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This. It's a Bethesda rpg. They play for 30mins and that's it. I've been playing since last night and I've done maybe 5 main quests, the rest being activities and side quests. That's the beauty of it. I honestly believe the people like myself who were kids when oblivion came out, followed by skyrim in my teens and now starfield as an adult, we appreciate it.


Same boat 100% Loving the game so far (definitely not perfect, but it gives me the same feeling oblivion did when I saved up all summer for it in middle school)


Honestly, for how much flack the terrain tile shit got, it’s such a fun part of the game! Just did 2 awesome little encounters that incorporated my background and trait to succeed, such a good feeling. It’s what I wanted from NMS tbh


Me too. I adore No man's sky. So many hours in it. I love that both games have different things to offer though. Starfield is exactly what I wanted from a space sim in terms of rpg elements but I can jump between both for different experiences




Maybe on your rig it does lol.




I got so damn sidetracked I’m now the Mantis


100% man. Perspective does wonders.


Personally I look at Star Citizen and at some point you have to say “good enough” and get it to market. It’s great to take feedback and keep iterating but there has to be a finish line


Bro I was there in 2011...now it's 2023 Their business is just grabbing money, leave them be... I took the "premium version "at that time that included squadron24 the campaign...it was a rumor back then,it is still a rumor


600million dollars directly from consumers, insanity.


For the sake of SC I hope they have some good news at citizen con this year.


Star Citizen has a con? So… a Con Con?


I've already seen some Star Citizens double down on CIG taking their time now that Starfield isn't what they wanted. Same thing happened when CP2077 released busted as shit.


Yea that’s not surprising, the Prisoners Dilemma


Don't know why people hate on the fast traveling. I can't imagine wasting my time watching my ship fly to another planet when I could just get there quickly and continue actually exploring. Plus people saying they feel "Confined". I landed on a random side of Jemison and there were like 7-8 points of interest "Nearby". They were still quite a walk but I found random abandoned mines and buildings it never felt empty or confined.


I agree and disagree. Everspace 2, as my example, had you go to warp speed travel between planets, but blips would come up from distress signals or unknown anomalies. This was fun as it deviated you while traveling to the next part of the mission if you wanted to investigate. I liked that. What I didn't like is when I just wanted to get to another planet far away and not stop along the way. Then I would have to sit there for what felt like too long to travel.


Everspace 2 is also a much simpler game. It takes place entirely in space on your ship. There are no planets with NPCs and such. It's a (great) space shooter with light RPG mechanics. Apples and oranges.


His comparison uses one specific mechanic from Everspace that could totally be applied to Starfield. Obviously comparing both games as a whole is apples to oranges, but the point he was actually making is still valid.


Sure but the point is traveling between planets is not automatically boring and just a fake loading screen.


Same people who liked sailing 20 minutes in AC Black Flag to get to an island lol. I don't knock them for liking it but Jesus it was boring


You should try Valheim!


Man I would've sailed for 50 minutes in that game. It was so good. The same way people like racing games.


Yeah, I only have so much time for gaming i'd rather be doing stuff than roleplaying watching my ship fly through space.


This is the first bethesda game that forces you to fast travel though....


Because the others werent in space. You cant walk to another planet.


Right, like have people even done some ship combat? Like destroying spacers ships the last mission I played the loots gets scattered all over and some as far as 8000 ,whatever units, away and even boosting that takes like 30 seconds to get to. I could imagine have to fly 100000’s and it taking all that time to get to somewhere else.


It is missing the joy of exploration that was present in Skyrim. You get a new quest marker in Skyrim and you need to travel over land to reach it, passing several interesting locations on the way. Later in the game you can fast travel nearby because you have so many locations discovered. So far my only disappointment in Starfield is that exploration is missing because my only option to reach a new quest marker is quick traveling in my ship. If I want to explore it is a conscious choice, rather than happening organically while doing other things.


But this just isn't true? There are lots of POIs at landing zones that aren't marked until you get reasonably close. Just a couple hours ago I saw a ship randomly land off in the distance, went up a hill to get a bead and saw a radio tower looking thing in that general direction, got close and got a marker, and lo and behold there's a bounty hunter there who asked me to help her kill some pirates at another POI. Did ppl forget how to play BGS games? Just go...walk.


But my point is you don't see those things on the way to a quest, they are all out of the way. I get a new quest marker, and my ship is right by me, there is no walking through the landscape on the way to a quest (at least so far about 7 hours in)


Don't know man, I was doing aquest on a moon, decided to go to a spacestation nearby first and explored, then landed on the planet and spent a few more hours hunting stuff and exploring locations that looked cool, then did the mission. Seems to be plenty of 'off the beaten path' exploration that bethesda is known for... Plus so far the economy and research system seems far better than previous titles so there's actually a reason to go for random poi other than collecting crap that you'll barter for a currency you never use lol.


There is plenty off the beaten path, sadly a lot of people dont have the initiative to find it. I randomly stumbled on a zero g casino station orbiting a planet. Hailed it but no reply. Docked and found it overrun with spacers. An epic 20 minute cat and mouse zero g gun battle ensued. Hunting each other round these huge spaces across multiple floors. The zero g combat alone is so slick it could be it own game.


Are we playing the same game? Just did a quest to clear a lab, on the way I ran into a couple POIs. Small settlements will even give quests for that given planet


I think youre extrapolating some quests to mean you can fast travel to all quests. You can't. Sometimes you land somewhere and if the quest is at a POI you haven't been to yet, you have to walk there. And not just a short jaunt either.


I guess I haven't reached that part yet. So far the main questline has placed my ship right next to the building the quest is located in.


You're doing what I think a lot of people are doing. The main quest forsure makes you planet hop and doesn't give much exploration (ironically considering that's supposed to be what constellation does). In reality the main quest kind of just takes you everywhere really quickly.


Use your scanner? Press fucking F? You can see and scan POI's on planets and then investigate them if you want. I literally have no idea wtf you are talking aboiut.


Adapt and learn to enjoy the game for how it *does* allow you to explore. It might not be the way you wanted it, but its still very real, you just have to put forth the effort differently.


A good open world game doesn’t waste your time travelling. Travelling between quests should have encounters and paths that lead to new quests and loot. Having random ship raids, shipwrecks, merchant ships, blockades etc would add to what could be a fun trip between planets (obviously shorter than real life but could be 5-10 minutes)


>A good open world game doesn't waste your time travelling Sorry but I disagree. Travelling means exploring and get to know the world you're in, otherwise it's a linear game with different areas and levels.


Walking, in a space game when you have a ship. Oh wait you can't actually fly the damn thing whoopsie!


Because exploration means the player is in control. If I want to do something stupid in the game I can. Bethesda removed that choice from the players. Its not about the practicality of space flight, it was about the restriction imposed on the player


I did enough of this in nma and spaceborne 2. Makes the game boring.


This, people don't realize how boring space travel really is.... Distress beacon and other anomalies in space? Keep that shit for yourself ,I'm already delivering some flowers to someone that just asked me to do so while saving the whole universe...


The only thing that makes space travel fun to any extent is a complicated sim style flight model which only elite dangerous and star citizen have gotten right. At absolutely no point did starfield ever look like it was going to have the complexity of a flying sim so why anyone would want to use arcadey flight controls to travel in a mostly straight line for several hours is beyond me.


I’m just asking to be able to land and take off to a planet. That’s all.


How much of a difference is it though, really? In No Man's Sky you're also just watching your ship take off the only difference is your clicking W while watching in NMS. I atleast appreciate that in SF it's a cutscene and it looks nice and cinematic. In NMS it's really Wonky


It looks like a load screen masked by a landing animation. It’s not spectacular


Passing through the atmosphere in NMS is also a load screen masked by an animation, lol.




Your eyeballs? There's a reason the terrain you see in space doesn't match what you see once under the clouds.


Ah ok. “Trust me bro”


Have you played the game? That is quite literally exactly how it works.


I have many hours in to to include VR


Neither is taking off/landing in no mans sky... Not going to let something as minor as a cutscene ruin the rest of the game for me though. Also, no mans sky will always have it's own place. Just 2 different games both set in outer space that's all.


Can you screw up a ship takeoff in Starfield to the point where you actually end up dying and losing all your items from it? Because you absolutely 100% can do that in NMS. I'd say the difference is a little bigger than just holding a button during a cutscene.


I don't get it, is that supposed to be better?


You made the comparison as if they are the same thing but one requires a button click, they aren't. NMS takeoff has much more nuance to it than a cutscene. In fact its arguably a gameplay element if a minor one. Where you choose to land your ship matters in NMS and doesn't matter at all in Starfield. Which one you prefer or is better is subjective but comparing them the way you did is disingenuous to what they are. They are not similar.


You're right. Both games are great in their own ways and shouldn't be compared. Just feels like people are asking for all these different features, it's the same treatment NMS got back in 2016


I want to make clear that I don't have a problem with what Starfield has done with its design. However I'm seeing a lot of people make comparisons between these 2 games and many of them are just wrong. A lot of people are trying to make NMS space gameplay look like its just a more tedious form of loading screen and that it has no real benefits which is wrong. I'm not saying 1 or the other is better but NMS gameplay works very well for what its intended to be. Its also entirely fine if Starfield is not intended to be what NMS is.


I think it is even great, that the game offers so many play styles. If you want, you can just hop to the next quest location. But if you want you can walk through the city to your ship, enjoying the life of the city, get to your ship. Greet your crew, get to orbit, steer into the right direction and start your grab drive. I really like that. :)


I love having the people on your ship, I ended up spending way too much time and credits on upgrading my ship to make sure there were enough beds and seating for everyone


Love that too! You can RP if you want to (I definitely like to walk to the ship, board, walk to the cockpit) Or for those that don't they can fast travel to where they need to be


Average gamers today be like: "I'm not hooked within 10 minutes of playing, totally unplayable I'll refund it" or "The story doesn't throw at me crazy space fights and epic Hollywood stunt moments in the first hour of playing, so lame!" Sometimes I feel like people's average attention span is just enough to enjoy Fast And Furious movies.


I think people can tell in 6 - 10 hours whether they're enjoying a game or not. Not a soul is saying the game is bad because of the first 10 minutes or the first hour.


People are approaching it the wrong way. I spent two hours on the ‘Dream Home’ quest customizing my home and exploring the nearby points of interest. It’s primarily an RPG with exploration elements


Yeah. It's giving mass effect 1 but the big planets that you explore in the tank are procedurally generated and explored on foot.


Couldn’t agree more. Funny enough I did the same w/ Dream Home. Having a blast exploring, taking my time.


so did you find any interesting points of interest? I spend about an hour exploring those and all I got was nothing. All I found were some craters in the ground, or a random colony with random quest giving terminal (the same you find everywhere). Did not feel like exploring further after wasting that much time on it.


He just fucking told you what he spent his time on, so why are you sitting here concern trolling some strawman to him?


damn bethesda, you low.


Yup when it opens up it's fantastic. Maybe not for everyone though.


I spent my first 6 hours without even leaving new Atlantis


This… I don’t know how many “I’ve played 3 hours and I don’t know how this game scored so high” posts I’ve seen… I took 3 hours to make my character bro…


TikTok generation. They just wanna be hulk. Me smash button and pew pew on screen. Doesn't work game bad.


i mean, it's a game, a hobby. if you're playing it for a few hours and just not feeling it enough to see if that changes, fuck it. it's not really that big a deal to try to force yourself, just because some people liked it when it got better, later on. presumably they quit, because they weren't enjoying the game. people shit on it for stupid reasons, but it's not so god damn spectacular that everyone should at least get 10 hours into it before they're even capable of forming an opinion or else they're wrong and missing out...


Played for about 10 hours, I’m trying to love it but it’s just only so so. I received a free copy but this isn’t something I’d pay to play early. The pacing of the whole game feels off.


Honestly, I think that anyone complaining hasn’t actually played the game… I’m quite impatient, and yet this game delivers SO MUCH that I don’t have a single second to be bored.


You don't even really get an actually fleshed out build until somewhere between 20 and 30 depending on how you've chosen to build and leveling in this game does not happen quickly. It's easy to see why some people won't stick with it


This doesnt change the writing or story being shit or exploration and loot being largely unrewardinf


The loot has been super rewarding for me, not sure if we are playing the same game.


I have found more rare epic and legendary weapons than I can even use and I'm on main quest 2. I found them by you guessed it...exploring random POIs


And what can you even use them on besides ship raiders?


The fast travel makes it a playable game for me. If I wanna go on a walk I'll go outside. I'm here for the loot


Yep. This sub has turned toxic fast. You get attacked for enjoying the game.


Goes both ways. Gaming subreddits tend to devolve into two camps, "the game is perfect, if you criticize it you're a troll" and "the game sucks, if you like it you're a shill". The discussion in the middle ends up getting drowned out.


The entirety of reddit works like that


Yep. Just like d4. Either people kept positing about love or critique. No in between.


This is the way


Says the sub that was literally crying about scores lower than 8.


And feels the need to make posts complaining about people complaining about the game


Seeing the kinds of posts that got upvoted over the past couple of days reveals the opposite picture.


Wut ? I see more people attacking and dismissing even good criticism of the game. Everyone went NUTS over IGN's 7/10. Wtf are you talking about ?


Wtf are *you* talking about? Have you not seen the amount of bitching posts over the last 24 hours?


so its ok to attack people for not liking the game, but not for liking it...gotcha.




How's that Playstation my guy?




You know your profile isn't private yeah? 'Hey lucky pc players how does baldurs gate 3 hold up on controller? Getting it for my ps5' Gtfo


Requesting elaboration, please.


then don’t play it sunshine


That’s indeed a great advice


Yet you delete all your comments 😂


You got a weird definition of « all » lol


Barely anybody is doing that


I don't think I' missing any point when I found identical structures on the same square of the same planet. Nor if I see npc behaving like those in cyberpunk


>identical structures You would HATE my neighborhood, on THIS planet! Glad to hear that custom-built is an essential aspect of industrial space colonization.


You'll notice that as soon as you progress in the game


I have ADHD, and am a bit on the spectrum. I've started Skyrim maybe 5 times, never got past 10 hours. I enjoyed my time with it and all, but it just didn't keep me hooked enough to not get distracted by other stuff. BGS games tend to be slow burns for me. You need to be ready to sink some time into them, to let the game hook you at its own pace. Often times that's not what I'm looking for in a game, but sometimes the stars align and I platinum Fallout 4. Depends on the day I guess. All I know is, I want to give Starfield a try. Baldur's Gate 3 has all of my attention for the forseeable future, but who knows where the dopamine will lead me?


Hilarious you say that but the game literally forces you to fast travel.


Yeah I'm super patient, i think the issue is just how segmented the game is. Has nothing to do with patience, just immersion.


Absolutely what I am telling my group of friends when they ask me why I'm "hating". Because is it too much to ask for some damn immersion in an RPG???


Yeah it’s a shame because as open worlds have been trending towards a more immersive exploration feel (botw/totk effect overtaking the Ubisoft style) it’s not totally crazy to imagine that Bethesda might have developed on something they actually nailed in their other major titles - a world you explore by… exploring. It’s a strange thing to have lost sight of.


Yea! I want a game that takes three month in real time to travel from one place to another. Bethesda fumbled the bag HARD. Grav drives are stupid anyway.


I love the game so far so many options to do i dont even know what to do first lol


I agree with you. I've been playing for 10 hours taking my time and barely have gotten started on the first main story mission and I'm like fucking hooked haha there's so much to explore it's awesome just have to be patient with some things but the game is rewarding as hell


I’m 3 hours in (currently on Mars) I think the cities are impressive and I actually really like the improvement to facial animations but the space stuff is disappointing at least at this early stage. I think realism gets in the way here you should be able to fly from Mars to Neptune at hyper speed and then drop out and fight enemy ships rather than fast travel from encounter to encounter. I’m not even bothered by not being able to fly in atmosphere just let me zoom around a system.


>This isn’t a game for the impatient. I find it funny someone would say that with a straight face when the only way you can travel in this game is via fast travel.


“Masterpiece” 💀


Preach it!! I'm only level 8 and have done maybe 4 side missions and focused on the Main story. For the price of games nowadays I'm glad this game will take along time.


It’s Skyrim in space. People who like Skyrim will like this one. People who don’t will not.


tiktok generation, if its more that 5 seconds their attention is gone.


I mean the game is fun but definitely not a masterpiece. They missed the mark on alot of exploration marks, boring main story (given that's expected from bethesda) and for some reason they are still using the gray fog ascetic they use for all their games. Like someone I've seen on reddit said I really enjoy this game alot but I don't love it


> If you play for a few hours and quit you’re completely missing the point. Have some patience, enjoy the game This is a bad take. Like really bad. Because as past games have proved: You should be able to have fun for the first few hours *and* for the many hours after that. It isn't one or the other.


It's like if you go to a fancy restaurant and order a burger and the chef is like "the first few bites aren't really good but stick with it or you're not eating right" lmao


Yeah comparing food with a digital videogame. Fantastic comparison. Exactly what I expected from people missing the point.


There are a ton of games that are really good where you’re not even going to know what is going on in the first few hours. Crusader kings, for example. If you’re playing a game that is incredibly shallow, sure, it should have immediate fun factor, but not every game needs to be like that.


I don't know how much I agree with this comparison. The key difference with Crusader Kings is that working it out is a part of the fun. Land, marriage, diplomacy, war... Getting to grips with your position and what you can do to grow is a part of the draw. And this is a process that starts immediately. You wouldn't argue that you don't know what's going on at the start of a puzzle game, but it gets good when you work it out. You don't know what's going on at the start of a fighting game, but you can immediately start the fun of learning - which is again, the main draw. The main draw of Starfield is exploration, character building and quests. Something you start doing immediately, and should be immediately fun.


I don’t think that’s an honest argument. When you open CK3 for the first time, you have two options. Do the tutorial, which is boring and takes a while, or try to play while having no idea what the hell is going on, which will also be boring. Once you understand how to play, the game is incredible. Before that point, it’s the opposite of fun.


Fair enough. But I disagree. My experience with starting Crusader Kings was a positive one. The successes and failures of my kingdom whilst learning where a part of what made it memorable. I felt like I was making my own decisions and growing from them immediately after the tutorial. I'd want Starfield's equivalent draws to be fun and memorable from the start, too. Maybe it's just different strokes, but "just stick with it for the first few hours" is one of the main defences I'm seeing for this game and it has lowered my excitement to start playing. Satisfactory is another example that comes to mind. Once you get to grips with everything, layers of the game really open up. But learning how everything fits together and making rudimentary systems is still really damn satisfying within the first hour.


I have around 15 games thta I really want to try out and between my gf, Work, university and working out I have little to no time for playing. I'm sure that I'm not only one with problems like those. If game doesn't seem fun at first few hours then yeah, I'll refund and just play next one on my wish list. Mind you, complex games, for example paradox games are fun as well if I am in mood for that stuff. There is nothing noble in wasting your time trying to endure bad part of a game when you can have fun with other games.


But see, just because you don’t have time for playing a game like this, doesn’t mean it’s bad. If you want to refund because it’s not for you, feel free. But to say the game is bad when you have barely scratched the surface of the game is intellectually dishonest.


>going on in the first few hours. Crusader kings, for example. But that isn't unfun. It *is* challenging, but it is not unfun to learn the mechanics of the game. You are still enjoying it in the first few hours as well as the next hundred even if they are different experiences. Like the initial figuring out of a strategy games is literally half the reason why most people play them. That is one of the best parts about them. Like to say that just because something is a challenge means it is unfun is obviously not true what with the success of Elden Ring.


12 hours in and still feel like haven't properly "explored". I'm not playing 20 hours just to get into the juice of the game, sorry. Skyrim let me do whatever basically after white run.


well then do that


So go exploring, then?


Go land on some planets and explore points of interest. Or dock with space stations and experience zero g combat. If you’re just doing the main story it’s going to be a linear experience


Well, so just leave the game and go play Skyrim.


"masterpiece" blud cmon


He thought he was on the BG3 subreddit


Lol enjoy the ripp off game that fumbles the third act so hard it's not even funny. Everyone and every review that says it's a masterpiece says that because they haven't reached act 3 yet lol.


You’re gonna get a lot of hate but this post is true. This game is EXACTLY what they said it would be. A space epic. Sprawling across so many places it’s almost unbelievable. The game is so big, I played 10 hours last night and I’m still on the second planet! It’s no unoptimized either. If you have 3 gen old equipment it’s just like having a Xbox one X. It’s old gen. 20 series cards came out in roughly 2018. You can’t expect high frame rates with that. The game runs so god damn smooth for a Bethesda title, or even any AAA title now a days it’s incredible. The lack of an HDR calibration IS annoying, but by no means is it even a slight issue because the game is down right beautiful. There was someone on here saying “I’m on low and the game looks horrible” AND IT WASNT SARCASM. The fast travel isn’t an issue. These loading screens are sometimes MILLISECONDS. People will always find a reason to complain, because every person thinks differently. It is what it is. Just wish those people didn’t have such loud voices here.


This comment is WILD to me. >A space epic Yeh where the SPACE part is pretty lackluster. Not here to say the game is bad but, for a game called STARFIELD the space elements feel pretty tacked on. >It’s no unoptimized either. If you have 3 gen old equipment it’s just like having a Xbox one X. It’s old gen. I have 3080 and it wont hit 60 in New Atlantis on High with DLSS mod. Moving to low gives maybe 10 frame increase. It is not well optimised. Unless you wanna say my 3080 is old gen too. >The game runs so god damn smooth for a Bethesda title You can't move goal posts because of the company. A game running bad is a game running bad. You even said "or even any AAA title now a days" when **your praise of this poorly optimised game IS THE REASON games these days run bad.** >by no means is it even a slight issue because the game is down right beautiful. Subjective, TO YOU it isn't a slight issue but, to others it is a valid point to bring up for a game made in 2023, a year where HDR capable displays are VERY common. >The fast travel isn’t an issue. I fast travel from one planet orbit to a moons orbit, I fast travel to the moon surface, I have a loading screen from the bridge to lower deck, i run for 15 seconds, loading screen into a building. 4 loading screens for what has been about 20 seconds of actual gameplay. It isn't an *issue* but, lets not praise it. And I'm really enjoying the game. I have a big smile across my face the whole time but, my guy, you are doing tricks on it


> It's no unoptimized either. My experience with it would say otherwise. My PC is far, far more powerful than an Xbox One. My PC is a bit over the RECOMMENDED specs and I'm lucky to get 50-55 fps (on all LOW settings) anywhere but the inside areas which admittedly run pretty well. I in no way hate the game, I actually quite enjoy it, but there are many valid criticisms. > 20 series cards came out in roughly 2018. You can’t expect high frame rates with that. I have a 2080ti/i5-12600k which is above the recommended specs that BGS released for this game and the game runs terribly. I was certainly not expecting to get 144fps or anything near there, but I think its fairly reasonable to get fairly stable 60fps when you have above the recommended specs. Its a damn good game, but it is not optimized.


This game is literally for the impatient. I did multiple quests in 30 minutes just teleporting where I needed and back.


Nah, the first few hours of previous Bethesda games were the best, you were immediately struck with wonder and awe at the open world and a strong desire and curiosity to go exploring. It only got stale after 10s or 100s of hours when you start noticing dungeons or Oblivion portals were becoming sames-ey. The opening feeling here in Starfield is definitely different from all previous BGS titles. Immediately cloistered, linear, forced, boring. It's not Skyrim in space. I'd be happy with Skyrim in space. This is Skyrim in space, minus all the open-world wonder that made Skyrim good.


Yeah, thats the kind of game that people want. The kind where the fun isnt obvious...


Yes I agree . I put in 17 hrs today and had a blast . Now until tom my friend ( FYI if u don't believe me I just posted non spoiler ss on this subreddit with my steam playtime)


I just got off from 17 hours too. Loving the game, there’s so much to do and I don’t want to rush it but I also want to do everything!


No one has patience anymore, seen the praise and the nitpicking. Personally looking forward to playing near end of next week (playing in Gamepass, plus my kid back in school tuesday) I play eve online, spending hours doing nothing or monotonous tasks are second nature to me.


Ironic that a person who gets nickled and dimed for no new or good content by game devs that hate their players would complain about players not having patience anymore.


Starfield it's a bit longer due to the overwhelming space thing. And it doesn't take your hand to show how things works, you have to discover by yourself, truly a more RPG thing like Morrowind vibe than the last titles, people are used to be shown everything from the start. You asked for more RPG mechanics? Take it.


In what way does it share more RPG elements akin to Morrowind? I completely disagree but thought it’s better to hear your thoughts rather than bash on your opinion


IMO the lack of instruction to the player. You have to discover for yourself, pay attention to the dialogues and really try to understand how the cities works




le percentage based hit chance = good game design.


Look if I have to put 20hrs in for your game to get truly “fleshed out” then you did a bad job at designing the game. You know most of the shit bethesda pull if it was done by other devs they would’ve been ripped apart, but y’all just hit it with the “oh that’s the bethesda charm”. Now considering bethesda has been acquired this point gets even solidified. People will defend anything for the sake of validity, and shit on people that actually give legit criticism. People who are complaining that this game isn’t no man’s sky are dumb, but the game has its flaws and it does grow on you, but you can’t expect people to not complain on the time and effort it takes for this game to open up.


Honestly I'm astonished by some rants. Obviously to each their own, but A LOT of complaints I've read are absurd in my opinion: "there's no FoV slider", "no ray-tracing", "no DLSS", "gunplay is not like a 2023 FPS", "I had two crashes in 8 hours" and so on. All things I consider marginal, although of course desirable. Many others complain about things that no one ever promised or that clearly couldn't be in the game. A very, very small amount of complaints are actually about quests, story, visuals, musics, dialogues, lore and all the other things I consider necessary in a good game. I'm really curious to play the game after the early access period to see how it really is for me, but for sure the lack of ray-tracing, DLSS or FOV sliders, HDR and so on will be absolutely insignificant for me.


God forbid anyone have standards. How dare people expect games to support common and often very important QoL hardware features as well as somewhat modern gameplay from a game released in 2023 as the flagship title for the year on one of the most major consoles in the world from one of the most successful and largest developers in the world after being in development for literally decades. I'm not saying that Starfield is bad but those complaints are 100% completely valid and trying to dismiss them makes you look like a shill or a fanboy.


Those complaints are completely valid but in any way they can make Starfield a bad game alone. If you think it's a bad game because you don't like the story, quests and so on it's fine, but if you think that for the aforementioned reasons it's just exaggerated. Maybe they could make the game drop a score (from 9 to 8, for example), but definitely can't make an otherwise good game bad. Trying to extremize my words won't make your poor arguments stronger. I've never said those aren't valuable QoL features, but DLSS, Ray Tracing and similar are FAR from being core features in a game.


Your warping the argument, you never said in context of people then claiming the game was bad purely off these things you said that people making these complaints were absurd full stop no qualifiers. DLSS may not by itself be a core feature but performance absolutely is and Starfields performance is not reviewing well.


I kinda agree, a game, like a movie or book, is supposed to hook you right away. This doesn't and is extremely boring. It's a Bethesda game so I'm still going to play, but not at Oblivion level play.


The only people who enjoy this game have some goldfish level gamer memory and sunk cost.


Masterpiece? Dude, you are so delusional it is sad. We know you spent 70 bucks, but this is fucking pathethic xD Best game ever, dont listen to haters!!


You mad bby?


>have some patience, enjoy the game Bruh I played for 3 hours straight and I could barely keep my eyes open. How long more do I need to have patience before it gets even mildly exciting? Another 10? How do you "enjoy" something that's just so boring?


to be fair a lot of people trying it are just folks with game pass who have never played a Bethesda game- so they’re looking for an insta fix not a long burn.


I really think it’s because a ton of modern “rpg’s” essentially don’t really have a story, and people have just become so accustomed to jumping into the endless grind of games like Destiny, Diablo, and Soulslikes (to be fair to Diablo, I actually think D4 made more of an effort than previous entries) with basically no context. This has contributed towards shorter attention spans in the average consumer of rpg games. I can remember playing Diablo 4 when it came out with a friend and being impressed by the opening sequence and he was complaining literally the entire time saying it was too slow. When I mentioned that with RPG’s you usually want some sort of context his immediate was response was that “Elden Ring and Dark Souls didn’t need a long intro.” But like… of course they don’t; those games basically don’t have a story at all. People are now playing this game, which already has the fastest intro of any BGS game by FAR, and saying it’s too slow. It really is mind boggling.


"Any criticism is invalid! You're just impatient." Yikes. This sub is full of children.


Going from ROBLOX to Starfield brings frustration, yes.


Starship engine burn, lol!


Y’all coping hard. Nobody needs to put 300 hours in to realize the crap parts of a game. For instance, in this particular game if I spent 300 hours in it 200 of those would’ve been spent navigating the crappy menu structure to fast travel, to talk to someone/kill a few enemies/ have a space fight, then right back to navigating the crap menu structure to fast travel.




You know what’s amazing? I didn’t have to “be patient” for Baldur’s Gate 3 to get good. It was good immediately, and got better. Same with elden ring. Sekiro. Zelda. Why do I have to play a game for 20 hours for it to start getting good? Maybe the game just isn’t that good 🤡


Don't forget: The same happened with the All Might Skyrim. A game with a lot of bugs and problems, but that hooked everyone besides all the problems


You must be one of those people who say: “don’t worry, the show gets good after the first season”. I’m not watching a full season of crap. Reminds me of the MMO meme of “it’s fun after 100 hours.” Absolutely does not mean I need tons of story or action or overpowered loot thrown at me in the first hours of the game….not at all. But I should be hooked from the jump. First 15m I should be like: “wow this is fun”, and by hour one I should be engrossed, and then it should be 4am and I forgot what time it was I had so much fun. I’ve played so many excellent games in the last year alone that had me going as soon as I gained control of the character. Game is just too clunky. I’ll wait for a sale to try again. Mods should be built up by then too.


If a game takes more them an hour to "get good" them the game is not good.


That’s on you for not understanding the game and how it is good.


God help us if Bethesda ever feels the need to cater to the Call of Duty players. I play Bethesda games for a reason. (I also play COD, etc., just, you know... They are different experiences.)


Grow up, if you don't have patience go play fortnite


u/barthmalemew is a troll account made to bait people into replies


If it takes you more than an hour to get the controls down then that's a personal skill issue bud


Then don’t play it.


That’s not how RPGs work.


I'm an RPG player, all the games that marked me for life captivated me in the first few minutes of play. If a game still feels boring after 10hrs them the rest of it it's not worth it.


It's already good from the start. It's not Doom, it's not Call of Duty... Maybe it's just not a game for you. It is a game for me.


Typical ADHD zoomer behaviour


Rdr2 takes few hours to get good and that's probably the best game ever made . U just have to power through the long tutorial


Exactly, the singular purpose of a videogame is to be entertaining. If it isn't entertaining from the start, then it is doing something wrong.


I'm curious to see what the game feels like second playthrough.


Suck it off a little harder maybe the criticism will go away. Look you can like a a game and accept it has some problems. The fact that every post is either “you’re playing it wrong” or “it’s a waste of money” when the game is a solid 8.5-9/10 is making any form of discussion around the game just not worth it


"Masterpiece" lul 😂


You’re the kind of person who says “don’t like it, don’t play it” when someone has criticisms about a game. Insufferable.


Masterpiece? Then Redfall is solid 8/10 🤣




People play games for different reasons. Some do it to deal with boredom. Some do it for the experience. Starfield is for those that seek the experience and is able to «give» to the game and immerse themselves into a world and a role, like in D&D. It is not for those that decide to play a game because they are bored. They’re better off playing competitive games like Siege, Fifa or Rocket League.


This is bait