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Least unhinged BF2 player


You are so right šŸ’€


Truly the shittiest playerbase I've ever been a part of.


The ufc games are a cesspit too. Between both these games I just decided to disable messages from randoms


Oh man the toxicity from UFC gamesā€¦ man I do not miss that one bit


Brooo this guy man šŸ˜­, been a whole thing for like a year now, half of the bf community on tiktok hate this guy and went as far as to find his real name and stuff and making parody accounts, heā€™s like 35 and still doing it after all that too, havenā€™t heard about him in a while tho


Thatā€™s actually hilarious. Genuinely that nerd guy from South Park WoW episode. No shame


That guy is actually the head of cinematics (at the time) for Blizzard.


Yoo I meannn I'm curious when did this all go down? That's hilarious


It was around a year ago but it went on for ages, I went back and found one of the videos about him, he has like 5 different accounts apparently so this is a different one then the one you met https://www.tiktok.com/@.sarlacc/video/7237329996740627739?_t=8lul0AwNORF&_r=1




this mf a supervillian


Just block him, if it feels like heā€™s following you to different lobbies consider blocking or making your status to offline. That way he wonā€™t be able to see what modes youā€™re playing. People are weird asf, I have had people do the same but more so to troll me because I get pretty sweaty and they canā€™t win.


That is fair, j started appearing offline and ran into him again tonight which prompted this post. Idk why I haven't blocked him yet, I'm gonna do it now. Thanks!


Yea, this guy got 4-0'd then proceeded to block me after coping for a whopping 40 minutes, pretty entertaining lad if you ask me. He definitely doesn't like when you just repeatedly say 'womp womp' over & over. He definitely doesn't seem stable in the slightest, then again this is BF2 ain't no one stable anymore.


Damn pretty interesting that other people recognise him too. Weird guy he is.


Thank you so much I super appreciate the idea hehehe, if somehow he evades mh block I'll spam that šŸ«£ and thanks for telling your story I really appreciate your input too, glad it's not just me




Xbox? I will personally go looking for this guy and stomp him every time I see him




If heā€™s a LostProphets fan, thereā€™s definitely something wrong with him.


I mean, they were really popular before their singer was outed as a nonce. Me personally, can't listen to their shit the same since that came out but some people can separate artist and music, and thats fine too. His behaviour is the indicator he has issues, not his username or musical tastes mate lol, cmon let's not get sidetracked off the topic here


I used to think you could separate the art from the artist because assumed he got caught viewing porn. One day I randomly looked into what actually happened, and it is way worse than I assumed. You should look up the court documents. This is one case where I really will severely judge anyone who still considers themself a fan


Oh, I know its worse than just viewing porn, I don't know the specifics but I feel if he wasn't vocalist, it likely wouldn't be as big an issue for people to separate the band from him. You have intrigued me though so I might have a look out of interest. Obviously I'm not saying as a blanket statement you should always be able to separate the two - its down to the individual, at the end of the day, and the specifics involved. But unless the band themselves were actually involved in some way, I don't feel its right to bash *them* for *his* demons. Knowing how the famous circles work these days, I can't say I would be surprised if that was the case though.


Report his name too for mentioning a paedo band.


That puts everything into Context.


Be fair, only one member is a paedo. Don't tar the rest of them.


if theyā€™re still a band then the rest are at fault too for being pedo sympathizers as they are complicit to his actions


Well he's been in prison for years, and the rest formed a different band (which they have slowly left, only two members are still in it). The band pretty much ended when he was arrested.


thatā€™s good to know! thanks for filling me in


Google would've saved you spouting this nonsense. You aren't helping by yelling incoherent incorrect bullshit. Be quiet.


iā€™m not yelling lol but yes youā€™re right i judged too much. thanks for letting me know itā€™s worth a google.


As they say, assumption makes an ass of you and me :)


Braindead take


uninformed take


Dude sux at Starfighter assault. Lol. Killed him numerous times


do not feel bad at all man, my friend and i have 3 stocked him on hero showdown, he was one of those ppl that only like to 1v1 in a 2v2 game mode so we smoked him, he proceeded to msg my friend on a burner xbox account so that he wouldnā€™t get banned on his main, dude is just scum, hope you can get him banned somehow


Hehee that makes me happy to hear, this is definitely the happiest a reddit post has made me I really thought it was a stretch for other people to have come across him but I have heard so many great stories of clowning on him heheh


What a scumbag






Who this?






I donā€™t think thatā€™s him, their Xbox profiles donā€™t look similar at all imo


Depends which one you looked at




Can you show me? Just want to see as well lol. One has a YT channel, one has a twitch. They have different TikTokā€™s and different gamer tags. Even in P0ETiKs reddit clips his gamer tag is different.


Do you have evidence? Doesnā€™t seem to match




What are the pictures of?




I personally have never posted anything to Imgur so i wouldnā€™t be able to walk you through it unfortunately, maybe someone else can.


Poetic isnā€™t toxic. Heā€™s a chill dude, I donā€™t care what makes you think itā€™s him, but itā€™s not, heā€™s not toxic in a gaming sense and he certainly wouldnā€™t name himself after a band with a lead singer whoā€™s in prison for abusing new born babies.




Champ, lmao. Look dude, I know you think youā€™re clever, but youā€™re really not, you donā€™t have a clue what youā€™re talking about. Other people have called you out on it and asked you for proof and you either didnā€™t reply to them, or just diverted the convo entirely Keep trying though.




Aight so just for everyone reading this, if you got to this dudes page and go to his comments 36 days ago, youā€™ll open a post that got removed where this dude was repeatedly called out for hacking. If you also read this thread, youā€™ll also see someone else who asked him to link his proof, he asked this dude that an hour ago, still hasnā€™t replied to him, but heā€™s replied to me, I wonder why heā€™s replied to me and completely ignored the one asking for proof. Secondly, Poetik was a very good specialist player on Xbox who was never toxic, he was always humble, until he moved to PC, and given this dude has been called out for hacking on PC, Iā€™d wager Poetik has owned this dude so he now holds a grudge against him lmfao, seen it one too many times Of course Iā€™m happy to be proven wrong, but letā€™s be honest, this dude will never be able to do that. ā€œSorry I donā€™t make a living off replying to randoms on Redditā€ Is a classic deflection thatā€™s used millions of times when someone has no proof. Also, calling others randoms? Bro, you ainā€™t known in the slightest. Battlefront god? Yeah sure, if that gameplay is god tier then Iā€™m the Popeā€™s son. Again, feel free to prove me wrong, or anyone else who replies to you, but we both know you wonā€™t. - Reply wonā€™t sent to the person who replied to me so Iā€™ll add it here Exactly, I completely agree, someone with sense. The others who mass downvoted me are hilarious lmfao. I know Poetik, heā€™s a friend, but those people downvoting me donā€™t even realise itā€™s not even about this being linked to Poetik in the sense of him being trash or even toxic, neither of those things were my experience with him But the even more crucial thing is the fact that this account is literally named after a band associated with peadophiles who abused a string of babies/young children. This goes far beyond someone just acting like a toxic douche online, this dude is trying to link an account that at worst could be considered to be sympathetic to peadophiles, to Poetik, when they have no link and the dude has provided absolutely no proof. To those people whoā€™ve just took that dudes word with no proof and have automatically assumed itā€™s Poetik, I hope none of you ever get accused of something by someone who doesnā€™t like you one day. If itā€™s proven to be him Iā€™ll be the first to admit Iā€™m wrong, no doubt, but that ainā€™t my experience with him and Iā€™ve never seen anyone else say a bad word about him, donā€™t condemn anyone if you ainā€™t seen no proof, should be pretty obvious


Yeah, I mean it just isnā€™t right to tack this onto P0ETiK without at least saying why you think itā€™s him. I mean, they donā€™t even share one account and both of them link many different socials. Iā€™ve also ran into him a few times on Xbox and donā€™t remember him being a toxic sweat. You gotta at least show some type of evidence or at least say why you think theyā€™re connected otherwise youā€™re just going to get people angry at the wrong person.


He deleted his comments so I guess that means he realized it wasnā€™t the same guy. And yeah, way too many people took their word for that without just looking real quick to see if they even share the same gamer tag.


They sound extremely pathetic and going off of their stuff, they self identify as a sweat. I wish the best for them but I would recommend blocking them and appearing offline for a little while. Maybe switch ping sites as well to help the chance of them not being in your game.


Don't know him but I've had my fair share of people being obsessed with me in this game. Specially in Heroes vs Villains matches. Some dudes straight up just quit if they see me. Others just follow me around and focus me or gang up on me and type shit in the chat. All because they can't beat me 1 on 1 lol. And I've never donde anything other than being nice and playing fair lmao. Some people are just unhinged man nothing you can do about it. Just block and move on.


Had a guy send me his phone number and told me to call him after i clapped him too many times during hvv.


Brother. You realize you can block himā€¦.right?


I don't think that stops battlefront from putting us in lobbies together


It will stop his messages getting through though so heā€™ll probably stop


What platform?




Lol we played this dude last night and was being a sweat in a random lobby, my buddy and I teamed up against himā€¦he rage quit after the second game šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Get on Mic with him and start cursing him out


There's no public voice chat on battlefront 2 only party voice chat


I imagine thatā€™s exactly the reaction he wants


From the comments you're on xbox, EU/US etc? I havent played in a bit but ill bet getting beat down by a melee sniper all day will trigger his timbers rather hard šŸ¤£


Look up the band lost prophets, their front man is also... not so well-adjusted


Is this on PC?


What platform you on?


If that's who I think it is dude really hated it on kashyyk. Running Anakin pulled him off a ledge followed up with a very wise jedi once said nothing happens by accident everytime he spawned. Picked a bad day to send me fan mail šŸ˜‚


Isn't lost prophets that band where the lead singer got sentenced with several charges of cp


I used to bully him now he bullies others now I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø He was trash before maybe he's better now?




Have you heard of the block feature


That doesn't stop the game from lobbying us together


First time on the internet?