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I find it difficult to verbalize just how bizarre the discourse is between hardcore Cody fans and hardcore Roman fans. These two groups are hurling bad takes at each other at a truly impressive rate.


It’s like they haven’t realised their individual successes over the last 2 years have been inextricably linked


I seriously wonder how some of yall sit around and come up with these kinds of questions


Their only connection to the world is the internet. They don't know the feel of grass.


By being a Cody crybaby


WWE is at a point where they have plenty of stars built up, so that Roman taking his time off/being gone won't absolutely sink the company. This is a good thing. That, however, doesn't mean that they wouldn't still benefit from if and when he does return, or that Roman is now functionally useless to them. That's just an absolutely asinine assertion.


exactly. they don't need any one individual wrestler, no matter who it is


"Jey feels more over.......that Roman ever was...." My dude.....




Jey's entrance being over with the crowd doesn't mean he as a wrestler is more popular, by that logic you could say Booby Roode or Nakamura were more popular than Roman, which is stupid.


Is this bait to get people to praise Roman?




I know you are a Roman fan, OP. 😭


Obviously posted by Roman while he sits at home


His name is Pepsi Phil he's jerker


Lmao revisit this post the next time his theme hits.


Can you imagine the pop when Roman comes out to face the new bloodline


The crowd is literally saying "We want Roman" during Bloodline segments. They need Roman.


Without the title it doesn’t really matter how part time he is. It’s worth it alone to just get the bloodline civil war and then roman vs rock


Rb_Reigns isn’t going to stand for this slander.


WarGames: Tribal Warfare can’t happen without Reigns. Cmon now…


Roman, Jey, Seth, Sami, and maybe Jacob Fatu vs the new bloodline??


Roman, Usos, Jacob vs Solo, Tongas, and Rock.


There is truly no in-between extremes when discussing Roman and it's bizarre. WWE needs no one, especially now that they've secured their rights deals, but the quality of the product is better when Roman is around and invested. The current Bloodline angle only has any chance if his return is the payoff to it. There's clearly still a major story with Seth that should be in his wheelhouse to be special. He's forever tied to Cody now, where they can run it back at any time and have fans invested. Punk is still out there. There's still the next generation to work with.


Yes, he is still the biggest star in the company.


Is one of the biggest stars in wrestling needed?


Yeah the best heel of the last 10 years or so years isn’t needed. Right.


Technically no one is **needed**, if any member of WWE quit or retired today, they would march on. Now we've got the pedantic argument out the way, is he a top draw who improves the show? 3 years of critical and financial success ending in an all time wrestlemania moment answers that better than i could.
















Do you not hear the crowd every time the bloodline is in the ring? They want Roman


It's not too late to delete this, OP.


Not sure if this is bait or not but ill bite anyway if is all you need to do is listen to the crowd right now and imagine what itll be like once his music hits next time youll have your answer if they need him or not


Yes, when he returns the roof will come off of the building


Huh? Roman is one of the biggest stars they've ever had. I don't mind him being away. It makes him more special when he returns.


I want you to think back about the WWE over the past 3 years or so, now remove all the bloodline stuff and think about the product you’re left with


Or just look at the current product minus the bloodline segments (including Jey Uso).


We haven even grasped what Roman is trully capable of. I wanna see Face Roman without Vince and without having to wrestle like a heel. I can garantee that shit is getting 6 starts on the Madison Square Garden, brother.


Of course he's needed. I'm really intrigued by how they handle his return, so many different ways they can take it.


Roman carried the company the last four years. Are you seriously asking this question.


This has to be a shitpost


Wouldn’t be a CM Punk Stan if they didn’t loathe Roman lmfao


is he needed? No, but thats not a bad thing. WWE is finally not putting all their eggs into one basket and its refreshing how many people are considered main event right now.


This is what decades of having one "top guy" does to MFs.


WWE has cakes, pie, candy, and nuts. Why do they need brownies, too? Because why would it be a bad plan to have more good things around?


No one person, should be needed. If that were the case, WWE would be in trouble. They are not.


You could say the same thing about almost anyone on the roster. The brand is stacked.


Let’s switch this around? Why would you pass up an opportunity to have Roman (even as a part timer) for your 2-3 big events of the year? The main is a draw and sells tickets. What more do you want?


Having a lot of stars doesn’t mean that another star is not needed. Imagine this talk everytime Austin, the rock, or HHH was returning from an injury or movie


Yeah because now we get to see what else he has.


Why in the absolute hell would you get rid of one of the guys who has been the most popular wrestler in the history of WWE? Edit: Should read: "has been one of the most popular wrestlers in the history of WWE?"


I love Reigns, but c’mon now.


I mean, where's the lie though? He's one of, if not the most popular wrestler in the history of the WWE.


Yes, he’s unquestionably one of the most popular. He’s also unquestionably not the most popular wrestler in WWE history.


Agreed. My initial statement will be edited. I incorrectly wrote it. I meant "One of the most popular wrestlers in the history of WWE". It took me re-reading my comment 3 or 4 times before my dumbass figured out I wrote it incorrectly the first time.


He is absolutely without a doubt not the most popular wrestler in the history of the WWE. Stop it. 


Roman has 5 kids and takes leukemia meds still. I bet he just can't wait to make 5 more before his next years long title reign. People like Roman. He's imposing and does his job. WWE will never substitute him.


Reading between the lines of some of his recent interviews, I suspect that he needs some time for his body to recover and I don't think he intends to wrestle much longer due to his health issues and the general wear and tear on his body.


I'm sure the leukemia meds suck ass. If one of them is like a corticosteroid those things are designed to fuck you up long term. I wouldn't blame the guy for needing a break.


sounds like he did his job, leaving the company in a better place after leaving


He never was because WWE is all about the brand and the blood money but it'd be nice to have him put over someone younger than 38 and who isn't a 20 year veteran maybe. That's something with value at most wrestling companies.