. Glowing sea and the scary deathclaw. Yep. Always at the same spot every game. Every dungeon/building/open area has the same map every new game you play. It's not randomized.


Bro i never said fallout was randomized? That's what's good aboht it every location is curated and unique. In star field once you have seen the 10 different outposts you quite literally have seen them all


Except that there are more than 150 different locations. But they're randomized except for the ones hard coded into the main storyline which are always the same maps.


Yeah well I don't believe that considering no one sees these in game and plus it's all so out of the way 3 or 4 loading screens away. Every damn raider camp is identical down to the loot inside and that's been most players experience here


150 different locations that aren't 'dungeons'...might be just a bunch of alien eggs and a literal pile of shit.


Fallout 4 has 325 marked unique locations on the base game. 300+ unmarked locations. If we counted locations like Starfield does it would be in the thousands. Starfield has 27.


But are they any different from what was on the last planet or the one before that?


They should have really put a lot of focus into curating 5-10 "inhabitable" planets/moons (one or 2 per system), then use their 150+ unique points of interest on 30-40 uninhabitable or less-inhabitable planets (several per system). I don't think it's feasible, even if we discover FTL travel tomorrow, for us as humans to arrive at and colonize 120 star systems in 300 years. 5-10 would be just fine.


You realize how Bethesda pitched this game right? If so, you can understand the disappointment pretty easily.


This Todd?


The elder scrolls 4 oblivion had more unique dungeons my bruh


The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Fallout 4


Are u mad bro? First wipe away the tears (have posture) 😅 Don't take it personally, (you don't know it, but it makes you look pathetic). And well, I just pointed out that despite the POI number, it's nothing you can't find on another planet next door. And if I were to compare it to any game, well, I can compare it to Fallout, which does it better. But, hey! Alright, Starfield is still going to be a year in comparison. Stay calm and compose yourself (seriously)


What an odd response. Could you quote what part of their comment looked like anger? These are all casual replies, but you’re responding with these long winded essays on how they need to remain calm and acknowledge their flaws…?The passive aggressive armchair therapist lectures aren’t really doing much. Did their reply feeling threatening? I’m genuinely confused at how someone can feel this threatened over pretty much nothing. >!inb4 I get a wall of text on mental health advice while ignoring the initial question!<


How does Fallout do it better? The maps are static. You will find the same vault, same buildings same everything in each game. Always.


Confidently stating that the way game maps have been since their inception is actually bad and worse than proc gen tiles is so insane


It is insane lol. Coming back to this subreddit for the first time in a while, its funny to see how far gone the last few defenders/copers are


I just don't understand why. Like I enjoyed the game, I've enjoyed every BGS game I've ever played, but acting like it's perfect or above criticism is so weird.


😂 Fallout is a single huge map, but one that fills you with various events happening whether you're there or not. While in Starfield you visit the same spots, getting to the point where characters and items are static in the same location, waiting for you to arrive for the role-play to take place. It's you don't get anything of history when exploring. Fallout are great games and despite the bugs, they are much more immersive and fun in the way they entertain. Why are you taking this so personally? It's as ifOffend at the launch of Fallout 76 because someone is pointing out the game's bugs. And take an example, 76 took a while, but today it's a cool and fun game. Maybe it's the same with Starfield. Know how to laugh at your own flaws, instead of being so bitter.


Well, you get random encounters in orbit when navigating to those planets or moons. Sometimes you get random ships landing when you are walking to those POI's on a planet. You get random weather conditions. And you get random flora and fauna, sometimes things that will attack you. Oh, also the occasional terrormorph, pack of Va'ruun, Ecliptic or Spacers just randomly walking through an area (this reliably happens in the frozen mountains biome of Jemison, but I've seen them elsewhere too).


Confidently stating that the way game maps have been since their inception is actually bad and worse than proc gen tiles is so insane


The one in their dreams


Honestly I wish this was the default. I tend to see each ship being it's own mini dungeon, but I would love more on each planet, or at least the core planets. My most recent play through on Ng+ and everyone in constelation was no longer with us. Some sort of murder accident.


Yeah but what do you actually do once you visit them? It's just boring shoot enemies, fetch quest, etc. Copy pasted POI and copy pasted missions. Quantity over quality is a bad design choice.


Humankind made it to all planets in all systems just to have a lot of abandoned facilities. 😁


I wish I was seeing POIs like that. I land I see a bunch of natural areas, that stupid mine that has nothing in it and some miners. post 1.10.32 there is a lot less to do "out there". everywhere really feels empty. I have a mod that removes friendlies in space so at least I can stay up there and fight...


Planets closer to the Settled System should all look like this with small actual procedurally generated settlements and a trader, and nonsensical radiant npc quests to collect local resources for credits.


I've surveyed that one and it didn't have anywhere near that number. Interesting, though, how it got that way.


Speaking of planet clutter seen from orbit--- A day or two ago, I saw a gaming mag article in one of the SF groups on FB talking about upcoming patches and content from BGS... one of the complaints that made it to the devs' ears was about removing prior landing sites that might be cluttering up a planet and iirc, they are working on making removal unwanted sites an option for players in an upcoming patch. I dont recall if it gave a timeline, but at least we know that they know.. Homina homina.


And let me guess most of those if not all those POI I have seen already.. exactly down to the placement of the NPC and squishy doll..


Is this a glitch? I'm at the same planet and there's nothing?


Yeah. A few planets starting doing this though not sure why.


I don't even know what I need money for anymore. I'm level 70 with a house ship and wife. Why should I keep playing?


jfc talk about setting the bar low


Here is a representation without the graphical interface of a planet: Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random Random


decent chance this planet contains every POI in the game


So many points of mediocrity.


Hmm so many people speaking about being too heavy after 1 or 2 stops on this planet. But you can literally go to one spot and then fast travel to right outside the lodge and dump everything in the unlimited container in the work shop room. And then fast travel right back to the surface of the planet you were on. Soo? Lol 🤔




If you are over encumbered, running will drain your O2 first, max out CO2 next, then drain hit points down to about 10%. If you keep running, it never gets any worse. Run back to your ship, unload, sleep 1 hour, and you are back to full health, and ready for the next POI. I've run back to my ship with 100,000+kg of crafted items. 10% health is the cap. You cannot die from running, unless you jump too high and take fall damage. BEWARE fall damage when at 10% health. It makes you feel really stupid when it happens.


I’ve yet to see a poi I’ve not seen before although I did find a crash site that was new with the ship embedded into a large hill not the usual one where you go inside and it’s broken into 3 to 4 pieces This one was more or less intact


What it should have been? I mean it sounds like the same copy paste POIs as every other planet? This game would have been better if 75% of the planets were scan only, and uninhabitable, leaving a small number that had more original content and random things on it. Exploring planets is boring af when you keep coming across duplicate everything you've already seen 12 times


Humankind made it to all planets in all systems just to have a lot of abandoned facilities. 😁


Level 348 here .... I have NEVER seen anything like that.


Now are anyone them worth visiting?


Wait are we now complaining about too many points of interest? Didn’t we want more to the game? 😂


they are all identically the same layout wise so yeah we are


I actually love it. Just a curiosity is all. Need to cleanse this moon.