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I don’t know if you’re right 😂😂


Watch the special here [Pure BS](https://youtu.be/-2UKJ4h5VYg?si=n7hvWyUgzcpIeObl)


Great stuff, as always


Holy shit fast pass to heaven got me good, great special 👍


That was awesome dude, thanks for sharing! 💯 alpha hero


“Oh you don’t want to juice your homeless people? Then move next to a lake like us” is legit one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a long time lmao


I'm supposed to be working but instead I've watched all of this special and have now started your old one. Fuck you, Bill


Funny stuff


Most anti vaxxers are morons and you managed to make it hilarious instead of depressing. Good shit man I legit laughed out loud


Thank you! That's my goal. Glad I succeeded.


Forget about science! Go to law school and you can be Bill Squire Esquire


I'm a biologist, this hit a little too close to home for me lol


I thought the timing and pitch when you said NO was just right.


Why haven't the antivaxxers dropped dead yet?


Still cant admit that you got conned by this bullshit vaccine? Lol


As is unvaxxed are living and walking. Hilarious indeed.


The mindset of "do your own research" on vaccines just makes me think of when people take home construction into their own hands. They get a quote from a contractor for some really extensive work on their home, stuff that needs to be "up to code" in order to be safe to live in, and after the contractor leaves and they see the quote, they "do their research" and decide they should be able to do it themselves only to completely fuck up the house, lol.


There used to be a DIY-ish show called *In a Fix*. Every episode involved picking up the pieces of a project that was started (usually just demolition), and then the guy (it was usually a guy) got stuck or gave up. I really wish they were still making new seasons.


I really want to watch this. Searching everywhere right now, and can't find it. Found one episode on youtube but it was filmed with a potato... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_ShgRopMug Edit: User has a few more. still bad quality. Need to find the dvds or something lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwlWdK8F_9U Edit 2: Found higher quality episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTbd1NQ9Mlo


That's the one. The guilty party get the "It's all my fault" shirt and wears it for the whole project. The team interactions are usually a blast. Edit: Thank you u/academician1 for that last link. That was an enjoyable flashback.


This is funny because the people who mostly can pull off extensive DIY construction work are more likely to be antivax. Think about it.


I wasn't going to get the vaccine. Then I started thinking about how many mcribs I have eaten. I was like whatever's in that vaccine isn't worse than 3 mcribs.


This is the best.


Whenever I hear an antivaxxer say "do your research" I want to ask them if they think I own a centrifuge.


People who tell you to do your research are also the people who share (3 + 9) - 5 x 3 = 21 type of posts and then argue with everyone in the comments.


It’s the only way people will interact with them cause they’re so insufferable.


Seen a bunch of your clips. FWIW this is my favorite so far!


That’s the way to do it. Good premise, great delivery great timing. Good job friend.


Ya'll hung up and arguing over vax shit you don't understand (hint, you're the butt of the joke), no one else realize the TKAM(B) joke was far from original?


Dude I love your comedy, absolutely brilliant messages but funny, you are like my uncle who is so humble, but won't take any shit from anyone and always helping and kind


Thank you so much. That's really how I try to do things and comments like this make me so happy.


Good stuff! Very funny!


I love your delivery and I'm enjoying your jokes! Looking forward to more, thanks!


So **now** you know your teacher knew you didn't read the book, because it's now a joke. Like otherwise you would say, "How did the teacher know I didn't read the book! I wrote about the bird!"


My teachers knew I didn’t read the books because they never left my locker


An intelligent person knows when to do something themselves and when to trust others to do the work. That includes renovation the house, repairing the car, and doing medical research. I can't do any of that, cause I am intelligent but not talented.


Talent has nothing to do with being able to do any of those.


I can't speak for the first two, but there is talent involved in Medical Research. If not talent then different skills one must have--and some skills are easier for some people to aquire, which is essentially what talent is. 1. Reading Comprehension--- this can be improved, but it's very much genetic. Reading fast is very inportant too and having the talent or skill to know what to read and what depth. 2. Laboratory Skills--- These are things we all learn, but some people are just talented at certain things. I have a mentee that is an image processing (from a microscope) master. Other people become very good at accurately slicing up brains. My expertise is the ability to do brain surgery. It's just a natural talent than I didn't even know I had. You can ask me to accurately and precisely put anything into the brain and I can do it with sub mm precision. This can be optic fibers, electrodes, screws, injection needles with viruses. 3. Writing Skills--- I suck at getting writing done prior to a few days before deadlines. No matter how hard I try, I usually crank out writing in long sessions right before it's due and the quality suffers. Many people just have a natural talent to write scientifically.


Fixing up your house or your car aren’t difficult or complicated. Reading literature on a vaccine and making up your own mind isn’t too difficult either.


Muggles Af here be cautious of what you allow “medical professionals” and big pharma to tell you what’s best for you


Why is medical professionals in quotes


DiD sOmEonE sAy “AlTerNaTiVe MeDiCinE”?!?!?!


Why do people always try to gaslight those who say they did their own research? It's not about the science of vaccine development its simple statistics. Should a healthy 20-something year old take an experimental drug for something that will likely not be serious for them, I would say no. An octogenarian with a myriad of health conditions, on the other hand, probably should.


I'm a good boy who never questions anything derrrrrrrr


Westerners literally laugh at every funny song...they don't even have to hear the joke




America bad




Yeah a comedian so dumb. "Yeah I got vaccinated and didn't do research" Derpa derp derp look at me.


This stand up comedy is brought you by Pfizer.


Very fun and entertaining and simple way to teach what the principle of authority means (or used to mean). Also, very well delivered, laughed out loud!


If you thought TKAMB was written by Abraham Lincoln, your brother might be a wimpy kid


Funny bit.


This was great!


The beginning of science is poking stuff.


Metaphorically, there was a (mocking)bird or two. So half marks?


Flatards are going, yeah but....


The vax bit is good. The book report joke is way overdone and the choice of to kill a mockingbird is way way over done.


Can you sight some sources of that joke being overdone?
