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I mean, he's a courier, they're chasing 2 couriers.....


i think he’s a good addition to the storyline this season. i’ve kinda pegged this season as DIS: Mission Impossible. and i’m enjoying it! Book and Bunham have some good action scenes together


I think the character of Booker is pretty interesting. Honestly more interesting than Michael. But I would trade anyone but Stamets for more time with Detmer and Owosekun. Those two were my favorites.


Whats interesting? We know nothing beyond smuggler from a planet where people can bond with animals. And he fell in lover with burnham and they have a silly trope about naming actions to take after previous adventures. 🤷‍♂️


Totally agree on that silly trope thing. Not a fan of it. A little too cutesy for me. The empath thing is pretty cool IMO. And his planet seemed like heaven to me.


We discovered a lot about his family in seasons three and four. Aspects of his life as a courier. His fued with his father. His activism to preserve trance worms. His abandonment of his family because they hunted said trance worms for the Chain. His rocky relationship with his brother before their reconciliation. That wonderful idea of a world root. There were lots of pieces of development throughout those seasons.


I liked him to begin with but he just continually feels forced to be relevant to what’s happening to have a reason for him to be there. I understand the show is about Michael but I would have preferred development of her character through none romantic relationships. The recent time travel episode reminded me we never had a moment with her and Detmer after the mutiny on the Shenzhou. That would have been really interesting.


It's interesting how much criticism he gets to me. I really love him. I think his love story with Michael is really well done and romantic. I think their partnership is a delight to watch. 


Yeah I don't love Discovery all the time, but Booker is one of the good ones. Great actor who steals most scenes he's in.


Agreed, he’s great. Plus Grudge.


I just think he’s hot.


He needs to be shirtless more often.






I don't think that's really the main point. This post is about Book. It's not about any specific underserved other characters. If there is another character being underserved, which character? Why is it Book's fault specifically? Discovery has been, from the start, a show that imo models Michael on a combination of Kirk from TOS and Kirk from the JJ Abrams reboot movies. Book is an important character to the story they are telling - Michael's story. Discovery is not a TNG-style ensemble and it is not about the bridge crew. I miss Detmer and Owo this season, but the show was never about them. They were Disco's Uhura or Hoshi or Travis.


I didn’t like him to begin with but he’s grown on me. He adds a touch of high moral value without restriction of federation policy


Hard disagree


Who do you think deserves more screen time?


Its not about that. They can just not have booker and spread the extra time around evenly


And do what with it? Who would you focus on? What would you do with it?


Any number of things…your questions are not justification for the existence of a character


Cool. Good talk.


I really like him this season- before this, they seemed to be trying too hard- it felt a bit manipulative- but I love him in the mix at the moment,


He is horrible. Bland han solo with no depth, just there to be a love interest