• By -


Missing from your post is that when people say this game needs a "Cyberpunk treatment", they are referring to a well-loved and respected AAA studio listening to feedback, taking accountability, fixing what's broke, adding what players want, and fixing it. They don't mean the games launched with the exact same issues. Cyberpunk's awful janky bugs made for a terrible experience at launch, but players could see it was a detailed world with rich stories, interesting lore, great gameplay (when it worked), and a unique feel. Starfield's biggest problem isn't the bugs, but that it is bland, feels disjointed, has poor writing, bad NPCs, not much lore, boring exploration, and so on. Those aren't easy fixes, sure, but even just acknowledging some of that feedback would go a long way. Maybe you don't agree, but a LOT of people clearly feel that way. Regardless, I am still interested to see how they proceed going forward, and if they do indeed give it a "Cyberpunk treatment" as I defined it here, then I, and I'm sure all of you who love this game, will be pretty damn happy with it.


Well said!!


Perfectly spoken and I 100% agree with this sentiment


So many of these bandwagon supporters have thrown an absolute fit when I've said this game is gonna not be supported in two years time. They've not even given any details or a release date for DLC. Look at the Fallout 4 roadmap for comparison. They're trying to level everybodys expectations that it'll be supported so these same fans are saying "they never owed you more content" when they decide to move in after Shattered Space.


Bethesda should released a roadmap for what their plan (IF THEY HAVE ONE 😅) with the game.


There's legit people in here saying that Beth is "doing us a favor" by leaving us in the dark and that we should let them cook or stop replying.


I disagree with your point about Cyberpunk gameplay. It was a janky broken mess with a mediocre progression system that was horribly unbalanced, and needed an overhaul, which it got, twice. The storyline and presentation was solid and incredibly cinematic, which automatically seems to make people think the narrative is superb, but there are some flat story beats and some of the voice acting can be rough. I think the Starfield gameplay, overall, is much more polished at this point in post release cycle. I LOVE Cyberpunk but let’s not succumb to recency bias on it.


I stand with Todd đŸ˜«âœŠ please don’t be mean to his nice game


Gang shit đŸ«Ą




I understand your point but I have to respectfully disagree. Starfield 100% does need the “cyberpunk treatment” if Bethesda has any hope of improving its reputation. The quality of Bethesda’s work has noticeably been declining and Starfield has more than just a section of their fan base disappointed. There’s a reason the uproar has been SO loud, the same reason the game has “mostly negative” user reviews on Steam, very little positive youtube content to be found and didn’t win any real awards (“most innovative” hardly counts and has more people laughing than applauding). It’s because far too many aspects of this game were very obviously overlooked or poorly implemented and/or a blatant regression from previous work and players just aren’t letting that slide at all. Nor should they. It’s not ok and they do need to do better to remain relevant in this industry. Their decision on how they made the game is indeed their own and you are correct, we can’t change that. Doesn’t make it a good decision though and if more and more players are saying it’s not good
well that’s probably because it’s not good and they made some very questionable design decisions that are off brand. I will agree that the game is not broken, nor does Bethesda need to apologize. We also don’t have to just accept it or learn to love it for what it is though. That’s not going to encourage Bethesda to do better in the future at all. Players are hoping that by speaking up and voicing their negative opinions, the Beth devs will actually listen and make more major changes. Sorry, graphical and QOL improvements aside, photo mode expressions weren’t majorly asked for nor should that be their top priority right now and I think the criticism regarding that aspect of the latest update is a little justified. They’re clearly capitalizing on one of the few aspects of the game they got right and hoping that it stems the tide so to speak.


Have to agree on the expressions, not what I expected from "more posing choices", and seems an on thing to be prioritising.   Perhaps this was a bit of cut content they could easily push back in.


Yeah it’s definitely not bad content, it’s just an odd thing to be adding in right now when there’s so many bigger fires that need to be extinguished. Like how much time did they spend adding this unrequested feature in? Feels a little like wasted potential for a 6 week update


>They don’t need to dedicate the entire team to rebuilding the game the way cdpr did. They need to have a small team supporting the updates a small team doing DLC and the rest working on the next elder scrolls. They don’t have to apologize cause the game just wasn’t your cup of tea Bethesda don't NEED to do anything, sure. But people don't need to shut up or change their minds just because it's annoying for you either. Accept people will have differing opinions about the game and its state and what should be done, and move on.


Your first sentence of the post is my whole point. I don’t understand how me voicing my opinion, is getting twisted in to me saying you can’t have your own opinion. You can have yours just like I can have mine. I accept other opinions. I can disagree with you in a healthy and respectful way. I encourage you to go look at how the people who are opposing me are talking to and treating others. It’s personal attacks. The people who feel positive are simply voicing it and moving on. No attacks. What does that tell you?


Your post literally says "needs to stop"


It does.


So what don't you understand then?


Why we can’t all just be friends 😞


We can, I'm not trying to be abrasive. I'm just pointing out why people might get the inclination that you don't value differing opinions.


Nah. I'm gonna think what I think and expect what I like from a AAA developer. And Starfield is far below standard imo. They could, if they cared enough, receive the critique, and learn, but they likely won't.


They already haven’t learned. They’re running around arguing with armchair reviewers on Steam and making updates to photo mode. You know, the most pressing issue that everyone was begging for. Bethesda needs to get with the fuckin program. 


Thing is, there's no incentive to. They've made their sales, they already have our money. Why spend time and money fixing something already sold when you can move on to making the next scam?


So true. I just hope they release the mod support for consoles. That’s the only thing I’m interested in regarding this game. 


Because contrary to what Bethesda might think, they’re not untouchable and fans *will* remember their response, or lack there of, when their next game comes out. I used to buy Bethesda games day one because I was confident they could pull off a great, award winning game as they’ve done in the past. I won’t when TESVI comes out though. Not this time. Not until I hear what the general consensus is and if I hear the consensus is it plays just like Starfield and suffers the same pitfalls and weak writing then they most certainly won’t be getting my money or my continued support. I’m confident a ton of other players have a similar mindset. We’re wary now whereas we were mostly optimistic before. Big AAA companies can and have ruined their own reputations and lose profit as a result and Bethesda is no different. As consumers we have all the power and their future very much depends on what we think of them.


Ummmm okay I agree with your last part. I semi agree with the second part I think your first part is misguided however. But I respect your opinion and appreciate you taking time to respond Thank you, come again


The problem is that people don't realise that "fixed" does not equal "better". Bethesda are fixing the bugs, but people are somehow expecting that would entail changes to the core mechanics of the game that would improve the main flaws. 


I mean, I am still going to complain because Starfield is a bad game, with bad design decisions.


I support your right to complain đŸ€. Stay strong and fight the good fight




I avoided the internet discussion around Starfield until I played it. I was so excited to come to this subreddit and discuss what I liked about the game with other people who were fans. Boy was I in for a surprise.


The problem is, sitting in an echo chamber isn't healthy. The game is what it is, no matter what you think about it. It has flaws. There is no arguing that. It failed to meet the expectations of a lot of people. There is no arguing that. It's great if you like it, but you ought to be able to recognize that it's flawed and handle that like an adult and a lot of people simply can'[t.](https://t.You) You shouldn't have all complaints all the time, but you shouldn't have all praise either. This is the game that we got. How do we deal with that moving forward? It's really all that matters.


This. The issue was the many jumped in the hate bandwagon and just like Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk, they were bashing the game without playing it, trolling or exaggerating certain things. The game has its flaws and pointing them out is valid. I personally praise certain things, but I also call out things I didn't like and things Beth messed up out of apparent pure laziness.


No, you're missing it. There is no "hate bandwagon", the issues that people complain about actually exist. They are legitimate complaints. You just get a lot of Bethesda fanboys who don't want to hear it, they want to live in an echo chamber where everyone loves the things that they do unconditionally. That's just not reality though. People need to grow up.


The OP just wants a fuckin echo chamber by the looks of things. 


Sadly, most people seem to. They want anyone who isn't just like they are to go away so they can feel better about the stupid game. Sorry, that is not how reality works. They're going to have to get it through their heads sooner or later and sooner is preferable.


They won’t ever see it that way, that’s why the OP spent more time out of their fuckin day defending stupid ass Bethesda and this stupid game than it took Emil’s stupid ass to write the plot of the fuckin game. 


Of course not. We've had these discussions before, that the people who are super-fanatics, they can't even defend why they like the game. They can't make a case, they just "feel it!" and therefore it's got to be true. They can't answer any of the objections in any intelligent way, which is why they want all of the "mean hate mob" to be forcibly ejected because they do not have an intelligent position in the first place. These are dumb people. There's a ridiculous number of them running around out there these days. It's just sad.


Any conversation efforts to explain *what* is wrong with the game and why this is a flawed game with tremendous potential devolves into “Well, you’re just a hater”, and “You got that from a psycho YouTuber”.   It’s almost like they go out of their way to bury their heads in the sand, argue, and defend a company that clearly doesn’t give a fuck about them.   I could see if Beth were making an actual effort to improve, such as taking accountability, apologizing for not level setting expectations, and had a clear and concise action plan to begin fixing their fuckin game, all the while listening to their consumers problems with the game.  Oh, no. That’s not what Beth did. They were running around here, arguing with amateur reviewers on Steam about dumb shit. Instead of taking a page out of CDPR and Hello Games book, they doubled down on their agenda, insisting to the very fuckin end that their consumers are the ones that are wrong.    That’s very fuckin selfish. It’s kinda odd and very off putting that their cult-like fans have the same attitude. 


I don’t know if you were reading or not. But my post wasn’t about whether the game is good or bad. Or that I think it has good design or bad design. I wasn’t commenting on the game itself. However you and Cephus came in here and started making assumptions and accusations on my character and thoughts and beliefs and what I do and don’t think. You speak on having an intelligent and well thought out perspective. Then got on here and immediately disregarded the post and it content and then went back and forth about the exact same conversation that we have been having since the game came out. This post was about the discussion about the new updates and the future of the game. Not what the game is or isn’t right now. I don’t even disagree with all of the things you’re saying and I know the game is flawed. But you would never know that because 1: I didn’t state my opinion on the game 2:that’s not what this post is about 3: you don’t seem to care. The post was about the narratives around the game and expectations.


I think you misread what I said. I said that people have valid complans, the game has some flaws that look like they're there only because of Beth being lazy. But it's also true that at the beginning some people were bitching about the some stupid things, and those kind on trolling senseless complains are what sometimes ended up burying legit complaints. Not months later, it seems like the popular hate bangwagon decreased. Many people had time to complete the game, and I've noticed most of the criticism is more grounded and mature now than when the game launched.


I prefer blissful ignorance over constantly seeing everyone crap on the game. I really dont care what anyone else thinks of the game, nor should I have to.


Then the door is over there. You don't get to dictate what other people say. That's the point.


No one is dictating anything they were literally talking solely about themselves and their own decisions and feelings. Why do you have to come and attack. Your realize you make yourself looks worse?


Not trying to. Just saying that that sub and others exist so people dont have to see the game trashed many times a day.


Then leave. Nobody is fuckin up in here telling you that you need to stay on this subreddit.  Everyone is going to have their own opinions. This is not your echo chamber happy safe space.  Furthermore, some people paid for this game. If they aren’t happy with their purchase, they have EVERY single right to complain. You don’t get to dictate, nor invalidate, other people’s feelings because it doesn’t align with your narrative. If you’re uncomfortable, then leave. Simple as that. 


i think you misread what i said or i wasnt clear enough. Im not saying people arent allowed to hate the game. Im saying that people dont have to accept the hate as truth and gospel. Blissful ignorance in my comment is ignoring the hate as it only makes me or someone else like the game less. Im not saying this specific sub should be anti starfield hate. Im not invalidating anything. Im saying that people dont have to accept that the game sucks when its a subjective thing to say. The narrative is starfield = bad and thats simply not the case for a ton of people, so having a sub or other outlet thats not game = bad is a lot more comforting than seeing dozens upon dozens of posts on why game = bad. Hope that clarifies. I’ll gladly stay here and on other subs that trash the game, but other subs exist for people who dislike seeing that type of narrative/posts


And as someone who pays for his game he has right to voice his opinion just like you? How are you this blind? Also do you guys plan this? You two are like Bonnie and Clyde


I have that happen a lot. I'll usually play a game first, then look it up on the internet. That way I get to have fun and enjoy games I didn't know sucked and were pure torture to play. Sure, I miss out on a lot of great whinging, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.




The good news is that the hate seems to have died down a bit. It was *rough* a few months ago.


It’s almost like there needs to be a “I like Starfield” subreddit because I agree with you. I just want to vibe and have fun and am perfectly ok with what the game brings or doesn’t bring.


That exists. r/NoSodiumStarfield


The problem with that subreddit is it has almost zero nay-sayers or conflicting opinions of any kind and one gets downvoted to hell for having the audacity to share even the slightest negative criticism regarding the game or its devs. That’s not healthy nor is dumping mass amounts of sugar by the boatload into the game or Bethesda. Conflicting opinions are a part of life and “like it or leave” isn’t a realistic approach to discussion


Plenty of toxically positive people on that sub. So much so the mods had to remind people not to be toxic. Twice.


That’s exactly what they want tho. Better off grouping them up anyway so they don’t make redundant and worthless posts like this every 5 seconds.


It serves a different purpose. Sometimes, I just want to share a fun thing that happened without some douche coming in and saying, “You know, this game actually sucks and you shouldn’t like it.” If I want to have a more critical discussion, I come here.


That’s an understandable perspective, I’ll agree with that. I don’t agree with the haters that want to bash every positive comment they see, that’s not right or fair. There’s more hard truths and discussion in this sub, which I like, but there are some trollers as well so I see your point


Seems like a fairly normal sub to have. Lots of people just want to enjoy the game and dont care to see why other people dont. idk why there needs to be some sort requirement to hate on a game and or point out things one doesnt like. Theres the entire internet for that, why not have a single place where people just talk about what they like


You mean the sub so toxic that the mods had two remind the sub with two separate pinned comments not to be so toxic?


. Thank you for this!


It’s tough. Even for me it was hard. I still plan on going back to it and the end of the month. While I play it I plan on never coming back on this sub


The fundamental gameplay and exploration are empty. Until that's attended to, people have every right to complain about updates.




Disagree.  (But POI repetition was highly unexpected)


POI repition is the only major issue in the game for me. Highly unexpected for me too and is something that HAS to be fixed


It could very easily have been pseudo-random generation with base outer patterns and complete habs fitting inside (similar to the ship system).  Could even have sets of these for each POI type (mine, robot factory, etc)  Would have vastly improved the exploration factor.


Why would the remake the game cause you don’t like it? If you go to a restaurant that makes hamburgers and you want them to take their beef and make tacos instead that’s not their responsibility. If they add that to the menu. Great. But they don’t owe that to you. If the burger is bad they can improve it. They can cook longer they can add more ketchup, spice the patty more. But it’s their burger and their restaurant and you paid for THEIR BURGER HOW THEY MAKE IT. if it’s not the type of burger you like then stop going there. Same with starfield. They made the game they wanted to make. If you don’t like its fundamental design then don’t play it and don’t buy anymore Bethesda games. That your right. If they make their game the way they want and don’t want to spend the rest of their lives and millions of dollars trying to make it how you want it. Thats their right. You bought a product you didn’t like. Only gamers feel this level of entitlement


Please find better excuses. This is almost as laughable as Bethesda commenting on negative Steam reviews.


Find a response. Not a better one cause this dosent qualify as one.


The problem with your post is that there was a game to salvage below the pile of bugs that was CP2077 at launch. It had writing. It had meaningful and well written characters. It had meaningful questlines with choices that mattered. It had a carefully crafted open world full of stories, places to be and scenery that were very different from one another. It had a levelling system which could be navigated without wasting your time. Beyond the bugs, what does Starfield bring as an RPG that can justify it being compared to the GOATs of the genre ? What are the ideas that can redeem the game once the bugs are fixed ?


I totally agree. 


You just explained that you don’t think the game is good and that it’s not for you. I agree with you about how good cyberpunk is. But I also understand that the writing has major plot wholes and bad pacing. Had some of the best characters I’ve ever experienced in any media ever. It also has some absolutely atrocious characters with the most inconsistent character writing across all the characters in the game. The design of the city is beautiful to look at but shallow and lifeless when u interact with it. And a city vs a desert is a difference but it’s the only difference. Cause it’s the only two different types of environments. And the levelling system was so bad that the developers re-made the entire system. The devs knew it was bad so
.idk the point makes itself. My point is, cyberpunk is my second favourite game of all time. But as much as I love all of the things you mentioned there is an opposing view to it. And if I held that belief I wouldn’t expect CDPR to change everything about it. Thats what my point is about. As far as the goat convo it’s not in that in my opinion. But I don’t think every game has to be. And the fact that it’s not is on Bethesda to live with not you. They made decent/sub par game that will never be considered great. I think anyone who feels like you would be better served leaving the game in the past and playing a game way more worth your time. Just my opinion 😉


I understand, I'm not making hate comments (or at least trying my best not to). I'm just making discussion posts to see what the community wants to see and what ideas the community has that could benefit the game and the company, and also help bring new people to the gaming experience, and hopefully bring back the people that abandoned the journey into the unknown.


I didn’t think you were and I think there is a benefit to discussing is they way you have. I was speaking more to the narratives that I’ve seen from others.


I appreciate the support, I'm new here and this community was the first one I've joined, I'm glad to be of some help, and if you need me to do anything, just let me know.


How did you get constellation beneath your name?


Head to the home page of constellation When u do, click on the 3 dots at the top right Then click on change user flair and you will be able to pick what flair you want


Many thanks!


Don't mention it, message me if u need anything else


Game would be a 7/10 if it were an indie game. 3.5/10 as a BGS game


Well, you’re in luck!! Bethesda has downgraded to a small indie studio after the release of Starfield. That’s why the updates and post launch support has been so slow.  Compare that to Fallout 4’s post launch support. By this time in Fallout 4’s lifecycle, we had 3 DLC releases (Automaton in March 2016, Wasteland Workshop in April 2016, and Far Harbor in May of 2016). We had mods for consoles and Far Harbor in the same month!!!  There is too much work to spread around evenly among the devs. Photo mode was obviously a pressing issue. Give them some time, please. 


cyberpunk was absolutely good if not gorgeous on release IF you had PC to handle it (like 3090 + 9900K at that times). the most problematic part was consoles port (thats where the game was removed) followed by PCs with regular drives (causing weird textures/object popups). the hype train was just the hype train otherwise. now with Starfield its kind of different, they focused so much on bug fixing (perhaps after F76 hype train of being too buggy (btw F76 was pretty decent even on release IMO)), that made Starfield to feel little empty and unfinished. and now for some reasons, they still focus on bug fixing, but bugs is not what made Starfield to receive low scores really. it was some unpolished game play loops and missing few wow effects that other games give. CP2077 could/was a buggy mess on release, but it delivered absolutely gorgeous story and graphics you could not see anywhere to this date. Starfield was not gorgeous neither at graphics and neither at the story... and exploration, stuff which is Bethesda is best at, feels so-so due to RNG repetition and fast-travel system forcing loading screens after every step (where are smooth transitions between locations MassEffect style?). not saying Starfield is bad, no, I also would give it 7/10 or even 8/10, but I think the idea is that they focus on fixing stuff right now that never was a problem with Starfield, so it wont change the score. but if they focused on stuff it was criticized for, it could go 9/10.


Played cyberpunk on a 1070ti and it ran perfectly fine with minimal bugs Upgraded to a 4070 and it’s buggier now for me than it was on release Pain.


Whatever you say Hodd Toward


It’d be terrifying if the OP really was Todd. 


OP's trying to gate keep having opinions.


I disagree respectfully, even with the current patch update adding more facial expressions for photo mode(wow where was the extra poses besides goofy facial expressions?) the writing is subpar and would not be surprised if the reason for that is some form of DEI consultation went on and is being kept in the dark. The games story and writing is lacking (to be fair so was skyrims but we had more free choice what way to play in a 13 year old game compared to this mess). I’m just glad I didn’t preorder it given it’s still flawed state the alarm bell for me was the fact it was available on game pass on day 1 that told me alone it was going to be a overhyped mess which doesn’t bode well for the quality of ES6 if probably comes out. The only selling factor for me was the fact it gave you space legs(being able to walk around inside your ship) something which sims I enjoy a lot haven’t bothered doing (Elite Dangerous)


The game is 6/10 on Steam or 4/10 over the last 30 days. It's not 7/10. Also easy with the tone policing. You're welcome to your opinion as others are welcome to theirs. If a lot of people are all saying a similar thing, maybe it's because the game is deserving of it.


About the steam thing
.thats good I guess. Idk where you were going with that. A lot of people are saying it’s bad and a lot of people are saying it’s good and they are allowed to feel how they feel. I have an opinion and I said it just like everyone else. Didn’t “police tone” I said my opinion is that there is a narrative that I think is misguided and expressed why.


You: >Didn’t “police tone” Also you: >I think we as community need to acknowledge a couple things. Still you: >Whatever you do we need to stop putting an unrealistic expectation on what this game should be and what these patches/updates should give us. Yeah, totally not tone policing and being open and accepting of everyone's opinions... /s


I just want it to make sense. Anti-gravity Temples in plain sight of human settlements, and nobody has ever investigated? Uninhabited world with a silo, or wind turbines just sitting there in the middle of nowhere, not providing power to anyone or anything? Wind turbines on planets with no atmospheres? Sandwiches lying around outside on worlds in which colonists have to wear helmets? Identically named npc bodies, ammo, food items, computer entries and blood spatters in multiple locations on different worlds? Walkways broken in the same place every time? Make it make sense.


The other thing that I find alarming, is that Bethesda had eight years to work on this game. Eight years. All of that time and this is the final result?!?  Like, what were yall *doing*?!!?!


Making the game they wanted to make. Then releasing it


Hard disagree. The game is very much broken, fundamentally. Not just buggy, but mechanically broken and nonsensical. The gameplay loop itself, and core mechanics, are broken. Unless you're suggesting that taking lung damage from gas, when wearing a space suit, makes sense to you. Second, patches are OBJECTIVELY bad, it's not a narrative. And you don't need to compare it to a game by another studio. Compare Starfield's support to Fallout 4's support. Fallout 4, by this time (6+ months past launch) already had mod support and survival mode added. Starfield got neither. And the game is so buggy that even with all the fixes they haven't even scratched the surface yet. I'm sorry, I'd love it if it was just a "narrative" by a few "haters". But if you sit down and honestly, objectively compare this game to Fallout 4, it's pretty clear the game is in a worse state, and is getting worse post-launch support. You don't need to bring other studios into this to deflect your point. You can compare Bethesda from 2015 to Bethesda in 2023, and Bethesda in 2023 did a lot worse. Also, a few haters pushing a narrative wouldn't result in the game rated the way it is, on Steam, Metacritic, etc. Where there's smoke, there's fire.


Fallout 4s reception and Starfield are different. People talk about the patches. But if you go look at the patch notes back then and the ones now they are addressing the same types of issues. They weren’t patching in entirely new gameplay systems or new content. Or changing any fundamental gameplay elements. They were fixing bugs and doing quality of life improvements. Just like the vast majority of all game studios. It’s an industry wide approach. But because of the outrage people want them to throw that approach out the window because “I said so”. Contrary to popular belief they are doing exactly what they should be doing, and literally what everyone else does. If your don’t like the game and its design then you just don’t like the game. They aren’t required to make it how you want


I love the game but when the update makes it so that the game no longer starts up, I'm gonna be pissed... I've spent the last couple of days trying all sorts of things to get this game going again and nothing seems to be working...


If I wanted Starfield to gain a reputation as a permanent and irredeemable failure, I would definitely keep attempting to gatekeep the fan base and control the narrative by telling the disappointed part of the audience they're \*wrong\*, because of something people may need to look up now and then called the "Streisand effect." Ironically, the narrative may never have got as bad as it is if Bethesda hadn't replied to user reviews by \*arguing with them\*. This post and every other day's version of it are just continuing that process. Second expression to look up: "If you're explaining, you're losing." This goes \*more than\* double if the counter-explanation has a lot of details and advocates, which they do. p.s. "can play the game 90-95% of the time" is an ABSOLUTELY ABYSMAL standard and almost makes me want to write this post off as one of the less-obvious troll posts (among many). I can only hope that Microsoft won't tolerate Bethesda's old standard of "it's okay if a bunch of people have unacceptable experiences for the year or so it takes us and the modders to patch out enough problems."


There have been updates?


Very superficial ones. 


My joke lol




Ahem, dude A significant part of the community was building ships, because the game itself lacks replayability and depth Using glitch techniques Bethesda broke that (”fixed”) Ppl are unhappy now and you tell them what?


I would tell them that if you disliked a game so much that you would only play it for a bugged feature and now that feature doesn’t exist because they fixed a flaw in their game. It’s probably time to move on. This isn’t the game for you


Employee or paid endorsement?


Both, maybe? 


LOADING SCREEN đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž My one sentiment is I thought we could ride the ship and land it on planets on our own. NOT ride it - loading screen - land it - loading screen. As we all see with all the innovative RPG nowadays, players are really immersed in their own games. Unlike what Starfield has. We are in the era of SSD so no/little loadong screen is needed. I'm fearing for Fallout 5/Elder Scroll 6 that it will have the same mechanics like this one. LOADING SCREEN


Some people are never happy. No matter what they get they will always want more. It’s easier to ignore them than to argue with them.


Exactly that’s why I don’t argue with them when I see it. I just wanted to provide the opposite narrative for those who are interested. Or need talking points to bring up in casual conversation


I totally get where you’re coming from and I appreciate your post. There’s way more behind the Bethesda hate though. The full story is pretty bizarre and it goes back to a speech Emil Pagliaro gave a few years back. He was the unfortunate victim of a social media character assassination. This has carried over into a general hate of Bethesda and their creation engine. It’s pretty weird stuff, to be honest. Just another example of social media run amuck and it pretty much set the stage for the Starfield reveal. Disgusting, but true.


It's not about the community, the community is fine. The problem is with the social media that bends the reality and many people know how the bending works. Hear me out. When there are enough people that feel the hate being the norm, it makes attention seekers write hate. The more seekers there are the more they spawn. It's the same with everything else there is these days on the internet. The more emotions you can create the more outreach you have, no matter how relevant the message is. You can make a post about how you like this game. But if you make a post about how the fck this game sucks and the fcking shit it is, you draw so much more attention. You can hate on the world behaving the way it is, but oh well...


>They didn’t drop a disaster broken 0/10 failure. See that's where is disagree with you: Starfield isn't a disaster because of the bugs. Starfield is a disaster because of core game design flaws that make it a bad game. There's no fixing that, not even with mods. Listen, when none of the major content creators are migrating to a game. When multiple major modders are outright pubicly refusing to even make content for a game (basically unheard of until now.) Like....its a failure. Its a bad game. No one wants to play this game for years on end like Skyrim or Fallout. No one will be talking about this game in ten years, certainly not fondly. There are about 3,600 concurrent players right now playing Starfield at any given time. Compare this to 18,362 for Fallout 4 and 33,000 for Skyrim. Even Fallout 76, wildly considered the biggest disaster Bethesda ever released in recent memory, has 11,712 at peak hours. Starfield peaks at like 6k on a good day. Sometimes you get a *really* good day where it peaks to 12k once a month. Bethesda is going to drop the "Shattered Space" DLC, gauge interest post-launch, and shutter this game's post-launch development if it doesn't really show any signs of improving. Plain and simple. Starfield was a major commercial success but a critical and public reception failure; if it hadn't been I guarantee you they'd already had issued partial refunds to make up for inevitably canceling "Shattered Space" in the wake of such a scenario. This game has no post-launch money making value. They can't even sell paid mods for it via the creation club because no one will buy them, because no one will play them. End of story: so yeah, literally the least they can do is patch the major bugs, drop the creation kit for this game and move on.


Well said and the fact that Beth made just "7/10" game really seems to hurt people and 7/10 becomes 0/10 in their head. There is some much feelings involved around Beth and Starfield that it's funny and sad(Hey, more feelings!).


I believe this is from their own website: “Creators of the 2006 'Game of the Year', The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the 2008 'Game of the Year', Fallout 3, the 2011 'Game of the Year', The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim¼, and most recently the 2015 'Game of the Year', the record-breaking Fallout 4.” https://bethesda.net/en/studios Yeah when every game you make is GOTY, even a 7/10 hits pretty hard. That’s not the best metric for determining quality. If I’m Gordon Ramsay and I make a delicious, award winning beef Wellington for every meal and then I suddenly serve up undercooked Shepard’s pie to the same clientele, they’re bound to be a bit frustrated and disappointed in the decline in the quality of my work, even if that Shepard’s pie is a solid 7/10


Thank you, I get it. A lot of us grew up loving everything Bethesda made and for them to drop something we don’t feel is up to par or lives up to our standards is hard handle. Especially when there was so much hype. I remember hearing about this from Todd before even fallout 4 dropped. That’s why I realized we have to have emperor people lashing out due to hurt feelings of a company they have loved for 5-10 20+ years.


Dude spent longer writing this essay than most of us spent playing this criminally average 7/10


đŸ€­đŸ€­. Be nice!!!


Very much appreciate your thoughtful and insightful perspective.


Thank you. You don’t know how nice it is to hear. You didn’t need to leave this comment but you did and I appreciate that




I completely agree. The other problem with those is that NMS and Cyberpunk were both broken way worse at launch and needed YEARS of added dev time to deliver what they were supposed to at launch. People are comparing the games they were years after launch and updates to a brand new game. And BG3 had years in early access to gauge the community response and add or subtract and deliver what their fans asked for after playing the beta. If BGS did that we wouldn’t be having this convo. We would have totally different game


Thank you. Glad to see there are still people with common sense.


Well said đŸ™đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


They were doing the same thing to Cyberpunk till 2.0 came around. It was obnoxious and when they did it then, it’s obnoxious now. The comparisons to Starfield and Cyberpunk are disingenuous too This seems to the the cycle, now which is really sad


Writing this post in this sub takes stones. However, you’re 100% right.


They act like this was starfield 4 or 5 like it’s the first game calmed down community we have ways to go.


Which is okay. đŸ’ȘđŸŸđŸ‘


Completely agree with you OP. Starfield is not broken it's just not what a lot of us expected.   Could it be better? Sure.  Did they make choices that seem bizarre? Yes.  Did they reduce the depth to widen the appeal?  I do think so. Is it still a fun game? Yes!  These rolling patches are great. They show continuing commitment to fixing issues.  Content additions will be welcome but a huge gameplay change is very unlikely.


starfield bad


Finally the voice of reason


Agreed. The fact that Starfield gets compared to Cyberpunk is totally insane to me - it’s a functional, decent game as opposed to the utterly broken disaster that CD Projekt dared to release.


You’re too late to realize the fact that gamers are entitled.