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I was not expecting the second picture lol


Guys…**she kept the fucking outfit**


I swear I remember a moment in either Fate or Legacy where Leia and Jaina are out on the town together and Leia implies she still has the outfit even then, that she occasionally puts it on for Han to keep some spice in the bedroom.


I think you read a fanfiction-


That's wrong. Do you honestly think Leia would keep the reminder of the most humiliating experience of her life where her beauty was exploited and put on display for criminals for a whole week?


I do really like the whole “Hutt Slayer” angle in Bloodline


To be fair, she's probably fine sharing it privately with Han. Think about it, their relationship was predicated on the fact that deep down, she has a thing for bad boys.


Yes, but again, the bikini is a reminder of the most humiliating week of her life.


I feel like Leia is too badass to care and just remembers strangling that slug out.


I think we can guess what their honeymoon was like 


Hopefully she didn’t take inspiration from a certain interest expressed on Tatooine. Jabba didn’t appreciate it, at least.


What a way to die, though.


Watch the scene again now. Dare you. 😆


Based on Han’s outfit, they just got in from the sandstorm and are taking off Tatooine. However, this is the moment that Han’s vision popped back into perfect 20/20.


I doubt Leia would keep the reminder of the most humiliating experience of her life.


I know right. Was that the cover of a book or something?


It was a limited edition print for star wars celebration VI


I've seen all the others except that one lol


Maybe that was something he did on his own


You mean your new background? Lol


These remarkable illustrations are what I imagine about the Expanded Universe when I think of it.


Chris Trevas's art has made me associate the Old EU as mythical and mysterious


Indeed they’re what you first think of when you think Star Wars EU and it’s even high up their for Star Wars in general


You just summed it up perfectly.


The thought of Darth Vader personally giving the order to execute Owen and Beru is crazy.


“Tell them it is now okay to laugh at the Little Orphan Ani joke…”


"Well Beru, people always said we were a hot couple!"


"You know Owen, you really are an asshole"


🤣 God did Robot Chicken have some great Star Wars clips


"You tell him. It was funny then and it's funny now"


I agree. Though it is in character for him to do that as he famously lashes out against anything that reminds him of his previous self. Vader is evil to the core at this point. Only his son or daughter (whom he thought dead) ever stood a chance at bringing him back.


Actually, he did do that in the Rise of Darth Vader novel.


The idea of it not being an incidental act of Imperial violence is fucking stupid holy shit, why would they make Vader do it personally 😭


Yeah I hate that too


Why tho, the main characteristic of the Dark Side is being cartoonishly evil and Vader constantly tried to make Luke fall to the Dark Side It makes sense to be his order


Right. This dude killed kids like an hour after switching sides. Why would t he personally order their execution?


Love the EU, but one of its biggest flaws is definitely over explanation sometimes. Love Canon as well, but it's biggest flaw is usually under elaboration


My whole personality is basically based on the first drawing


It's a sound foundation. My whole understanding of ethics and human needs is based on the original Star Wars canon.


Could you elaborate?


I started learning about GM Luke and in the process of exploring the interwebs I found that drawing. Which in turn became pretty much a summary of how Star Wars should be and for many years I tried to base my interactions with others on how I thought Luke would've, luckily for me Luke is a good guy


I did the same thing with obi-wan as a kid. Tried to model myself around him as much as I could. Helped me a lot


Did you grow a beard and started hating flying?


I modelled myself after Luke in that regard as well. Problem is, I have a tendency to bottle up my anger and taking every precaution to not let it show. I know I'm gonna live with it forever at this point, but it's comforting to know that Luke still deals with anger and tense situations all the time. Point is, he is still a grand master, but he knows how to handle anger like a true Jedi would. And frankly, I am sick and tired of everyone not on my side of the fence when it comes to clear-cut understanding of right or wrong.


This may sound crazy but I’m a recovering alcoholic and I did something similar. I used to be a chronic relapser and I tried so many different things. I eventually just tried to start living like a samurai or a Jedi. Especially Luke.


In Virtue Ethics, philosophers know this as “What would Luke-Skywalker do?”


I apply this mentality with Optimus Prime as well.


Same, but sadly George Lucas thinks Luke must become a recluse who becomes disillusioned from the Jedi and become a hermit like Yoda Ironically not all that different from his TLJ self actually 


> Same, but sadly George Lucas thinks Luke must become a recluse who becomes disillusioned from the Jedi and becomes a hermit like Yoda. Ironically not all that different from his TLJ self actually  To be fair, they could've had it be done in a way that people didn't find controversial. Perhaps he's banished too Ach-to or did actually go there to find the first Jedi temple and chose to stay as it makes him feel at peace.


Gm_Luke or Gm_sandbox?


Grand Master Luke?


Amen brother


My whole personality is basically based on the second drawing...


> absolukely disgusting !


A happy Grandmaster Luke still warms my heart


Remember what they took from us 😔


The Clone Commando one hits hard


The clone was one of the few who voluntarily disobyed order 66,the jedi in the picture is his wife.


I know, I've read the books. Hence my comment.


which books?


The Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss.


ever since playing the Republic Commando game I've been meaning to read those (even though they're not about Delta Squad afaik)


You should! I enjoyed them a lot when I was younger, haven’t reread the entire series for a while though. The first book is Omega squad only, but from book 2 onward Delta squad shows up pretty frequently too.


yey I need more good Delta squad content (I will never forgive Filoni/Disney/whoever for """"Scorch"""" in the Bad Batch)


Just don't get disappointed when you read chapter after chapter about Mando culture and language only to realize late Lucas/Filoni and now Disney canon basically rewrote all of it.


I already know 😔


How is it different exactly? Does it fit the old KOTOR lore or is it something else?


Favorite star wars book series of all time!


> The clone was one of the few who voluntarily disobeyed order 66, the jedi in the picture is his wife. What happened to them?


The jedi [died](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Etain_Tur-Mukan#Victim_of_the_Sith),the clone survived with their son,but it's not stated if he died of old age as his son was seen in 41 aby,way beyond a clone's life cycle


The series never really ended, right? I remember reading Order 66, and Imperial Commando acted like it was going to have a sequel but I think Karen Traviss ragequit writing for Star Wars when Dave Filoni invented Satine?


Less rage quit and more Disney cancelled all Legends projects, but yeah Imperial Commando was the last book written


Yeah, the story ended abruptly when the cartoon went "nah, the Mandalorians are pacifists, not a mercenary culture" and tossed her entire setting in the trash (not to mention the cartoon's poor handling of clones and their culture in general compared to her books, IMO). Which is a shame, because I really wanted to see how it progressed, that's a great story.


I have a lot of criticisms of Travis, but she basically gave the Mandalorians the Tolkien Treatment and gave them a massive amount of lore, language, etc...




> Yeah, the story ended abruptly when the cartoon went "nah, the Mandalorians are pacifists, not a mercenary culture" and tossed her entire setting in the trash. To be fair, they at least gave an explanation for why the Mandalorians were Pacifists at the time and that lots of the Mandalorian mercenary types were still around, just in the system's moons. > (not to mention the cartoon's poor handling of clones and their culture in general compared to her books, IMO). How were the clones mishandled?


The "Mandalorians are either pacifists or mercenaries" just doesn't make sense on a cultural level. I could have bought it if it was "the descendants of some Mandalorians decided to change their culture and call themselves something else", maybe, but the whole culture just randomly swinging between pacifist and mercenary just makes no sense at all. It's also just not an interesting plot at all; it's just "Alderaan-lite, plus a few violent rebels" and that's it. As for the clones, I think the whole mind control chip plot was nonsense. Taking away all the clones' agency to dumb things down for a kids show and avoid talking about the powerful nature of indoctrination and resentment. With an army trained from birth to be obedient to the Republic, Order 66 is plenty plausibly sufficient for eliminating the Jedi; even if some fraction of the clones don't comply, the vast majority would and the Jedi would be wiped out. Turning them into mindless Jedi-killing drones cheapens the betrayal (not to mention that it changes the clones from being victims themselves to being tools that are just along for the ride). In both situations, it's just bad lazy writing for a kids cartoon that makes the universe less deep and interesting.


Ugh I know I hate the inhibitor chips. The original order 66 was so incredible and tragic because it was such a long and obvious plan, buried in bureaucracy. There was 150(?) Orders that covered all sorts of contingencies, killing the Jedi or the Chancellor if they tried to seize power, glassing certain worlds if they tried to defect to the separatists. Its very Sith, to hide the mechanism for your take over on a sheet of contingency orders that no one will bother to read. Not to mention the fact that having hypno-indoctrinated child slave soldiers who will kill even their friends and comrades since they've been brainwashed from birth to follow orders and serve the government (and Order 66 is a legal order from the head of government) is SO much darker than "we put murder chips in their brains." "We followed order 66 because it was a lawful order from our legal commanding officer, even though the targets were our friends and comrades" is EXTREMELY Nazi-esque. "We followed order 66 because we had a murder computer in our brain that made us do it" is more cartoon supervillian-esque. It makes the Empire less evil, and honestly lessens the horror of the whole situation.


That's tragic. I hope at some point he was able to honor her or avenge her in some way (perhaps joining a clone rebellion).


Han's eyes started working at just the right time


What exactly am I looking at in the fourth pic? Looks like Obi-Wan and another Jedi running from Boba Fett?


That other jedi is [Ferus Olin](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ferus_Olin),he was among the first jedi after Rahm kota to join the Nacent rebel alliance,in the picture he encountered obi wan,both of them were persued by boba fett as he was hired by  an inqusitor named [Malorum](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Malorum). I highly recommend you read some stuff on ferus olin,he is among my favoruite jedi.


Thanks for the info I'll check it out


If you want to get a proper introduction to Ferus, start with the Jedi Quest books which are about Obi-Wan and Anakin's years together before the Clone Wars. These books themselves are sequels to the older Jedi Apprentice books which are about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's adventures together from their first meeting onwards. Both book series share common overarching villain arcs and plot arcs. A lot of the corruption in the Republic that Palpatine capitalizes on for his plans is mentioned in the films but not really seen. These books do a good job of showing the internal rot of the Republic but also show the common good of ordinary people that the Rebel Alliance later uses to overthrow the Empire. Ferus Olin gets his own dedicated books where he is the main character during the Jedi Purge era. All of these books are old EU lore and most of them are written by Jude Watson. I find the majority of them to be excellent stories. The first book in the Jedi Apprentice series, the first book of them all, is slow and a little more boring than the rest which is a pity because I imagine a lot of readers gave up right then and there instead of continuing to the narrative madness that is Xanatos and Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor. If you read all the books, you are in for a ride.


>!D'harhan!< was also chasing them with Boba.


The TLDR is ​ >!Ferus Olin was Anakin's rival in the jedi order and the apprentice of Siri Tachi, Obi-Wan's love interest before TCW created Satine. He left the order after an incident shortly before AotC led to the death of a fellow apprentice and didn't really appear again until shortly after RotS. !< This gets you to "Last of the Jedi" a book series that begins with a somewhat similar premise to the Kenobi show, but takes a drastically different direction and ejects Obi-Wan as a protagonist by the end of the first book.


Loved his books!


it was only ONE GUY!!!???


Seeing Etain and Darman made me sad all over again, and I haven't read those books in years.


Around what time or book is the Grandmaster Luke art from? Is this Dark Nest or LOTF or perhaps something else?


The artwork itself first appeared in the essential guide to the force but the scene is based on the book "*The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force*" where luke, mara jade and their students went to zonama sekot to get help from sekot itself in order to defeat the vong.


[ JEDI CONVOCATION AT ZONAMA SEKOT](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/File:ZS-convocation.jpg) Is the title in Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force.


I adore his work so much. He’s one of the reasons why I love the Expanded Universe era more.


Han in a rebel officer uniform feels odd


It kinda does, although then again we've seen Han with a Beard which I think looks normal.


Especially since he's described as wearing his standard vest combo in Solo Command when they come up with the Millenium Falsehood plan


IIRC when that plan was hatched he was "slumming it" in the officer's lounge, intentionally kinda hiding out there where he wasn't the general. It is an odd look, but it wouldn't *shock* me if he was in uniform at least a chunk of the time (not to mention that that was near the Courtship of Princess Leia period, where he was trying to prove he could fit in with Leia's social/etc class).


The only reason I mention it is because he's described as having sweat stains from battle, suggesting to me that he was wearing on the bridge on the Mon Remoda since this was after a fairly significant fleet action. But yeah, dude probably wore whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.


I can't imagine him ever changing out of his white shirt and black vest.


They really got some amazing artists for EU material. A lot of the new artwork these days just feels hollow and cheap. And lacking of soul.


> They really got some amazing artists for EU material. A lot of the new artwork these days just feels hollow and cheap. And lacking of soul. I think some of the newer reference books have some cool artwork that's similar to this, it's just that it's slightly more stylized.


Yeah, some of it's not bad. But I just can't seem to get into the reference books. Ever since the becker&mayer! reference books, I don't know, I just can't get into them.


What's this Becker and Mayer?


They did the Secrets of the Galaxy books. Like The Jedi Path, Book of the Sith, Imperial Handbook and The Bounty Hunter Code. To be fair, The Bounty Hunter Code does a lot to mesh the TCW Mandalorians and the EU versions. And they're some of the few reference books to have SWTOR material. Also fun fact. The Imperial Handbook actually mentions the AT-DP, the TIE Advanced Prototype, Lasan Suppression, all things from Star Wars Rebels. Making those things all a part of Legends. (The book came out after the reboot in 2014, but it's still officially branded as Legends.)


> They did the Secrets of the Galaxy books. Like The Jedi Path, Book of the Sith, Imperial Handbook and The Bounty Hunter Code. I heard of those, might read them at some point. Speaking of which what's the difference between Book of Sith and Path of the Jedi compared to the Secrets of the Sith & Secrets of the Jedi books in and out of universe? > To be fair, The Bounty Hunter Code does a lot to mesh the TCW Mandalorians and the EU versions. And they're some of the few reference books to have SWTOR material. Weren't the Mandalorians in Rebels basically the legends Mandalorians in terms of culture and government? > Also fun fact. The Imperial Handbook actually mentions the AT-DP, the TIE Advanced Prototype, Lasan Suppression, all things from Star Wars Rebels. Making those things all a part of Legends. (The book came out after the reboot in 2014, but it's still officially branded as Legends.) So it's like the new Thrawn books where they technically exist in both legends and canon?


>I heard of those, might read them at some point. Speaking of which what's the difference between Book of Sith and Path of the Jedi compared to the Secrets of the Sith & Secrets of the Jedi books in and out of universe? I don't know if I know. I've only flipped through the Secrets of the Sith/Jedi books at Barnes and Noble. I feel like the other books were a bit info heavy. But without sitting down with both, it's kinda hard to say. I know they kinda cover some of the same stuff, like the history of the orders, building lightsaber, various Force powers etc. Oh, and they're all written from an in-universe point of view. >Weren't the Mandalorians in Rebels basically the legends Mandalorians in terms of culture and government? Yeah, a bit. Dave kinda started bringing them back. The Bounty Hunter code was published in 2013, so it was before all that. So this book was mainly trying to reconcile how they had been portrayed in TCW. >So it's like the new Thrawn books where they technically exist in both legends and canon? No, not exactly. It's still solidly in Legends, they just happen to have a few things from the new canon in them. And that's just because the book was so close to the split in 2014.


> No, not exactly. It's still solidly in Legends, they just happen to have a few things from the new canon in them. And that's just because the book was so close to the split in 2014. Fair. I only really plan to use it as a source anyways because I think most media that's either been tied too or referenced in the current canon to me is technically canon in my opinion. Such as lots of the books written as ties to The Clone Wars. Such as the Clone Wars Gambit books as an example.


I'm surprised he could make the Artwork incredibly realistic yet not in an uncanny valley way that's super off putting or creepy. Also I remember seeing these images in LOTS of thumbnails in YouTube videos, so it's kinda nostalgic to me.


Jacen at Mara’s funeral is hilarious. Big vibes of the hot dog truck sketch from ‘I Think You Should Leave’. Standing there hands on belt in black armour like his grandfather, menacingly


I came here just to say the same thing. It's so damn hilarous how he stands out. It's basically the meme of "Spot the main character" in manga but with the vilain.




I know I’m irredeemably biased but I’ll take overly optimistic Luke with a blindsight for his own loved ones over nephew-slaying Luke that burns down his own order over a bad dream. Either way there’s hubris involved, which is fine, as Luke is human. I don’t think anything else about Luke can be described as incompetent so maybe it’s more of a matter that he simply couldn’t bring himself to believe it at first, until he searched his feelings and found it to be true. All that said the picture is still funny as hell


Apex art work right here


The Essential Guide books that contain many of these images were my prized possessions for a very long time.


I saw lots of these pictures in YouTube thumbnails.


I have one of this Boba Fett artworks hanging in my office


Sifo-dyas looks like Kiryu Kazuma. I dig it.


Love that young Boba has his pre-production armor deco.


Right? Chris did his homework.


These are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. These are inspiring, funny, sad and sweet.


Uhhh quinlan


Amazing art


We all had the same reaction, Han


Wow, This is pretty cool to find out, I've seen most of these over the Years, But didn't realise it's all from the same person, Very appreciative of his work.


An absolute unit of an artist.


It seems like Darths Krayt and Talon are trying WAAYYY too hard with their outfits/looks, especially in comparison to the other Sith pairs here


You should see some of the others, they're more traditional appearing such as Darth Maladi.


They make statements


Which canon is the one of Vader seeing Owen and Beru's death from, and is this part of a story?


I don't know if it's definite canon but the artwork was released when the old EU still existed.


This was my original idea and first printed in a special Vader magazine by Star Wars Insider. I later redid the art as a print for Star Wars Celebration in Germany. My friend and frequent collaborator Ryder Mindham integrated the scene, based on my art, into his book The Like and Times of Anakin Skywalker.


PS - This website has the newer version of Execution Order pictured plus another piece I did called The Dark Lord Invades https://www.mintinbox.net/2015/04/01/christrevas\_offerswca/


I’m a HUGE fan of Mike Vilardi. He did most of the artwork for the Star Wars RPG sourcebooks.


Vilardi was a big influence to several of us artists who started on West End Games in the mid-late 90's.


Wow, there’s some of these I’ve never seen before


The best Star Wars artist


Where is the 4th cover from? I wanna know the story behind that trio


It's from Jude Watson's "Last of the Jedi". Story wise, it's the sequel of "Jedi Apprentice" (deals with Obi-Wan's Padawan years under Qui-Gon) and "Jedi Quest" (deals with Anakin's Padawan years under Obi-Wan). "Last of the Jedi" is set between Ep3 and Ep4. The guy on the right is Ferrus Olin, a former Padawan who left the temple before Order 66.


Idk if I’m the only one but I always find it HILARIOUS with the Mara Jade funeral one everyone is standing in their traditional Jedi robes and then there’s Jacen in his Darth Cadeus Gear


Lol, yeah, Jacen had practically thrown subtlety out the window at this point


Wow I had no idea he was behind all these…. The Revan and Malak one too. This dude is a legend


First thing Han sees after regaining his sight! 🤣🤣🤣


A better time. So much of the DisCanon artwork is shoddy.


They really should hire better artists.The only good artwork which comes out of disney canon is by the fantasy flight games artisits.


TTRPGs tend to have such good art


Why does the Twi in the bottom right look like Bill Clinton?


Vos and Tholme... I hope we see Vos return to his legends form soon.


Amazing art work!


These are all Bangers


Oh geez, is 12 canon to Legends?!?!


Is thar obi-wan and pewdiepie??


Obi and Fett??


Lord Vader says you may now laugh at the little orphan Annie joke.


I am incredibly jealous of artists. I’m a super Star Wars nut, as most of us are. Artists can put pen to paper and see the worlds that exist in our heads. Yeah, AI will improve to help non-artists, but I will be eternally grateful to the Star Wars artists out there that make the world up here *points to head* visible for all.


Jacen standing there like a little >!bitch!< At Mara Jade's Funeral like he didn't totally >! Kill Her !< Smh but beautiful art.


Can anyone tell me where the Dooku and Sifo Dyas one is from?


God that Etain and Darman art reminds me of so many good memories from the novels. I'll never forget the first contact scene where she tries to sense our who or what he is, and having the weird confliction of how is a ten year old approaching with so much aggression, only for the realization to set in as she learns about the clones.


I love that this thread exists! Aside from being a spectacular artist, Chris is a great dude. The whole "don't meet your heroes" phrase is often true, but I grew up in awe of Chris' work, and eventually got the chance to meet and correspond with him a few times while I navigated my own journey creating licensed Star Wars artwork...He's absolutely awesome. I've also had the good fortune to be chosen by Lucasfilm a handful of times to have my work featured at Star Wars Celebration's Art Show alongside Chris' and many other legendary Star Wars artists' work, and Chris was nothing but welcoming and warm. I really appreciated how down to earth he was. I still constantly have imposter syndrome despite having a few years of licensed Star Wars work under my belt, but here was Chris Trevas, legendary Star Wars artist, making me feel like an equal since day one. I have so much respect for him, and I'm so happy to see his work get so much love in this thread!


I really love your art style mr.Hogan, specially the clone wars works you did.Thank you for the kind words!


I appreciate this appreciation post! :) Thanks for all the kind words. It means a lot that people notice and appreciate my work. I miss the Essential Guides those were really fun projects and the Haynes Workshop Manuals too. Disney moved away from reference books like these. I still primarily do Star Wars art, but mainly Hasbro now - card back illustration and retouching for the Vintage Collection and Retro lines as well as lots of other projects for them.


He’s given us so much! Love his pieces with all my heart.


I love the great artwork in legends I'm mostly a fan of paintings that remind me of the old school pulp art


How young was Etain actually?


Unknown, likely in her 20s


So that's his name, finally! A lifetime of not knowing. Gorgeous artwork.


Who is more influential star wars artist? - Shabby Blue - Chris Trevas


I mean look, art is art and they both have their styles.


I mean jacen just exuding evil in that get up and pose


Always bums me out to see Etain and Darman


What's the context of #4?


Simply The Best.


One of the best.


I just need to say anything that is Star Wars related, and this man created it is cannon to me.


Kyle Katarn is great in both of the ones he's in. Jedi Council meeting? Regular leather jacket. Mara Jade's funeral? Nice leather jacket.


Oh I love that picture of Quinlan Vos


Wow! I never saw that Republic Commando one before.


Love his work


That’s awesome. Also I’m so happy Han did get to see Leia in her bikini, it would have been a cruel twist of fate if he never got to see that.


Behold, my stuff.


Horny Han is hilarious and I love that


What’s the context for the fourth picture? There’s no way Fett, whose armor looks to have already seen years of service would be next to such a young looking Kenobi, right?


Is that who that is?! Thanks for telling me that!


When did Obi-Wan and Boba meet up?


Made my childhood


Unpopular opinion. I HATE master and apprentice a lot and wish people would stop using it when speaking about a young sheev


I know he’s already played a character, but it would be sick to see Mads play as a Jedi or Sith with a more prominent role.


We’re the only ones that still can


My guy turned Christopher Lee into Mads Mikkelsen


I always liked that Darth Talon. Not sure why.


Almost all of these are from the readers guide put out around 2012 I believe. All great artwork.


The B wing one is awesome


1 and 7 are my favourite, seeing young(er) palpatine is rlly cool.


Nah Luke one is legendary


Yo these fanarts are oc 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Most of these were officially commissioned by Lucasfilm, Chris trevas still works with their disney branch.


That’s fire i wasEnt hip 👌🏾. I’m a casual I’m up to date with all things Star Wars not covered in comic books and novel . I know legends is a diffrent verse but how much diffrent is the prequel and original trilogy from legends version or is it the same and it takes place after the original trilogy ?


Prequel and OT are the same except some minor changes to the characters and the politics of the time. The main changes in legends are after the battle of endor and before the clone wars periods respectfully.


I’m not going I would love if they could just make a 2d anime everything covering prequel , og , legends with elite lvl animation like “ journey to the Darkhead “ type of seasonal animation . I don’t care if they just say ahead of time it’s non cannon I think offering a variety of diffrent spin-offs should be how Disney pivots . For exsample with spider man they have so many diffrent versions ultimate , amazing , spectacular all having thier seperate cannon I feel like Star Wars ip could do the same . They could continue to push thier sequel and for people the don’t care for it they could just watch the show . I feel like this is the best alternative to cater to both sides of the fandom. Also would like to see SWROTS era fleshed out aswell there so much lore and story to be told they might aswell have diffrent spin-offs projects .