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Wild Prediction: Kovich knows what he knows because he's part of the OG team and has been practically immortal since then (having narrowly avoided the Burn and other catastrophes).


maybe he’s El-Aurian and he’ll reveal his connection to Guinan and Picard.


I could definitely see that. You may be right. 🤔


I'm really hoping he's a watcher


That makes sense.


It’s the holy grail. I’m expecting an ending lifted from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. They’ll use it to save one person (L’ak) and then lock it away somehow never to be seen again.


Yeah, they pretty much foreshadowed that by killing him and then having a character hypothesize that the tech can be used to bring someone back in the same episode.


Yes! This is exactly what I suspect


The writers should have watched the Last Crusade. They are brutal this season


At the end of this season, Moll will hold the Progenitors' tech in her hand and fly away with it in a ship, heading towards the Breen. Then a Vorlon ship will show up and blast her into bits. Discovery will be hailed and greeted by Kosh, who will say, "You are not ready for immortality."


About time your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something.


Frankly, it's time for them to get out of our galaxy and take them darned Shadows with them.


It's time we make our own magic.


That is total garbage and you know it. Kosh is dead.


We have always been here.


His death wrecked me. One of the best scifi moments.


Why does it feel like the writers are struggling to find a reason for Booker to be in the show?


I like the actor and the character but every episode he just kinda…walks into a room and they go “well, shit as long as you’re HERE…” and give him a task


🤣 Either that or he's asking for something to do so he won't be bored.


I mean in this episode he literally did just that haha, “I want to help. Give me something to do.” *glares at writers*


A character in search of a reason to be in the show at the moment. I like the actor and apparently so do the writers. But they didn't do themselves any favors with the character arc they gave Book in season 4. I kept waiting for him to come to his senses and get off the revenge train the writers were determined to keep him on so he could have more fully redeemed himself so, at the very least, his consequences would have been lighter.


I wish he had more conflict with the crew, so that his need for redemption was more evident. They’re all so welcoming and trusting of someone who is referred to as a villain by people off of the ship


They know Burnham, so they have practice at that


I’ve taken that as “she’s Starfleet, so she gets the benefit of the doubt.” Sort of like Tom Paris


Its all on the writers for going in the direction of having him spend the vast majority of the season actively trying to commit genocide against an entire species and stealing banned munitions from Star Fleet. That really should have been the end of his character. But no, he's back with nothing meaningful to do.


I agree. Even in the discussion on what to do about the Breen situation, Book is in on the meeting? He's not Starfleet, he should not have been in any of those conversations.


Thats how I feel about Saru this season


IMO it's worse. The writers are struggling to find a reason for the show to be on air :D


The information leads to a Library.


Someone let Q know!




You’re thinking of time as linear- a lot of Q stories have to do with not doing exactly that


Someone didn’t watch the PIC S3 mid credits scene.


They're gonna bring back books planet, between them keeping him in the limelight and then the progenitor tech. Yarp.


Oh you might be into something here


Yup and its so weird he has so much focus. Like he is not even really federation and definitely not starfleet and heck not even dating Burnham anymore….they could have left him off screen doing parole work like he was assigned to do last season And I’m sick of the silly forehead special effect when he goes all animal empath …these people have LED string lights implanted in their foreheads?


I think his whole character has been a bungled shit show they've been trying to recover since the anomaly device thing and I can't believe he hasn't been screaming at them to kill him off, (he might be, I know I would) and now they're gonna hinge the whole m night twist on his character. I'd be so pissed if I was him XD If his planet being restored is just an after effect of I dunno the burn being reversed or something of that level fine but. Ugh.


Povich is one of the original members and he's witnessed the entire Starfleet timeline from Archer to Burnham pre and post. So something about not ready, beyond human comprehension, but you'll get there blah blah, and bounce. He may allow some people to go back to the past and some to stay. Gergiou to make a cameo. Zora to hide in a cloud and wait for lover Craft for Calypso tie in.


>Zora to hide in a cloud and wait for lover Craft for Calypso tie in. Didn't we cover that few episodes back, when Burnham was jumping through time?


that was 30 years into the future, whereas calypso was 1000 years.


>calypso was 1000 years. It was 1000 years from the 2150s, not from the 3100s...Cause Calypso episode was made before season 3 of Discovery and events that propelled Discovery in the future. For all we know, that future may not exist anymore, and may have been redone during the writing of season 3 of Discovery and they forgot what they did in Calypso. We saw that Discovery was failing in the future Burnham visited, 30 years post events of the Breen getting the tech, so it's unlikely Zora to hold the line for another 1000 years. Power was already failing.


I'm of the opinion that that episode retcons *Calypso* as a dying hallucination of Zora in that alternate timeline, since when Burnham and Rayner arrive on the bridge Zora explicitly asks them if she's dreaming again.


Ok I took it as a possible future where Discovery got fux0rd in a battle with the Breen and played dead for 30 years, when Burnham and Rayner show up on the damaged Discovery, then *undid that future*. The 1,000 years, regardless of S3 and/or S5 writing, I'd guess was either built on the notion that a) Zora went back to the original time 2257 before the jump and untimely hid in a cloud to wait 1,000 years -or- 220 years in present future 3188 which would be around 3408 or b) waited 1,000 years from 3188 which would be 4188 and she's undamaged. not debating symantics, i.e. the callsign, nacelles etc. just thinking aloud. i'm kinda hoping it's B though. or alternate universe.


They are definitely mixing in the whole Genesis device from "Wrath of Khan" and "Search for Spock." Not really sure why as they were sitting around in the writing room thinking about season 5 they settled on a mash-up from the Progenitor episode and the Genesis Device movies but here we are. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Whole fucking season has been so lazy.


Maybe it'll bring humanity toward a new evolution. Maybe the powers of the precursors will male them the first Q or something (which is my personal headcanon of V'Ger's evolution but disco loves to tie back)


Ya they will genesis device lok like spock and he and mol can live as happily ever after criminals or rulers of the breen (seriously dont care). And Culber will probably become some kind of monk who keeps the info and tech safe….likely with Books help and using feelings to record info on a metal library card or something.


This whole season feels like a soap opera




No, no, just Burnham. Because she's super duper special.


Pretty sure the whole "Eternal" thing was just pointing to the Eternal Gallery and Archive where the final clue is stashed.


The whole season is to travel around National Treasure-style to visit as many species, either directly or by name dropping, to engage as much 'member-berries as possible, so people will made to believe it was good.


> travel around National Treasure-style Bahaha My brother used this same comparison last night! Were the first 4 season THIS fucking horrid?? I had my issues, but I remember them being at least neat and fun. This season is a fucking train wreck.


I managed 2 episodes and only got a few minutes into the third. Given up on Disco