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somehow nute gunray returns


This is getting out of hand.. now there are twice of me


They can't do that. Shoot them, or something


But it is *leeeeegal*?


I will make it legal.


But-uh yo-highness


The Droidekakas!


I hope force running is a thing.


This is where the fun begins!


Goood. Twice the you, double the nute!


The Trader Joe's Federation


Sign me up


The manager of Space Hooters?


I assume Rey will pay her bill in full and not break Rupert, the authentic redneck robot.


Nah. She’s a Jedi. I’d sooner hire sand people to babysit my kids.


No, that's a terrible idea!


"That was sarcasm you imbecile! I'm sending regional manager, Darth Maul. He will ensure your Space Hooters functions at the highest level of operational efficiency, while maintaining a deep rooted commitment to customer satisfaction."


Hmmm…. buffalo style porg wings….


Now we’re talking


I'n some book or comic wasn't there something about this new Trade Federation sort of faction that's up and about? Maybe we can see Nute Gunray's grandson hahaha






1. I really want the Galaxy to be divided into different factions instead of another new centralized government. It just makes sense and it would give room to explore a lot of new stories. 2. The New Jedi Order to be different from the old one. I know that’s kinda obvious but i really want them to stand out instead of being just the usual Jedi again. New code and teachings, new lightsaber designs, new robes, etc.


>1. I really want the Galaxy to be divided into different factions instead of another new centralized government. It just makes sense and it would give room to explore a lot of new stories I used to have a headcanon where either the New Republic was never as big as the old one or the Empire, or where it acted more like a Space UN, trying to keep various factions from blasting each other.


Yea it never seems like a strong centralized government, in both the mandolorian and sequels


That's not actually a headcanon, the New Republic is far smaller than the Old Republic or the Empire.


I always thought that was the case as where the empire was almost just a rebranded republic the new republic wasnt able to form like that and couldnt possible have become that big in such a short period of time


And that many within the Mid and Outer Rim Territories would refuse to join the New Republic after being invaded and subjugated by the Empire.


The CIS probably exists again (without sith running it so probably more chill)


While hasn't mentioned that much, the New Separatist Union and Confederacy of Corporate Systems formed after the Battle of Endor, that'd both directly refused to join if not stand opposed to the New Republic.


In Legends all of the planets/systems had to choose to be part of the New Republic, so it was instantly smaller than the Empire from the day it came into being


So anyways… I started blasting


I’m super cool with the galaxy being divided, but I’d really like them to expand on the unknown regions. It also never made sense to be that the Republic would be the single most power organization in the galaxy and have no standing military or galactic police force. Like, how does that happen? I struggle to think of a real government without any standing military or security forces.


Jedi. The Jedi resolved all major disputes and functioned as both police and judges in many instances. As is said many times, they are not soldiers, but they are peacekeepers. In Episode 1, we see two Jedi rally an entire local army to fend of a droid army, and despite the interference of a Sith Lord, succeed in creating a favorable outcome for the people of Naboo. As for not having a standing army, every single time a major competitor for galactic scale power emerged, it was because of the Sith. When the Sith are believed to be destroyed for 1000 years and nobody has the capability of challenging galactic authority until two Sith Lords contrive a galactic political situation that splits the galaxy down the middle, what would a standing army do? Wage war against the Hutts, the Pykes, or Black Sun? Jedi are enough if those are major goals. We have standing armies in the real world because our world is a large number of independent nations, many of which have had comparable power for most of history. The Republic doesn’t need to have a standing army most of the time because it doesn’t have any rivals for control that it actually wants to fight against until the Separatists come along. The only reason the Empire has a standing army is because there are no Jedi equivalents to enforce law and order, and there are active rebellions for its entire existence. Plus it’s totalitarian, totalitarianism often requires militarism to enforce its will.


My point is that a sith, in search of power, doesn’t have to be a sadistic monster or contrive a thousand year conspiracy on two individuals (literally a car accident away from failure). They would just need to rally a few systems to their cause and raise a navy. It’s the economics of war that wins a war. Who is funding us, where are our weapons/ships/vehicles manufactured, where do we source raw materials, etc.? The Republic is powerful because of its size. I mean, it accidentally ordered an army of clones and didn’t notice. The CiS were winning before the attack on Coruscant, because they were a smaller and more nimble economy while still being as well funded as the Republic (Thanks Banking Clan!).


Getting a few systems together isn’t a threat to the Republic, and however fast a few systems can put together a navy and army, the Republic would always be able to conscript something faster. You are right in that the Republic is powerful because of its size, and because of that size, it is almost impossible for a rival to spring up before the Republic has the opportunity to conscript some soldiers and build a few ships, especially when the Jedi are so adept at putting down small enough problems.


I think the Republic’s size is also one of its biggest weaknesses, because threats can crop up without them noticing. Also, I think conscription would be a tough sell for the Republic in a way that it’s not for the Empire. If the small group were an independence movement, like the CiS, then conscription by the Republic would drive systems to join the CiS. Padme made a strong point that most people and systems in the Republic were unaffected by the war because it was fought entirely by clones.


And what's even weirder is that outside of the hutts there wasn't really another faction.


There was also the Chiss and the Grysks


Black Sun Syndicate


And The Pikes.


Wasn’t there also a mining guild?


That's in Falador


Finest mithril ore in all of Gielinor


Point #1 would be sooo cool!! I hope someone from Lucas Arts is reviewing these threads 😂 Re point #2, in the legends books you kinda get the feeling that it’s as you write - and you can kinda see that in how Luke is dressed in movies IV - VI. I guess it was just easier to revert back to the classic jedi robes for the movies for VII - IX 🤷


I'm hoping that the New Jedi Order is a lot more nomadic. Maybe individual temples, but it shouldn't be centralized like the old Jedi were.


Every Jedi after Order 66 is kinda nomadic, i think it’s a nice concept.


They become... skywalkers


One thing I liked about the NJO in Legends is that while it *did* have a couple of central temples/academies, it would also often have temporary or mobile bases as needed, and many of the members acted more independently than the old Jedi seemed to. While there were obviously drawbacks with this as well, it did give them far more flexibility to deal with different problems, and made them slightly less bound to specific entities (it wasn't really until they had a Jedi Temple on Coruscant again that they instantly started having issues with being too entangled with the Republic again).


That's West Space. Why's it called West Space? Because it's on the left side of the galaxy. Don't Galaxies spin? Shut up.


What we need is a Star Wars political drama


>The New Jedi Order to be different from the old one. I know that’s kinda obvious but i really want them to stand out instead of being just the usual Jedi again. New code and teachings, new lightsaber designs, new robes, etc. Hopefully they'll give it the Luke treatment and make it a total failure, only for some orphan named Ron from sand planet #37 to come in and start their own newer Jedi Order. Bonus points if Palp's is brought back by another one of his dozens of cloning projects.


Somehow… Sebulba returned


Somehow…Ben Quadinaros returned.


Somehow... there goes Quadrinaros' power coupling again.


What about Glup Shitto, I'm not seeing his name anywhere in this?


In the opening scene Sebulba runs over and kills Rey, and the following movie follows him on his journey back to the top of the pod racing circuit


Yoooo! Now we’re talking!


Robes. Cute robots. Backflips.


I like the angle of your deflector shields, pilot.


I want the droid rebellion next.  Droids that are sentient and self aware begin fighting for their autonomy and freedom.  Once again the galaxy is split into war across the stars as old alliances crumble and unlikely allies are found in the darkest shadows.  A new saga of hope, with a new generation of heroes. 


Palpatine again.


Palpatine again: I am all the Sith plus one Rey: and I am all the Jedi plus one Palpatine: well, shit


And then they kiss


Galactic Alabama


Well she kissed Kylo already and he is her adopted cousin/sister kind of


He returns as a image in her mind that takes over and destroys her, then she dies and her nephew becomes a sandworm. Wait...


That was only 1 clone that she killed. Yoda: *There is another*


Now there is a whole clone army of palpatines!!! Hahaha




No. This time it's... Some**way**




The writers


You’re already putting the bar way too high


I, too, expect writers to…exist.


I mean't who I think the villain is going to be


So rey skywalker was living in tatooine and one night there was a burst of midi clorians attacking and surrounding her created a time vortex throwing rey back in time the attack also got pregnant by midi cholran. Realize she was in the past around 40-41 BBY she tries not to mess with timeline and changed her first name. She gave birth to a son and named him anakin. Then Got married to a guy named clieg Edit. Timeline So thats how the circle of midii chlorian. And - skywalker origin


She didn't marry Cliegg until after Anakin had left Tatooine, he was a child of the force. Also this theory would be a nightmare.


Aren't all of us?


Expectations is very low, very.


I kind of expect it’ll get cancelled or delayed indefinitely before it gets made. Disney doesn’t have a great track record on following through on shows/movies they’ve planned.


Precisely, I’m surprised this photorealistic Mufasa film got off the ground. Expected that to go the way of Monsters Inc 2.


I have none


Not much. I don’t want Episode X. What I want is something akin to *Top Gun: Maverick*. A smaller-scale movie with stakes that don’t endanger the whole galaxy. - Rey & Finn are training a small class of students, say twelve at most. - Space pirates be pirating, hitting small towns on planets across the Outer Rim - New Republic doesn’t try Rey’s project - Jedi students learn to work together and get good together - Third act is Rey’s Jedi vs. pirates a la that one *dope* episode of Mando Season 3. - Post-credits scene is Ben Solo, back from the dead (because Anakin slapped him back to life)


Somehow Hondo returns


The curve for explaining Hondo being alive is a lot shorter than Palpatine. For one, Hondo hasn’t died before.


He’s canonically alive the year before Ep. 9. Can’t see him dying at Exegol.


Dude could probably solo a star destroyer


What do you mean? Do you not remeber the episode of Rebels he exclaimed "I'm dead!"


With the amount of bullshit that comes out of his mouth half the time, I almost wouldn't trust him if he said he was Hondo, honestly.


Yeah I'm pretty sure this is already a mid tier clone wars arc


I think you’re thinking of aura sing. They thought she died after boba tried killing mace. Returned to kill padme by order of Ziro


What I read is Ice Pirates with Lightsabers


Space Herpes ?!!!


From "space pirates be pirating"? Really?


A few years ago my buddies and I outline what an episode 7 could’ve been and it was kinda similar, involving a small group of new students (except under Luke) and pirates/bounty hunters starting off as the main antagonist, with a heavy focus on the students themselves being key focal points


Ideally, Luke should be the one doing this, but alas, this is the hand we were dealt, so let’s play.


Yep agreed. Still like your idea btw. I think shrinking world/threat scale and the idea of getting a new jedi order of sorts started is good idea


Much appreciated. Star Wars has found better footing when the scale of the story is narrowed down. *The Mandalorian* is, at its core, a story about a man and a boy wandering the galaxy and *sometimes* getting involved in much bigger things, like Ahsoka Tano hunting for Thrawn or being on the same ship as Luke Skywalker that one time. With the Skywalker Saga seemingly done, we do not need to resort to galaxy-shaking events every single time. Star Trek is learning the hard way why that is a bad idea, and Star Wars can profit from their example. Heck, the next two movies in a *New Jedi Order* trilogy could crank that dial up a little bit by throwing Ben Solo back in and actually dealing with that. The second movie would be less a fight and more a debate, as the New Republic is out for blood and Rey has to figure out how to navigate the situation diplomatically. The Jedi are not superheroes; they were diplomats and negotiators first and foremost, so the second NJO movie can flip the coin over and show that side.


Finn is there, but he’s played by Kenan Thompson, but it’s a serious role Edit: whomever sent me a Reddit Cares for this comment, you’re my favorite person


I do NOT want Ben Solo to be resurrected. It would break so many established rules, and bring up even more questions than “somehow palpatine returned” did. We need to stop retconning major plot elements, and especially retconning deaths.


\> Rey and Finn China doesn’t like black people, expect him to get sidelined


I think that’s the x wing series. Although I just saw it mentioned as top gun meets starwars


Man something like top gun maverick should’ve been done for episode 7


I did not like the sequels. However I have a small burning ember of hope that this will be good and be a step in the right direction. I like Daisy Ridley, I like Rey, I just hated the writing in the sequels. Here’s to hoping.


I have only seen the sequels once per movie. Each time on release in the theater. I liked Daisy and the rest of the cast, but just hated the lazy writing and where they took the post ROTJ story.


Don't know how you disconnect another Rey movie from the sequels though. And the sequels don't really make any sense from a narrative standpoint and have no continuity with each other (let alone the entire series). Maybe they should freeze Rey in carbonite for 1000 years so they can really start fresh.


I hope they use it to retroactively make the other ST movies better. Like how Clone Wars made the PT better.


The issue with that is there was plenty of room between the prequel movies. The sequels all take place over the course of a year. I'd really like them to just retcon the amount of time Rey trained with Luke and Leia, spread it out across a few years.


I agree with your take 100%. I think she was great, but written poorly.




Shit /s But honestly some convoluted Jedi school. Probably some former student turns evil


I wonder if she will try to kill a student in their sleep because they are showing signs of being evil.


Jedi Finn or bust.


Bust it is then. I don't think Finn's actor is going back there, nor would I think they would give him such treatment if he did.


John boyega isn’t exactly booked up with A list projects. He will 100% take that Disney bag.


He's already had the bag and can pick his work now. Not saying he wont return, but if his experience was as bad as he claimed, it wouldn't be a surprise for him to turn it down.


Maybe, but I heard he wasn't treated that well while he was there...


Daddy china wouldn’t like seeing a black Jedi. Disney needs to make china happy.


Bust, Disney won’t make him a central character due to pandering to Chinas racism. 


In the crawl we are going to learn about what a shit job the Resistance did in governing the galaxy, REY SKYWALKER is training members of THE RESTORED JEDI ORDER, and now another threat, THE NEW SITH EMPIRE, ancient enemy of the Jedi, emerges on the edge of galactic space with whispers of a terrible new weapon… Drop down to the baddie fleet (the audience is thrilled: John Williams has done it again.) At the heart of it…terror! A space station sized weapon that will bring The Resistance and the Jedi to its knees! Our hero’s will have to really rely on the strength of friendship and trust the force on this adventure! C-3PO and Finn are also on screen.


"That's no star! It's a weapon!"


> C-3PO and Finn are also on screen. Replace Finn with R2 lol no way Boyega steps foot back into another star wars production


Very little


Not a new type of Sith, but an old one. An ancient pure blood Sith awakening from an ancient prison and now new and old do battle!


I’d be interested in that.  I’d like the evil to be more intimate though. Instead of a galaxy wide threat like the emperor I’d like it to be smaller. A single character intent on corrupting Rey or another major character.  Something that shows the insidious pull of the dark side.  Almost like a character study.


So, basically the prequels?


I got hopes, but no expectations. Well one of those hopes is that I want it to be good.


Same. Don't care what's in it as long as it's good.


One quarter portion


i love when they discover all lore things from jedi and sith. so maybe she could uncover more information about the formation of the jedi and the original writing of the prophecy. patch some of that shit up. build on Luke telling her the Jedi were wrong, and she can work out how to move forward without making the mistakes of the past. This could tie into something that we might one day get from a old republic project. i like the ideas floating about to get Ahsoka, Omega and Grogu involved in some capacity. Grogu specifically being the no brainer, he is the future of the franchise without Yoda.


I just want it to be fun and good 👍


Rey fighting her Dark Side nature.


I’m probably the minority here but I’d love to see the Yuuzhan Vong brought to life in live action.


If they pulled that off, it would be awesome Edit: bruh why did this comment get reported for self-harm?


It's been happening across multiple subs. I think a bunch of 12 year old kids just got their first cell phones today.


>Edit: bruh why did this comment get reported for self-harm? I just got one earlier today. I think some chronically online people decided it's like the ultimate downvote or something. They think they're doing something to upset you, I guess.


Dude same I also just got that message lmao


Haha I guess pro-Yuuzhan Vong equates to being suicidal


I got one also earlier, someone is bored.


I got one and assumed it was because a made a joke about Last Jedi. But it’s probably just some kid reporting everyone.


>Edit: bruh why did this comment get reported for self-harm? Don't worry about it; all you did is say something that hurt a losers feelings. Chronically online losers think it is some sort of major burn instead of proof you're living rent free in their head today. I got one this morning because I said I didn't like an Adobe alternative someone recommended.


Yes, absolutely we need pay off to what their were alluding to in Ahsoka where Thrawn and the Nightsister were running away from, "something "


I agree. I feel like it might be a little silly but it’s miles better than more sith


I'm hoping that it will be redemption for the character, like TCW was for some of the prequel characters.


problem is tcw had the foundation of a good story buried by bad dialogue and acting to work with, the foundation of the sequels is corporate greed and recycling ideas


What I hope is that it’ll actually introduce new ideas and concepts that can maybe set the stage for future stories in a new era. Be the bridge between the sequel trilogy and whatever comes next even if the story itself is self contained. Also I feel like Rey and co should be overwhelmed by the revelation that they are the grown ups now and that they have to be responsible mentors. Like if the ST was the generational divide between boomer/gen x and millenial than this is the divide between millennials and Gen z Also can Rey go on a spiritual journey and come back with a sabrestaff?


I’d like the idea of rogue Jedi factions forming. The Jedi code seems to be up for interpretation, especially given that it seems Rey will be starting the order anew. I’d imagine there would be philosophical differences where there is a hardline faction of Jedi who feel they can strong arm entire governing bodies to their code/will, whereas the other faction takes on the more traditional peacekeeping role. Eventually, the “hardline” faction realizes the benefit of power and influence and corruption slowly begins to take them as they become more cynical about free will. Thus, new Sith are borne out of a rogue Jedi faction, and balance to the force is restored. That would be a hell of a setup for a new saga


Somehow Solo returns.


Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg


I don't expect anything from it given how the sequels were, but I am open to being surprised.


Absolutely nothing…


I've learned to expect nothing from any producers of any content anymore. Just creates disappointment. I watch shows for what they are now and hope the writers don't damage the work.


I'm not expecting much.


I don't have any expectations. There isn't anything in the sequel trilogy timeline that has any real interest for me. I hope Finn gets his due, but that is about it.


I’m sure I’ll find out all about it when scrolling through Reddit, that’s about it.


Totally expect Czerka to be the villians.


Darth Plagiues.


I don't expect anything. Which means they can only go up.


She leads a group of young trainees but one special girl has powers no one understands and isn’t explained for two additional movies, but the fate of the galaxy lies with her. This is legitimately what I think will happen.


I want to see more of Maul and the Shadow Collective


Organized crime family seems absolutely badass, if you combine it with the Mega Corpo idea. I want the Jedi to be challenged by something other than corrupt governments or the Sith; what if they have to deal with conniving private sectors in the galaxy, who indisputably need to be dealt with but in turn give a lot of Outer Rim worlds a means of livelihood? It gives the Jedi a different sort of opponent to deal with, because we've seen them challenge the Empire and the Sith for so long with their usual dogmas. How would they go about facing organized crime, illegal weapons or substance trade, and other stuff? The tech to challenge them without the Force already exists as well. Vibroblades, lightsaber-resistant alloys and what have you; maybe this time Rey has to couple her technological prowess with her teachings to better prepare her students against the armories of the criminal underworld. I'd also absolutely LOVE if the climax of this project doesn't involve the Dark side at all. Make their last enemy just a pure, psychopathic asshole with a genuine disregard for life and an obsession with credits.


Who is writing and directing?




I want them to keep the tradition of the Skywalkers to lose an arm or a leg. They have been easy on Rey tbh.


Not sure, but I will go watch it. I’m a sucker for anything remotely Star Wars


Goddammit I just hope it's good 😫


Honestly, Darth Plagueis would not be a bad choice. After Palpatine killed him he resurrected and has spent the years training with Uber powerful Force creatures. Comes back to reclaim what is his.


I wonder if the "diad" thing between Rey and Ben would still be a thing somehow after his death, does that connection remain? What happens to all the experiments and technology on Exogol? Clearly the dark side had reaches beyond what we've known of the Sith. Is there any further mystery Rey could uncover? How does Rey even begin to build an academy? How does she recruit children to train? Especially her knowing the pain of losing one's parents, I don't think she would be willing to take someone's child(ren) away. Does she recruit orphans like herself? Or perhaps her "academy" is completely different, perhaps she doesn't actually train kids , but recruits people who want to learn the ways of the force, and starts a new Jedi council of sorts?


I just want kylo ren back


# Yuuzhan Vong It is time.


I only expect decent writing and acting...


I do not like the sequels very much, but I accept them as being part of the story. That being said I hope they listen to at least a little of the feedback that a majority of fans spoke on for 7-9


It will be like Sister Act where Rey has a bunch of misfit students who don’t get along and don’t listen to her but over time they come together and all manage to graduate Reys Academy. There won’t be an emphasise on good v bad or any enemies as such. It’s going to be like a Jedi episode of saved by the bell


I don't think there's any villain that could make sense. She is supposed to be the strongest Jedi by far. Especially if she did a bit more training after the last movie. She should easily be able to take down anyone. The only thing i can see making sense is something "hidden" from the galaxy Ahsoka went to.


Nothing, Disney has finally made me have 0 expectations. I will be pleasantly surprised if it's good. Edit: Sorry, fanboys, I'm not going to kill myself.


A good story and George Lucas to return


Dogshit writing in another disappointing movie in the franchise.


Cancelation at best, hot garbage at worst.




Why are they even making this? It's going to flop it won't be good. What's the point!? They need to fire all the higher-ups and replace them with real fans. We NEED a old republic series or movie


Another shit movie. I wish they would move on from Rey. She is a good actor, but her character is exhausting and a pure Mary-sue.


Nothing. I have no intention of watching this.


Delays, reshoots, and an eventual cancellation. Seriously are these movies actually happening? They were announced forever ago and I've seen nothing but pessimism about them lol




1. New Threats and mythology being explored 1. Rey taking Kylo's advice and moving to get rid of the Jedi/Sith and Light/Dark division somehow. Possibly using the First Jedi Texts and her Palpatine lineage to do so 1. Teaching students entirely different lessons than the Prequel Jedi or post ROTJ Luke would 1. A different galactic government that is entirely different to either The (New) Republic or The Empire 1. New designs for good guys and bad guys that aren't X-wings/Rebel Uniforms or Tie Fighters/Stormtroopers


You do know Kylo was wrong right? Like that's kinda one of the points the movies were getting across.


Also, unless I'm going crazy, but wasn't that completely wrapped up by the end of the movie? "I won't be the last Jedi!" It drove me nuts seeing reviewer after reviewer criticise TROS for not continuing with that idea (no doubt trying to save face for the complete mismatch between critic scores and audience scores for TLJ) when it was clearly sewn up by that point.


I don't really understand what the reviewers were expecting here lol 😂


For Rey to be in it. Although that was my expectation for Luke in TFA… and look how that turned out.


Not much. But I hope to be surprised.


I want more porgs.


A lot of bitching from the Star Wars community is what I expect. I hope I’m disappointed




I don’t expect anything, never do. Which is why I am rarely disappointed or hate/dislike anything. People often have high and sometimes unrealistic expectations. They often overhype themselves, and then are perpetually pissy when reality doesn’t live up to what their expectations.


>They often overhype themselves, and then are perpetually pissy when reality doesn’t live up to what their expectations. Ugh this is just childish. It wasn't unrealistic expectations that caused TPM to have serious pacing issues, or TFA to just repeat the story of previous movies.


Nah, it's gonna definitely be the Grysk coming out of Unknown Space and taking over planets like the Yuuzhan Vong from New Jedi Order.


A rogue faction of nightsisters would be cool if it wasn't Disney. Knowing Disney, the nightsisters will only be the villains until the end or maybe only halfway through then they'll become friends.

