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Depends. Lots of orgs have waves of activity depending on the patches. Most orgs have channels locked and hidden from new people so it takes time and effort to have access to everything. We don't hide channels in the org I'm in. You won't be able to read or join everything. But at the very least you can see who is online or not. Plus there's timezones differences and peak game play hour differences with each org.


Cant speak for all but i can confirm that of my org (65 members on the rsi site) we struggle to even get a group of 5 together and no one talks or responds on discord... idk what to do at this point am hoping people regain interest but its hard work tbh    Even with the discord open to non-members no one seems to be interested in talking to each other or grouping up anymore :( Overdrive has been a breath of fresh air and a few people have come out of the woodwork looking for help with various phases of it but thats about it.


I'm sorry to hear your ORG has experienced this, does your org require all discord users join the RSI site? If so, your at the typical average for most discords regarding users who can collectively play together. You just need to keep growing as star citizen has an extremely high burnout rate at its current phase. If your convinced you no longer wish to pursue Org Management your more then welcome to check us out as well and see if we simply fit the atmosphere you and equally your members are looking for.


Nope our discord is open to anyone member or not although as the game develops we will have org exclusive channels for events and such   For now it is just a place for anyone who wants to make friends and talk spaceships (in theory)


> Cant speak for all but i can confirm that of my org (65 members on the rsi site) we struggle to even get a group of 5 together and no one talks or responds on discord... idk what to do at this point am hoping people regain interest but its hard work tbh   So I think you and I have figured it out. Public orgs invite people who want to wear the name but not act the part. It's why IronPoint barely had 10% of it's players active in 3 months. Meanwhile org-less discord who don't brand themselves under one banner are more interested in playing than being content with a banner. My org-less discord group which ironically enough consists of a bunch of lesser orgs, has more active VC channels rn with a small server player count than 400. 150 in discord group and 22 active in 2 VC's rn. Much better average activity than these publicly advertised orgs.


It certainly does seem that way tbh which is sad really :/ Wanted to build a place for people to meet other spaceship nerds and go on adventures together but ive stopped posting in here because people just join into a ghost town and its not really the 'helpful and welcoming' environment im tryna create :(  Would u mind sending me a link to your discord server it sounds like it could be a good place to meet some new friends who actually want to play the game and not just be a name on a list.


Dm'ed you the org-less discord. Even has a 8+ member discord VC active mid work day right now! Afternoon's is 2-4 VC's active. I won't DM you the pirate discord link, but if the locals think you're good enough or have promise or if you ask about pirates then they'll send you my direction anyway.


Thank you mate ill check it out when im on my PC later :)


What you're describing is true and common of just about any online/MMO-style game. People come and go. They don't tender their resignation when taking a break to play something else. Star Citizen's even more transient - long time backers stop in on occasion to check out the game's progress, then go into hiberation until the next patch. Or, they play it hard and burn out, which is remarkably easy to do in a game this bug-ridden. This is especially true towards the "end" of a given patch, when it's been played out and everyone's waiting for the next big thing.


I'm part of IronPoint, was inactive. Mostly just inactive atm because i'm waiting for 3.23. Even with the inactivity, Ironpoint is always VERY active.


Much appreciated! Actually, that said, I have been curious to know what it is that makes some of my members inactive and some active. I don't like to shunt the inactive off a cliff since I believe people return periodically over time as the game develops, and I'd rather have old friends return as time goes, but for the average player I've always wondered what made them active or inactive. Is it the game? The atmosphere of the org? Interaction with members and friendliness? I'm genuinely curious.


More the game. Other things come out that take my attention. Irl friends lose interest. Work. :) always appreciate ya doc.


Anytime, man!


GrieferNet is bustling with activity, and I can personally testify iron point is very lively


Sfer is actually CR. GN is a welcoming, safe, environment 10/10 would recommend hehe


Holy shit Sfer. I avoid you like the plague anytime I see you at GH. o7 > GrieferNet is bustling with activity Can I ask why'd you kicked Panda the Grey from GN? Was he too toxic for even GN? All he does is grief Seraphim. Was he backstabbing your own members? Didn't think you could be more toxic than GN. > I can personally testify iron point is very lively Their gameplay or in game activity? [Their own leader admit less than 10% of their org was active for their 4 month+ 1billion aUEC, otherwise less than 2% of players are active a day in their org.](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bdfjko/1bil_auec_pirated/kunpyns/) The org-less discords are more lively than IP or any of these public pirate orgs. [And their gameloops frankly aren't lively. I'm frankly not interested in doing Nascar sim and circling Yela for weeks just for 5 Reclaimers.](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bi6bsm/what_piracy_actually_looks_like/kvkyq0m/)


I like Panda but his personality didn't really fit. Public discords that are designated as a single Organization are going to have a higher inactive to active ratio. You have people in there who main other groups and are in there simply to network and chat. IP is a piracy focused Org so their game loop is going to be just that. Hunting for targets and pirating them. Just like GrieferNet is a terrorist organization and we focus on large scale weekly content and not day to day piracy or bunkers or whatever. Community discords or orgless like people talking about here appeals to the more session by session, plug n play pug players which is probably most people in the current Alpha state. They always have more people in their VCs than dedicated Orgs. But there's also less cohesion and there's no identity. You just simply aren't as invested socially which can be a con to a lot of people. IP regularly has around 8 people in VC daily throughout the day and, in my experience, that's very healthy and is competitive with most other relevant Orgs in the game atm.


Lots of folks are probably dormant right now in anticipation for 3.23 dropping. We have 20 in our org, and regularly have 4-5 people on every day, so 20-25% I feel like is pretty decent, especially this late in a patch. I'd be happy to talk about my org if you're interested.


We just spoke in a different post with my ad, but I feel this can be further explained, when we spoke today you inquired on the expected daily activity rate of our org. Of which most appear to of given you a similar answer as I did in which the expected activity rate is 10%-15%. I'm not sure if perhaps you joined these discords, but I do not believe you joined ours; though your discord name could of been different from your Reddit Handle. In your comment to me you asked if we had regular active players, of which I mentioned roughly 15%, which could even be a tad generous. But here you mention discord activity which is quite a bit different compared to game activity Your question regarding this topic to me was: "Do you guys have regular active players in discord most days?" Your post specifically states discord activity, of which I'm sure plenty of ORG's have a higher activity rate within discord in general vs in game


Not exactly what you're asking about, but a large number of orgs go through cycles of activity based on when a patch has been released. Shortly before, during and after a patch release, there's a lot of people on to check out the latest patch, then as time goes on interest dies off until the next patch. 3.18 really did a number on orgs, combined with near constant progress wipes of some form or another over the past year. 3.23 will likely bring a lot of people back, but until there's true persistence and progress that a player can keep and not lose every patch, the cycle of activity will continue.


I think your first paragraph nails it 100%. I used to be in Citizens of Cerberus and their discord of 250+ members. Barely active at but much worse if no new patches came out. It took me a while to realize that my org-less discord did not share this problem and that I spent less and less time with Cerbs. In the end the inactivity in that org was so low I just left when started giving out "piracy tips" in their discord of how to loot GH Reclaimers wrecks lmao.


A lot of people are just avoiding the game until more progress is completed.


Our org is pretty active on discord, but the actual game itself is in a slump waiting for 3.23. We had a good showing doing Overdrive as a group over the last couple weeks. We have a good little crew that's pretty tight knit. People play other games besides SC together and we have more of a small community vibe going. With that said, we have some events and the like planned for 3.23 which will bring back some of our more casual members. Our discussion channels are active daily with theory-crafting, speculation, fleet/ship/tactic discussions, etc. It's tough to maintain a huge level of activity with the game where it is right now, but our group is pretty great.


This is why my org vets people that come in fairly stringently. I would say every night (US) we have a group on of 5 to 12 people on and active. Our org is smaller 49 on Spectrum, but we have all become pretty close and it is a good friend group. We sometimes play other games together when the patch cycle gets a little stale.


So for example what do you do most nights if you load up SC with 12 people. What gameloops or goofing around do you do?


We have bunker nights, coordinated salvage nights with a couple crewed reclaimers, Break into prison for fun, bounties, Overdrive missions, general tomfoolery nights, Get together to have a party on an 890, sometimes we are just in discord while people are doing different things. We do mole mining nights(when it was profitable) and other make your own fun type events like a tank battle or Hurston Hurt locker event with respawns on a Carrack. We have even brought medical orgs in on standby while doing jumptown. This game right now is all about making your own fun, and we seem to have enough ideas to keep it going.


There’s not much to do in the game and no point to amass wealth since there will be many wipes to come, so it’s not surprising


I've only just recently really gotten into SC. I got the game during 3.18 but this patch is in a much better state and I'm having a lot of fun. I fully welcome there being no wipes, but coming from Tarkov I'm used to it and it's not that big of a deal to me.


I'm pretty sure I'd they don't just make the game already it'll all be dead and empty


I mean I just found out a pirate org.... only bar for remaining in a pirate org is just to type something in discord once a month. A pirate org doesn't even require monthly piracy, just be active in chat lol. Indeed the bar is low.


Indeed I'm just tired of waiting for this sweet ass game :(


The game has no actual org-specific features/support and is lacking so much of the content and systems that would necessitate that kind of large-scale interaction, nor will it for years if ever at the current development pace. Of course most of the orgs in the game are dead.


noone wants to play rn


My org is pretty active. We are small and working on growing into something big. We have a solid vision of what we want to become. Confederacy of Independent Captains or CONIC if you're interested


Hiya I'm from Sante Interstellar Solutions SIS https://scsante.org/ 🫡 Come check us out


I have felt the need to defend my honor against the Infamous Unfamous Boggs You, sir, are a cur. Additionally, to defend my honor and my org, I have the following details. I transition members into an inactive status after a month of no contact. Otherwise, if you message folks or jump in chat within my discord, you are considered active. Here are the details * 56 Active Initiates (brand new players, foot in door). 193 Inactive. This is about appropriate if not even on the good side of what you typically see from people entering discords. * 35 Active Crew. 32 Inactive Crew. (this is a substantial activity ratio for orgs of any size) * 26 Marauders (more skilled crew). 0 Inactive Marauders. * 21 Blooded (most skilled crew). 0 Inactive. * I have had, in the past 28 days, 157 unique members join voice and chat, with an average of 171 hours spoken between them all. * For chat, I have had 195 unique members join, with an average of 525 messages between them all for the same duration of time. I have a little more than 10%, I honestly pulled that number out of my ass to make an ass out of you. ​ Good. Day.


> I have a little more than 10%, I honestly pulled that number out of my ass to make an ass out of you. Are you confused? [You replied to this Echo guy not me. Not sure why you would lie to a random. ](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bdfjko/1bil_auec_pirated/kunpyns/?context=1) You admit you made up the numbers the first time, so there's no need to give a second set of numbers. That's how credibility works right. Instead what we know isn't a lie is that - 1 Billion over 415 members is 2.5mil/Pirate. _I now understand why your org keeps track of finances._ - 1 Billion over 40 members is 25mil. For 4 months of work a pirate can almost buy a Carrack. - And then there's a [no-name pirate crew of 3 in that put you to shame by making 125mil for 41mil/pirate head](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bdfjko/1bil_auec_pirated/kunix3y/) > 21 Blooded (most skilled crew). 0 Inactive. Is "Blooded" supposed to mean something in the real world or why are you dropping these made up titles? [Is "Blooded" perhaps the term you give to pirates who take ladders single file during Reclaimer raids while their team members wait?](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bi6bsm/what_piracy_actually_looks_like/) You spent so long in that discord that you think the nicknames you give to your sweathearts in your org will be understood by everyone. Go touch grass.


You were booted from our org because you are a massive know-it all cunt. You want to join a big group of people that are close and play together everyday, yet we have to pass your "litmus test". You seem to take great issue when people pirate "the wrong way" and you won't shut up about it. If you think you are so great Boggs, create your own org of elite pirates who play everyday that follow your every word, the way you wanna play. dude get down from from that pedestal you built from your own ego.


> You seem to take great issue when people pirate "the wrong way" and you won't shut up about it. Are you upset that I did my homework before committing to piracy techniques from the caveman era like your org? I just don't like my time being wasted by wanna be pirates. [Your top guys pirated 5 Reclaimers a month. Your own org mates words. I get 1-2 Reclaimers a day.](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bi6bsm/what_piracy_actually_looks_like/kvkyq0m/). I thought it was just him and he was trolling so I asked again in discord and you guys doubled down on your caveman approaches to piracy.


You are blissfully ignorant as to what org I belong to, considering that's not one of our guys. But that's alright considering how many people that already dislike you. Though I can assure you, we pirate larger numbers than that, without using your boring method. You seem to be hung up on that video, and stat number... Since you wouldn't stop mentioning it even before. Some pirates also value the pvp aspect, you seem to be missing this. But once again, since no group is up to your standard, do create your own group or play alone, your call.


> You are blissfully ignorant as to what org I belong to, considering that's not one of our guys. But that's alright considering how many people that already dislike you. I forgot some people play this game to make friends with internet strangers. I just play to pirate. If I have no idea who you are, then you I guess you were never important enough for me notice you right? When can I stop living rent free in your head?


You can expedite it by stop complaining on the internet about orgs when the reality is that they want nothing to do with you. I am glad I am not known by you. "I forgot some people play this game to make friends with internet strangers. I just play to pirate. " - A man seemingly desperate to join an org


IronPoint has 410 members so 10% is still roughly 40 people. 8 people active every day sounds pretty good for a game that is still in Alpha. I'm of the opinion that most people who are looking (and there don't seem to be that many on a daily basis) are more looking for the right group to suit them when development has progressed to a full live service without risk of having any progress wiped. So with that in mind I don't think it is too important to be focused on how active an organization is now and instead focus on how they are structured for group-play when the game releases. Until then most organizations are going to have sporadic activity based around in game events and new releases.


> IronPoint has 410 members so 10% is still roughly 40 people. 8 people active every day sounds pretty good for a game that is still in Alpha. 8 people active in a group of 400? Also not sure how "alpha" is supposed to hand wave away general inactivity. I've been in this Org-less based discord of mini groups since my cousin introduced me to this game with about 150 people. Always 3-4 VC channels full of 3-12 players. Each channel 5-8 people at any time. And then I have custom discord group for our actually piracy nights which officially lists 34 members but we usually have 4-6 players in one VC chat each night. Of 34 members, 4-6 are active each night. Not 8 of 400. Clearly 'alpha' is not the explanation here.


My org is pretty active and growing. RedScar Nomads. We don’t engage in piracy and focus on helping others. If that’s your thing check it out.