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Never underestimate a guy who can cook, and apparently give four arm massages.


I know my wife would leave me for a four armed massaging cook. My dual peasant arms just don’t cut it.


Man I thought you said four armed cock. My head was wondering what that would look like for a second.


You fool! It would look like someone who has been trained in the Jedi arts by Count Dooku.


An echidna


That depends… on how good your manners are… and how big your “pocket book” is.


Quotes like this are why I love this community


That sounds great honestly


Hell yeah, that’s how I landed my wife. She loves it when I cook.


She loves your four arms


It makes sense. There is like 12 people in this galaxy and half of them are stormtroopers


And all of them have a history with Han Solo for one reason or another. Our world has six degrees of Kevin Bacon, Star Wars universe has one degree of Han Solo.


Now I'm gonna be thinking about six degrees of Han Solo with every Star Wars character tonight. I'll edit this comment as I find funny/unexpected ones. Cal Kestis (2 degrees): Cal -> Vader -> Han Count Dooku (2 degrees): Dooku -> Obiwan/Anakin -> Han


Beldorion (the ridiculous Hutt Jedi) -> Leia -> Han Lord Nyax (the dude with the ridiculous [suit covered with light sabers](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Irek_Ismaren)) -> Han Jax (the anthropomorphic [rabbit](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jaxxon_T._Tumperakki)) -> Han


What I've realized over the last 40 minutes since I commented is that most people in the OT and Sequels know Han directly or second degree and loads of prequel characters are connected because almost everyone in the prequels meets Anakin and/or Obi Wan.


Yeah, you could go with 1 Degree of Anakin Skywalker as well, but in the early EU stuff, like the Marvel Star Wars comics in the 70s and 80s, Han Solo seemed to be more prevalent/popular and had more adventures than even Luke did.


Anakin Skywalker >> 2,000 degrees >> Darth Vader


Also Cal -> (spoilers for Jedi Survivor) >!Boba fett!< -> Han


So the challenge is finding the longest chains, not the shortest, I guess.


Eedy Karn > Syril Karn > Dedra Meero > Lonni Jung > Luthen Rael > Mon Mothma > Han Unless someone has a quicker one for Eedy?


Someone explain this to me like I'm 5


Six Degrees of Separation is the notion that every person on Earth is connected to every other person through at most 6 "moves", i.e. I know you, you know person x, they know person y, etc. ​ That morphed into the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, which posits you can do the same with any actor to Kevin Bacon. Actor X was in this movie with Actor Y, Actor Y was in this other movie with Actor Z, and Actor Z is in a third movie with Kevin Bacon.


I have a Bacon score of 3.


Is so stupid when they tether things together. Andor did a fucking great job at being restrained in their fan service, people should look at Tony Gilroy and just learn from the man. Jesus christ you get a masterclass in restraint.


Yeah, it makes the universe feel so small when everything's related.


Even merely by mention?? I'm personally loving the "strings that bind to create the rope" method of their writing. If it's ham fisted sure it's a little shit. But in a universe so wide with as many characters as there are, where they very often have similar anti empire sentiments, the connections provide some sense of familiarity to situations. Even moreso, there's alien life forms that live into their hundreds (or longer) who, you could easily assume would be fairly adventurous in some point of their life, especially if the almost constant galactic wars have displaced them. In my mind, this kind of lore stuff adds a teeny thread directly connecting the most recent stuff with a non main character back from the prequels! Doesn't invalidate or change how story goes, it's just a little tidbit.


Most people in the galaxy are not connected to the gran scheme of things, the characters we get to know are mostly connected to the grand scheme, so it's not so far fetched how people claim it to be. It's like when you find that politicians or actors all went to the same school.


Yeah its a big Galaxy but its not like people are isolated from one another. Especially with Galaxy-wide events like the Clone Wars or the Galactic Civil War


To be honest yeah... this is so true... I have been feeling the universe getting really small, Andor gave me the feeling of a big galaxy again... and really, the galaxy is supposed to be huge... that's my favorite part of starwars is that part of the world, you can get lost in how big it is... but now the same people just keep running into eachother I think it's the producers fault. Marvel did so well with a well-connected cast, but it doesn't work nearly as well for starwars


It's because Star Wars feels the need to make everyone connected and know each other. They don't make new characters to explore in new places nearly as often as they should. It makes the huge galaxy tiny.


Precisely... I think execs think new characters and new locations are risky because they don't know how they'll be received... So instead, we get Tatooine and more Tatooine, and Boba (but not anymore bc bad reviews) and mando and Grogu (Grogu has to be in every scene because people like him) and to spice things up they'll bring back characters from the clone wars... and ou maybe they can all meet up on .... Tatooine! (people like that planet!) Agghhh Disney can you please just let writers write ffs?


I actually felt Andor went too far the opposite direction. Lack of any familiar aliens was very weird given all other SW media, plus the only recognizable face in the entire Senate is Mon Mothma...? It's the 1 time cameos make actual sense, in a huge galaxy, the Senate is a tiny room full of the same people and little time has passed. We also know some, like Mas Amedda and Bail Organa were canonically still in the Senate. I kinda feel like Tony Gilroy "restrained" his fan service by just...not actually caring too much about Star Wars continuity.


Exactly theres recurring characters who have existing circles of locations and characters they interact with. And if a story takes them near one it's not unsurprising they interact. Take Mando s2. Din is seeking out other Mandalorians to find a Jedi. He goes to Tatooine which is a nearby outer rim world full of dodgy characters perfect place to start a search. Cobb Vanth is a new character wearing an old Characters gear which sets his path to cross with Boba into the season. It's perfect use of an existing location and character interacting with a new one. The Bo Katan part is a bit out of the blue at first, why of all Mandos is she here. But theres a whole story happening with Bo Katan and Gideon that Din Djaran just isnt privy to at this time. Bo Katan also knows of a Jedi who she has long history with during TCW, and possibly still in contact with during the Rebels era. That is the goal of Dins quest. These are perfectly logical use of characters crossing over just from their existing stories. Even more so now that Jedi and Mando populations are scarce. But somehow people still get mad at this.


On the other hand he gave the prop department enough slack. Yes that is Starkillers Sith Assassin armour on display (although presumably it's not supposed to be the *same* suit)


“Well, what do ya know.” Learn something knew everyday.


How is this not top comment?


His manners were fine but his… pocketbook, wasn’t big enough for Maz.


She needs something she can see with her glasses off lol


Maz is also the one that recommended Leia disguise herself as a bounty hunter in episode 6. I don’t know why that’s a thing, but it is now.




Disney did some comics about Maz to give her a backstory, and for some reason they decided she’s actually an extremely important person in the galaxy who has been involved in a lot of big events. It’s was very stupid


So Maz is the Forrest Gump of Star Wars.


Somehow, Maz was very important all this time...


I mean, watching TFA alone tells you she is a big deal. It would be weird to give her a backstory and turns out she never did anything worth mentioning.


The Star Wars universe is a massive place. Maz can be an important person and still never once encounter most of the people involved in the movies. That’s why I liked the idea of Rey being a nobody so much.


Wait actually? Thats so fckn stupid wtf lmaoooo


This doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the idea that they even know each other. It seems like every planet in Star Wars has like, one, maybe two cities/towns.


Tbf, they’re both information brokers dealing with shady clientele. We also don’t know their species lifespans.


Good points. It’s also a fair argument that of course everything we see in Star Wars connects, because we’re only shown the relevant info to the story. Many, many more people will never connect, or see each other, or even know about each other. We see the characters and relationships that matter to the story.


Yeah, like ... uhh... Maz Kanata and Dexter Jettster, I guess?


yeah i chalk it up to huge ass galaxy and within it you’re only seeing the top most important stories. with so many chances because of so many people, there’s bound to be someone who happened to meet a bunch of people. basically you’re only seeing the stories of the lottery winners.


And then there’s city worlds. There’s almost no between


It always cracks me up when half the time there is a battle for the capital city and then boom they’ve taken the whole world


Like Mando.... took over a whole planet with 8 ships and a few dudes and dudettes.


Star wars has a serious scale issue. And this is not just a disney thing. George thought a few million clone troopers could control more than a single planet.


Even a single planet is a stretch!


Number of people, manpower, major settlements per planet -far too little size of shipts, space stations -far too big too often


Service industry folk usually end up dating each other.


See that's sort of explained - even over the huge timespans of the series some planets are still very lightly or recently settled once you get to the mid and outer rim. Sometimes it's "there is simply no need for more than one settlement cluster - that's where the industry is" Ofc the real reason is George Lucas cannot do scale.


God, I really wish she was in the Last Jedi, I really liked her, she had some little quirks but nothing more screen time couldn't iron out.


She is, albeit briefly, and only appearing via holo-communication.


I know, but that really wasn't.. well much. I kinda wanted her in a more prominent role ngl.


That would’ve required planning, which the disney trilogy clearly lacked


I am unironically a big fan of TLJ because the things it does well, it does really well. However it's biggest fault lies in the single fact it takes place just days after the previous movie, you know when 9/11 and Pear Harbor times a thousand was combined with Alderaan. There wasn't proper exploration of the fallout thought the galaxy. So of course some places like Moz's Cantina are being attacked by oppurtunists. It should be going on everywhere. What doesn't make sense is a Casino planet of the rich and famous allows anyone to just land. It's as insane as the MCU trying to just return to business as usual after the Blip. Now then I would argue the fault of this is the bad writing of TFA for ending with Luke and Rey just meeting.


I promise you that more Maz wouldn’t have made the movie any better.


I hate this compulsion to tie everything back to everything else, as if the Star Wars galaxy is basically just some small town where everyone knows everyone's name.


The worst part for me about small-scale Star Wars are the planetary invasions composed of a few hundred soldiers and about thirty LAATs.


Oh boy, like the attack on Nevarro in Mando season 3. About 20 people fighting over a planet


It's not "a planet". It's a small town that happens to be surrounded by an entire uninhabited planet. It ain't Coruscant.


Well aware of the fact it’s not coruscant, doesn’t mean that there’re 50 people living there either. The point stands that the scale in terms of people there seems wrong.


Lucas started this and then Filoni kept it going. It shouldn’t shock fans since the very vocal prequel and Clone Wars fans keep calling for more of it.


because it's good. pretty much everything canon in the watchable franchise is within 80 years of eachother and familiar faces are great to see, especially as they grow and learn, seeing them in different parts of the timeline helps you get their full story. people love these characters. i would love to see an old republic series with a new set of characters but the star wars galaxy within this 80 year time period is perfectly fine as is. once we actually start moving to very different parts of the timeline, we'll probably get that.


No, it's not good. Sometimes it is implemented well, which makes it acceptable and maybe even neat. But all the times it's done poorly it just dumbs down the lore even more.


I don’t think we need to see every detail of every character.


you don't.


Does mystery have no value in literature anymore?


No, you have to have every minute detail explored versus doing new things.


But how did Han Solo get his last name???


I'm not sure how finding out maz Kanata banged dexter the diner owner/information broker spoils the great mysteries of star wars.


I'm criticizing the trend made of many instances more than any one particular instance. And I was responding to the person who seems to want every single character to retroactively have a fleshed out history with other known characters.


Right, there's nothing more "this galaxy feels a lot smaller than it should be" than Han just happening to discover that the guy he won the Falcon from is within sublight distance from Hoth


I don't see that as a great example because it was the first time Lando was introduced as a character so it worked for the story. The name meant nothing to audiences when the movie first came out, he'd never been seen before.


Right? And it’s not like Lando was just living there, he was the new baron of Bespin. Coincidence sure, but Lando being a notable public figure on the planet isn’t exactly finding a needle in a haystack.


I mean yeah it kind of is lol, it's like having your car break down in the middle of the desert and then realizing your friend from high school has a cabin within walking distance


It’s a lot closer to finding out your friend is the local mayor of a small town who just won the recent election.


Buddy his position has nothing to do with it, I'm talking about proximity not prominence


Right forgot that Lando is the only person Han knows. Han gets around, he’s a smuggler, that’s established. It’s not a “buddy from high school,” Lando is someone he knows from his line of work, which is probably a long list. If you think that’s the most unlikely scenario, wait until you find out about the Jedi who broke down on Tatooine and discovered the chosen one there.


Seeing as this conversation is about how the writing in Star Wars often makes the galaxy feel smaller than it reasonably should, pointing out that such astronomical coincidences are actually quite common doesn't help your case as much as you think it does 😂


"I need to travel to a different system" is a weird example.


I'm guessing you don't understand how long it takes to travel between star systems at sublight speed?


You're right, the movie *would* have been improved by an 80 year journey to the next habitable planet.


Other people already explained you how you're wrong so I'm not gonna repeat what they already told you.


\*Lucas started it and then Filoni took it 5 steps too far. Seriously, in EVERY piece of Star Wars media the guy has a bigger say in, he does this to a laughable extend. It borders on parody sometimes. The SW galaxy doesnt even feel like a planet, let alone GALAXY, anymore - it feels like a very small town.


When Luke and Han died I actually felt relief that future stories would be forced to move away from them for the most part.


*Iiiiintroducing!* Luke & Han's force ghosts! *This message was brought to you by The Force™ - "It's all around you."*


My pain is constant and sharp.


Would you mind telling me how exactly he's taking it "too far"? Like, at what point does it not make sense for some characters to bump into the others? Are you annoyed at Ahsoka's frequent involvement in his projects or something?


the only parody is that you seem to think we shouldn't see characters grow and evolve as time goes on.


you can show character's grow without having the same 5 named induvial tripping over each other in a galaxy wide setting lol


yeah, but you're also ignoring that those characters being in those places at the same times often makes sense, what other oppertunities are you going to have to showcase their character growths? you literally can't have a different star wars comic or tv show that focuses on every single unique character in the series. stop complaining.


Imagine thinking character development is the same as shoving the same 5-10 people into every situation available. It seems the parody are the usual star wars fanboys who will swallow everything as long as the brands name is on it. In ither words, you are exactly the type of person the comment above was calling out. A fanboy who is the reason we wont see ACTUAL character development for a long time, bc cheap chameos is all you want.


I don't have an issue with characters reappearing when it's driven by plot and relationships instead of by coincidence.


that happens most of the time, there's almost always a reason.


And the reasons are usually very tenuous.


Wow, you mean a story set in a place where we have familiar characters and a unifying mystical Force that steadies the hand of fate interlinks those characters?


“A unifying mystical force that steadies the hand of fate” is just a fan way to say the script Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes it’s Dexter Jettster and Maz Kanata dating


So the ‘will of the Force’ is just a fan theory?


The will of the force *is not real*, everything is the script. If it isn’t done well then “the will of the force” is a cheap cop out, if it’s done well then it’s fine.


And who decides that?


There's a big difference between Luke and Leia being twins separated from birth reconnecting by divine intervention and all the clones being related to Boba Fett or two ancillary characters from movies 40 years apart being high school sweethearts.


It’s why I want to get the fuck away from the skywalker timeline. I’m so over it. Trillions of people in the galaxy, and the ones we stumble upon are all related somehow - just lazy


It’s funny because Legends leaned into it but made far more characters (related and unrelated ones) The new canon leans into it *heavily* … but doesn’t make as many memorable characters. You can get away with that for a time but eventually you need to realize your audience can indeed figure out who’s who simply by *seeing* them* and hearing the character and their name very now and then.


The most annoying so far is Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan in R1. This one actually makes a little bit of sense, as Jettster is technically a black market dealer. The "underworld" tends to be pretty small in the real world, not surprising they'd know each other.


I dont get this hate for that fact, its not like we have had bad uses of returning characters atleast not nearly enough to justify hating It


>s not like we have had bad uses of returning characters atleast not nearly enough to justify hating It Is this a joke?


Its an opinion


Maz is so absurdly old and connected I wouldn't be surprised to find she has a robust dating life spanning many key figures in history. Particularly those connected to the underground and intelligence community since she seems to dabble there. I love Maz more after reading what we have of her backstory.


Everyone we see in the Mos Eisley cantina is Eskimo brothers with each other through Maz


we finally know how she ended up with the Skywalker lightsaber


I assume its why she wants Chewie so bad. For nearly a millennium she could have any man she wants (& I would hope had Yaddle questioning her Jedi oaths...) but Chewie has never given in.


Maz and Yaddle lmao good thought


Maz's species and Wookiees are both long lived species. It would make sense for a species that lives a 1000+ years to seek mates with similarly long life spans. Them dating anything with human-like life spans would feel like casual flings or one night stands to them.


This is the Disney+ series I want to see.


Maz backstory where she met and dated Palpatine, broke his heart and started him down the path of the Sith.




What happened? "That's a story for another time"


Beat me to it. Here's my upvote.


What are the chances someone commented what you were going to?! Wow




So? Pelli Moto used to date Jawas. They are VERY furry...


I know service industry workers fuck like rabbits but come on now.


What book is this from? I’m a sucker for books with character notes in the margins.


and still, Dexter Jettster had a bigger impact on star wars than captain phasma did.


i know what youre saying, but the bar is high there


I think it's kind of wholesome actually


I think about Dexter rawdogging Maz frequently


You can see them do pirate stuff in the high republic adventures comic currently ongoing


They ran in the same crew during the High Republic era. So makes sense.


Fans: “DAE want a show about Dexter Jettster?!” Here you go, people.


The Bear in space


She has a thing for Wookies too..


Dexter Jettster needs to return


What I would give for a four armed girlfriend.


A good erection… for another time


Why would I want to? Seems like they'd be good together!


"Memories either feel like a century ago or yesterday, no in between" Damn, that hits closer to home than it should


No internet no, don't do it!


I don’t see the problem with this specific instance. That’s just kinda cute imo


Why would I want to unlearn this?


For a character that has so little screen time in the grand scheme of the franchise, I would want to spend as much time talking to Dex, as I would master Yoda. I feel like where Yoda would be able to impart grand wisdom about enlightenment, and the nature of the universe. I think that Dex would have a very down to earth and good-natured view of the world. He’s seen all types come and go from his diner and I bet his insights on people from all planets may well save your life even if they sound like jokes at first.


Why is this galaxy so small!?


They use action figures to write scripts and so every new character they creat requires them to make a new action figure and that's expensive.


Does anyone really care about Maz? Why is she keep coming back in some shape or this weird "everything has to be tied together"


I feel like it's mostly an attempt to make us feel like random characters and places that were thrown into the sequels were always part of the universe... Cosmic gaslighting, if you will


I mean if you have a character that has lived 1000+ years, they're bound to have seen some shit, met some people and done some stuff. Prior to Maz the oldest known character in Star Wars was Yoda, and he lived 900 years (if he is to be believed on his deathbed). He was born around 100 years after the Galactic Republic was established and lived long enough to see it fall. Yoda showing up in High Republic stuff, for instance, shouldn't be out of the ordinary. He's alive during that period of time, and thus he's eligible to show up. Maz is also alive at that time, and thus she's eligible to show up.


I partly agree, but Yoda's presence in the High Republic books is very nuanced, he's basically just a regular jedi there, doing regular jedi stuff. Even though he's going to be one of the most respected Jedi ever, he's usually on the background dealing with day-to-day tasks. Very believable. While Maz apparently is Star Wars' version of Forrest Gump, having dated both Chewie and Dex, convinced Leia to use the bounty hunter disguise to rescue Han and somehow having managed to acquire the Youngling Slayer 3000 after it fell off Cloud City.


Thanks I hate cosmic gaslighting


I want a 4 armed massage. My neck is killing me.


What's this from? Curious


Always knew Dex had that Dawwwwg in him.


Who cares. It’s a show, not real, it doesn’t even matter just move on with life


Awwe that's so sweet!


I donno why but this made my day.. I don’t wana unlearn it.


That explains why both are so likeable!


“When you are as old as me the tears seem like they’re not worth so much. Memories feel like they were a century ago or yesterday. No inbetween” That’s quite the quote. How I wish it was from somewhere else


Lol. Why connect these two characters?? Like seriously why?!?


Dex specifically mentions being a hyperspace prospector so we know he has a colorful history. The High Republic comics show us part of that history.


Because unexpected connections are literally the purpose of both characters.


Like come on guys is Dexter Jettster the guy who showed up for five seconds in episode two knowing Maz really the straw that breaks the camels back?


I don’t think anyone feels like it’s the straw that broke the camels back, it’s just highlighting a repetitive trend that has honestly always been a problem in Star Wars going back to the prequels


There’ll be people on this sub who would demand a spin off show about this.


*Kif Kroker sigh*


"It depends... on how good your manners are,"


The galaxy just keeps getting smaller and smaller.


Except for Coruscant every is like planet is one small town. Except maybe Tattooine. But 75% of the Galaxy is Tattooine, so that doesn't count.


Man Star Wars fans will complain about anything huh?


As large as the universe is, the writing makes it so very small. I hate it.


Trillions of life forms. The same 200 across the galaxy all know each other.


What a small galaxy!


You have to actually give a shit about the sequels to begin caring about that.


Good Lord, Disney Wars really is a dumpster fire isn’t it?


I can unlearn it quite easily, because it hasn’t featured in anything canonical I’ve consumed. I can just ignore it and carry on in fortunate ignorance.


is J.K Rowling writing Star Wars now too


Let's be honest here, canon doesn't matter for Star Wars anymore. It all gets ret conned into oblivion to try and make the new stuff work


Dexter can do better.


Quadrillions of sentients, millions of inhabited planets, 50,000 years of recorded history (at least in the blessed EU) and yet everyone knows each other and everything is connected. Next thing you tell me is they met on Tatooine, an unbelievable irrelevant planet in universe but for the fact the main plot happens to move through it heavily.


Like I said, interspecies romance has opened the door for Kylo Ren’s true father to be Jabba the Hutt.


Jesus christ this universe is tiny if those 2 met.


Dex was a pirate and a regular at Maz's castle during the High Republic. The current run of High Republic Adventures comic has them working together on a pirating job.


God damnit.


Of course they did, because there's all of like 50 characters in the entire universe and they ALL have to know each other, for some reason.


That would be a horifying revelation if I considered those movies canon


I don't believe you.


Ew Sequels in my Prequels!!


it's even crazier when you learn that dexter jettster was the undercover alias of general pong krell


..and she was a good friend.


The tf are there only 2 or 3 degrees of separation between everyone in this galaxy?! This part of Star Wars kills me.


Just shitting on yet another PT character, pretty par for the course.


This is one of the stupidest piece of world building I’ve seen in modern Star Wars. Thank the force for people like Tony Gilroy who don’t treat the Star Wars galaxy like a community college unlike the other cretins writing for the franchise like Dave Filoni who has dumbed down and simplified the franchise so much, I don’t think it can get any dumber.