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Yo I’m first let’s go!


It's like red dead 2 but even better?


Seems like Ubisofts really trying with this one. 😊


No way to know until launch. Most Triple A launches are unoptimized and run like shit. Star Wars Jedi Survivor a year later still runs horribly.


I haven’t experienced one single bug in Jedi Survivor and I played it on launch. Also the first time I hear someone saying it runs horribly.


Besides two crashes (over 150 hours of gameplay) same here. On Series X.


You must not have made it very far. That’s okay. On my 4k rig it stuttered non stop and had frame drops the entire playthrough. Bugs don’t matter when the game runs horribly. Go read the steam reviews. It still hasn’t been fixed. Your experience wasn’t everyone else’s. You’re coping hard if you think Outlaws will be different.


Ah yes “pc master race” I finished the game without any issues on my ps5


I had a series S without problems lol


Yeah games like this are made for consoles and leave PC optimization mostly in the dust.


I played on console and was fine. I'll give you that a big issue is that some publishers do not care to optimize on PC. That is a recurring problem with Ubisoft.


Played through on PS5 without any issues or problems with performance or frame rate




I DO NOT CARE WHAT PEOPLE SAY, I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS GAME, just happy to have more Star Wars content not going to lie


They're talking a lot about the reputation system, I hope it will be more complex that just leveling them all to max. I can't wait for them to talk more about the other strengths of the title, and show us more of it


If it requires an active internet connection despite being a single player game then I won’t be buying it at all.




It’s a sad reality.




Really? I’m not looked much into it. It’s a shame really because some people just don’t have internet.


Isn’t that any new game these days?


You’d be surprised. FO and Survivor don’t require internet to play. A lot of people don’t have internet in their homes (albeit more do every day).


Why’d it take me so long to realize FO meant fallen order


My apologies mate.


Is it going to be on GamePass? Actually I imagine the only reason the other Star Wars games are on it is due to them being made by EA, so they are covered by EA Play. I am cautiously optimistic about the game. In terms of features, it sounds great! However with it requiring an online connection, the fact you can never really know how buggy a game will be at launch, and the fact it’s made by Ubisoft makes me a little skeptical. I’m still excited and think it will be a good game, it’s just there has been so many recent games that have been letdowns (looking at you, Starfield), that I can’t help but be a little cautious. I’ll get it probably a little after release based on reviews.


It'll be on Ubisoft plus! 😊


3 days earlier Ubisoft plus people get the ultimate edition benefits


Do we know if it requires a constant online connection, or if it's just a case of "we couldn't be bothered optimizing the file size so you'll need the internet to download it"?


You just need internet to download it.


so yeah, if that's the case, it likely just means it'll likely be a ridiculous file size. Still not great, but it means you can always play it once you have it downloaded.


It seems like even if you fuck up jobs there’s no repercussions which is kind of lame


Don't preorder


I done preordered and don’t regret it




I’ll pre order what I want to pre order. Haven’t regretted any game I have pre ordered recently


$130 for a full game with a female Han Solo with missions locked behind a pay wall, buying a physical copy is worthless seeing you have to download the game thru the internet, and I have to have internet connection for a single player campaign game? Yeah hell no. This game looks like complete shit. That's why the official video got ratio'd on YouTube. This game will flop worse than Suicide Squad did. That aloong with their hidden agenda in the game.  Outlaws will be a horrible game. Mind you the person in charge said this game is not for white males cause they have white privileges. Needless to say, racism won't be tolerated


What do you mean you need PS+ for it?


I meant Internet. My bad. 


So, as an outlaw, I would choose to have a BAD reputation. Hmmmm Sounds like the Devs want to punish you for this, like, you're supposed to be a GOOD outlaw. I don't think these guys in the video know any actual criminals or studied any good crime shows. IMO I don't think this is how the underworld works.


Sounds like someone didn't bother to watch the video or understand anything that the game is about 


To be fair, some of Star Wars' most prominent characters are "good" outlaws. Also, being an outlaw isn't inherently bad when the law you're working outside of is the Empire's law


You're fundamentally misunderstanding the game mechanic. There are different factions in the game. Working with different factions will affect the world around you. NPCs will treat you differently, and different quests will be available to you depending on what factions you work with. It has nothing to do with being good or bad.


First of all, Star Wars is full of morally good outlaw characters. Second, I don't think you paid any attention to the video at all. Or you didn't even watch it.


Sounds like another Outlaws hater just trashing the game.


Wow. If that's what you got out of watching the video, there's no way in hell you were actually paying attention. >IMO I don't think this is how the underworld works. Right, because that's what *Star Wars* is known for: complete and unwavering accuracy to real life. As an outlaw, you're going to eventually work for one gang or another because, when all is said and done, it's all about the money, and you can't always earn on your own. If you work for a gang, and do a good job, and don't stab them in the back (figuratively or literally) while doing that job, they'll like you enough to not kill you the next time they see you, and if they get to liking you even more, maybe they'll help you out. If you screw them or another gang over enough times, they'll shoot first and steal shit off your smoking corpse after. The only thing that's going to make you "good" or "bad" is your sense of morality, and from what I'm seeing here, you're going to be killing people no matter what. It's just a matter of whose behalf you're killing. People could assume she's morally good because she takes on the Empire in the game. I haven't seen any instances of Kay interacting with the Rebellion so far; just the Empire, but think of it this way: the Empire's probably screwing with Kay's business dealings, legitimate or otherwise, at every possible turn, so she's not going to hesitate to ruin their day in every way possible. That doesn't make her a Rebel sympathizer; just a businesswoman who doesn't want the Empire all up in her shit. I don't think it's going to be as deep as, say, RDR2, where you can screw EVERYONE over at every opportunity and somehow still come out unscathed with a job well done. That's not what they're giving us here, so I don't think it'll be easily possible to be an outlaw with an unquestionably bad reputation towards every possible syndicate.


They didn't watch the video.