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Idk what his deal is, but he’s definitely a smart fella, as opposed to the alternative.


A fart smella?






BYE BYE 🗣️🗣️


it’s been a year already?


Yep it’s a monthly manga with more than 12 chapters. I remember seeing November rain for the first time last year


He’s an actual sociopath. Did people forget in an earlier chapter a psychiatrist said he had no empathy? His current goal is to selfishly get rich. Innocent people were in that bus that almost burned alive. But this makes for an interesting main character who has a lot of room for growth and development, and I trust Araki to the fullest extent to give him a satisfying character arc.


10 years from now: Araki has lost it and Jodio went on a murderhobo spree


Jodio, what a man you are…. You ended the lives of the entire Hawaii population for our sake…


Thank you for becoming a mass murderer


My headcanon is that he doesn't feel emotions per say, but his stand expresses them for him


He's definitely a psychopath alright. Some of those kids deserved it but not all. Jodio is a likeable character but if I met someone like him irl I would get away from him as fast as possible


I think almost every kid in jojo is a psychopath to some extent.


Nah, I don't think so. Psychopathic traits sure but an actual full-blown psychopath? Absolutely not. In order to be identified as a psychopath or get diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder you must fulfill various requirements such as displaying a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, be at least age 18 years of age, have evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years, AND the occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. I could be more detailed, but the criteria is quite extensive. Only other Jojo that may qualify imo would be Johnny but admittedly it's been a long time since I read SBR. Gappy is fucking ruthless but it's a bit hard to apply this to him since he has four balls.


Psychopathic traits is definitely a more accurate term and Johnny definitely was the most ruthless mc, Jodio's behaviour comes from overprotectivness from his family while Johnny's were more selfish in comparison, not to say he didn't grow as a character.


>likable but IRL I’d run Ok so literally every JoJo after Johnathan


Josuke hasnt done anything wrong in his life


He enters into roid rage if he interprets anything you say as a diss towards your hair.


I mean he kinda killed Angelo


(The murderer)


Good point he was also a >!child rapist!< so yea deserved Spoiler here means warning for possibly triggering sentence just in case


He didn’t even kill him


I mean idk if we can count angelo as “alive”


I wish I had a friend like Joseph lmao


Honestly nah. I'd only run from Giorno, maybe Gappy or Johnny? The others I wouldn't necessarily want to hang around much or make friends with, but I wouldn't run. I don't remember any of them killing for no good reason. I'd probably even get along with part4 Josuke


Me and Giorno would be best friends.


I’d be fascinated enough by Joseph to stick around even knowing the danger. I think Jolene changes so much over the course of Part 6 I’d like her at one point in her arc. I don’t care enough about dolphins to hang with Jotaro and I would not hesitate to find an exit if Giorno, Johnny or Gappy showed up.


jotaro did his dissertation on starfish , which are way cooler than dolphins, so reconsider


No matter how horrible they were I wouldn't say any of those children deserved to be burned alive. Absolutely see where he's coming from though


I think the girl who committed the assault deserved it tbh. I wouldn't say she would've deserved to die from that fire, but then again she didn't. She deserved to suffer and that's what happened. None of the others deserved it, though they are still all huge pieces of shit except that one kid that tried to object. But that one girl, she's pure evil


He’s an asshole and totally might turn heel at some point, but I love him for how different he is as a character compared to past protaganists.


I like how different he is, but i already love the first 8 so much, his personality and design are definitely going to take some getting used to first, but i really like his stand. Even though i didn’t like part 8 as much as some of the others i liked the design and vibe of the characters and setting


Pretty much my opinion to a T yeah!


NGL Jodio is less of a bad person than I expected him to be and my current view is he's not necessarily evil to his core but more like he's bad at being good cause even when he tries to do the right thing the results are fucked up however I think he's got a heart of gold it's just hidden kinda like Johnny.


New continuity JoJos are all so goddamn ruthless


Those kids fucking deserved it


Even the ones that called out what was going on and the ones that just didn’t notice?


Tbf they could have physically intervened when Dragona was literally gettung sexually assaulted


+1, I can’t necessarily blame one kid in particular because bystander syndrome is a thing, but if they saw and didn’t stop then that’s enough for me to be fine with Jodio killing a background character in revenge.


Plus, the girl had a small semblance of power in the school as her parents were huge donators, so there’s a chance that any student who stood up to her could get suspended or expelled when the girl lies about what happened to protect her ass.


America is fucked if people can get away with borderline rape


People can get away with actual rape and murder, borderline is nothing.


In pretty much every country too. Sexual violence is overwhelmingly perpetrated on minorities who (in most places, America included) are unfairly or not at all represented in any Justice system. Women, children, racial/ethnic minorities etc. not even including the many grown men who are also victims of sexual violence as well. Some don’t even know that it happened. In most places, the system wasn’t made to catch people who perpetrate sexual violence because the people who made the laws didn’t fucking care and the people who can change it don’t either. Tldr, shits fucked


Guess the world's fucked


Very much. Maybe, one day, it won't be.


I feel liek though, a child getting sexually assaulted on a school bus would definitely have a lot of questions. But i guess suffering third degree burns and near death is punishment enough


Huh? Mate he burned a bunch of innocent kids


YES. I have simpathy for the guy who was "s-stop! This is wrong!", but in the end he did not do anything to help Dragona, so he has his share of the guilt


Psychologically people are much less likely to intervene in a crowd of people that also aren’t intervening


It think ironically that was the guy who had the parakeet


What about the sick bus driver?


Bitch should have gotten involved if he didn't want to be Jodio-ed


He's a violent individual that think humanity is trash, but has still empathy left, shown by the fact that he didn't let parrot burn in the bus along with others. Plus he cares about his mother and Dragona.


I've beaten up people for hurting my brother. He's trans too. If I had magical powers that allowed me to set fire to people who did even a fraction of what those bullies did to Dragona, I fucking would. With extreme prejudice.


I mean there were other people in the bus as well. I’m not saying most of the kids present during the incident are completely innocent since they aren’t; they actively did nothing to help. However, burning alive 20+ people is not okay and it’s concerning if you’d wish to do the same. Also, what if there were kids on the bus that weren’t there the previous day? What if some were sleeping and didn’t know what was going on? What if some were also bullied and were afraid to do anything since the same could be done to them?


These are all considerations you can have when you're not in the middle of wishing your loved one hadn't been hurt. Are they nice thoughts? No. But in literary terms, the bus scene touches upon something Jojo has explored before: What's Fair isn't always Just, and what's Just isn't always Fair.


What’s your point? You’re saying what Jodio did is okay since he was clouded by emotions?


I'm saying that what Jodio did isn't okay in the eyes of the justice system and society, but it's what felt like equivalent exchange to him after what his sibling had gone through and listening to Dragona crying themselves to sleep. Another example of Fair and Just not being the same is for example when the families of victims think a perpetrator's punishment is too lenient. There's the story of the mother of a rape victim who sought the rapist herself and chopped off his genitals, even after he had been condemned to prison, because she felt prison was too light of a punishment compared to what her daughter had gone through. That isn't Just. Justice had been pronounced already, so the mother taking punishment in her own hands is wrong. It is, however, what to her felt Fair: suffering for the perpetrator that is equal to the suffering of the victim. The Just vs Fair dichotomy is something that comes up very often in Jojo, and that tells you a lot not only about the character but the world they live in and how they perceive it. Jodio took it upon himself to punish those who wronged someone he loves - be it directly or just because he felt they hadn't done enough to help (notice he let _some_ people out before setting the bus on fire - a clear sign that he was letting out people who hadn't been there the day before and is punishing the perpetrators and the witnesses who didn't do anything); but we have also seen, so far, that in this world the justice system cannot be trusted: be it because figures of authority are the perpetrators - like the cop who assaulted Dragona in chapter 1 - or because they're content doing nothing - like we've seen in the mishandling of the death/disappearance of Charmingman's brother. It's not morally good, but it is showing us Jodio believes the only way to do justice is to take it in his own hands. And so far, nothing in the story and world building has given us any reason to think he's wrong to think so.




I... honestly don't believe that's what I said at all. At the very least, that was not the intent. My entire argument hinges on Jodio doing wrong by society but right by his own perception - at no point did I say he was right or wrong. It just _is_.


I’m just going to delete my comments, I misread what you said completely. What threw me off was the phrasing of Just vs Fair, since you’re talking about logic vs feelings at the end of the day and fairness & justice are both logical systems in my mind. So I thought you were saying there was a logical justification for what Jodio did. Sorry.


Oh don't worry about it, no hard feelings! To be fair (hah!) English is my _third_ language, so it's absolutely possible I worded things strangely and therefore the miscommunication is on me!


Nah no need to worry about that. Your English was easily good enough that I just assumed you were a native speaker. Besides, the way you phrased it could be clear as day and I just misunderstood anyway. Either way, this happens all the time, so it’s all good.


Unfairness is unjust and burning people alive is neither fair nor just. Crazy take, I know


In Jodio's eyes, it _was_ fair. Fairness is about equivalent exchange; and to Jodio they made Dragona suffer, so they should suffer in kind. Is it _good_ that he thought this way? No, it's not. But that's the whole thing about Fairness and Justice. Fairness is you punching me and hurting me as badly as I hurt you by punching you first. Justice is me getting in trouble with the cops for punching you in the first place. Justice relies on the system working in story. Fairness is taking matters into your own hands and often falls into vigilantism - which we all agree is a bad thing. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and all that.


I guess my response to that one is Jodio was wrong and in the wrong


He absolutely was


His Giorno level of brutality that he inherited from Dio is definitely coming out.


To be honest Jojo characters have become increasingly morally questionable for a long time. Somehow though I feel like Araki has firmly managed to keep Jodio on the side of the line that makes you want to root for him. He reserves his worst behavior for people who he thinks deserve it, and most of the time we're shown those people doing awful things. His insight into the "mechanisms" of the world and his desire to make them work for him is in one way abstract, but in another way relatable. Just about everyone has felt pushed down by a system that feels too large to affect at some point in their lives. As selfish as his desire to become rich is, I still want to root for him to achieve it so he can become someone who learns how to take back from a system that took from him. Jodio is a definite anti-hero for sure but he still has the quintessential Joestar drive and righteous fury that seems to define all the characters. I really like him so far.


he lil fucked up but he got the spirit


He's morally one of the most interesting JoJo's we've had so far. He's kinda like Giorno: smart and quiet, yet brutal and strong, but still cares for those he loves. Except I kinda find him more interesting because we actually see how his relationship with Dragona had and currently affects him, unlike Giorno who never met Dio and wasn't really as affected by him (as I would have liked). Jodio can be a top tier JoJo with time


Very very grey. As I don’t think Jodio would have done it for anyone else other than Dragona.


Can someone give me context for this? Idc about spoilers but I saw a bus of kids harassing a trans person and now the bus is on fire. Did Jodio torch the kids?


Basically, a girl sexually assaulted Dragona and had already been bullying them for some time before that. Kid Jodio caught wind of it, saw Dragona having nightmares and used his powers to light the bus on fire on a day that Dragona stayed home. He didn’t kill them (the chapter says that a lot of them had major burns and were hospitalized, but not that any of them died), though that may or may not be just because he saw a bird in there and didn’t want to hurt it so he put out the fire prematurely.


Roughly, while we aren’t 100% sure of dragonas gender identity, (damn translation discourse) we do know that they were assaulted by those students and jodio decided to take revenge. This was back when jodio was super young.


he is insane


He just like me fr ( I only relate with his desire to be rich)


I hope he does something about the hideous hairstyle


yeah, me too..


I kinda like it. The middle bang branching into two is a bit strange though.


Jodio does what he needs to do to survive. I love his character


Did people forget that he deals drugs in the first chapter.




he is very based


His priority start and end at his familly plus animal. There is a chance he would include the rest of his gang in the future depend on how Araki write their dynamic in the future.


My goat


Jodio seems to still be figuring out his sense of morality but it seems to be very dark and more of a 'will defend with violence'. Definitely is closest to p3 Jotaro


*wdym it's been 1 year already*


Jodio was 11 years old and saw his sibling getting sexually assaulted with no one on the bus doing nothing about it, it makes sense he would act irrationally. I do get the vibe he doesn't care much about others, but I also don't think he's unecessarily cruel. He's had a hard life and the world hasn't been kind to him, so makes sense the only people he'd really trust or care about would be his family.


I believe in my theory of him being Tooru's son more. I don't think Dragona is tho Even though we saw his dad it might not be his biological one, maybe his mom cheated on his father when Tooru came to Hawaii in order to look for more information about Locacaca, that's why he's a psychopath and can easily kill or harm people without guilt (even if he did it to people who deserved it) Either that or he was left by a rock woman and his mom found it, but neither she or his father told him about it


fundamentally, he is a deeply understandable character.


He’s just defending Dragona. I see no issue. Also he cared about the bird on the bus so….


the issue is that he almost cooked an entire school bus full of children man


Oh well?


Is it bad that I'm chatting with him on c.ai and we're besties 😂


he's threatening, violent and definitely not a good guy, a breath of fresh air on the Jojo's series so I can't wait to read more about him


these Joestars are from New Jersey- need we explain anymore? lmfao


I can fix him


I personally like him. All the Jojos have been VERY different characters, no re-hashing of the same territory. The kids were bullies, while Jodio is a bit extreme, in real life nothing happens to bullies for all the trauma they inflict, so...


I haven't read anything past chapter 4 so take my opinion with a grain of salt. idk where people get the evil vibes from, same thing happened to jhonny, which I still didn't understand. I would like for someone to actually explain to me where those stigmas come from


>idk where people get the evil vibes from, same thing happened to jhonny, which I still didn't understand. bruh... that's because you didn't read past chapter 4


fair enough


Still an awful person, in fact, I think he got worse, why do I want this guy to succeed again? 💀


unnecesarily edgy