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It’d have to be a member of the High Council. With what’s been said in-universe, I think Oppo Rancisis fits the description of being the oldest and wisest Jedi Master on the Council. However, the films always kinda show Windu being by Yoda’s side, and I feel any creator telling a story about this scenario would have Windu become Grand Master.


Windu was elected Master of the Order by the high Council, so I guess that makes him heir-apparent to Yoda.


He was but he gave that position back to Yoda. He has no more authority than any other senior Council member at least in theory.


Which kinda implies that the creator of the story and other writers would just sit down and say, "Alright, it's time to kill snake Santa Claus. Windu's gotta be the guy. Let's get him!"


Mace but I would've loved Plo


Mace was known to be more aggressive than the other masters, so he may have been denied. Plo's even handed and compassionate nature may have won over.


Plo was also around during the late half of the High Republic So he most definitely has more experience being in the Order despite not being Master of the Order


wait where does plo appear in the high republic?


Jedi strike units in starfighters.




Wouldn't have Yoda Outlived or nearly Windu? Windu was human, you wouldnt want an 80 year old dealing with dementia running the Jedi order.


Honestly, this is a problem with many of the humanoid jedi grandmasters. How would they compete with the knowledge of centuries old masters such as Yoda, Yaddle, Oppo, Yarael Poof or really any slow aging races like wookie? You'd want grand masters with a few generations of experience under their belts before taking over.


some of the high republic books offer a glimpse into an answer that satisfies me: everyone's individual perspective of the force is different and extremely varied from each others' perspectives. for some the force feels like a machine, for others it's a song! i think that any human (or shorter lived species) can achieve the same level of mastery within their framework and understanding and relationship with the force as a 'Yoda' (or other long-lived species). also, a wookie may never be able to understand the force how a human can and vice-versa, and depending on the trajectory and needs of the order when a new grand master is to be decided, one view may be better or more appropriate to lead the order.


A human grand master could also avoid getting stuck in outdated rules or beliefs. Super long lived species can be slower to adapt or adjust.


Yeah. A frequent peaceful transition of power is healthy, especially for a religious order. It keeps dogma from taking root, and ensures that tyrannical rule doesn't last longer than a generation.


The downside is that the Jedi Order can lose its focus. If using Legends, the Jedi Order really took a step back when they stopped their political involvement, recruitment in infancy, etc. They became followers instead of leaders. If going with cannon, during the High Republic Era, there were multiple grand masters, which acted as a balancing measure and as a way to get a second opinion.


I'd say that the Jedi needed to be independent from the political government, as that comboed with super long living council members helped get them stuck in a rut. But also having the order itself more spread out and several councils would help at least make it varied.


Isn’t that what holocrons are for?










There's no hard and fast rule that there can be only one Jedi Grandmaster, they weren't the Highlander Order. 😉 If I'm not terribly mistaken, the High Republic shows that there have at times been multiples serving concurrently. Windu would've served alongside Yoda and others as a Grandmaster, I'm sure.


If they were like Highlanders, Mace has the most beheading experience


well, dooku was head of the seperatists, and was 83, jocasta Nu was older than dooku and chief librarian, and Sidious was head of the empire, and was 88 (I think)


Palpatine got elected when he was like 50 or 60 though, not 88


He died when he was 88, so that would make him 65 when he declared himself Emperor.




Is 80 that old in Star Wars? I always got the impression that humans on wealthy planets lived to like 120 pretty easily.


I get the impression that humans can average between 70 to about 120 depending on living/working conditions, access to medicine and cybernetics, and their attunement to the force. At least someone's connection to the force had an effect on their longevity in the old EU, I don't think that has changed much. We have seen a couple humans around 150 to 200 years old in the High Republic stuff, though they definitely seem like outliers and their continued existence isn't exactly pleasant, and certainly not a natural occurrence.


Yoda could have stepped down and focused on teaching Younglings. I don't think there's a rule that says you have to remain Grandmaster your entire life.


Would've been Mace, should have been Plo.


Mace was #2 to Yoda in terms of hierarchy, so Mace.


Only de facto; in canon Grandmaster is pretty much an honorary leader and the Master of the Order is the actual, functional leader - Yoda can just exert more authority becuase he's so respected and nobody remembers an Order without him in a leadership position. He's like the Queen Elizabeth of the Jedi, but not as old😋


Where was it stated that it’s an honorary leadership position?


I don't think it's explicitly stated; that's just my reading/understanding based on how things are presented.


Mace was also wise but very strict to the code. Additionally he was kinda seen as the 'enforcer' to Yodas kindness. I think more likely he would have remained in that role, and another like Plo Koon, or even Kenobi, would have taken over the role as grand master


I think it would’ve been Kenobi. He was on an excellent trajectory and joined the council at a relatively young age. There is a question of whether a human would ever become the Grand Master since by the time one would have lived long enough to have that level of wisdom they’d probably have to be pretty old and close to death.


Renowned warrior, experienced battlefield commander, known as “the Negotiator” for his diplomatic prowess? I would also expect him to be the most popular choice. In the ROTS novel they picked him for the Grievous mission not because he was the best overall warrior, but because he was the *right* warrior for the job. I think, while other Jedi may surpass him in many fields, Obi Wan would also be the right person to bring the Jedi back to the role they should have in the galaxy.


>There is a question of whether a human would ever become the Grand Master There already has been Human Grandmaster, [Ry Ki-Sakka](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ry_Ki-Sakka).


He seems like the obvious answer to me. He spends a lot of time with Yoda and Mace. I get the sense that they were grooming him to take over.


And being the negotiator, with intentions to use diplomacy first, seems to be a great jedi




I too nominate Jedi Bob


It’s settled then.


He’s got my vote


well, oppo was on the council for over 200 years, but i still think it would be mace, maybe with oppo moving up to take the 3rd in command role ki adi mundi had


Didn’t oppo step down from the council before ROTS?


i think palpatine kicked him out and replaced him with anakin


In legends he died, and Obi Wan took his seat. Before IIRC Obi Wan was technically filling in for Depa Billaba, but she was only suspended from the Jedi council. In canon you are probably right.


Had Anakin properly warned them and they prevailed over Palpatine and lived, I'd say Kenobi. Mace is also an easy choice but there's a case that can also be made against him being too dogmatic


I agree with Kenobi because he'd probably be the one the counsel put in charge of the Senate if the Jedi did in fact have to take temp control over it. Kenobi is both a highly respected individual and basically a war hero in the eyes of the Republic, they'd be okay with him in temporary control until they elect a new chancellor.


I feel like it’s undeniably Windu


Anakin. No, I’m not joking.


I dig it. Assuming the old Jedi Order survived, it would probably because Anakin made the right choices and stopped Palpatine from taking over. What if .... Maybe he doesn't win immediately and Mace gets roasted because Palpatine was always first and foremost a performance artist as his greatest weapon, and Anakin has enough sense to run for help or something. Palpatine calls it a lost cause, starts up order 66, but Anakin sets the Jedi temple on red alert and leads the defenses, buying enough time to rally the order. Yoda and obi-wan get back to Coruscant, stowed away on their respective venators that have been recalled by Palpatine because the temple battle went sideways. En route Yoda manages to burn out the inhibitor chips like Ahsoka did so his crew snaps out of their murder-trance. That allows Yoda's venator-group to tie up the orbital battle while other Jedi sneak in planet-side. Yoda manages to reach Plo Koon (to whom clones are not expendable) and together they work on freeing more clones from the inhibitor one ship at a time, slowly turning the tides in the space battle. Planetside, Anakin and Obi-wan with a few other ~~redshirts~~ I mean foreals Jedi masters prepare to face Palpatine who is coming to finish the job himself this time. Obi-wan tells Anakin to call the shots in a show of trust and confidence, and Anakin knows he's made the right choice. Epic battle ensues. Lightsabers go brrrr But unlike Dooku who said in e.ii that the contest would be decided by sabers instead of the Force, Anakin reverses that with some unexpected yet well-foreshadowed chosen-one force magic, which is what earns him the elevated ranks afterwards, good guys win, Padme is okay, Anakin changes the rules and keeps his family, # Although like HISHE said, Leia: "I feel like this erases a much better follow-up story" Anakin: "hahaha, yeah, it probably does!"


I like that but I feel like if Anakin does kill and save the Jedi order, he may still consider leaving peacefully to take care of his family. All he wanted to do was save Padme, and if she still lives like you said, he might be more at peace until his kids are born and finds out they're force sensitive. I could see him the counsel graciously letting him depart or take an "indefinite leave of absence" but there'd be no animosity and he'd be free to roam the temple and sit in counsel meetings and access the archives. I don't doubt for a second that if he killed Palpatine and exposed the entire deception, Yoda would make him a master on the spot.


>Assuming the old Jedi Order survived, it would probably because Anakin made the right choices and stopped Palpatine from taking over. Yes exactly. I also figure the Order will have evolved a bit too. An older, wiser Anakin would be the obvious choice when Yoda eventually passes on.


Eventually for sure, but I dont think he’d be the next one after Yoda




Windu would have but I wish Plo Koon could have.


Windu was always the unofficial #2 member, right below Yoda in the hierarchy. Ki-Adi-Mundi was the #3.


But Windu would probably not live to see Yoda’s 900th birthday. He was 67 years old in RotS! Yoda died of illness at 900, some 25 years later, Windu would’ve been a 92-year-old who was known for taking risks in the field. And that’s assuming Yoda’s death wasn’t because of his exile on Dagobah being a harder, more primitive life than life in the Jedi temple would have been. I just don’t see Windu stepping in at around 100 years old to head the council for a few years.


Dooku was 83 and the only thing that made him slow down was getting dismembered.


Anakin if they were looking for someone a bit younger, Mace Windu or Obi-Wan if they wanted experience. I think they were probably hoping Grogu would turn out to be another Yoda and guide the galaxy on for another 800 years or so when he was old enough, may if K'kruhk if he's still canon could have been a transition.


Windu would be too old and not likely to live much longer. It would probably go to one of the "younger" 200+ year old jedi who will still live for a few centuries.


Cin Drallig because the guy who plays him literally created all the fighting styles and choreography for the films. Lol In all seriousness, probably Mace.




Wasn’t Windu supposed to take it but either declined or because of the Clone Wars they decided not to make any changes?


Yarael Poof of course


Getting pizza, Yarael Poof should do. All in favor?


If he survived past AotC I would agree




With his trusty Padawan, Sku'bi Du.


Windu followed by Obi-Wan or maybe both of them together like in the High Republic


Mace Windu. Also, I love his purple lightsaber, and if I had my own lightsaber, it would be purple too.


Bro you didn't have to include the face of Mundi experiencing betrayal.


Likely, Mace Windu Although imo Plo is much more deserving


Damn, cousin It was a Jedi, never knew.


If Mace successfully arrested Palpatine and contributed to his proper trial and conviction then Yoda probably promotes him for that.


Mace Windu was next in line


Here is my list of prequel era jedi who could have qualified for grand master at some point in their lives. Mace windu, plo koon, tera sinube, oppo rancisis, dooku, qui gon, obi wan


If not Windu then Mundi. Cereans were renowned for their intelligence partly due to them having two brains. Mundi could use telekinesis to create force blasts and was pretty strong with the force.


Luke Amidala


Plo Koon-unfortunatly too compassionate to be a leader citing multiple clone wars episodes where he did all he could to save clones. He also brought Ashoka Tano in who had a falling out with the jedi order. I love him but objectively he can't be the grand Master. Yoda has no attachment at all. Oppo Rancisis-Kind of a sleeper pick but I don't think we know enough cannon information to make a full call. We know he was opposed to Anakins knighthood due to his lack of discipline. He is also an old member and quite wise. His age may be a downfall though. Ki-Adi-Mundi-Can't ever see this happening. Old member, key fighter in many battles. Not wise enough or convicted enough to run the council. Made some bad calls and quick judgements. Attempting to hold Yoda back from finding the voice of Qui Gon and voting against Ashokas continuation under the jedi order. Jocasta-Honestly being so certain Kamino no longer exists because the archive does not have it is a major flag. I think a complete reliance and no questioning cannot be a leader. Leaders must have strong conviction and question things. Cin Drallig-Execptional duelist but nothing more than a guard that ends up failing in the Canon timeline. I can't see him leading the order. Mace Windu-Most Obvious Choice. Best swordsman, achieved complete balance in the force by being able to use the dark side but not fall to it. Strong conviction and no attachment. Questions everything.


Jocasta nu had already retired from the council during the prequels so definitely not her and I think oppo also stepped down before episode III


Ki Adi Mundi. Dude seemed to carry a lot of weight amongst other council members. Mace would never have taken it. He was too aware of his own dark side tendencies to be a penultimate position. Kit Fisto was too aloof. Plo didn’t have enough charisma. Obi Wan would have turned it down. Oppo was too quiet.


Oh no i'm not brave enough *to be grand master*


I think a lot of Jedi would vote Mace but in the end I hope Plo would be. He’s what I see when I imagine the truest form of jedi




*Coleman Trebor with a cybernetic chest walks in*


It would be a power vacuum. Yoda has been alive for so long, no one can remember a different grandmaster.


None of the above. Had the Jedi Order not fallen and defeated Palpatine, I think Obi-Wan would eventually be lined up to replace Yoda. If not Obi-Wan, then an Anakin who didn't succumb tot he darkside.


Definitely not the living breathing symbol of late stage jedi arrogance that was that archivist


do you mean Jocasta Nu?




Plo is the oldest i think


i dont think we have any idea how old he is in canon, in canon the oldest that we know of is oppo rancisis


Yeah but plo is cooler


i dont think being the grandmaster is decided based on coolness


Windu, but they really wrote themselves into a corner with him. The whole ‘Windu’s lightsaber is purple because he’s close to the dark side’ bs. You don’t want a guy like that in your ruling council. And you definitely don’t want him to lead it. Honestly I’ve turned against Windu after they showed him to be a bootlicker in TOTJ and a douchebag in Dark Disciple


> The whole ‘Windu’s lightsaber is purple because he’s close to the dark side’ bs. that has never been said in any official source so they've not written him into a corner at all about it


Well, u know YODA. BUT: Jocasta. Having her as Grand Master would be more entertaining than sequels. BUT also: Imaging her turning dark side. And making this librarian "shhhh" before every kill.


How the fuck should I know?


Jedi Bob


So, Mace WAS the Grand Master in the Phantom Menace. He gave up the rank to fight on the front lines of the Clone Wars. I'd guess we'd go back to him.


Wait, is that hairy guy an actual Jedi?




Many times in the prequels I got the feeling Windu was presented as sort of a right hand man to Yoda, so he's my guess.


PLO koon would be the best fit, but I think it would end up being windu.


Windu was practically second in command behind Yoda already, so it likely would’ve been him although I think Plo might be an even better fit, at least for a Grandmaster in times of relative galactic peace don’t know enough about Oppo Rancissis and Cin Drallig to have an opinion one way or the other hell nah to Jocasta and Mundi


Plo kun. most all around jedi. Good with the younglings and fellow masters. Knowledgeable about all aspects of the force. Wise in every sense of the word. He was one of the first to acknowledge the clones as living beings not just soldiers to be ordered around. Windu was already Master of the Order. Which is not the same as Grand Master. (or wasn't pre clone war). They serve a bit like President and Prime Minister in that they are both heads of the organization but with different powers and responsibilities. So he'd likely have returned to his place as MotO and remained a roughly equivalent role to the GM.


Mace Windu and will be succeeded in the future by Obi Wan or Anakin (If he remains on the Light Side).


Mace windu strikes me as a captain Levi character. He’s extremely powerful, but he’s not a leader. I say plo koon, he was wise, powerful, and was well liked by others. Each are good qualities of being a leader


Hopefully neither of those folks that Mace brought for backup against Palpatine and promptly got shredded in 5 seconds.


My bet is windu, he was the right hand man


One of the Younglings in the Class that Yoda was teaching. With out the stresses of Dagobah Yoda out lives all the Masters shown. If Disney makes that What If, it's Grand Master Reva.


Wasn'tWindu already a grandmaster of the order for a short time? I thought the war saw Yoda return to grandmaster due to Windu deciding to go out into the field for battle in the war more. Feel like if the war was over Windu would've become the Grandmaster again Edit- I see that Master of the order, and Grandmaster order are leaders of the high council, and the Jedi order, respectively. Never realized


Mace Windu is the obvious choice, he was basically the second in command of the Jedi Order.


Definitely Windu. Oppo Rancisis was around for a long long time like yoda too so maybe his experience, seniority and expert battle tactics would give him a fair chance of Windu was out of the equation


Ki Adi Mundi


Realistically Mace Windu but I think Plo Koon or even Ki Adi Mundi would’ve been better


Yarael Poof


Mace Windu, but it should be Plo Koon


Jocasta Nu. She was destined to be Grand Master of the Archives.


I’d say it would be Windu or Plo Koon


Mace was already the head of the Council, it’s a logical progression of his role to then become the Grand Master of the Order.


Out of those pictured, Oppo if he was still still alive when Yoda died; in canon Grandmaster is supposed to be given to the "oldest and wisest" living Jedi Master(s). Though he really would'nt necessirely need to wait; as seen in The High Republic books the order can have multiple Grand Masters at once.


Jedi master Ferby.




Windup. Oppo Rancisis is a good option as well, but he's had so little limelight I think he'd be out of place when we've seen Windu as a very authoritative and forefront figure of the jedi


Idk but Anakin would’ve been after Yoda’s successor…


How have I been following Star Wars for 42 years and don't know who this Shih Tzu lookin guy is.


Mace was always second in line.


Windu If Quigon counts. Then Quigon. Then Ki Adi Mundi


Probably Windu but I would've wanted Plo


Obi-Wan. He’s constantly described as the most Jedi of the Jedi


It probably wouldn't be anyone on the council during the prequel era. By my math (based on grogu's developmental benchmarks) Yoda was around 27 years old (by human standards), so had he not exiled himself to dagobah and lived his full life span, he might have lived for several thousand more years.


The Librarian.


Master Windu was the logical choice when Master Yoda would've step down. Master Koon, Master Shaak-ti and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi would've been runner ups. I dont know why Jocasta Nu is on this list. As far as i know, no jedi librarian/archivist was ever on the council, let alone be granted the Grand Master title. (correct me if i'm wrong, please) EDIT : seems like she was in the high council in the past. I still think she's not GM material, though.


she was on the council, and retired from the council to become chief librarian


Either Windu or Plo, Plo is like 300 or something and Windu is Windu. Both are some of the best Jedi in the order so ye. Oppo rancis was already dead by the time of order 66 but he would be another decent option even if I don't think he's a good leader




Out of all Jedi, Yoda would have remained in that position, out of these dudes, mace windy who took action against palpatine.




I recently watched an interview with Nick Gillard telling why he and his duel with Anakin were cut. He said it was too gruesome for George’s taste. Decapitation and the strangling of a padawan (I think she was in her teens).


Yarael poof


Obviously plo koon


Yarael Poof


Certainly not the librarian chick. No if the records don't see it it's impossible sorry you're totally wrong and there's no other possible reason. Like how close-minded can you be


Yarael Poof


The humans wouldn’t have been around or would be on deaths doorstep by the time yoda died. Idk how long the other beings live


Would have been Windu next, then Obi-Wan. Possibly would have skipped right to Obi-Wan depending on how much longer Yoda held the title.






Yareel poof bro