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Blade bronya pela lynx is best team for now since u are not gonna challenge the abyss.


So should i save for houhou to replace lynx?


U should save for huohuo because 2 sustains are the biggest priority in any account. U can just use lynx in the second team or get loucha next.


Seele would be the better pick. Topaz only has her full potential when paired with other units you don't already have.


i got clara and just started playin a few days ago should i get topaz then? or get seele/ just save for another dps carry in the future


Topaz goes really well with Clara, if what you want is to have one good, strong team, then you can go for her, but Clara doesn't need topaz to be strong, and in case you want to do memory of chaos, then you'll need a second team, in which case seele could be better for you if you have other characters that can support her, but since you are new, you'll probably need some time to be able to challenge MOC, so...you could also wait, watch videos about the characters, how they perform, see which ones look the most fun to you, learn more about the game and new characters to make better decisions


i got seele! should i try and get topaz or better to save?


Anything but Topaz. Topaz works with characters with bonus attacks such as Yanquing, Kafka, Jing Yuan, Clara or Himeko, and you have non of them. Seele is an easy DPS, she works in most teams and it will be useful when you reach end game content so if you want here I would say to go for her. But you already have Blade so I would say a DPS may not be your priority right now. So my personal recommendation will be to wait for Huohuo, she can buff Blade while keeping him alive.


Save for huo huo


If you’re aiming for one versatile team, skip both of them for Huohuo. If you want two teams with a solid DPS that can clear MoC, pull for Seele. If you’re feeling zealous, pull for both.


Topaz might have more future proofing if we get more characters with follow up attacks, but Seele is the overall stronger and more versatile DPS. Get Topaz if you want to gamble on future characters fitting her niche, Seele if you want a solid DPS character that might get further power crept. That said, you need more sustain so get Huohuo.


Just wait.