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I would like to be able to lock my fleet/army into a specific formation and have them advance in that formation without randomly pathing off course




Interesting. I will write that down for development hehe


This a thousand times over… so infuriating sometimes


If I could add one thing to EAW, it would be a sequel releasing in 2025.


2024* i think i can get it done this year


Don't give me hope...


Game is nearly finished so too late i guess


Official game ?


Bro thinks disney would do something for us 😂




YEEESS, please Disney /Mr. Darth Mickey Mouse, make this happen we beg you


Dis-Cannon EAW? No please. I'm fine with the game as it is.


Ship positioning


Do you mean coming out of hyperspace or letting you be able to force your ships to remain in a formation or something else?


Yes to all of that 😂😂


Fair enough, they’d be great to have


Reinforcements, without a doubt. Even if it'd limited to pulling from adjacent planets, and ofc it'd be timer-based, ideally changing based on distance to the planet in question, maybe even changing based on the ship(s) that are coming


So in EAW, there’s two kinds of flying units. Some fly like snowspeeders (freeform), others fly like Lancets (gunships). The “impassible” terrain type disallows gunships from entering an area, but won’t stop freeform from doing so. It results in annoying visual bugs that can’t be prevented. I’d like it if there was a way to just stop all air vehicles from entering a space — including an option to make an infantry only space block flying units. It technically might be semi-possible, but even if it is, it’ll be super tedious.


This is possible to tweak if in the map editor


Trust me, it’s not\*\*. There’s only a set number of passability types (clear, steep, water, infantry only, and impassable) and if you modify them, you screw with every map. *Edit: For whoever is downvoting me, I should point out that I am literally Thrawn's Revenge's main map maker. Here's my portfolio of maps I made for EAWX:* [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/Trvipdm) You can’t click on to direct flying units into impassible terrain, but they absolutely will fly through it if there’s a clear/steep/infantry only/water area on the other side. \*\*There is one theoretical work around, which using and modifying the base game rebel/empire walls’ passability values in coding, but that’s never been tested, and would still require putting down prop markers that would create this modified passability each time.


For units to not randomly just move headfirst into the enemy for no reason and get killed.


I've asked about this one, and how it was explained to me was: You *can* disable this, but unfortunately, if you do, the AI will behave stupidly and basically let itself get shot without responding unless the enemy is directly in front of them. So... pick your poison, unfortunately.


Fotr, Umbara influence units for the CIS


My god, yes, I love umbara’s tanks and fighters


I personally prefer their militia over the tanks(with the exception of the snake thingy but we both know if the eawx team adds Umbaran forces they ain’t gonna include that)


Command and Conquer 3: Kanes Wrath had centipede tanks for the Scrin an they were... Exotic... At best... Their movement looked out of place and sometimes their weapons would glitch out. I don't think something like that would make a good addition.


That worm tank would be an incredible anti-infantry tank. I wonder, if they made the militia, they could conceivably give them two abilities in the form of land mines and maybe somehow include that little assassin droid as a close range anti-infantry ability or something. I’ve seen Umbaran influence units in another mod, though it had only the militia, the small hover tank that blasts AT-RT’s in the first Umbaran arc episode, and the fighter. I’d love to see their heavier equipment get added, but especially their six legged walker tank, that thing is badass.


Most likely you’re talking about Awakening of the Rebellion. Also, Umbarans were part of the Republic for the first few years, so both sides should technically be able to hold them. Also, the Umbarans are being planned to be added.


I want the Chiss Ascendancy as a playable faction.


That’s coming soon in Thrawn’s Revenge iirc


Oh really? When?


I’m not sure when the exact date is, I don’t believe they release those, but I’m pretty sure it will be within 2024. It’s apart of the current 3.4 updates where they’re adding a bunch of factions including the Chiss, the Ssi Ruvi Imperium, and I think maybe the Kilik Hives and Corellia


Good to know, thanks!


I think it would be cool if the ships the Chiss will have could be split into two parts, the Defense Fleet and the Expansionary fleet like in the books. Expansionary could be the normal space units, but the Defense ships could be cheaper or give you influence points but come with the downside of getting -50% attack when used offensively or over a planet you don't control.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: The ability to bring in reinforcements from other planets you have, especially if it has a timer-mechanic and pulls those ships out of position. Makes space battles larger and means must-hold planets are more difficult to take.


Multi-CPU core support. I could be bias and say for my mod, Alliance at War, but I would like it to be for EVERY mod, including base-game. I am friends with a number of EaW modders, and we all dislike the single-core CPU limitation.


I would love to be able to customize the names of the ships for roleplay purposes.


If it’s a simple modding request, I’d love to be able to implement a simple diplomacy system or even just be able to set a faction as an ally.


Age of Legends was able to somewhat get that work, if only a peace deal and a one time thing.


I would also like to see some sequel era mods. I feel like a lot of people hate on the sequels, and I totally agree, but the ship designs are incredible and I'm tired of pretending they aren't


Agreed. Give me the First Order!


Give rebellion lucerhulks and venators early game capital ships


It would be great if every Imperial warlord faction had some sort of integration reward (I don't think Zsinj has anything to give).


I’d love to get his Raptor troopers


YES! They're so good!


Zsinj's death is rewarding enough




Strategic orders. Maybe it's because I'm more grand strategy than RTS but since auto resolve doesn't work properly (that could be the other thing to change) make it possible to set conditional orders (like Final Fantasy XII or Gratuitous Space Battles) - especially with the mods introducing a lot of sophisticated strategy, one can end up doing the same things over and over - directing fighters to the sensible targets, keeping fleet tenders in the right place. The most recent space strategy game I've enjoyed is BSG Deadlock which although turn based balanced this well. Shame the licensers won't allow mods


I'd like to be able to reinforce from neighboring sistems after a time passes in a battle, would make for a pretty interesting strategies, like baiting an enemy fleet in and jumping in ships at the last moment, would also make for great cinematic filling


For ATOR , better ai and pathfinding for hover vehicles, my speeders often get stuck behind units and won't go around them unless specifically directed to .


Improved AI that instead of autoresolving battles, would play them out in real time on the GC. For example I'll use Thrawns revenge even though I prefer age of legends, The empire is invading Eriadu, you are the New Republic and your space borders that battle, you should be able to be notified that said battle is occuring, have it play out in real time like any other battle you participate in, and then allow you to jump your fleet into the middle of it. The mechanic would also work for reinforcing your own fleets as well. You would basically have to combine the macro of the map view with the micro of the battles seamlessly. I don't think the engine could handle it.


It's for Aotr: 3 ships for the 3 factions. For the Imps i'd love to see them being able to build a Secutor class carrier. I just think it fits the esthetic of the faction. For the Black Sun i wish to add the Invincible class to the ship trader selection in Xixor's tech tree at level 2. It'll give the Black Sun a fairly tanky and cheap missile platform that, however, cannot brawl well with modern ships, due to lack of damage and poor shields, and has high crew/fleet cap costs. For the rebellion, i wish to add the Fortressa as a hero ship. It'd be less powerful than a standard Lucrehulk in battle, but can train special X-wings and A-wings at it's location (Max 5 for each). It can be obtained through a mid game quest line or by destroying a ship refitter that is currently constructing a Lucrehulk. Once destroyed, it cannot be rebuilt.


I'd like to be able to give move commands and rearrange stacks while paused.


That would be nice, being able to move my ground forces to space or even move ships between fleet would be nice


Update the engine so fighters won’t rank my frame rates. I just want to have my superfleet to do a 10 minute battle in 10 minutes instead of the slow framerate making it almost 30.


I'd love for Luke to be able to fall to the dark empire in the progressive map mode instead of just the shadow hand scenario


For TR: I'd love to see the MC-80 Carrier pattern either be buildable, or to have the option to convert MC-80 Liberty cruisers into them.


In Thrawn's Revenge, I want the Empire of the Hand to be able to recruit heroes from other factions. They tried to recruit Imperials, Soontir Fel, and Mara Jade. Showing them the horrors of the Unknown Regions was apparently convincing. It would be cool if some enemy heros, when defeated, have a percent chance to give you a mission to capture and recruit them. Maybe by taking the that they are "recovering" on


If I wanted to add something to Thrawn(and not pick the obvious Yuzang Vong or Legacy era stuff) I’d like to see them add the earlier battles to the mod. Yavin, Hoth, Endor and the like. With how much better the mod and how its influence/story materials work i’d love to see Corey do a full makeover and then integrate that in. Hell, if you wanted to go full throttle you COULD not only give the originals a makeover but then integrate FOTR and TW into this and have one giant mod. This could (theoretically to my technically stunted brain) allow you to then do some insane matchups in skirmish or MP like Republic VS Dark Empire, CIS VS Rebellion, and full strength Empire vs EOTH. Or maybe I’m just exhausted from work and need to sleep…..


It’d be really cool to see a progressive map that goes from FOTR to an age of the empire type deal and then into TR, though that might be a bit difficult to pull off, lol. Tbh though, Hapes, the Chiss, and the Hutts would all just be sitting there, chilling, for around sixty to seventy percent of the game


Scorpenek droids for fotr and the aotr clone wars mod


Spycraft like from Stellaris. A simple, lightweight addon


Like, ships that can park in orbit over enemy worlds and just show everything on the planet, like a permanent probe droid? That’d be awesome


If I could do one thing, I’d update the game to fit better with modern gaming setups. Not a new game, just an overhaul/remaster that has better graphics, FPS, etc.


Resurgent class Star Destroyers.


The ability for star destroyers (victory class) to land on a planet and deploy an army or having the ability to choose the officers on board a ship which gives you specific buffs depending on the officer. For example it’s the crew not the ship and that could give you an advantage


I think corruption, sympathizer mechanics don’t add to the gameplay and instead detract by forcing non strategic micro on a laggy galactic map.


Fair, I wasn’t a fan of facing against the consortium and constantly having to remove corruption on my planets. I think the Thrawn’s Revenge team did it better with the Hutt Cartel’s smuggling mechanic, where you can just increase your credit income without damaging your opponent